1 package SL::Controller::RequirementSpecOrder;
6 use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
8 use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
9 use List::Util qw(first);
15 use SL::DB::RequirementSpec;
16 use SL::DB::RequirementSpecOrder;
17 use SL::Helper::Flash;
18 use SL::Locale::String;
20 use constant LIST_SELECTOR => '#quotations_and_orders';
21 use constant FORMS_SELECTOR => '#quotations_and_orders_article_assignment,#quotations_and_orders_new,#quotations_and_orders_update';
23 use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
25 scalar => [ qw(parts) ],
26 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(requirement_spec rs_order js h_unit_name all_customers all_parts_time_unit section_order_part) ],
29 __PACKAGE__->run_before('setup');
38 $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { layout => 0 });
44 if (!@{ $self->all_parts_time_unit }) {
45 return $self->js->flash('error', t8('This function requires the presence of articles with a time-based unit such as "h" or "min".'))->render($self);
48 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/new', { output => 0 }, make_part_title => sub { $_[0]->partnumber . ' ' . $_[0]->description });
49 $self->js->hide(LIST_SELECTOR())
50 ->after(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
57 if (!$::auth->assert($::form->{quotation} ? 'sales_quotation_edit' : 'sales_order_edit', 1)) {
58 return $self->js->flash('error', t8("You do not have the permissions to access this function."))->render($self);
61 # 1. Update sections with selected part IDs.
62 my $section_attrs = $::form->{sections} || [];
63 my $sections = SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecItem->get_all_sorted(where => [ id => [ map { $_->{id} } @{ $section_attrs } ] ]);
64 my %sections_by_id = map { ($_->{id} => $_) } @{ $sections };
66 $sections_by_id{ $_->{id} }->update_attributes(order_part_id => $_->{order_part_id}) for @{ $section_attrs };
68 # 2. Create actual quotation/order.
69 my $order = $self->create_order(sections => $sections, additional_parts => $self->requirement_spec->parts_sorted);
70 $order->db->with_transaction(sub {
73 $self->requirement_spec->add_orders(SL::DB::RequirementSpecOrder->new(order => $order, version => $self->requirement_spec->version));
74 $self->requirement_spec->save;
76 $self->requirement_spec->link_to_record($order);
78 $::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "Error creating the order object: $@");
81 $self->init_requirement_spec;
83 # 3. Notify the user and return to list.
84 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { output => 0 });
85 $self->js->replaceWith(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
86 ->remove(FORMS_SELECTOR())
87 ->flash('info', $::form->{quotation} ? t8('Sales quotation #1 has been created.', $order->quonumber) : t8('Sales order #1 has been created.', $order->ordnumber))
94 my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
95 my $sections = $self->requirement_spec->sections_sorted;
97 if (!$::auth->assert($order->quotation ? 'sales_quotation_edit' : 'sales_order_edit', 1)) {
98 return $self->js->flash('error', t8("You do not have the permissions to access this function."))->render($self);
101 my (@orderitems, %sections_seen);
102 foreach my $item (@{ $order->items_sorted }) {
103 my $section = first { my $num = $_->fb_number; $item->description =~ m{\b\Q${num}\E\b} && !$sections_seen{ $_->id } } @{ $sections };
105 $sections_seen{ $section->id } = 1 if $section;
107 push @orderitems, { item => $item, section => $section };
110 my $html = $self->render(
111 'requirement_spec_order/update', { output => 0 },
112 orderitems => \@orderitems,
113 sections => $sections,
114 make_section_title => sub { $_[0]->fb_number . ' ' . $_[0]->title },
117 $self->js->hide(LIST_SELECTOR())
118 ->after(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
122 sub action_do_update {
125 my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
126 my @new_orderitems = $self->do_update_sections;
127 push @new_orderitems, $self->do_update_additional_parts;
129 $order->add_orderitems(\@new_orderitems) if @new_orderitems;
131 $order->calculate_prices_and_taxes;
133 $order->db->with_transaction(sub {
135 $self->requirement_spec->link_to_record($order);
137 $::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "Error updating the order object: $@");
140 $self->init_requirement_spec;
142 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { output => 0 });
143 $self->js->replaceWith(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
144 ->remove(FORMS_SELECTOR())
145 ->flash('info', $::form->{quotation} ? t8('Sales quotation #1 has been updated.', $order->quonumber) : t8('Sales order #1 has been updated.', $order->ordnumber))
149 sub action_edit_assignment {
152 if (!@{ $self->all_parts_time_unit }) {
153 return $self->js->flash('error', t8('This function requires the presence of articles with a time-based unit such as "h" or "min".'))->render($self);
156 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/edit_assignment', { output => 0 }, make_part_title => sub { $_[0]->partnumber . ' ' . $_[0]->description });
157 $self->js->hide(LIST_SELECTOR())
158 ->after(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
163 sub action_save_assignment {
165 my $sections = $::form->{sections} || [];
166 SL::DB::RequirementSpecItem->new(id => $_->{id})->load->update_attributes(order_part_id => ($_->{order_part_id} || undef)) for @{ $sections };
168 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { output => 0 });
169 $self->js->replaceWith(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
170 ->remove(FORMS_SELECTOR())
177 my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
180 $self->init_requirement_spec;
182 my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { output => 0 });
183 $self->js->replaceWith(LIST_SELECTOR(), $html)
184 ->flash('info', $order->quotation ? t8('Sales quotation #1 has been deleted.', $order->quonumber) : t8('Sales order #1 has been deleted.', $order->ordnumber))
195 $::auth->assert('requirement_spec_edit');
196 $::request->{layout}->use_stylesheet("${_}.css") for qw(jquery.contextMenu requirement_spec);
197 $::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(jquery.jstree jquery/jquery.contextMenu client_js requirement_spec);
202 sub init_requirement_spec {
204 $self->requirement_spec(SL::DB::RequirementSpec->new(id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id})->load) if $::form->{requirement_spec_id};
209 $self->js(SL::ClientJS->new);
212 sub init_all_customers { SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_all_sorted }
213 sub init_h_unit_name { SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_h_unit->name };
214 sub init_rs_order { SL::DB::RequirementSpecOrder->new(id => $::form->{rs_order_id})->load };
215 sub init_section_order_part { my $id = $::instance_conf->get_requirement_spec_section_order_part_id; return $id ? SL::DB::Part->new(id => $id)->load : undef }
217 sub init_all_parts_time_unit {
220 return [] unless $self->h_unit_name;
222 my @convertible_unit_names = map { $_->name } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Unit->time_based_units };
224 return SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all_sorted(where => [ unit => \@convertible_unit_names ]);
232 my ($self, @ids) = @_;
234 my $parts = !@ids ? [] : SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(
235 where => [ id => \@ids ],
236 with_objects => [ qw(unit_obj) ],
239 $self->parts({ map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ $parts } });
242 sub do_update_sections {
245 my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
246 my $sections = $self->requirement_spec->sections_sorted;
247 my %orderitems_by_id = map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ $order->orderitems };
248 my %sections_by_id = map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ $sections };
249 my $language_id = $self->requirement_spec->customer->language_id;
251 $self->cache_parts(uniq map { $_->order_part_id } @{ $sections });
255 foreach my $attributes (@{ $::form->{orderitems} || [] }) {
256 my $orderitem = $orderitems_by_id{ $attributes->{id} };
257 my $section = $sections_by_id{ $attributes->{section_id} };
258 next unless $orderitem && $section;
260 $self->create_order_item(section => $section, item => $orderitem, language_id => $language_id)->save;
261 $sections_seen{ $section->id } = 1;
264 my @new_orderitems = map { $self->create_order_item(section => $_, language_id => $language_id) }
265 grep { !$sections_seen{ $_->id } }
268 return @new_orderitems;
271 sub do_update_additional_parts {
274 my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
275 my $add_parts = $self->requirement_spec->parts_sorted;
276 my %orderitems_by = map { (($_->parts_id . '-' . $_->description) => $_) } @{ $order->items };
277 my $language_id = $self->requirement_spec->customer->language_id;
279 $self->cache_parts(uniq map { $_->part_id } @{ $add_parts });
284 foreach my $add_part (@{ $add_parts }) {
285 my $key = $add_part->part_id . '-' . $add_part->description;
286 my $orderitem = $orderitems_by{$key};
289 $self->create_additional_part_order_item(additional_part => $add_part, item => $orderitem, language_id => $language_id)->save;
292 push @new_orderitems, $self->create_additional_part_order_item(additional_part => $add_part, language_id => $language_id);
296 return @new_orderitems;
299 sub create_order_item {
300 my ($self, %params) = @_;
302 my $section = $params{section};
303 my $item = $params{item} || SL::DB::OrderItem->new;
304 my $part = $self->parts->{ $section->order_part_id };
305 my $is_time_based = $part->unit_obj->is_time_based;
306 my $translation = $params{language_id} ? first { $params{language_id} == $_->language_id } @{ $part->translations } : {};
307 my $description = $section->{keep_description} ? $item->description : ($translation->{translation} || $part->description);
308 my $longdescription = $translation->{longdescription} || $part->notes;
310 if (!$section->{keep_description}) {
311 $description = '<%fb_number%> <%title%>' unless $description =~ m{<%};
312 $longdescription = '<%description%>' unless $longdescription =~ m{<%};
314 $description =~ s{<% (.+?) %>}{ $section->can($1) ? $section->$1 : '<' . t8('Invalid variable #1', $1) . '>' }egx;
315 $longdescription =~ s{\<\% description \%\>}{!!!!DESCRIPTION!!!!}gx;
316 $longdescription =~ s{<[pP]> !!!!DESCRIPTION!!!! </[pP]>}{!!!!DESCRIPTION!!!!}gx;
317 $longdescription =~ s{\<\% (.+?) \%\>}{ $section->can($1) ? $::locale->quote_special_chars('HTML', $section->$1 // '') : '<' . t8('Invalid variable #1', $1) . '>' }egx;
318 $longdescription =~ s{!!!!DESCRIPTION!!!!}{ $section->description // '' }egx;
321 $item->assign_attributes(
322 parts_id => $part->id,
323 description => $description,
324 longdescription => $longdescription,
325 qty => $is_time_based ? $section->time_estimation * 1 : 1,
326 unit => $is_time_based ? $self->h_unit_name : $part->unit,
327 sellprice => $::form->round_amount($self->requirement_spec->hourly_rate * ($is_time_based ? 1 : $section->time_estimation), 2),
328 lastcost => $part->lastcost,
330 project_id => $self->requirement_spec->project_id,
336 sub create_additional_part_order_item {
337 my ($self, %params) = @_;
339 my $add_part = $params{additional_part};
340 my $item = $params{item} || SL::DB::OrderItem->new;
341 my $part = $self->parts->{ $add_part->part_id };
342 my $translation = $params{language_id} ? first { $params{language_id} == $_->language_id } @{ $part->translations } : {};
343 my $description = $item->description || $add_part->description;
344 my $longdescription = $translation->{longdescription} || $part->notes;
346 $item->assign_attributes(
347 parts_id => $part->id,
348 description => $description,
349 longdescription => $longdescription,
350 qty => $add_part->qty,
351 unit => $add_part->unit->name,
352 sellprice => $add_part->unit->convert_to($part->sellprice, $part->unit_obj),
353 lastcost => $part->lastcost,
355 project_id => $self->requirement_spec->project_id,
362 my ($self, %params) = @_;
365 map({ $_->{order_part_id} } @{ $params{sections} }),
366 map({ $_->part_id } @{ $params{additional_parts} }),
368 $self->{parts} = { map { ($_->{id} => $_) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(where => [ id => [ uniq @part_ids ] ]) } };
370 my $customer = SL::DB::Customer->new(id => $::form->{customer_id})->load;
371 my @orderitems = map { $self->create_order_item( section => $_, language_id => $customer->language_id) } @{ $params{sections} };
372 my @add_items = map { $self->create_additional_part_order_item(additional_part => $_, language_id => $customer->language_id) } @{ $params{additional_parts} };
373 my $employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current;
374 my $order = SL::DB::Order->new(
375 globalproject_id => $self->requirement_spec->project_id,
376 transdate => DateTime->today_local,
377 reqdate => $::form->{quotation} && $customer->payment_id ? $customer->payment->calc_date : undef,
378 quotation => !!$::form->{quotation},
379 orderitems => [ @orderitems, @add_items ],
380 customer_id => $customer->id,
381 taxincluded => $customer->taxincluded,
382 intnotes => $customer->notes,
383 language_id => $customer->language_id,
384 payment_id => $customer->payment_id,
385 taxzone_id => $customer->taxzone_id,
386 employee_id => $employee->id,
387 salesman_id => $employee->id,
388 transaction_description => $self->requirement_spec->displayable_name,
389 currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id,
392 $order->calculate_prices_and_taxes;