1 package SL::Controller::BankTransaction;
3 # idee- möglichkeit bankdaten zu übernehmen in stammdaten
4 # erst Kontenabgleich, um alle gl-Einträge wegzuhaben
7 use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
9 use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
10 use SL::Controller::Helper::ReportGenerator;
11 use SL::ReportGenerator;
13 use SL::DB::BankTransaction;
14 use SL::Helper::Flash;
15 use SL::Locale::String;
18 use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
19 use SL::DB::RecordLink;
20 use SL::DB::ReconciliationLink;
23 use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
24 use SL::DB::BankTransactionAccTrans;
26 use SL::DB::BankAccount;
27 use SL::DB::GLTransaction;
28 use SL::DB::RecordTemplate;
29 use SL::DB::SepaExportItem;
30 use SL::DBUtils qw(like do_query);
32 use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(checkbox_tag html_tag);
34 use List::UtilsBy qw(partition_by);
35 use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
36 use List::Util qw(max);
38 use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
40 scalar => [ qw(callback transaction) ],
41 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(models problems) ],
44 __PACKAGE__->run_before('check_auth');
54 my $bank_accounts = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->get_all_sorted( query => [ obsolete => 0 ] );
56 $self->setup_search_action_bar;
57 $self->render('bank_transactions/search',
58 BANK_ACCOUNTS => $bank_accounts);
64 $self->make_filter_summary;
65 $self->prepare_report;
67 $self->setup_list_all_action_bar;
68 $self->report_generator_list_objects(report => $self->{report}, objects => $self->models->get);
71 sub gather_bank_transactions_and_proposals {
72 my ($self, %params) = @_;
74 my $sort_by = $params{sort_by} || 'transdate';
75 $sort_by = 'transdate' if $sort_by eq 'proposal';
76 $sort_by .= $params{sort_dir} ? ' DESC' : ' ASC';
79 push @where, (transdate => { ge => $params{fromdate} }) if $params{fromdate};
80 push @where, (transdate => { lt => $params{todate} }) if $params{todate};
81 # bank_transactions no younger than starting date,
82 # including starting date (same search behaviour as fromdate)
83 # but OPEN invoices to be matched may be from before
84 if ( $params{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date ) {
85 push @where, (transdate => { ge => $params{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date });
88 my $bank_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->get_all(
89 with_objects => [ 'local_bank_account', 'currency' ],
93 amount => {ne => \'invoice_amount'},
94 local_bank_account_id => $params{bank_account}->id,
99 # credit notes have a negative amount, treat differently
100 my $all_open_ar_invoices = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice ->get_all(where => [ or => [ amount => { gt => \'paid' },
101 and => [ type => 'credit_note',
102 amount => { lt => \'paid' }
106 with_objects => ['customer','payment_terms']);
108 my $all_open_ap_invoices = SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->get_all(where => [amount => { ne => \'paid' }], with_objects => ['vendor' ,'payment_terms']);
109 my $all_open_sepa_export_items = SL::DB::Manager::SepaExportItem->get_all(where => [chart_id => $params{bank_account}->chart_id ,
110 'sepa_export.executed' => 0, 'sepa_export.closed' => 0 ], with_objects => ['sepa_export']);
112 my @all_open_invoices;
113 # filter out invoices with less than 1 cent outstanding
114 push @all_open_invoices, map { $_->{is_ar}=1 ; $_ } grep { abs($_->amount - $_->paid) >= 0.01 } @{ $all_open_ar_invoices };
115 push @all_open_invoices, map { $_->{is_ar}=0 ; $_ } grep { abs($_->amount - $_->paid) >= 0.01 } @{ $all_open_ap_invoices };
118 my %sepa_export_items_by_id = partition_by { $_->ar_id || $_->ap_id } @$all_open_sepa_export_items;
120 # first collect sepa export items to open invoices
121 foreach my $open_invoice (@all_open_invoices){
122 $open_invoice->{realamount} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,$open_invoice->amount,2);
123 $open_invoice->{skonto_type} = 'without_skonto';
124 foreach (@{ $sepa_export_items_by_id{ $open_invoice->id } || [] }) {
125 my $factor = ($_->ar_id == $open_invoice->id ? 1 : -1);
126 $open_invoice->{realamount} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,$open_invoice->amount*$factor,2);
128 $open_invoice->{skonto_type} = $_->payment_type;
129 $sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id} ||= { count => 0, is_ar => 0, amount => 0, proposed => 0, invoices => [], item => $_ };
130 $sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id}->{count}++;
131 $sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id}->{is_ar}++ if $_->ar_id == $open_invoice->id;
132 $sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id}->{amount} += $_->amount * $factor;
133 push @{ $sepa_exports{$_->sepa_export_id}->{invoices} }, $open_invoice;
137 # try to match each bank_transaction with each of the possible open invoices
141 foreach my $bt (@{ $bank_transactions }) {
142 ## 5 Stellen hinter dem Komma auf 2 Stellen reduzieren
143 $bt->amount($bt->amount*1);
144 $bt->invoice_amount($bt->invoice_amount*1);
146 $bt->{proposals} = [];
147 $bt->{rule_matches} = [];
149 $bt->{remote_name} .= $bt->{remote_name_1} if $bt->{remote_name_1};
151 if ( $bt->is_batch_transaction ) {
153 foreach ( keys %sepa_exports) {
154 if ( abs(($sepa_exports{$_}->{amount} * 1) - ($bt->amount * 1)) < 0.01 ) {
156 @{$bt->{proposals}} = @{$sepa_exports{$_}->{invoices}};
157 $bt->{sepa_export_ok} = 1;
158 $sepa_exports{$_}->{proposed}=1;
159 push(@proposals, $bt);
165 # batch transaction has no remotename !!
167 next unless $bt->{remote_name}; # bank has no name, usually fees, use create invoice to assign
170 # try to match the current $bt to each of the open_invoices, saving the
171 # results of get_agreement_with_invoice in $open_invoice->{agreement} and
172 # $open_invoice->{rule_matches}.
174 # The values are overwritten each time a new bt is checked, so at the end
175 # of each bt the likely results are filtered and those values are stored in
176 # the arrays $bt->{proposals} and $bt->{rule_matches}, and the agreement
177 # score is stored in $bt->{agreement}
179 foreach my $open_invoice (@all_open_invoices) {
180 ($open_invoice->{agreement}, $open_invoice->{rule_matches}) = $bt->get_agreement_with_invoice($open_invoice,
181 sepa_export_items => $all_open_sepa_export_items,
183 $open_invoice->{realamount} = $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig,
184 $open_invoice->amount * ($open_invoice->{is_ar} ? 1 : -1), 2);
188 my $min_agreement = 3; # suggestions must have at least this score
190 my $max_agreement = max map { $_->{agreement} } @all_open_invoices;
192 # add open_invoices with highest agreement into array $bt->{proposals}
193 if ( $max_agreement >= $min_agreement ) {
194 $bt->{proposals} = [ grep { $_->{agreement} == $max_agreement } @all_open_invoices ];
195 $bt->{agreement} = $max_agreement; #scalar @{ $bt->{proposals} } ? $agreement + 1 : '';
197 # store the rule_matches in a separate array, so they can be displayed in template
198 foreach ( @{ $bt->{proposals} } ) {
199 push(@{$bt->{rule_matches}}, $_->{rule_matches});
205 # separate filter for proposals (second tab, agreement >= 5 and exactly one match)
206 # to qualify as a proposal there has to be
207 # * agreement >= 5 TODO: make threshold configurable in configuration
208 # * there must be only one exact match
209 # * depending on whether sales or purchase the amount has to have the correct sign (so Gutschriften don't work?)
210 my $proposal_threshold = 5;
211 my @otherproposals = grep {
212 ($_->{agreement} >= $proposal_threshold)
213 && (1 == scalar @{ $_->{proposals} })
214 && (@{ $_->{proposals} }[0]->is_sales ? abs(@{ $_->{proposals} }[0]->amount - $_->amount) < 0.01
215 : abs(@{ $_->{proposals} }[0]->amount + $_->amount) < 0.01)
216 } @{ $bank_transactions };
218 push @proposals, @otherproposals;
220 # sort bank transaction proposals by quality (score) of proposal
221 if ($params{sort_by} && $params{sort_by} eq 'proposal') {
222 my $dir = $params{sort_dir} ? 1 : -1;
223 $bank_transactions = [ sort { ($a->{agreement} <=> $b->{agreement}) * $dir } @{ $bank_transactions } ];
226 return ( $bank_transactions , \@proposals );
232 if (!$::form->{filter}{bank_account}) {
233 flash('error', t8('No bank account chosen!'));
234 $self->action_search;
238 my $bank_account = SL::DB::BankAccount->load_cached($::form->{filter}->{bank_account});
239 my $fromdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{fromdate});
240 my $todate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{todate});
241 $todate->add( days => 1 ) if $todate;
243 my ($bank_transactions, $proposals) = $self->gather_bank_transactions_and_proposals(
244 bank_account => $bank_account,
245 fromdate => $fromdate,
247 sort_by => $::form->{sort_by},
248 sort_dir => $::form->{sort_dir},
251 $::request->layout->add_javascripts("kivi.BankTransaction.js");
252 $self->render('bank_transactions/list',
253 title => t8('Bank transactions MT940'),
254 BANK_TRANSACTIONS => $bank_transactions,
255 PROPOSALS => $proposals,
256 bank_account => $bank_account,
257 ui_tab => scalar(@{ $proposals }) > 0 ? 1 : 0,
261 sub action_assign_invoice {
264 $self->{transaction} = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $::form->{bt_id});
266 $self->render('bank_transactions/assign_invoice',
268 title => t8('Assign invoice'),);
271 sub action_create_invoice {
273 my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
275 $self->transaction(SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $::form->{bt_id}));
277 my $vendor_of_transaction = SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->find_by(iban => $self->transaction->{remote_account_number});
278 my $use_vendor_filter = $self->transaction->{remote_account_number} && $vendor_of_transaction;
280 my $templates_ap = SL::DB::Manager::RecordTemplate->get_all(
281 where => [ template_type => 'ap_transaction' ],
282 with_objects => [ qw(employee vendor) ],
284 my $templates_gl = SL::DB::Manager::RecordTemplate->get_all(
285 query => [ template_type => 'gl_transaction',
286 chart_id => SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by(id => $self->transaction->local_bank_account_id)->chart_id,
288 with_objects => [ qw(employee record_template_items) ],
291 # pre filter templates_ap, if we have a vendor match (IBAN eq IBAN) - show and allow user to edit this via gui!
292 $templates_ap = [ grep { $_->vendor_id == $vendor_of_transaction->id } @{ $templates_ap } ] if $use_vendor_filter;
294 $self->callback($self->url_for(
296 'filter.bank_account' => $::form->{filter}->{bank_account},
297 'filter.todate' => $::form->{filter}->{todate},
298 'filter.fromdate' => $::form->{filter}->{fromdate},
302 'bank_transactions/create_invoice',
304 title => t8('Create invoice'),
305 TEMPLATES_GL => $use_vendor_filter && @{ $templates_ap } ? undef : $templates_gl,
306 TEMPLATES_AP => $templates_ap,
307 vendor_name => $use_vendor_filter && @{ $templates_ap } ? $vendor_of_transaction->name : undef,
311 sub action_ajax_payment_suggestion {
314 # based on a BankTransaction ID and a Invoice or PurchaseInvoice ID passed via $::form,
315 # create an HTML blob to be used by the js function add_invoices in templates/webpages/bank_transactions/list.html
316 # and return encoded as JSON
318 croak("Need bt_id") unless $::form->{bt_id};
320 my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( id => $::form->{prop_id} ) || SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by( id => $::form->{prop_id} );
322 croak("No valid invoice found") unless $invoice;
324 my $html = $self->render(
325 'bank_transactions/_payment_suggestion', { output => 0 },
326 bt_id => $::form->{bt_id},
330 $self->render(\ SL::JSON::to_json( { 'html' => "$html" } ), { layout => 0, type => 'json', process => 0 });
333 sub action_filter_templates {
336 $self->{transaction} = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $::form->{bt_id});
338 my (@filter, @filter_ap);
340 # filter => gl and ap | filter_ap = ap (i.e. vendorname)
341 push @filter, ('template_name' => { ilike => '%' . $::form->{template} . '%' }) if $::form->{template};
342 push @filter, ('reference' => { ilike => '%' . $::form->{reference} . '%' }) if $::form->{reference};
343 push @filter_ap, ('vendor.name' => { ilike => '%' . $::form->{vendor} . '%' }) if $::form->{vendor};
344 push @filter_ap, @filter;
345 my $templates_gl = SL::DB::Manager::RecordTemplate->get_all(
346 query => [ template_type => 'gl_transaction',
347 chart_id => SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by(id => $self->transaction->local_bank_account_id)->chart_id,
348 (and => \@filter) x !!@filter
350 with_objects => [ qw(employee record_template_items) ],
353 my $templates_ap = SL::DB::Manager::RecordTemplate->get_all(
354 where => [ template_type => 'ap_transaction', (and => \@filter_ap) x !!@filter_ap ],
355 with_objects => [ qw(employee vendor) ],
357 $::form->{filter} //= {};
359 $self->callback($self->url_for(
361 'filter.bank_account' => $::form->{filter}->{bank_account},
362 'filter.todate' => $::form->{filter}->{todate},
363 'filter.fromdate' => $::form->{filter}->{fromdate},
366 my $output = $self->render(
367 'bank_transactions/_template_list',
369 TEMPLATES_AP => $templates_ap,
370 TEMPLATES_GL => $templates_gl,
373 $self->render(\to_json({ html => $output }), { type => 'json', process => 0 });
376 sub action_ajax_add_list {
379 my @where_sale = (amount => { ne => \'paid' });
380 my @where_purchase = (amount => { ne => \'paid' });
382 if ($::form->{invnumber}) {
383 push @where_sale, (invnumber => { ilike => like($::form->{invnumber})});
384 push @where_purchase, (invnumber => { ilike => like($::form->{invnumber})});
387 if ($::form->{amount}) {
388 push @where_sale, (amount => $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{amount}));
389 push @where_purchase, (amount => $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{amount}));
392 if ($::form->{vcnumber}) {
393 push @where_sale, ('customer.customernumber' => { ilike => like($::form->{vcnumber})});
394 push @where_purchase, ('vendor.vendornumber' => { ilike => like($::form->{vcnumber})});
397 if ($::form->{vcname}) {
398 push @where_sale, ('customer.name' => { ilike => like($::form->{vcname})});
399 push @where_purchase, ('vendor.name' => { ilike => like($::form->{vcname})});
402 if ($::form->{transdatefrom}) {
403 my $fromdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{transdatefrom});
404 if ( ref($fromdate) eq 'DateTime' ) {
405 push @where_sale, ('transdate' => { ge => $fromdate});
406 push @where_purchase, ('transdate' => { ge => $fromdate});
410 if ($::form->{transdateto}) {
411 my $todate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{transdateto});
412 if ( ref($todate) eq 'DateTime' ) {
413 $todate->add(days => 1);
414 push @where_sale, ('transdate' => { lt => $todate});
415 push @where_purchase, ('transdate' => { lt => $todate});
419 my $all_open_ar_invoices = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice ->get_all(where => \@where_sale, with_objects => 'customer');
420 my $all_open_ap_invoices = SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->get_all(where => \@where_purchase, with_objects => 'vendor');
422 my @all_open_invoices = @{ $all_open_ar_invoices };
423 # add ap invoices, filtering out subcent open amounts
424 push @all_open_invoices, grep { abs($_->amount - $_->paid) >= 0.01 } @{ $all_open_ap_invoices };
426 @all_open_invoices = sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } @all_open_invoices;
428 my $output = $self->render(
429 'bank_transactions/add_list',
431 INVOICES => \@all_open_invoices,
434 my %result = ( count => 0, html => $output );
436 $self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });
439 sub action_ajax_accept_invoices {
442 my @selected_invoices;
443 foreach my $invoice_id (@{ $::form->{invoice_id} || [] }) {
444 my $invoice_object = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id) || SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id);
445 push @selected_invoices, $invoice_object;
449 'bank_transactions/invoices',
451 INVOICES => \@selected_invoices,
452 bt_id => $::form->{bt_id},
459 return 0 if !$::form->{invoice_ids};
461 my %invoice_hash = %{ delete $::form->{invoice_ids} }; # each key (the bt line with a bt_id) contains an array of invoice_ids
463 # e.g. three partial payments with bt_ids 54, 55 and 56 for invoice with id 74:
476 # or if the payment with bt_id 44 is used to pay invoices with ids 50, 51 and 52
478 # '44' => [ '50', '51', 52' ]
481 $::form->{invoice_skontos} ||= {}; # hash of arrays containing the payment types, could be empty
483 # a bank_transaction may be assigned to several invoices, i.e. a customer
484 # might pay several open invoices with one transaction
490 if ( $::form->{proposal_ids} ) {
491 foreach (@{ $::form->{proposal_ids} }) {
492 my $bank_transaction_id = $_;
493 my $invoice_ids = $invoice_hash{$_};
494 push @{ $self->problems }, $self->save_single_bank_transaction(
495 bank_transaction_id => $bank_transaction_id,
496 invoice_ids => $invoice_ids,
497 sources => ($::form->{sources} // {})->{$_},
498 memos => ($::form->{memos} // {})->{$_},
500 $count += scalar( @{$invoice_ids} );
503 while ( my ($bank_transaction_id, $invoice_ids) = each(%invoice_hash) ) {
504 push @{ $self->problems }, $self->save_single_bank_transaction(
505 bank_transaction_id => $bank_transaction_id,
506 invoice_ids => $invoice_ids,
507 sources => [ map { $::form->{"sources_${bank_transaction_id}_${_}"} } @{ $invoice_ids } ],
508 memos => [ map { $::form->{"memos_${bank_transaction_id}_${_}"} } @{ $invoice_ids } ],
510 $count += scalar( @{$invoice_ids} );
513 my $max_count = $count;
514 foreach (@{ $self->problems }) {
515 $count-- if $_->{result} eq 'error';
517 return ($count, $max_count);
520 sub action_save_invoices {
522 my ($success_count, $max_count) = $self->save_invoices();
524 if ($success_count == $max_count) {
525 flash('ok', t8('#1 invoice(s) saved.', $success_count));
527 flash('error', t8('At least #1 invoice(s) not saved', $max_count - $success_count));
530 $self->action_list();
533 sub action_save_proposals {
536 if ( $::form->{proposal_ids} ) {
537 my $propcount = scalar(@{ $::form->{proposal_ids} });
538 if ( $propcount > 0 ) {
539 my $count = $self->save_invoices();
541 flash('ok', t8('#1 proposal(s) with #2 invoice(s) saved.', $propcount, $count));
544 $self->action_list();
548 sub save_single_bank_transaction {
549 my ($self, %params) = @_;
553 bank_transaction => SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $params{bank_transaction_id}),
557 if (!$data{bank_transaction}) {
561 message => $::locale->text('The ID #1 is not a valid database ID.', $data{bank_transaction_id}),
565 my $bank_transaction = $data{bank_transaction};
567 if ($bank_transaction->closed_period) {
571 message => $::locale->text('Cannot post payment for a closed period!'),
577 my $bt_id = $data{bank_transaction_id};
578 my $sign = $bank_transaction->amount < 0 ? -1 : 1;
579 my $payment_received = $bank_transaction->amount > 0;
580 my $payment_sent = $bank_transaction->amount < 0;
583 foreach my $invoice_id (@{ $params{invoice_ids} }) {
584 my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id) || SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $invoice_id);
589 message => $::locale->text("The ID #1 is not a valid database ID.", $invoice_id),
592 push @{ $data{invoices} }, $invoice;
595 if ( $payment_received
596 && any { ( $_->is_sales && ($_->amount < 0))
597 || (!$_->is_sales && ($_->amount > 0))
598 } @{ $data{invoices} }) {
602 message => $::locale->text("Received payments can only be posted for sales invoices and purchase credit notes."),
607 && any { ( $_->is_sales && ($_->amount > 0))
608 || (!$_->is_sales && ($_->amount < 0) && ($_->invoice_type eq 'purchase_invoice'))
609 } @{ $data{invoices} }) {
613 message => $::locale->text("Sent payments can only be posted for purchase invoices and sales credit notes."),
617 my $max_invoices = scalar(@{ $data{invoices} });
620 foreach my $invoice (@{ $data{invoices} }) {
621 my $source = ($data{sources} // [])->[$n_invoices];
622 my $memo = ($data{memos} // [])->[$n_invoices];
625 # safety check invoice open
626 croak("Invoice closed. Cannot proceed.") unless ($invoice->open_amount);
628 if ( ($payment_sent && $bank_transaction->not_assigned_amount >= 0)
629 || ($payment_received && $bank_transaction->not_assigned_amount <= 0)) {
633 message => $::locale->text("A payment can only be posted for multiple invoices if the amount to post is equal to or bigger than the sum of the open amounts of the affected invoices."),
637 my ($payment_type, $free_skonto_amount);
638 if ( defined $::form->{invoice_skontos}->{"$bt_id"} ) {
639 $payment_type = shift(@{ $::form->{invoice_skontos}->{"$bt_id"} });
641 $payment_type = 'without_skonto';
644 if ($payment_type eq 'free_skonto') {
645 # parse user input > 0
646 if ($::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{"free_skonto_amount"}->{"$bt_id"}{$invoice->id}) > 0) {
647 $free_skonto_amount = $::form->parse_amount(\%::myconfig, $::form->{"free_skonto_amount"}->{"$bt_id"}{$invoice->id});
652 message => $::locale->text("Free skonto amount has to be a positive number."),
657 # TODO rewrite this: really booked amount should be a return value of Payment.pm
658 # also this controller shouldnt care about how to calc skonto. we simply delegate the
659 # payment_type to the helper and get the corresponding bank_transaction values back
660 # hotfix to get the signs right - compare absolute values and later set the signs
661 # should be better done elsewhere - changing not_assigned_amount to abs feels seriously bogus
663 my $open_amount = $payment_type eq 'with_skonto_pt' ? $invoice->amount_less_skonto : $invoice->open_amount;
664 $open_amount = abs($open_amount);
665 $open_amount -= $free_skonto_amount if ($payment_type eq 'free_skonto');
666 my $not_assigned_amount = abs($bank_transaction->not_assigned_amount);
667 my $amount_for_booking = ($open_amount < $not_assigned_amount) ? $open_amount : $not_assigned_amount;
668 my $amount_for_payment = $amount_for_booking;
670 # get the right direction for the payment bookings (all amounts < 0 are stornos, credit notes or negative ap)
671 $amount_for_payment *= -1 if $invoice->amount < 0;
672 $free_skonto_amount *= -1 if ($free_skonto_amount && $invoice->amount < 0);
673 # get the right direction for the bank transaction
674 $amount_for_booking *= $sign;
676 $bank_transaction->invoice_amount($bank_transaction->invoice_amount + $amount_for_booking);
678 # ... and then pay the invoice
679 my @acc_ids = $invoice->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank_transaction->local_bank_account->chart_id,
680 trans_id => $invoice->id,
681 amount => $amount_for_payment,
682 payment_type => $payment_type,
685 skonto_amount => $free_skonto_amount,
686 transdate => $bank_transaction->valutadate->to_kivitendo);
687 # ... and record the origin via BankTransactionAccTrans
688 if (scalar(@acc_ids) < 2) {
692 message => $::locale->text("Unable to book transactions for bank purpose #1", $bank_transaction->purpose),
695 foreach my $acc_trans_id (@acc_ids) {
696 my $id_type = $invoice->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap';
698 acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id,
699 bank_transaction_id => $bank_transaction->id,
700 $id_type => $invoice->id,
702 SL::DB::BankTransactionAccTrans->new(%props_acc)->save;
704 # Record a record link from the bank transaction to the invoice
706 from_table => 'bank_transactions',
708 to_table => $invoice->is_sales ? 'ar' : 'ap',
709 to_id => $invoice->id,
711 SL::DB::RecordLink->new(%props)->save;
713 # "close" a sepa_export_item if it exists
714 # code duplicated in action_save_proposals!
715 # currently only works, if there is only exactly one open sepa_export_item
716 if ( my $seis = $invoice->find_sepa_export_items({ executed => 0 }) ) {
717 if ( scalar @$seis == 1 ) {
718 # moved the execution and the check for sepa_export into a method,
719 # this isn't part of a transaction, though
720 $seis->[0]->set_executed if $invoice->id == $seis->[0]->arap_id;
725 $bank_transaction->save;
727 # 'undef' means 'no error' here.
732 my $rez = $data{bank_transaction}->db->with_transaction(sub {
734 $error = $worker->();
745 # Rollback Fehler nicht weiterreichen
747 # aber einen rollback von hand
748 $::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG2(),"finish worker with ". ($error ? $error->{result} : '-'));
749 $data{bank_transaction}->db->dbh->rollback if $error && $error->{result} eq 'error';
752 return grep { $_ } ($error, @warnings);
754 sub action_unlink_bank_transaction {
755 my ($self, %params) = @_;
757 croak("No bank transaction ids") unless scalar @{ $::form->{ids}} > 0;
761 foreach my $bt_id (@{ $::form->{ids}} ) {
763 my $bank_transaction = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $bt_id);
764 croak("No valid bank transaction found") unless (ref($bank_transaction) eq 'SL::DB::BankTransaction');
765 croak t8('Cannot unlink payment for a closed period!') if $bank_transaction->closed_period;
767 # everything in one transaction
768 my $rez = $bank_transaction->db->with_transaction(sub {
769 # 1. remove all reconciliations (due to underlying trigger, this has to be the first step)
770 my $rec_links = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_all(where => [ bank_transaction_id => $bt_id ]);
771 $_->delete for @{ $rec_links };
774 foreach my $acc_trans_id_entry (@{ SL::DB::Manager::BankTransactionAccTrans->get_all(where => [bank_transaction_id => $bt_id ] )}) {
776 my $acc_trans = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id_entry->acc_trans_id]);
778 # save trans_id and type
779 die "no type" unless ($acc_trans_id_entry->ar_id || $acc_trans_id_entry->ap_id || $acc_trans_id_entry->gl_id);
780 $trans_ids{$acc_trans_id_entry->ar_id} = 'ar' if $acc_trans_id_entry->ar_id;
781 $trans_ids{$acc_trans_id_entry->ap_id} = 'ap' if $acc_trans_id_entry->ap_id;
782 $trans_ids{$acc_trans_id_entry->gl_id} = 'gl' if $acc_trans_id_entry->gl_id;
783 # 2. all good -> ready to delete acc_trans and bt_acc link
784 $acc_trans_id_entry->delete;
785 $_->delete for @{ $acc_trans };
787 # 3. update arap.paid (may not be 0, yet)
788 # or in case of gl, delete whole entry
789 while (my ($trans_id, $type) = each %trans_ids) {
791 SL::DB::Manager::GLTransaction->delete_all(where => [ id => $trans_id ]);
794 die ("invalid type") unless $type =~ m/^(ar|ap)$/;
796 # recalc and set paid via database query
797 my $query = qq|UPDATE $type SET paid =
798 (SELECT COALESCE(abs(sum(amount)),0) FROM acc_trans
800 AND chart_link ilike '%paid%')
803 die if (do_query($::form, $bank_transaction->db->dbh, $query, $trans_id, $trans_id) == -1);
805 # 4. and delete all (if any) record links
806 my $rl = SL::DB::Manager::RecordLink->delete_all(where => [ from_id => $bt_id, from_table => 'bank_transactions' ]);
808 # 5. finally reset this bank transaction
809 $bank_transaction->invoice_amount(0);
810 $bank_transaction->cleared(0);
811 $bank_transaction->save;
812 # 6. and add a log entry in history_erp
813 SL::DB::History->new(
814 trans_id => $bank_transaction->id,
815 snumbers => 'bank_transaction_unlink_' . $bank_transaction->id,
816 employee_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id,
817 what_done => 'bank_transaction',
818 addition => 'UNLINKED',
823 }) || die t8('error while unlinking payment #1 : ', $bank_transaction->purpose) . $bank_transaction->db->error . "\n";
828 flash('ok', t8('#1 bank transaction bookings undone.', $success_count));
829 $self->action_list_all() unless $params{testcase};
836 $::auth->assert('bank_transaction');
843 sub make_filter_summary {
846 my $filter = $::form->{filter} || {};
850 [ $filter->{"transdate:date::ge"}, $::locale->text('Transdate') . " " . $::locale->text('From Date') ],
851 [ $filter->{"transdate:date::le"}, $::locale->text('Transdate') . " " . $::locale->text('To Date') ],
852 [ $filter->{"valutadate:date::ge"}, $::locale->text('Valutadate') . " " . $::locale->text('From Date') ],
853 [ $filter->{"valutadate:date::le"}, $::locale->text('Valutadate') . " " . $::locale->text('To Date') ],
854 [ $filter->{"amount:number"}, $::locale->text('Amount') ],
855 [ $filter->{"bank_account_id:integer"}, $::locale->text('Local bank account') ],
859 push @filter_strings, "$_->[1]: $_->[0]" if $_->[0];
862 $self->{filter_summary} = join ', ', @filter_strings;
868 my $callback = $self->models->get_callback;
870 my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%::myconfig, $::form);
871 $self->{report} = $report;
873 my @columns = qw(ids local_bank_name transdate valudate remote_name remote_account_number remote_bank_code amount invoice_amount invoices currency purpose local_account_number local_bank_code id);
874 my @sortable = qw(local_bank_name transdate valudate remote_name remote_account_number remote_bank_code amount purpose local_account_number local_bank_code);
877 ids => { raw_header_data => checkbox_tag("", id => "check_all", checkall => "[data-checkall=1]"),
879 raw_data => sub { if (@{ $_[0]->linked_invoices }) {
880 if ($_[0]->closed_period) {
881 html_tag('text', "X"); #, tooltip => t8('Bank Transaction is in a closed period.')),
883 checkbox_tag("ids[]", value => $_[0]->id, "data-checkall" => 1);
886 transdate => { sub => sub { $_[0]->transdate_as_date } },
887 valutadate => { sub => sub { $_[0]->valutadate_as_date } },
889 remote_account_number => { },
890 remote_bank_code => { },
891 amount => { sub => sub { $_[0]->amount_as_number },
893 invoice_amount => { sub => sub { $_[0]->invoice_amount_as_number },
895 invoices => { sub => sub { my @invnumbers; for my $obj (@{ $_[0]->linked_invoices }) {
896 next unless $obj; push @invnumbers, $obj->invnumber } return \@invnumbers } },
897 currency => { sub => sub { $_[0]->currency->name } },
899 local_account_number => { sub => sub { $_[0]->local_bank_account->account_number } },
900 local_bank_code => { sub => sub { $_[0]->local_bank_account->bank_code } },
901 local_bank_name => { sub => sub { $_[0]->local_bank_account->name } },
905 map { $column_defs{$_}->{text} ||= $::locale->text( $self->models->get_sort_spec->{$_}->{title} ) } keys %column_defs;
907 $report->set_options(
908 std_column_visibility => 1,
909 controller_class => 'BankTransaction',
910 output_format => 'HTML',
911 top_info_text => $::locale->text('Bank transactions'),
912 title => $::locale->text('Bank transactions'),
913 allow_pdf_export => 1,
914 allow_csv_export => 1,
916 $report->set_columns(%column_defs);
917 $report->set_column_order(@columns);
918 $report->set_export_options(qw(list_all filter));
919 $report->set_options_from_form;
920 $self->models->disable_plugin('paginated') if $report->{options}{output_format} =~ /^(pdf|csv)$/i;
921 $self->models->set_report_generator_sort_options(report => $report, sortable_columns => \@sortable);
923 my $bank_accounts = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->get_all_sorted();
925 $report->set_options(
926 raw_top_info_text => $self->render('bank_transactions/report_top', { output => 0 }, BANK_ACCOUNTS => $bank_accounts),
927 raw_bottom_info_text => $self->render('bank_transactions/report_bottom', { output => 0 }),
931 sub init_problems { [] }
936 SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels->new(
941 dir => 0, # 1 = ASC, 0 = DESC : default sort is newest at top
944 transdate => t8('Transdate'),
945 remote_name => t8('Remote name'),
946 amount => t8('Amount'),
947 invoice_amount => t8('Assigned'),
948 invoices => t8('Linked invoices'),
949 valutadate => t8('Valutadate'),
950 remote_account_number => t8('Remote account number'),
951 remote_bank_code => t8('Remote bank code'),
952 currency => t8('Currency'),
953 purpose => t8('Purpose'),
954 local_account_number => t8('Local account number'),
955 local_bank_code => t8('Local bank code'),
956 local_bank_name => t8('Bank account'),
958 with_objects => [ 'local_bank_account', 'currency' ],
962 sub load_ap_record_template_url {
963 my ($self, $template) = @_;
965 return $self->url_for(
966 controller => 'ap.pl',
967 action => 'load_record_template',
969 'form_defaults.amount_1' => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self->transaction->amount, 2),
970 'form_defaults.transdate' => $self->transaction->transdate_as_date,
971 'form_defaults.duedate' => $self->transaction->transdate_as_date,
972 'form_defaults.no_payment_bookings' => 1,
973 'form_defaults.paid_1_suggestion' => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self->transaction->amount, 2),
974 'form_defaults.AP_paid_1_suggestion' => $self->transaction->local_bank_account->chart->accno,
975 'form_defaults.callback' => $self->callback,
979 sub load_gl_record_template_url {
980 my ($self, $template) = @_;
982 return $self->url_for(
983 controller => 'gl.pl',
984 action => 'load_record_template',
986 'form_defaults.amount_1' => abs($self->transaction->not_assigned_amount), # always positive
987 'form_defaults.transdate' => $self->transaction->transdate_as_date,
988 'form_defaults.callback' => $self->callback,
989 'form_defaults.bt_id' => $self->transaction->id,
990 'form_defaults.bt_chart_id' => $self->transaction->local_bank_account->chart->id,
991 'form_defaults.description' => $self->transaction->purpose,
995 sub setup_search_action_bar {
996 my ($self, %params) = @_;
998 for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
1002 submit => [ '#search_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/list' } ],
1003 accesskey => 'enter',
1009 sub setup_list_all_action_bar {
1010 my ($self, %params) = @_;
1012 for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
1015 action => [ t8('Actions') ],
1017 t8('Unlink bank transactions'),
1018 submit => [ '#form', { action => 'BankTransaction/unlink_bank_transaction' } ],
1019 checks => [ [ 'kivi.check_if_entries_selected', '[name="ids[]"]' ] ],
1020 disabled => $::instance_conf->get_payments_changeable ? t8('Cannot safely unlink bank transactions, please set the posting configuration for payments to unchangeable.') : undef,
1025 submit => [ '#filter_form', { action => 'BankTransaction/list_all' } ],
1026 accesskey => 'enter',
1041 SL::Controller::BankTransaction - Posting payments to invoices from
1042 bank transactions imported earlier
1048 =item C<save_single_bank_transaction %params>
1050 Takes a bank transaction ID (as parameter C<bank_transaction_id> and
1051 tries to post its amount to a certain number of invoices (parameter
1052 C<invoice_ids>, an array ref of database IDs to purchase or sales
1055 This method handles already partly assigned bank transactions.
1057 This method cannot handle already partly assigned bank transactions, i.e.
1058 a bank transaction that has a invoice_amount <> 0 but not the fully
1059 transaction amount (invoice_amount == amount).
1061 If the amount of the bank transaction is higher than the sum of
1062 the assigned invoices (1 .. n) the bank transaction will only be
1065 The whole function is wrapped in a database transaction. If an
1066 exception occurs the bank transaction is not posted at all. The same
1067 is true if the code detects an error during the execution, e.g. a bank
1068 transaction that's already been posted earlier. In both cases the
1069 database transaction will be rolled back.
1071 If warnings but not errors occur the database transaction is still
1074 The return value is an error object or C<undef> if the function
1075 succeeded. The calling function will collect all warnings and errors
1076 and display them in a nicely formatted table if any occurred.
1078 An error object is a hash reference containing the following members:
1082 =item * C<result> — can be either C<warning> or C<error>. Warnings are
1083 displayed slightly different than errors.
1085 =item * C<message> — a human-readable message included in the list of
1086 errors meant as the description of why the problem happened
1088 =item * C<bank_transaction_id>, C<invoice_ids> — the same parameters
1089 that the function was called with
1091 =item * C<bank_transaction> — the database object
1092 (C<SL::DB::BankTransaction>) corresponding to C<bank_transaction_id>
1094 =item * C<invoices> — an array ref of the database objects (either
1095 C<SL::DB::Invoice> or C<SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice>) corresponding to
1100 =item C<action_unlink_bank_transaction>
1102 Takes one or more bank transaction ID (as parameter C<form::ids>) and
1103 tries to revert all payment bookings including already cleared bookings.
1105 This method won't undo payments that are in a closed period and assumes
1106 that payments are not manually changed, i.e. only imported payments.
1108 GL-records will be deleted completely if a bank transaction was the source.
1110 TODO: we still rely on linked_records for the check boxes
1116 Niclas Zimmermann E<lt>niclas@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>,
1117 Geoffrey Richardson E<lt>information@richardson-bueren.deE<gt>