1 package SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy;
5 use parent qw(Rose::Object);
8 use constant TOO_SHORT => 1;
9 use constant TOO_LONG => 2;
10 use constant MISSING_LOWERCASE => 4;
11 use constant MISSING_UPPERCASE => 8;
12 use constant MISSING_DIGIT => 16;
13 use constant MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR => 32;
14 use constant INVALID_CHAR => 64;
15 use constant WEAK => 128;
17 use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
19 'scalar --get_set_init' => 'config',
23 my ($self, $password, $is_admin) = @_;
25 my $cfg = $self->config;
26 return OK() unless $cfg && %{ $cfg };
27 return OK() if $is_admin && $cfg->{disable_policy_for_admin};
30 $result |= TOO_SHORT() if $cfg->{min_length} && (length($password) < $cfg->{min_length});
31 $result |= TOO_LONG() if $cfg->{max_length} && (length($password) > $cfg->{max_length});
32 $result |= MISSING_LOWERCASE() if $cfg->{require_lowercase} && $password !~ m/[a-z]/;
33 $result |= MISSING_UPPERCASE() if $cfg->{require_uppercase} && $password !~ m/[A-Z]/;
34 $result |= MISSING_DIGIT() if $cfg->{require_digit} && $password !~ m/[0-9]/;
35 $result |= MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR() if $cfg->{require_special_character} && $password !~ $cfg->{special_characters_re};
36 $result |= INVALID_CHAR() if $cfg->{invalid_characters_re} && $password =~ $cfg->{invalid_characters_re};
38 if ($cfg->{use_cracklib}) {
39 require Crypt::Cracklib;
40 $result |= WEAK() if !Crypt::Cracklib::check($password);
47 my ($self, $result) = @_;
51 push @errors, $::locale->text('The password is too short (minimum length: #1).', $self->config->{min_length}) if $result & TOO_SHORT();
52 push @errors, $::locale->text('The password is too long (maximum length: #1).', $self->config->{max_length}) if $result & TOO_LONG();
53 push @errors, $::locale->text('A lower-case character is required.') if $result & MISSING_LOWERCASE();
54 push @errors, $::locale->text('An upper-case character is required.') if $result & MISSING_UPPERCASE();
55 push @errors, $::locale->text('A digit is required.') if $result & MISSING_DIGIT();
56 push @errors, $::locale->text('The password is weak (e.g. it can be found in a dictionary).') if $result & WEAK();
58 if ($result & MISSING_SPECIAL_CHAR()) {
59 my $char_list = join ' ', sort split(m//, $self->config->{special_characters});
60 push @errors, $::locale->text('A special character is required (valid characters: #1).', $char_list);
63 if (($result & INVALID_CHAR())) {
64 my $char_list = join ' ', sort split(m//, $self->config->{ $self->config->{invalid_characters} ? 'invalid_characters' : 'valid_characters' });
65 push @errors, $::locale->text('An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).', $char_list) if $self->config->{invalid_characters};
66 push @errors, $::locale->text('An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).', $char_list) if $self->config->{valid_characters};
76 my %cfg = %{ $::lx_office_conf{password_policy} || {} };
78 $cfg{valid_characters} =~ s/[ \n\r]//g if $cfg{valid_characters};
79 $cfg{invalid_characters} =~ s/[ \n\r]//g if $cfg{invalid_characters};
80 $cfg{invalid_characters_re} = '[^' . quotemeta($cfg{valid_characters}) . ']' if $cfg{valid_characters};
81 $cfg{invalid_characters_re} = '[' . quotemeta($cfg{invalid_characters}) . ']' if $cfg{invalid_characters};
82 $cfg{special_characters} = '!@#$%^&*()_+=[]{}<>\'"|\\,;.:?-';
83 $cfg{special_characters_re} = '[' . quotemeta($cfg{special_characters}) . ']';
85 map { $cfg{"require_${_}"} = $cfg{"require_${_}"} =~ m/^(?:1|true|t|yes|y)$/i } qw(lowercase uppercase digit special_char);
99 SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy - Verify a given password against the policy
100 set in the configuration file
104 my $verifier = SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->new;
105 my $result = $verifier->verify($password);
106 if ($result != SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->OK()) {
107 print "Errors: " . join(' ', $verifier->errors($result)) . "\n";
120 The password is too short.
124 The password is too long.
128 The password is missing a lower-case character.
132 The password is missing an upper-case character.
134 =item C<MISSING_DIGIT>
136 The password is missing a digit.
140 The password is missing a special character. Special characters are
141 the following: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; E<lt> = E<gt> ? @ [ \ ]
144 =item C<INVALID_CHAR>
146 The password contains an invalid character.
154 =item C<verify $password, $is_admin>
156 Checks whether or not the password matches the policy. Returns C<OK()>
157 if it does and an error code otherwise (binary or'ed of the error
160 If C<$is_admin> is trueish and the configuration specifies that the
161 policy checks are disabled for the administrator then C<verify> will
162 always return C<OK()>.
164 =item C<errors $code>
166 Returns an array of human-readable strings describing the issues set
167 in C<$code> which should be the result of L</verify>.
177 Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>