1 #=====================================================================
6 # Email: p.reetz@linet-services.de
7 # Web: http://www.lx-office.org
10 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 # (at your option) any later version.
15 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
23 #======================================================================
26 #======================================================================
36 use SL::HTML::Util ();
38 use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
43 use Exporter qw(import);
46 use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
47 use List::Util qw(min max sum);
48 use List::UtilsBy qw(partition_by sort_by);
50 use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
56 DATEV_ET_STAMM => $i++,
59 DATEV_FORMAT_KNE => $i++,
60 DATEV_FORMAT_OBE => $i++,
61 DATEV_FORMAT_CSV => $i++,
66 our @EXPORT_OK = (@export_constants);
67 our %EXPORT_TAGS = (CONSTANTS => [ @export_constants ]);
74 my $obj = bless {}, $class;
76 $obj->$_($data{$_}) for keys %data;
83 $self->{exporttype} = $_[0] if @_;
84 return $self->{exporttype};
88 defined $_[0]->{exporttype};
93 $self->{format} = $_[0] if @_;
94 return $self->{format};
98 defined $_[0]->{format};
101 sub _get_export_path {
102 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
104 my ($a, $b) = gettimeofday();
105 my $path = _get_path_for_download_token("${a}-${b}-${$}");
107 mkpath($path) unless (-d $path);
109 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
114 sub _get_path_for_download_token {
115 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
117 my $token = shift || '';
120 if ($token =~ m|^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$|) {
121 $path = $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath} . "/datev-export-${1}-${2}-${3}/";
124 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
129 sub _get_download_token_for_path {
130 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
135 if ($path =~ m|.*datev-export-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/?$|) {
136 $token = "${1}-${2}-${3}";
139 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
146 $self->{download_token} = $_[0] if @_;
147 return $self->{download_token} ||= _get_download_token_for_path($self->export_path);
153 return $self->{export_path} ||= _get_path_for_download_token($self->{download_token}) || _get_export_path();
158 push @{ $self->{filenames} ||= [] }, @_;
162 return @{ $_[0]{filenames} || [] };
167 push @{ $self->{errors} ||= [] }, @_;
171 return @{ $_[0]{errors} || [] };
174 sub add_net_gross_differences {
176 push @{ $self->{net_gross_differences} ||= [] }, @_;
179 sub net_gross_differences {
180 return @{ $_[0]{net_gross_differences} || [] };
183 sub sum_net_gross_differences {
184 return sum $_[0]->net_gross_differences;
191 $self->{from} = $_[0];
194 return $self->{from};
211 $self->{trans_id} = $_[0];
214 die "illegal trans_id passed for DATEV export: " . $self->{trans_id} . "\n" unless $self->{trans_id} =~ m/^\d+$/;
216 return $self->{trans_id};
223 $self->{warnings} = [@_];
225 return $self->{warnings};
233 $self->{use_pk} = $_[0];
236 return $self->{use_pk};
243 $self->{accnofrom} = $_[0];
246 return $self->{accnofrom};
253 $self->{accnoto} = $_[0];
256 return $self->{accnoto};
264 $self->{dbh} = $_[0];
265 $self->{provided_dbh} = 1;
268 $self->{dbh} ||= SL::DB->client->dbh;
275 sub clean_temporary_directories {
276 $::lxdebug->enter_sub;
278 foreach my $path (glob($::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath} . "/datev-export-*")) {
279 next unless -d $path;
281 my $mtime = (stat($path))[9];
282 next if ((time() - $mtime) < 8 * 60 * 60);
287 $::lxdebug->leave_sub;
290 sub get_datev_stamm {
291 return $_[0]{stamm} ||= selectfirst_hashref_query($::form, $_[0]->dbh, 'SELECT * FROM datev');
294 sub save_datev_stamm {
295 my ($self, $data) = @_;
297 SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
298 do_query($::form, $self->dbh, 'DELETE FROM datev');
300 my @columns = qw(beraternr beratername dfvkz mandantennr datentraegernr abrechnungsnr);
302 my $query = "INSERT INTO datev (" . join(', ', @columns) . ") VALUES (" . join(', ', ('?') x @columns) . ")";
303 do_query($::form, $self->dbh, $query, map { $data->{$_} } @columns);
305 }) or do { die SL::DB->client->error };
311 return $self->csv_export;
318 die 'no exporttype set!' unless $self->has_exporttype;
320 if ($self->exporttype == DATEV_ET_BUCHUNGEN) {
322 $self->generate_datev_data(from_to => $self->fromto);
323 return if $self->errors;
325 my $datev_csv = SL::DATEV::CSV->new(
326 datev_lines => $self->generate_datev_lines,
329 locked => $self->locked,
333 my $filename = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
335 my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
340 }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
342 # get encoding from defaults - use cp1252 if DATEV strict export is used
343 my $enc = ($::instance_conf->get_datev_export_format eq 'cp1252') ? 'cp1252' : 'utf-8';
344 my $csv_file = IO::File->new($self->export_path . '/' . $filename, ">:encoding($enc)") or die "Can't open: $!";
346 $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->header };
347 $csv->print($csv_file, $_) for @{ $datev_csv->lines };
349 $self->{warnings} = $datev_csv->warnings;
351 # convert utf-8 to cp1252//translit if set
352 if ($::instance_conf->get_datev_export_format eq 'cp1252-translit') {
354 my $filename_translit = "EXTF_DATEV_kivitendo_translit" . $self->from->ymd() . '-' . $self->to->ymd() . ".csv";
355 open my $fh_in, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $self->export_path . '/' . $filename or die "could not open $filename for reading: $!";
356 open my $fh_out, '>', $self->export_path . '/' . $filename_translit or die "could not open $filename_translit for writing: $!";
358 my $converter = SL::Iconv->new("utf-8", "cp1252//translit");
360 print $fh_out $converter->convert($_) while <$fh_in>;
364 unlink $self->export_path . '/' . $filename or warn "Could not unlink $filename: $!";
365 $filename = $filename_translit;
368 return { download_token => $self->download_token, filenames => $filename };
371 die 'unrecognized exporttype';
380 return unless $self->from && $self->to;
382 return "transdate >= '" . $self->from->to_lxoffice . "' and transdate <= '" . $self->to->to_lxoffice . "'";
393 $self->{locked} = $_[0];
395 return $self->{locked};
401 $self->{imported} = $_[0];
403 return $self->{imported};
406 sub generate_datev_data {
407 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
409 my ($self, %params) = @_;
410 my $fromto = $params{from_to} // '';
411 my $progress_callback = $params{progress_callback} || sub {};
413 my $form = $main::form;
415 my $trans_id_filter = '';
416 my $ar_department_id_filter = '';
417 my $ap_department_id_filter = '';
418 my $gl_department_id_filter = '';
419 if ( $form->{department_id} ) {
420 $ar_department_id_filter = " AND ar.department_id = ? ";
421 $ap_department_id_filter = " AND ap.department_id = ? ";
422 $gl_department_id_filter = " AND gl.department_id = ? ";
425 my ($gl_itime_filter, $ar_itime_filter, $ap_itime_filter);
426 if ( $form->{gldatefrom} ) {
427 $gl_itime_filter = " AND gl.itime >= ? ";
428 $ar_itime_filter = " AND ar.itime >= ? ";
429 $ap_itime_filter = " AND ap.itime >= ? ";
431 $gl_itime_filter = "";
432 $ar_itime_filter = "";
433 $ap_itime_filter = "";
436 if ( $self->{trans_id} ) {
437 # ignore dates when trans_id is passed so that the entire transaction is
438 # checked, not just either the initial bookings or the subsequent payments
439 # (the transdates will likely differ)
441 $trans_id_filter = 'ac.trans_id = ' . $self->trans_id;
443 $fromto =~ s/transdate/ac\.transdate/g;
448 my $filter = ''; # Useful for debugging purposes
450 my %all_taxchart_ids = selectall_as_map($form, $self->dbh, qq|SELECT DISTINCT chart_id, TRUE AS is_set FROM tax|, 'chart_id', 'is_set');
452 my $ar_accno = "c.accno";
453 my $ap_accno = "c.accno";
454 if ( $self->use_pk ) {
455 $ar_accno = "CASE WHEN ac.chart_link = 'AR' THEN ct.customernumber ELSE c.accno END as accno";
456 $ap_accno = "CASE WHEN ac.chart_link = 'AP' THEN ct.vendornumber ELSE c.accno END as accno";
459 if ( !$self->imported ) {
460 $gl_imported = " AND NOT imported";
464 qq|SELECT ac.acc_trans_id, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.trans_id,ar.id, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, ac.memo,
465 ar.invnumber, ar.duedate, ar.amount as umsatz, COALESCE(ar.tax_point, ar.deliverydate) AS deliverydate, ar.itime::date,
466 ct.name, ct.ustid, ct.customernumber AS vcnumber, ct.id AS customer_id, NULL AS vendor_id,
467 $ar_accno, c.description AS accname, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik, c.id, ac.chart_link AS link,
469 t.rate AS taxrate, t.taxdescription,
471 tc.accno AS tax_accno, tc.description AS tax_accname,
474 project.projectnumber as projectnumber, project.description as projectdescription,
475 department.description as departmentdescription
477 LEFT JOIN ar ON (ac.trans_id = ar.id)
478 LEFT JOIN customer ct ON (ar.customer_id = ct.id)
479 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
480 LEFT JOIN tax t ON (ac.tax_id = t.id)
481 LEFT JOIN chart tc ON (t.chart_id = tc.id)
482 LEFT JOIN department ON (department.id = ar.department_id)
483 LEFT JOIN project ON (project.id = ar.globalproject_id)
484 WHERE (ar.id IS NOT NULL)
488 $ar_department_id_filter
493 SELECT ac.acc_trans_id, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.trans_id,ap.id, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, ac.memo,
494 ap.invnumber, ap.duedate, ap.amount as umsatz, COALESCE(ap.tax_point, ap.deliverydate) AS deliverydate, ap.itime::date,
495 ct.name, ct.ustid, ct.vendornumber AS vcnumber, NULL AS customer_id, ct.id AS vendor_id,
496 $ap_accno, c.description AS accname, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik, c.id, ac.chart_link AS link,
498 t.rate AS taxrate, t.taxdescription,
500 tc.accno AS tax_accno, tc.description AS tax_accname,
503 project.projectnumber as projectnumber, project.description as projectdescription,
504 department.description as departmentdescription
506 LEFT JOIN ap ON (ac.trans_id = ap.id)
507 LEFT JOIN vendor ct ON (ap.vendor_id = ct.id)
508 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
509 LEFT JOIN tax t ON (ac.tax_id = t.id)
510 LEFT JOIN chart tc ON (t.chart_id = tc.id)
511 LEFT JOIN department ON (department.id = ap.department_id)
512 LEFT JOIN project ON (project.id = ap.globalproject_id)
513 WHERE (ap.id IS NOT NULL)
517 $ap_department_id_filter
522 SELECT ac.acc_trans_id, ac.transdate, ac.gldate, ac.trans_id,gl.id, ac.amount, ac.taxkey, ac.memo,
523 gl.reference AS invnumber, NULL AS duedate, ac.amount as umsatz, COALESCE(gl.tax_point, gl.deliverydate) AS deliverydate, gl.itime::date,
524 gl.description AS name, NULL as ustid, '' AS vcname, NULL AS customer_id, NULL AS vendor_id,
525 c.accno, c.description AS accname, c.taxkey_id as charttax, c.datevautomatik, c.id, ac.chart_link AS link,
527 t.rate AS taxrate, t.taxdescription,
529 tc.accno AS tax_accno, tc.description AS tax_accname,
532 '' as projectnumber, '' as projectdescription,
533 department.description as departmentdescription
535 LEFT JOIN gl ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id)
536 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
537 LEFT JOIN tax t ON (ac.tax_id = t.id)
538 LEFT JOIN chart tc ON (t.chart_id = tc.id)
539 LEFT JOIN department ON (department.id = gl.department_id)
540 WHERE (gl.id IS NOT NULL)
544 $gl_department_id_filter
548 ORDER BY trans_id, acc_trans_id|;
551 if ( $form->{gldatefrom} or $form->{department_id} ) {
554 if ( $form->{gldatefrom} ) {
555 my $glfromdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($form->{gldatefrom});
556 die "illegal data" unless ref($glfromdate) eq 'DateTime';
557 push(@query_args, $glfromdate);
559 if ( $form->{department_id} ) {
560 push(@query_args, $form->{department_id});
565 my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $self->dbh, $query, @query_args);
571 while ( $continue && (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc")) ) {
572 last unless $ref; # for single transactions
574 if (($counter % 500) == 0) {
575 $progress_callback->($counter);
578 my $trans = [ $ref ];
580 my $count = $ref->{amount};
583 # if the amount of a booking in a group is smaller than 0.02, any tax
584 # amounts will likely be smaller than 1 cent, so go into subcent mode
585 my $subcent = abs($count) < 0.02;
587 # records from acc_trans are ordered by trans_id and acc_trans_id
588 # first check for unbalanced ledger inside one trans_id
589 # there may be several groups inside a trans_id, e.g. the original booking and the payment
590 # each group individually should be exactly balanced and each group
591 # individually needs its own datev lines
593 # keep fetching new acc_trans lines until the end of a balanced group is reached
594 while (abs($count) > 0.01 || $firstrun || ($subcent && abs($count) > 0.005)) {
595 my $ref2 = $sth->fetchrow_hashref("NAME_lc");
601 # check if trans_id of current acc_trans line is still the same as the
602 # trans_id of the first line in group, i.e. we haven't finished a 0-group
603 # before moving on to the next trans_id, error will likely be in the old
606 if ($ref2->{trans_id} != $trans->[0]->{trans_id}) {
607 require SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction;
608 if ( $trans->[0]->{trans_id} ) {
609 my $acc_trans_obj = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_first(where => [ trans_id => $trans->[0]->{trans_id} ]);
610 $self->add_error(t8("Export error in transaction #1: Unbalanced ledger before next transaction (#2)",
611 $acc_trans_obj->transaction_name, $ref2->{trans_id})
617 push @{ $trans }, $ref2;
619 $count += $ref2->{amount};
623 foreach my $i (0 .. scalar(@{ $trans }) - 1) {
624 my $ref = $trans->[$i];
625 my $prev_ref = 0 < $i ? $trans->[$i - 1] : undef;
626 if ( $all_taxchart_ids{$ref->{id}}
627 && ($ref->{link} =~ m/(?:AP_tax|AR_tax)/)
628 && ( ($prev_ref && $prev_ref->{taxkey} && (_sign($ref->{amount}) == _sign($prev_ref->{amount})))
629 || $ref->{invoice})) {
633 if ( !$ref->{invoice} # we have a non-invoice booking (=gl)
634 && $ref->{is_tax} # that has "is_tax" set
635 && !($prev_ref->{is_tax}) # previous line wasn't is_tax
636 && (_sign($ref->{amount}) == _sign($prev_ref->{amount}))) { # and sign same as previous sign
637 $trans->[$i - 1]->{tax_amount} = $ref->{amount};
642 if (scalar(@{$trans}) <= 2) {
643 push @{ $self->{DATEV} }, $trans;
647 # determine at which array position the reference value (called absumsatz) is
648 # and which amount it has
650 for my $j (0 .. (scalar(@{$trans}) - 1)) {
653 # 1: gl transaction (Dialogbuchung), invoice is false, no double split booking allowed
655 # 2: sales or vendor invoice (Verkaufs- und Einkaufsrechnung): invoice is
656 # true, instead of absumsatz use link AR/AP (there should only be one
659 # 3. AR/AP transaction (Kreditoren- und Debitorenbuchung): invoice is false,
660 # instead of absumsatz use link AR/AP (there should only be one, so jump
661 # out of search as soon as you find it )
664 # for gl-bookings no split is allowed and there is no AR/AP account, so we always use the maximum value as a reference
665 # for ap/ar bookings we can always search for AR/AP in link and use that
666 if ( ( not $trans->[$j]->{'invoice'} and abs($trans->[$j]->{'amount'}) > abs($absumsatz) )
667 or ($trans->[$j]->{'invoice'} and ($trans->[$j]->{'link'} eq 'AR' or $trans->[$j]->{'link'} eq 'AP'))) {
668 $absumsatz = $trans->[$j]->{'amount'};
673 # Problem: we can't distinguish between AR and AP and normal invoices via boolean "invoice"
674 # for AR and AP transaction exit the loop as soon as an AR or AP account is found
675 # there must be only one AR or AP chart in the booking
676 # since it is possible to do this kind of things with GL too, make sure those don't get aborted in case someone
677 # manually pays an invoice in GL.
678 if ($trans->[$j]->{table} ne 'gl' and ($trans->[$j]->{'link'} eq 'AR' or $trans->[$j]->{'link'} eq 'AP')) {
679 $notsplitindex = $j; # position in booking with highest amount
680 $absumsatz = $trans->[$j]->{'amount'};
685 my $ml = ($trans->[0]->{'umsatz'} > 0) ? 1 : -1;
686 my $rounding_error = 0;
689 # go through each line and determine if it is a tax booking or not
690 # skip all tax lines and notsplitindex line
691 # push all other accounts (e.g. income or expense) with corresponding taxkey
693 for my $j (0 .. (scalar(@{$trans}) - 1)) {
694 if ( ($j != $notsplitindex)
695 && !$trans->[$j]->{is_tax}
696 && ( $trans->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq ""
697 || $trans->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "0"
698 || $trans->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "1"
699 || $trans->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "10"
700 || $trans->[$j]->{'taxkey'} eq "11")) {
702 map { $new_trans{$_} = $trans->[$notsplitindex]->{$_}; } keys %{ $trans->[$notsplitindex] };
704 $absumsatz += $trans->[$j]->{'amount'};
705 $new_trans{'amount'} = $trans->[$j]->{'amount'} * (-1);
706 $new_trans{'umsatz'} = abs($trans->[$j]->{'amount'}) * $ml;
707 $trans->[$j]->{'umsatz'} = abs($trans->[$j]->{'amount'}) * $ml;
709 push @{ $self->{DATEV} }, [ \%new_trans, $trans->[$j] ];
711 } elsif (($j != $notsplitindex) && !$trans->[$j]->{is_tax}) {
714 map { $new_trans{$_} = $trans->[$notsplitindex]->{$_}; } keys %{ $trans->[$notsplitindex] };
716 my $tax_rate = $trans->[$j]->{'taxrate'};
717 $new_trans{'net_amount'} = $trans->[$j]->{'amount'} * -1;
718 $new_trans{'tax_rate'} = 1 + $tax_rate;
720 if (!$trans->[$j]->{'invoice'}) {
721 $new_trans{'amount'} = $form->round_amount(-1 * ($trans->[$j]->{amount} + $trans->[$j]->{tax_amount}), 2);
722 $new_trans{'umsatz'} = abs($new_trans{'amount'}) * $ml;
723 $trans->[$j]->{'umsatz'} = $new_trans{'umsatz'};
724 $absumsatz += -1 * $new_trans{'amount'};
727 my $unrounded = $trans->[$j]->{'amount'} * (1 + $tax_rate) * -1 + $rounding_error;
728 my $rounded = $form->round_amount($unrounded, 2);
730 $rounding_error = $unrounded - $rounded;
731 $new_trans{'amount'} = $rounded;
732 $new_trans{'umsatz'} = abs($rounded) * $ml;
733 $trans->[$j]->{'umsatz'} = $new_trans{umsatz};
734 $absumsatz -= $rounded;
737 push @{ $self->{DATEV} }, [ \%new_trans, $trans->[$j] ];
738 push @taxed, $self->{DATEV}->[-1];
744 while ((abs($absumsatz) >= 0.01) && (abs($absumsatz) < 1.00)) {
745 if ($idx >= scalar @taxed) {
746 last if (!$correction);
752 my $transaction = $taxed[$idx]->[0];
754 my $old_amount = $transaction->{amount};
755 my $old_correction = $correction;
758 if (!$transaction->{diff}) {
759 @possible_diffs = (0.01, -0.01);
761 @possible_diffs = ($transaction->{diff});
764 foreach my $diff (@possible_diffs) {
765 my $net_amount = $form->round_amount(($transaction->{amount} + $diff) / $transaction->{tax_rate}, 2);
766 next if ($net_amount != $transaction->{net_amount});
768 $transaction->{diff} = $diff;
769 $transaction->{amount} += $diff;
770 $transaction->{umsatz} += $diff;
780 $absumsatz = $form->round_amount($absumsatz, 2);
781 if (abs($absumsatz) >= (0.01 * (1 + scalar @taxed))) {
782 require SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction;
783 my $acc_trans_obj = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_first(where => [ trans_id => $trans->[0]->{trans_id} ]);
784 $self->add_error(t8("Export error in transaction #1: Rounding error too large #2",
785 $acc_trans_obj->transaction_name, $absumsatz)
787 } elsif (abs($absumsatz) >= 0.01) {
788 $self->add_net_gross_differences($absumsatz);
794 $::lxdebug->leave_sub;
797 sub generate_datev_lines {
800 my @datev_lines = ();
802 foreach my $transaction ( @{ $self->{DATEV} } ) {
804 # each $transaction entry contains data from several acc_trans entries
805 # belonging to the same trans_id
807 my %datev_data = (); # data for one transaction
808 my $trans_lines = scalar(@{$transaction});
816 my $buchungstext = "";
818 my $datevautomatik = 0;
823 for (my $i = 0; $i < $trans_lines; $i++) {
824 if ($trans_lines == 2) {
825 if (abs($transaction->[$i]->{'amount'}) > abs($umsatz)) {
826 $umsatz = $transaction->[$i]->{'amount'};
829 if (abs($transaction->[$i]->{'umsatz'}) > abs($umsatz)) {
830 $umsatz = $transaction->[$i]->{'umsatz'};
833 if ($transaction->[$i]->{'datevautomatik'}) {
836 if ($transaction->[$i]->{'taxkey'}) {
837 $taxkey = $transaction->[$i]->{'taxkey'};
839 if ($transaction->[$i]->{'charttax'}) {
840 $charttax = $transaction->[$i]->{'charttax'};
842 if ($transaction->[$i]->{'amount'} > 0) {
849 if ($trans_lines >= 2) {
851 # Personenkontenerweiterung: accno has already been replaced if use_pk was set
852 $datev_data{'gegenkonto'} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'accno'};
853 $datev_data{'konto'} = $transaction->[$soll]->{'accno'};
854 if ($transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'} ne "") {
855 $datev_data{belegfeld1} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'invnumber'};
857 $datev_data{datum} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'transdate'};
858 $datev_data{waehrung} = 'EUR';
859 $datev_data{kost1} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'departmentdescription'};
860 $datev_data{kost2} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'projectdescription'};
862 if ($transaction->[$haben]->{'name'} ne "") {
863 $datev_data{buchungstext} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'name'};
865 if (($transaction->[$haben]->{'ustid'} // '') ne "") {
866 $datev_data{ustid} = SL::VATIDNr->normalize($transaction->[$haben]->{'ustid'});
868 if (($transaction->[$haben]->{'duedate'} // '') ne "") {
869 $datev_data{belegfeld2} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'duedate'};
872 # if deliverydate exists, add it to datev export if it is
873 # * an ar/ap booking that is not a payment
875 if ( ($transaction->[$haben]->{'deliverydate'} // '') ne ''
877 ( $transaction->[$haben]->{'table'} =~ /^(ar|ap)$/
878 && $transaction->[$haben]->{'link'} !~ m/_paid/
879 && $transaction->[$soll]->{'link'} !~ m/_paid/
881 || $transaction->[$haben]->{'table'} eq 'gl'
884 $datev_data{leistungsdatum} = $transaction->[$haben]->{'deliverydate'};
887 $datev_data{umsatz} = abs($umsatz); # sales invoices without tax have a different sign???
889 # Dies ist die einzige Stelle die datevautomatik auswertet. Was soll gesagt werden?
890 # Im Prinzip hat jeder acc_trans Eintrag einen Steuerschlüssel, außer, bei gewissen Fällen
891 # wie: Kreditorenbuchung mit negativen Vorzeichen, SEPA-Export oder Rechnungen die per
892 # Skript angelegt werden.
893 # Also falls ein Steuerschlüssel da ist und NICHT datevautomatik diesen Block hinzufügen.
894 # Oder aber datevautomatik ist WAHR, aber der Steuerschlüssel in der acc_trans weicht
895 # von dem in der Chart ab: Also wahrscheinlich Programmfehler (NULL übergeben, statt
896 # DATEV-Steuerschlüssel) oder der Steuerschlüssel des Kontos weicht WIRKLICH von dem Eintrag in der
897 # acc_trans ab. Gibt es für diesen Fall eine plausiblen Grund?
900 # only set buchungsschluessel if the following conditions are met:
901 if ( ( $datevautomatik || $taxkey)
902 && (!$datevautomatik || ($datevautomatik && ($charttax ne $taxkey)))) {
903 # $datev_data{buchungsschluessel} = !$datevautomatik ? $taxkey : "4";
904 $datev_data{buchungsschluessel} = $taxkey;
906 # set lock for each transaction
907 $datev_data{locked} = $self->locked;
909 push(@datev_lines, \%datev_data) if $datev_data{umsatz};
912 # example of modifying export data:
913 # foreach my $datev_line ( @datev_lines ) {
914 # if ( $datev_line{"konto"} eq '1234' ) {
915 # $datev_line{"konto"} = '9999';
920 return \@datev_lines;
923 sub check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers {
926 # better use a class variable and set this in sub new (also needed in DATEV::CSV)
927 # calculation is also a bit more sane in sub check_valid_length_of_accounts
928 my $length_of_accounts = length(SL::DB::Manager::Chart->get_first(where => [charttype => 'A'])->accno) // 4;
929 my $pk_length = $length_of_accounts + 1;
931 SELECT customernumber AS vcnumber FROM customer WHERE customernumber !~ '^[[:digit:]]{$pk_length}\$'
933 SELECT vendornumber AS vcnumber FROM vendor WHERE vendornumber !~ '^[[:digit:]]{$pk_length}\$'
936 my ($has_non_pk_accounts) = selectrow_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query);
937 return defined $has_non_pk_accounts ? 0 : 1;
941 sub check_valid_length_of_accounts {
945 SELECT DISTINCT char_length (accno) FROM chart WHERE charttype='A' AND id in (select chart_id from acc_trans);
948 my $accno_length = selectall_hashref_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query);
949 if (1 < scalar @$accno_length) {
950 $::form->error(t8("Invalid combination of ledger account number length." .
951 " Mismatch length of #1 with length of #2. Please check your account settings. ",
952 $accno_length->[0]->{char_length}, $accno_length->[1]->{char_length}));
958 clean_temporary_directories();
969 SL::DATEV - kivitendo DATEV Export module
973 use SL::DATEV qw(:CONSTANTS);
975 my $startdate = DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 9, day => 1);
976 my $enddate = DateTime->new(year => 2014, month => 9, day => 31);
977 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
978 exporttype => DATEV_ET_BUCHUNGEN,
979 format => DATEV_FORMAT_KNE,
984 # To only export transactions from a specific trans_id: (from and to are ignored)
985 my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( invnumber => '216' );
986 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
987 exporttype => DATEV_ET_BUCHUNGEN,
988 format => DATEV_FORMAT_KNE,
989 trans_id => $invoice->trans_id,
992 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
993 exporttype => DATEV_ET_STAMM,
994 format => DATEV_FORMAT_KNE,
995 accnofrom => $start_account_number,
996 accnoto => $end_account_number,
999 # get or set datev stamm
1000 my $hashref = $datev->get_datev_stamm;
1001 $datev->save_datev_stamm($hashref);
1003 # manually clean up temporary directories older than 8 hours
1004 $datev->clean_temporary_directories;
1009 if ($datev->errors) {
1010 die join "\n", $datev->error;
1013 # get relevant data for saving the export:
1014 my $dl_token = $datev->download_token;
1015 my $path = $datev->export_path;
1016 my @files = $datev->filenames;
1018 # retrieving an export at a later time
1019 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
1020 download_token => $dl_token_from_user,
1023 my $path = $datev->export_path;
1024 my @files = glob("$path/*");
1026 # Only test the datev data of a specific trans_id, without generating an
1027 # export file, but filling $datev->errors if errors exist
1029 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
1030 trans_id => $invoice->trans_id,
1032 $datev->generate_datev_data;
1033 # if ($datev->errors) { ...
1038 This module implements the DATEV export standard. For usage see above.
1046 Generic constructor. See section attributes for information about what to pass.
1048 =item generate_datev_data
1050 Fetches all transactions from the database (via a trans_id or a date range),
1051 and does an initial transformation (e.g. filters out tax, determines
1052 the brutto amount, checks split transactions ...) and stores this data in
1055 If any errors are found these are collected in $self->errors.
1057 This function is needed for all the exports, but can be also called
1058 independently in order to check transactions for DATEV compatibility.
1060 =item generate_datev_lines
1062 Parse the data in $self->{DATEV} and transform it into a format that can be
1063 used by DATEV, e.g. determines Konto and Gegenkonto, the taxkey, ...
1065 The transformed data is returned as an arrayref, which is ready to be converted
1066 to a DATEV data format, e.g. KNE, OBE, CSV, ...
1068 At this stage the "DATEV rule" has already been applied to the taxkeys, i.e.
1069 entries with datevautomatik have an empty taxkey, as the taxkey is already
1070 determined by the chart.
1072 =item get_datev_stamm
1074 Loads DATEV Stammdaten and returns as hashref.
1076 =item save_datev_stamm HASHREF
1078 Saves DATEV Stammdaten from provided hashref.
1082 See L<CONSTANTS> for possible values
1084 =item has_exporttype
1086 Returns true if an exporttype has been set. Without exporttype most report functions won't work.
1090 Specifies the designated format of the export. Currently only KNE export is implemented.
1092 See L<CONSTANTS> for possible values
1096 Returns true if a format has been set. Without format most report functions won't work.
1098 =item download_token
1100 Returns a download token for this DATEV object.
1102 Note: If either a download_token or export_path were set at the creation these are infered, otherwise randomly generated.
1106 Returns an export_path for this DATEV object.
1108 Note: If either a download_token or export_path were set at the creation these are infered, otherwise randomly generated.
1112 Returns a list of filenames generated by this DATEV object. This only works if the files were generated during its lifetime, not if the object was created from a download_token.
1114 =item net_gross_differences
1116 If there were any net gross differences during calculation they will be collected here.
1118 =item sum_net_gross_differences
1120 Sum of all differences.
1122 =item clean_temporary_directories
1124 Forces a garbage collection on previous exports which will delete all exports that are older than 8 hours. It will be automatically called on destruction of the object, but is advised to be called manually before delivering results of an export to the user.
1128 Returns a list of errors that occurred. If no errors occurred, the export was a success.
1132 Exports data. You have to have set L<exporttype> and L<format> or an error will
1133 occur. OBE exports are currently not implemented.
1135 =item csv_export_for_tax_accountant
1137 Generates up to four downloadable csv files containing data about sales and
1138 purchase invoices, and their respective payments:
1141 my $startdate = DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 1, day => 1);
1142 my $enddate = DateTime->new(year => 2012, month => 12, day => 31);
1143 SL::DATEV->new(from => $startdate, to => $enddate)->csv_export_for_tax_accountant;
1145 # 'download_token' => '1488551625-815654-22430',
1147 # 'Zahlungen Kreditorenbuchungen 2012-01-01 - 2012-12-31.csv',
1148 # 'Kreditorenbuchungen 2012-01-01 - 2012-12-31.csv',
1149 # 'Zahlungen Debitorenbuchungen 2012-01-01 - 2012-12-31.csv',
1150 # 'Debitorenbuchungen 2012-01-01 - 2012-12-31.csv'
1155 =item check_vcnumbers_are_valid_pk_numbers
1157 Returns 1 if all vcnumbers are suitable for the DATEV export, 0 if not.
1159 Finds the default length of charts (e.g. 4), adds 1 for the pk chart length
1160 (e.g. 5), and checks the database for any customers or vendors whose customer-
1161 or vendornumber doesn't consist of only numbers with exactly that length. E.g.
1162 for a chart length of four "10001" would be ok, but not "10001b" or "1000".
1164 All vcnumbers are checked, obsolete customers or vendors aren't exempt.
1166 There is also no check for the typical customer range 10000-69999 and the
1167 typical vendor range 70000-99999.
1169 =item check_valid_length_of_accounts
1171 Returns 1 if all currently booked accounts have only one common number length domain (e.g. 4 or 6).
1172 Will throw an error if more than one distinct size is detected.
1173 The error message gives a short hint with the value of the (at least)
1174 two mismatching number length domains.
1180 This is a list of attributes set in either the C<new> or a method of the same name.
1186 Set a database handle to use in the process. This allows for an export to be
1187 done on a transaction in progress without committing first.
1189 Note: If you don't want this code to commit, simply providing a dbh is not
1190 enough enymore. You'll have to wrap the call into a transaction yourself, so
1191 that the internal transaction does not commit.
1195 See L<CONSTANTS> for possible values. This MUST be set before export is called.
1199 See L<CONSTANTS> for possible values. This MUST be set before export is called.
1201 =item download_token
1203 Can be set on creation to retrieve a prior export for download.
1209 Set boundary dates for the export. Unless a trans_id is passed these MUST be
1210 set for the export to work.
1214 To check only one gl/ar/ap transaction, pass the trans_id. The attributes
1215 L<from> and L<to> are currently still needed for the query to be assembled
1222 Set boundary account numbers for the export. Only useful for a stammdaten export.
1226 Boolean if the transactions are locked (read-only in kivitenod) or not.
1227 Default value is false
1233 =head2 Supplied to L<exporttype>
1239 =item DATEV_ET_STAMM
1243 =head2 Supplied to L<format>.
1253 =head1 ERROR HANDLING
1255 This module will die in the following cases:
1261 No or unrecognized exporttype or format was provided for an export
1265 OBE export was called, which is not yet implemented.
1273 Errors that occur during th actual export will be collected in L<errors>. The following types can occur at the moment:
1279 C<Unbalanced Ledger!>. Exactly that, your ledger is unbalanced. Should never occur.
1283 C<Datev-Export fehlgeschlagen! Bei Transaktion %d (%f).> This error occurs if a
1284 transaction could not be reliably sorted out, or had rounding errors above the acceptable threshold.
1288 =head1 BUGS AND CAVEATS
1294 Handling of Vollvorlauf is currently not fully implemented. You must provide both from and to in order to get a working export.
1298 OBE export is currently not implemented.
1304 - handling of export_path and download token is a bit dodgy, clean that up.
1308 L<SL::DATEV::KNEFile>
1313 Philip Reetz E<lt>p.reetz@linet-services.deE<gt>,
1315 Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>,
1317 Jan Büren E<lt>jan@lx-office-hosting.deE<gt>,
1319 Geoffrey Richardson E<lt>information@lx-office-hosting.deE<gt>,
1321 Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>,