1 package SL::BackgroundJob::CreatePeriodicInvoices;
5 use parent qw(SL::BackgroundJob::Base);
8 use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
9 use English qw(-no_match_vars);
10 use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
16 use SL::DB::PeriodicInvoice;
17 use SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig;
18 use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(create_pdf find_template);
20 use SL::Util qw(trim);
23 $_[0]->create_standard_job('0 3 1 * *'); # first day of month at 3:00 am
28 $self->{db_obj} = shift;
30 $self->{job_errors} = [];
32 my $configs = SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->get_all(query => [ active => 1 ]);
34 foreach my $config (@{ $configs }) {
35 my $new_end_date = $config->handle_automatic_extension;
36 _log_msg("Periodic invoice configuration ID " . $config->id . " extended through " . $new_end_date->strftime('%d.%m.%Y') . "\n") if $new_end_date;
39 my (@new_invoices, @invoices_to_print, @invoices_to_email);
41 _log_msg("Number of configs: " . scalar(@{ $configs}));
43 foreach my $config (@{ $configs }) {
44 # A configuration can be set to inactive by
45 # $config->handle_automatic_extension. Therefore the check in
46 # ...->get_all() does not suffice.
47 _log_msg("Config " . $config->id . " active " . $config->active);
48 next unless $config->active;
50 my @dates = _calculate_dates($config);
52 _log_msg("Dates: " . join(' ', map { $_->to_lxoffice } @dates));
54 foreach my $date (@dates) {
55 my $data = $self->_create_periodic_invoice($config, $date);
58 _log_msg("Invoice " . $data->{invoice}->invnumber . " posted for config ID " . $config->id . ", period start date " . $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $date) . "\n");
60 push @new_invoices, $data;
61 push @invoices_to_print, $data if $config->print;
62 push @invoices_to_email, $data if $config->send_email;
68 $self->_print_invoice($_) for @invoices_to_print;
69 $self->_email_invoice($_) for @invoices_to_email;
71 $self->_send_summary_email(
72 [ map { $_->{invoice} } @new_invoices ],
73 [ map { $_->{invoice} } @invoices_to_print ],
74 [ map { $_->{invoice} } @invoices_to_email ],
77 if (@{ $self->{job_errors} }) {
78 my $msg = join "\n", @{ $self->{job_errors} };
79 _log_msg("Errors: $msg");
87 my $message = join('', 'SL::BackgroundJob::CreatePeriodicInvoices: ', @_);
88 $message .= "\n" unless $message =~ m/\n$/;
89 $::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::DEBUG1(), $message);
92 sub _generate_time_period_variables {
94 my $period_start_date = shift;
95 my $period_end_date = $period_start_date->clone->add(months => $config->get_billing_period_length)->subtract(days => 1);
97 my @month_names = ('',
98 $::locale->text('January'), $::locale->text('February'), $::locale->text('March'), $::locale->text('April'), $::locale->text('May'), $::locale->text('June'),
99 $::locale->text('July'), $::locale->text('August'), $::locale->text('September'), $::locale->text('October'), $::locale->text('November'), $::locale->text('December'));
102 current_quarter => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month'), sub { $_[0]->quarter } ],
103 previous_quarter => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->subtract(months => 3), sub { $_[0]->quarter } ],
104 next_quarter => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->add( months => 3), sub { $_[0]->quarter } ],
106 current_month => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month'), sub { $_[0]->month } ],
107 previous_month => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->subtract(months => 1), sub { $_[0]->month } ],
108 next_month => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->add( months => 1), sub { $_[0]->month } ],
110 current_month_long => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month'), sub { $month_names[ $_[0]->month ] } ],
111 previous_month_long => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->subtract(months => 1), sub { $month_names[ $_[0]->month ] } ],
112 next_month_long => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'month')->add( months => 1), sub { $month_names[ $_[0]->month ] } ],
114 current_year => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'year'), sub { $_[0]->year } ],
115 previous_year => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'year')->subtract(years => 1), sub { $_[0]->year } ],
116 next_year => [ $period_start_date->clone->truncate(to => 'year')->add( years => 1), sub { $_[0]->year } ],
118 period_start_date => [ $period_start_date->clone, sub { $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $_[0]) } ],
119 period_end_date => [ $period_end_date, sub { $::locale->format_date(\%::myconfig, $_[0]) } ],
127 my $sub = $params{attribute};
128 my $str = $params{object}->$sub // '';
129 my $sub_fmt = lc($params{attribute_format} // 'text');
131 my ($start_tag, $end_tag) = $sub_fmt eq 'html' ? ('<%', '%>') : ('<%', '%>');
133 $str =~ s{ ${start_tag} ([a-z0-9_]+) ( \s+ format \s*=\s* (.*?) \s* )? ${end_tag} }{
134 my ($key, $format) = ($1, $3);
135 $key = $::locale->unquote_special_chars('html', $key) if $sub_fmt eq 'html';
138 if (!$params{vars}->{$key}) {
142 $format = $::locale->unquote_special_chars('html', $format) if $sub_fmt eq 'html';
144 $new_value = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
147 time_zone => 'local',
148 )->format_datetime($params{vars}->{$key}->[0]);
151 $new_value = $params{vars}->{$1}->[1]->($params{vars}->{$1}->[0]);
154 $new_value = $::locale->quote_special_chars('html', $new_value) if $sub_fmt eq 'html';
160 $params{object}->$sub($str);
163 sub _adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths {
166 my $billing_len = $params{config}->get_billing_period_length;
167 my $order_value_len = $params{config}->get_order_value_period_length;
169 return if $billing_len == $order_value_len;
171 my $is_last_invoice_in_cycle = $params{config}->is_last_bill_date_in_order_value_cycle(date => $params{period_start_date});
173 _log_msg("_adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths: period_start_date $params{period_start_date} is_last_invoice_in_cycle $is_last_invoice_in_cycle billing_len $billing_len order_value_len $order_value_len");
175 if ($order_value_len < $billing_len) {
176 my $num_orders_per_invoice = $billing_len / $order_value_len;
178 $_->sellprice($_->sellprice * $num_orders_per_invoice) for @{ $params{invoice}->items };
183 my $num_invoices_in_cycle = $order_value_len / $billing_len;
185 foreach my $item (@{ $params{invoice}->items }) {
186 my $sellprice_one_invoice = $::form->round_amount($item->sellprice * $billing_len / $order_value_len, 2);
188 if ($is_last_invoice_in_cycle) {
189 $item->sellprice($item->sellprice - ($num_invoices_in_cycle - 1) * $sellprice_one_invoice);
192 $item->sellprice($sellprice_one_invoice);
197 sub _create_periodic_invoice {
200 my $period_start_date = shift;
202 my $time_period_vars = _generate_time_period_variables($config, $period_start_date);
204 my $invdate = DateTime->today_local;
206 my $order = $config->order;
208 if (!$self->{db_obj}->db->with_transaction(sub {
209 1; # make Emacs happy
211 $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new_from($order);
213 my $intnotes = $invoice->intnotes ? $invoice->intnotes . "\n\n" : '';
214 $intnotes .= "Automatisch am " . $invdate->to_lxoffice . " erzeugte Rechnung";
216 $invoice->assign_attributes(deliverydate => $period_start_date,
217 intnotes => $intnotes,
218 employee => $order->employee, # new_from sets employee to import user
219 direct_debit => $config->direct_debit,
222 _replace_vars(object => $invoice, vars => $time_period_vars, attribute => $_, attribute_format => ($_ eq 'notes' ? 'html' : 'text')) for qw(notes intnotes transaction_description);
224 foreach my $item (@{ $invoice->items }) {
225 _replace_vars(object => $item, vars => $time_period_vars, attribute => $_, attribute_format => ($_ eq 'longdescription' ? 'html' : 'text')) for qw(description longdescription);
228 _adjust_sellprices_for_period_lengths(invoice => $invoice, config => $config, period_start_date => $period_start_date);
230 $invoice->post(ar_id => $config->ar_chart_id) || die;
232 $order->link_to_record($invoice);
234 foreach my $item (@{ $invoice->items }) {
235 foreach (qw(orderitems)) { # expand if needed (delivery_order_items)
236 if ($item->{"converted_from_${_}_id"}) {
237 die unless $item->{id};
238 RecordLinks->create_links('mode' => 'ids',
240 'from_ids' => $item->{"converted_from_${_}_id"},
241 'to_table' => 'invoice',
242 'to_id' => $item->{id},
244 delete $item->{"converted_from_${_}_id"};
249 SL::DB::PeriodicInvoice->new(config_id => $config->id,
250 ar_id => $invoice->id,
251 period_start_date => $period_start_date)
254 _log_msg("_create_invoice created for period start date $period_start_date id " . $invoice->id . " number " . $invoice->invnumber . " netamount " . $invoice->netamount . " amount " . $invoice->amount);
256 # die $invoice->transaction_description;
260 $::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->WARN(), "_create_invoice failed: " . join("\n", (split(/\n/, $self->{db_obj}->db->error))[0..2]));
266 period_start_date => $period_start_date,
268 time_period_vars => $time_period_vars,
272 sub _calculate_dates {
274 return $config->calculate_invoice_dates(end_date => DateTime->today_local);
277 sub _send_summary_email {
278 my ($self, $posted_invoices, $printed_invoices, $emailed_invoices) = @_;
280 my %config = %::lx_office_conf;
282 return if !$config{periodic_invoices} || !$config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to} || !scalar @{ $posted_invoices };
284 my $user = SL::DB::Manager::AuthUser->find_by(login => $config{periodic_invoices}->{send_email_to});
285 my $email = $user ? $user->get_config_value('email') : undef;
287 return unless $email;
289 my $template = Template->new({ 'INTERPOLATE' => 0,
295 return unless $template;
297 my $email_template = $config{periodic_invoices}->{email_template};
298 my $filename = $email_template || ( (SL::DB::Default->get->templates || "templates/webpages") . "/oe/periodic_invoices_email.txt" );
299 my %params = ( POSTED_INVOICES => $posted_invoices,
300 PRINTED_INVOICES => $printed_invoices,
301 EMAILED_INVOICES => $emailed_invoices );
304 $template->process($filename, \%params, \$output);
306 my $mail = Mailer->new;
307 $mail->{from} = $config{periodic_invoices}->{email_from};
308 $mail->{to} = $email;
309 $mail->{subject} = $config{periodic_invoices}->{email_subject};
310 $mail->{content_type} = $filename =~ m/.html$/ ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain';
311 $mail->{message} = $output;
317 my ($self, $data) = @_;
319 my $invoice = $data->{invoice};
320 my $config = $data->{config};
322 return unless $config->print && $config->printer_id && $config->printer->printer_command;
324 my $form = Form->new;
325 $invoice->flatten_to_form($form, format_amounts => 1);
327 $form->{printer_code} = $config->printer->template_code;
328 $form->{copies} = $config->copies;
329 $form->{formname} = $form->{type};
330 $form->{format} = 'pdf';
331 $form->{media} = 'printer';
332 $form->{OUT} = $config->printer->printer_command;
333 $form->{OUT_MODE} = '|-';
336 variable_content_types => {
337 longdescription => 'html',
343 $form->prepare_for_printing;
345 $form->throw_on_error(sub {
347 $form->parse_template(\%::myconfig);
350 push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $EVAL_ERROR->getMessage;
356 my ($self, $data) = @_;
358 $data->{config}->load;
360 return unless $data->{config}->send_email;
367 (split(m{,}, $data->{config}->email_recipient_address),
368 $data->{config}->email_recipient_contact ? ($data->{config}->email_recipient_contact->cp_email) : ());
370 return unless @recipients;
372 my %create_params = (
373 template => $self->find_template(name => 'invoice'),
374 variables => Form->new(''),
375 return => 'file_name',
376 variable_content_types => {
377 longdescription => 'html',
383 $data->{invoice}->flatten_to_form($create_params{variables}, format_amounts => 1);
384 $create_params{variables}->prepare_for_printing;
389 $pdf_file_name = $self->create_pdf(%create_params);
391 for (qw(email_subject email_body)) {
393 object => $data->{config},
394 vars => $data->{time_period_vars},
396 attribute_format => 'text'
400 for my $recipient (@recipients) {
401 my $mail = Mailer->new;
402 $mail->{from} = $data->{config}->email_sender || $::lx_office_conf{periodic_invoices}->{email_from};
403 $mail->{to} = $recipient;
404 $mail->{subject} = $data->{config}->email_subject;
405 $mail->{message} = $data->{config}->email_body;
406 $mail->{attachments} = [{
407 filename => $pdf_file_name,
408 name => sprintf('%s %s.pdf', $::locale->text('Invoice'), $data->{invoice}->invnumber),
411 my $error = $mail->send;
413 push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $error if $error;
419 push @{ $self->{job_errors} }, $EVAL_ERROR;
422 unlink $pdf_file_name if $pdf_file_name;
435 SL::BackgroundJob::CleanBackgroundJobHistory - Create periodic
440 Iterate over all periodic invoice configurations, extend them if
441 applicable, calculate the dates for which invoices have to be posted
442 and post those invoices by converting the order into an invoice for
451 Strings like month names are hardcoded to German in this file.
457 Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>