1 package SL::DB::Helper::Payment;
5 use parent qw(Exporter);
6 our @EXPORT = qw(pay_invoice);
7 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(skonto_date skonto_charts amount_less_skonto within_skonto_period percent_skonto reference_account reference_amount open_amount open_percent remaining_skonto_days skonto_amount check_skonto_configuration valid_skonto_amount get_payment_suggestions validate_payment_type open_sepa_transfer_amount get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction exchangerate forex);
12 require SL::DB::Chart;
15 use SL::DATEV qw(:CONSTANTS);
16 use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
17 use List::Util qw(sum);
18 use SL::DB::Exchangerate;
23 # Public functions not exported by default
27 my ($self, %params) = @_;
31 my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
32 my $mult = $is_sales ? 1 : -1; # multiplier for getting the right sign depending on ar/ap
34 my $paid_amount = 0; # the amount that will be later added to $self->paid, should be in default currency
36 # default values if not set
37 $params{payment_type} = 'without_skonto' unless $params{payment_type};
38 validate_payment_type($params{payment_type});
40 # check for required parameters and optional params depending on payment_type
41 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(chart_id transdate));
42 if ( $params{'payment_type'} eq 'without_skonto' && abs($params{'amount'}) < 0) {
43 croak "invalid amount for payment_type 'without_skonto': $params{'amount'}\n";
45 if ($params{'payment_type'} eq 'free_skonto') {
46 # we dont like too much automagic for this payment type.
47 # we force caller input for amount and skonto amount
48 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(amount skonto_amount));
49 # secondly we dont want to handle credit notes and purchase credit notes
50 croak("Cannot use 'free skonto' for credit or debit notes") if ($params{amount} <= 0 || $params{skonto_amount} <= 0);
51 # both amount have to be rounded
52 $params{skonto_amount} = _round($params{skonto_amount});
53 $params{amount} = _round($params{amount});
54 # lastly skonto_amount has to be smaller than the open invoice amount or payment amount ;-)
55 if ($params{skonto_amount} > abs($self->open_amount) || $params{skonto_amount} > $params{amount}) {
56 croak("Skonto amount higher than the payment or invoice amount");
61 if (ref($params{transdate}) eq 'DateTime') {
62 $transdate_obj = $params{transdate};
64 $transdate_obj = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($params{transdate});
66 croak t8('Illegal date') unless ref $transdate_obj;
68 # check for closed period
69 my $closedto = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::instance_conf->get_closedto);
70 if ( ref $closedto && $transdate_obj < $closedto ) {
71 croak t8('Cannot post payment for a closed period!');
74 # check for maximum number of future days
75 if ( $::instance_conf->get_max_future_booking_interval > 0 ) {
76 croak t8('Cannot post transaction above the maximum future booking date!') if $transdate_obj > DateTime->now->add( days => $::instance_conf->get_max_future_booking_interval );
79 # currency is either passed or use the invoice currency if it differs from the default currency
80 my ($exchangerate,$currency);
81 if ($params{currency} || $params{currency_id} || $self->currency_id != $::instance_conf->get_currency_id) {
82 if ($params{currency} || $params{currency_id} ) { # currency was specified
83 $currency = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(name => $params{currency}) || SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(id => $params{currency_id});
84 } else { # use invoice currency
85 $currency = SL::DB::Manager::Currency->find_by(id => $self->currency_id);
87 die "no currency" unless $currency;
88 if ($currency->id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id) {
91 my $rate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $currency->id,
92 transdate => $transdate_obj,
95 $exchangerate = $is_sales ? $rate->buy : $rate->sell;
97 die "No exchange rate for " . $transdate_obj->to_kivitendo;
100 } else { # no currency param given or currency is the same as default_currency
104 # options with_skonto_pt and difference_as_skonto don't require the parameter
105 # amount, but if amount is passed, make sure it matches the expected value
106 if ( $params{'payment_type'} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
107 croak "amount $params{amount} doesn't match open amount " . $self->open_amount . ", diff = " . ($params{amount}-$self->open_amount) if $params{amount} && abs($self->open_amount - $params{amount} ) > 0.0000001;
108 } elsif ( $params{'payment_type'} eq 'with_skonto_pt' ) {
109 croak "amount $params{amount} doesn't match amount less skonto: " . $self->amount_less_skonto . "\n" if $params{amount} && abs($self->amount_less_skonto - $params{amount} ) > 0.0000001;
110 croak "payment type with_skonto_pt can't be used if payments have already been made" if $self->paid != 0;
113 # absolute skonto amount for invoice, use as reference sum to see if the
114 # calculated skontos add up
115 # only needed for payment_term "with_skonto_pt"
117 my $skonto_amount_check = $self->skonto_amount; # variable should be zero after calculating all skonto
118 my $total_open_amount = $self->open_amount;
120 # account where money is paid to/from: bank account or cash
121 my $account_bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $params{chart_id});
122 croak "can't find bank account with id " . $params{chart_id} unless ref $account_bank;
124 my $reference_account = $self->reference_account;
125 croak "can't find reference account (link = AR/AP) for invoice" unless ref $reference_account;
127 my $memo = $params{memo} // '';
128 my $source = $params{source} // '';
130 my $rounded_params_amount = _round( $params{amount} ); # / $exchangerate);
131 my $fx_gain_loss_amount = 0; # for fx_gain and fx_loss
134 $db->with_transaction(sub {
137 # all three payment type create 1 AR/AP booking (the paid part)
138 # difference_as_skonto creates n skonto bookings (1 for each buchungsgruppe type)
139 # with_skonto_pt creates 1 bank booking and n skonto bookings (1 for each buchungsgruppe type)
140 # without_skonto creates 1 bank booking
142 # as long as there is no automatic tax, payments are always booked with
145 unless ( $params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
146 # cases with_skonto_pt, free_skonto and without_skonto
148 # for case with_skonto_pt we need to know the corrected amount at this
149 # stage if we are going to use $params{amount}
151 my $pay_amount = $rounded_params_amount;
152 $pay_amount = $self->amount_less_skonto if $params{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt';
154 # bank account and AR/AP
155 $paid_amount += $pay_amount * $exchangerate;
157 my $amount = (-1 * $pay_amount) * $mult;
160 # total amount against bank, do we already know this by now?
161 $new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
162 chart_id => $account_bank->id,
163 chart_link => $account_bank->link,
165 transdate => $transdate_obj,
168 project_id => $params{project_id} ? $params{project_id} : undef,
170 tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
171 $new_acc_trans->save;
173 push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
174 # deal with fxtransaction
175 if ( $self->currency_id != $::instance_conf->get_currency_id ) {
176 my $fxamount = _round($amount - ($amount * $exchangerate));
177 $new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
178 chart_id => $account_bank->id,
179 chart_link => $account_bank->link,
180 amount => $fxamount * -1,
181 transdate => $transdate_obj,
186 tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
187 $new_acc_trans->save;
188 push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
189 # if invoice exchangerate differs from exchangerate of payment
190 # deal with fxloss and fxamount
191 if ($self->exchangerate and $self->exchangerate != 1 and $self->exchangerate != $exchangerate) {
192 my $fxgain_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxgain_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxgain chart";
193 my $fxloss_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $::instance_conf->get_fxloss_accno_id) || die "Can't determine fxloss chart";
194 my $gain_loss_amount = _round($amount * ($exchangerate - $self->exchangerate ) * -1,2);
195 my $gain_loss_chart = $gain_loss_amount > 0 ? $fxgain_chart : $fxloss_chart;
196 $fx_gain_loss_amount = $gain_loss_amount;
198 $new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
199 chart_id => $gain_loss_chart->id,
200 chart_link => $gain_loss_chart->link,
201 amount => $gain_loss_amount,
202 transdate => $transdate_obj,
207 tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
208 $new_acc_trans->save;
209 push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
214 # better everything except without_skonto
215 if ($params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' or $params{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt'
216 or $params{payment_type} eq 'free_skonto' ) {
218 my $total_skonto_amount;
219 if ( $params{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt' ) {
220 $total_skonto_amount = $self->skonto_amount;
221 } elsif ( $params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
222 $total_skonto_amount = $self->open_amount;
223 } elsif ( $params{payment_type} eq 'free_skonto') {
224 $total_skonto_amount = $params{skonto_amount};
226 my @skonto_bookings = $self->skonto_charts($total_skonto_amount);
229 if ( $params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
230 my $calculated_skonto_sum = sum map { $_->{skonto_amount} } @skonto_bookings;
231 croak "calculated skonto for difference_as_skonto = $calculated_skonto_sum doesn't add up open amount: " . $self->open_amount unless _round($calculated_skonto_sum) == _round($self->open_amount);
234 my $reference_amount = $total_skonto_amount;
236 # create an acc_trans entry for each result of $self->skonto_charts
237 foreach my $skonto_booking ( @skonto_bookings ) {
238 next unless $skonto_booking->{'chart_id'};
239 next unless $skonto_booking->{'skonto_amount'} != 0;
240 my $amount = -1 * $skonto_booking->{skonto_amount};
241 $new_acc_trans = SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
242 chart_id => $skonto_booking->{'chart_id'},
243 chart_link => SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $skonto_booking->{'chart_id'})->link,
244 amount => $amount * $mult,
245 transdate => $transdate_obj,
246 source => $params{source},
248 tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
250 # the acc_trans entries are saved individually, not added to $self and then saved all at once
251 $new_acc_trans->save;
252 push @new_acc_ids, $new_acc_trans->acc_trans_id;
254 $reference_amount -= abs($amount);
255 $paid_amount += -1 * $amount * $exchangerate;
256 $skonto_amount_check -= $skonto_booking->{'skonto_amount'};
258 if ( $params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
259 die "difference_as_skonto calculated incorrectly, sum of calculated payments doesn't add up to open amount $total_open_amount, reference_amount = $reference_amount\n" unless _round($reference_amount) == 0;
265 if ( $params{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
266 $arap_amount = $total_open_amount;
267 } elsif ( $params{payment_type} eq 'without_skonto' ) {
268 $arap_amount = $rounded_params_amount;
269 } elsif ( $params{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt' ) {
270 # this should be amount + sum(amount+skonto), but while we only allow
271 # with_skonto_pt for completely unpaid invoices we just use the value
273 $arap_amount = $total_open_amount;
274 } elsif ( $params{payment_type} eq 'free_skonto' ) {
275 # we forced positive values and forced rounding at the beginning
276 # therefore the above comment can be safely applied for this payment type
277 $arap_amount = $params{amount} + $params{skonto_amount};
280 # regardless of payment_type there is always only exactly one arap booking
281 # TODO: compare $arap_amount to running total
282 my $arap_booking= SL::DB::AccTransaction->new(trans_id => $self->id,
283 chart_id => $reference_account->id,
284 chart_link => $reference_account->link,
285 amount => _round($arap_amount * $mult * $exchangerate - $fx_gain_loss_amount),
286 transdate => $transdate_obj,
287 source => '', #$params{source},
289 tax_id => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 0)->id);
291 push @new_acc_ids, $arap_booking->acc_trans_id;
293 $fx_gain_loss_amount *= -1 if $self->is_sales;
294 $self->paid($self->paid + _round($paid_amount) + $fx_gain_loss_amount) if $paid_amount;
295 $self->datepaid($transdate_obj);
298 # make sure transactions will be reloaded the next time $self->transactions
299 # is called, as pay_invoice saves the acc_trans objects individually rather
300 # than adding them to the transaction relation array.
301 $self->forget_related('transactions');
305 if ( ( $self->invoice && $::instance_conf->get_datev_check_on_sales_invoice ) ||
306 ( !$self->invoice && $::instance_conf->get_datev_check_on_ar_transaction )) {
310 if ( ( $self->invoice && $::instance_conf->get_datev_check_on_purchase_invoice ) ||
311 ( !$self->invoice && $::instance_conf->get_datev_check_on_ap_transaction )) {
316 if ( $datev_check ) {
318 my $datev = SL::DATEV->new(
320 trans_id => $self->{id},
323 $datev->generate_datev_data;
325 if ($datev->errors) {
326 # this exception should be caught by with_transaction, which handles the rollback
327 die join "\n", $::locale->text('DATEV check returned errors:'), $datev->errors;
333 }) || die t8('error while paying invoice #1 : ', $self->invnumber) . $db->error . "\n";
334 return wantarray ? @new_acc_ids : 1;
341 return undef unless ref $self->payment_terms;
342 return undef unless $self->payment_terms->terms_skonto > 0;
343 return DateTime->from_object(object => $self->transdate)->add(days => $self->payment_terms->terms_skonto);
346 sub reference_account {
349 my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
351 require SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction;
353 my $link_filter = $is_sales ? 'AR' : 'AP';
355 my $acc_trans = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(
356 trans_id => $self->id,
357 SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->chart_link_filter("$link_filter")
360 return undef unless ref $acc_trans;
362 my $reference_account = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(id => $acc_trans->chart_id);
364 return $reference_account;
367 sub reference_amount {
370 my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
372 require SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction;
374 my $link_filter = $is_sales ? 'AR' : 'AP';
376 my $acc_trans = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(
377 trans_id => $self->id,
378 SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->chart_link_filter("$link_filter")
381 return undef unless ref $acc_trans;
383 # this should be the same as $self->amount
384 return $acc_trans->amount;
391 # in the future maybe calculate this from acc_trans
393 # if the difference is 0.01 Cent this may end up as 0.009999999999998
394 # numerically, so round this value when checking for cent threshold >= 0.01
396 return ($self->amount // 0) - ($self->paid // 0);
402 return 0 if $self->amount == 0;
404 if ( $self->open_amount < 0 ) {
405 # overpaid, currently treated identically
406 $open_percent = $self->open_amount * 100 / $self->amount;
408 $open_percent = $self->open_amount * 100 / $self->amount;
411 return _round($open_percent) || 0;
417 return $self->amount - $self->amount_less_skonto;
420 sub remaining_skonto_days {
423 return undef unless ref $self->skonto_date;
425 my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new($self->skonto_date - DateTime->today);
426 return $dur->delta_days();
433 my $percent_skonto = 0;
435 return undef unless ref $self->payment_terms;
436 return undef unless $self->payment_terms->percent_skonto > 0;
437 $percent_skonto = $self->payment_terms->percent_skonto;
439 return $percent_skonto;
442 sub amount_less_skonto {
443 # amount that has to be paid if skonto applies, always return positive rounded values
444 # no, rare case, but credit_notes and negative ap have negative amounts
445 # and therefore this comment may be misguiding
446 # the result is rounded so we can directly compare it with the user input
449 my $percent_skonto = $self->percent_skonto || 0;
451 return _round($self->amount - ( $self->amount * $percent_skonto) );
455 sub check_skonto_configuration {
458 my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
460 my $skonto_configured = 1; # default is assume skonto works
462 # my $transactions = $self->transactions;
463 foreach my $transaction (@{ $self->transactions }) {
464 # find all transactions with an AR_amount or AP_amount link
465 my $tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->get_first( where => [taxkey => $transaction->taxkey, id => $transaction->tax_id ]);
467 # acc_trans entries for the taxes (chart_link == A[RP]_tax) often
468 # have combinations of taxkey & tax_id that don't exist in
469 # tax. Those must be skipped.
470 next if !$tax && ($transaction->chart_link !~ m{A[RP]_amount});
472 croak "no tax for taxkey " . $transaction->{taxkey} unless ref $tax;
474 $transaction->{chartlinks} = { map { $_ => 1 } split(m/:/, $transaction->chart_link) };
475 if ( $is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AR_amount} ) {
476 $skonto_configured = 0 unless $tax->skonto_sales_chart_id;
477 } elsif ( !$is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AP_amount}) {
478 $skonto_configured = 0 unless $tax->skonto_purchase_chart_id;
482 return $skonto_configured;
485 sub open_sepa_transfer_amount {
488 my ($vc, $key, $type);
489 if ( ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice' ) {
499 my $sql = qq|SELECT SUM(sei.amount) AS amount FROM sepa_export_items sei | .
500 qq| LEFT JOIN sepa_export se ON (sei.sepa_export_id = se.id) | .
501 qq| WHERE $key = ? AND NOT se.closed AND (se.vc = '$vc') |;
503 my ($open_sepa_amount) = $self->db->dbh->selectrow_array($sql, undef, $self->id);
505 return $open_sepa_amount || 0;
513 # TODO: use param for amount, may also want to calculate skonto_amounts by
514 # passing percentage in the future
516 my $amount = shift || $self->skonto_amount;
518 croak "no amount passed to skonto_charts" unless abs(_round($amount)) >= 0.01;
520 # TODO: check whether there are negative values in invoice / acc_trans ... credited items
522 # don't check whether skonto applies, because user may want to override this
523 # return undef unless $self->percent_skonto;
525 my $is_sales = ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Invoice';
527 my $mult = $is_sales ? 1 : -1; # multiplier for getting the right sign
529 my @skonto_charts; # resulting array with all income/expense accounts that have to be corrected
531 # calculate effective skonto (percentage) in difference_as_skonto mode
532 # only works if there are no negative acc_trans values
533 my $effective_skonto_rate = $amount ? $amount / $self->amount : 0;
536 my $total_skonto_amount = 0;
537 my $total_rounding_error = 0;
539 my $reference_ARAP_amount = 0;
541 # my $transactions = $self->transactions;
542 foreach my $transaction (@{ $self->transactions }) {
543 # find all transactions with an AR_amount or AP_amount link
544 $transaction->{chartlinks} = { map { $_ => 1 } split(m/:/, $transaction->{chart_link}) };
545 # second condition is that we can determine an automatic Skonto account for each AR_amount entry
547 if ( ( $is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AR_amount} ) or ( !$is_sales && $transaction->{chartlinks}->{AP_amount}) ) {
548 # $reference_ARAP_amount += $transaction->{amount} * $mult;
550 # quick hack that works around problem of non-unique tax keys in SKR04
551 # ? use tax_id in acc_trans
552 my $tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->get_first( where => [id => $transaction->{tax_id}]);
553 croak "no tax for taxkey " . $transaction->{taxkey} unless ref $tax;
556 die t8('no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3', $transaction->{taxkey} , $tax->taxdescription , $tax->rate*100) unless ref $tax->skonto_sales_chart;
558 die t8('no skonto_chart configured for taxkey #1 : #2 : #3', $transaction->{taxkey} , $tax->taxdescription , $tax->rate*100) unless ref $tax->skonto_purchase_chart;
561 my $skonto_amount_unrounded;
563 my $skonto_percent_abs = $self->amount ? abs($transaction->amount * (1 + $tax->rate) * 100 / $self->amount) : 0;
565 my $transaction_amount = abs($transaction->{amount} * (1 + $tax->rate));
566 my $transaction_skonto_percent = abs($transaction_amount/$self->amount); # abs($transaction->{amount} * (1 + $tax->rate));
569 $skonto_amount_unrounded = abs($amount * $transaction_skonto_percent);
570 my $skonto_amount_rounded = _round($skonto_amount_unrounded);
571 my $rounding_error = $skonto_amount_unrounded - $skonto_amount_rounded;
572 my $rounded_rounding_error = _round($rounding_error);
574 $total_rounding_error += $rounding_error;
575 $total_skonto_amount += $skonto_amount_rounded;
578 # skonto_percent_abs: relative part of amount + tax to the total invoice amount
579 'skonto_percent_abs' => $skonto_percent_abs,
580 'chart_id' => $is_sales ? $tax->skonto_sales_chart->id : $tax->skonto_purchase_chart->id,
581 'skonto_amount' => $skonto_amount_rounded,
582 # 'rounding_error' => $rounding_error,
583 # 'rounded_rounding_error' => $rounded_rounding_error,
586 push @skonto_charts, $rec;
590 # if the rounded sum of all rounding_errors reaches 0.01 this sum is
591 # subtracted from the largest skonto_amount
592 my $rounded_total_rounding_error = abs(_round($total_rounding_error));
594 if ( $rounded_total_rounding_error > 0 ) {
595 my $highest_amount_pos = 0;
596 my $highest_amount = 0;
598 foreach my $ref ( @skonto_charts ) {
600 if ( $ref->{skonto_amount} > $highest_amount ) {
601 $highest_amount = $ref->{skonto_amount};
602 $highest_amount_pos = $i;
605 $skonto_charts[$i]->{skonto_amount} -= $rounded_total_rounding_error;
608 return @skonto_charts;
612 sub within_skonto_period {
614 my $dateref = shift || DateTime->now->truncate( to => 'day' );
616 return undef unless ref $dateref eq 'DateTime';
617 return 0 unless $self->skonto_date;
619 # return 1 if requested date (or today) is inside skonto period
620 # this will also return 1 if date is before the invoice date
621 return $dateref <= $self->skonto_date;
624 sub valid_skonto_amount {
626 my $amount = shift || 0;
627 my $max_skonto_percent = 0.10;
629 return 0 unless $amount > 0;
631 # does this work for other currencies?
632 return ($self->amount*$max_skonto_percent) > $amount;
635 sub get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction {
636 my ($self, $bt_id, %params) = @_;
639 # CAVEAT template code expects with_skonto_pt at position 1 for visual help
640 # due to skonto_charts, we cannot offer skonto for credit notes and neg ap
641 my $skontoable = $self->amount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
643 if(!$self->skonto_date) {
644 push(@options, { payment_type => 'without_skonto', display => t8('without skonto'), selected => 1 });
645 # wrong call to presenter or not implemented? disabled option is ignored
646 # push(@options, { payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt', display => t8('with skonto acc. to pt'), disabled => 1 });
647 push(@options, { payment_type => 'free_skonto', display => t8('free skonto') }) if $skontoable;
650 # valid skonto date, check if skonto is preferred
651 my $bt = SL::DB::BankTransaction->new(id => $bt_id)->load;
652 if ($self->skonto_date && $self->within_skonto_period($bt->transdate)) {
653 push(@options, { payment_type => 'without_skonto', display => t8('without skonto') });
654 push(@options, { payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt', display => t8('with skonto acc. to pt'), selected => 1 }) if $skontoable;
656 push(@options, { payment_type => 'without_skonto', display => t8('without skonto') , selected => 1 });
657 push(@options, { payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt', display => t8('with skonto acc. to pt')}) if $skontoable;
659 push(@options, { payment_type => 'free_skonto', display => t8('free skonto') }) if $skontoable;
666 return 1 if $self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
668 die "transdate isn't a DateTime object:" . ref($self->transdate) unless ref($self->transdate) eq 'DateTime';
669 my $rate = SL::DB::Manager::Exchangerate->find_by(currency_id => $self->currency_id,
670 transdate => $self->transdate,
672 return undef unless $rate;
674 return $self->is_sales ? $rate->buy : $rate->sell; # also undef if not defined
677 sub get_payment_suggestions {
679 my ($self, %params) = @_;
681 my $open_amount = $self->open_amount;
682 $open_amount -= $self->open_sepa_transfer_amount if $params{sepa};
684 $self->{invoice_amount_suggestion} = $open_amount;
685 undef $self->{payment_select_options};
686 push(@{$self->{payment_select_options}} , { payment_type => 'without_skonto', display => t8('without skonto') });
687 if ( $self->within_skonto_period ) {
688 # If there have been no payments yet suggest amount_less_skonto, otherwise the open amount
689 if ( $open_amount && # invoice amount not 0
690 $open_amount == $self->amount && # no payments yet, or sum of payments and sepa export amounts is zero
691 $self->check_skonto_configuration) {
692 $self->{invoice_amount_suggestion} = $self->amount_less_skonto;
693 push(@{$self->{payment_select_options}} , { payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt', display => t8('with skonto acc. to pt') , selected => 1 });
695 if ( ( $self->valid_skonto_amount($self->open_amount) || $self->valid_skonto_amount($open_amount) ) and not $params{sepa} ) {
696 $self->{invoice_amount_suggestion} = $open_amount;
697 # only suggest difference_as_skonto if open_amount exactly matches skonto_amount
698 # AND we aren't in SEPA mode
700 $selected = 1 if _round($open_amount) == _round($self->skonto_amount);
701 push(@{$self->{payment_select_options}} , { payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto', display => t8('difference as skonto') , selected => $selected });
705 # invoice was configured with skonto, but skonto date has passed, or no skonto available
706 $self->{invoice_amount_suggestion} = $open_amount;
707 # difference_as_skonto doesn't make any sense for SEPA transfer, as this doesn't cause any actual payment
708 if ( $self->valid_skonto_amount($self->open_amount) && not $params{sepa} ) {
709 push(@{$self->{payment_select_options}} , { payment_type => 'difference_as_skonto', display => t8('difference as skonto') , selected => 0 });
715 # locales for payment type
717 # $main::locale->text('without_skonto')
718 # $main::locale->text('with_skonto_pt')
719 # $main::locale->text('difference_as_skonto')
722 sub validate_payment_type {
723 my $payment_type = shift;
725 my %allowed_payment_types = map { $_ => 1 } qw(without_skonto with_skonto_pt difference_as_skonto free_skonto);
726 croak "illegal payment type: $payment_type, must be one of: " . join(' ', keys %allowed_payment_types) unless $allowed_payment_types{ $payment_type };
733 $self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id ? return 0 : return 1;
739 return $::form->round_amount($value, 2);
750 SL::DB::Helper::Payment Mixin providing helper methods for paying C<Invoice>
751 and C<PurchaseInvoice> objects and using skonto
755 In addition to actually causing a payment via pay_invoice this helper contains
756 many methods that help in determining information about the status of the
757 invoice, such as the remaining open amount, whether skonto applies, until which
758 date skonto applies, the skonto amount and relative percentages, what to do
761 To prevent duplicate code this was all added in this mixin rather than directly
762 in SL::DB::Invoice and SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice.
766 =item C<pay_invoice %params>
768 Create a payment booking for an existing invoice object (type ar/ap/is/ir) via
769 a configured bank account.
771 This function deals with all the acc_trans entries and also updates paid and datepaid.
772 The params C<transdate> and C<chart_id> are mandantory.
773 If the default payment ('without_skonto') is used the param amount is also
775 If the payment type ('free_skonto') is used the number params skonto_amount and amount
776 are as well mandantory and need to be positive. Furthermore the skonto amount has
777 to be lower than the payment or open invoice amount.
779 Transdate can either be a date object or a date string.
780 Chart_id is the id of the payment booking chart.
781 Amount is either a postive or negative number, but never 0.
786 my $ap = SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by( invnumber => '1');
787 my $bank = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by( name => 'Bank');
788 $ap->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->chart_id,
789 amount => $ap->open_amount,
790 transdate => DateTime->now->to_kivitendo,
793 payment_type => 'without_skonto', # default if not specified
798 $ap->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->chart_id,
799 amount => $ap->amount, # doesn't need to be specified
800 transdate => DateTime->now->to_kivitendo,
803 payment_type => 'with_skonto',
806 or in a certain currency:
807 $ap->pay_invoice(chart_id => $bank->chart_id,
810 transdate => DateTime->now->to_kivitendo,
813 payment_type => 'with_skonto_pt',
816 Allowed payment types are:
817 without_skonto with_skonto_pt difference_as_skonto
819 The option C<payment_type> allows for a basic skonto mechanism.
821 C<without_skonto> is the default mode, "amount" is paid to the account in
822 chart_id. This can also be used for partial payments and corrections via
825 C<with_skonto_pt> can't be used for partial payments. When used on unpaid
826 invoices the whole amount is paid, with the skonto part automatically being
827 booked according to the skonto chart configured in the tax settings for each
828 tax key. If an amount is passed it is ignored and the actual configured skonto
831 C<difference_as_skonto> can only be used after partial payments have been made,
832 the whole specified amount is booked according to the skonto charts configured
833 in the tax settings for each tax key.
835 So passing amount doesn't have any effect for the cases C<with_skonto_pt> and
836 C<difference_as_skonto>, as all necessary values are taken from the stored
839 The skonto modes automatically calculate the relative amounts for a mix of
840 taxes, e.g. items with 7% and 19% in one invoice. There is a helper method
841 skonto_charts, which calculates the relative percentages according to the
842 amounts in acc_trans (which are grouped by tax).
844 There is currently no way of excluding certain items in an invoice from having
845 skonto applied to them. If this feature was added to parts the calculation
846 method of relative skonto would have to be completely rewritten using the
847 invoice items rather than acc_trans.
849 The skonto modes also still don't automatically correct the tax, this still has
850 to be done manually. Therefore all payments generated by pay_invoice have
853 There is currently no way to directly pay an invoice via this method if the
854 effective skonto differs from the skonto according to the payment terms
855 configured for the invoice/vendor.
857 In this case one has to pay in two steps: first the actual paid amount via
858 "without skonto", and then the remainder via "difference_as_skonto". The user
859 has to there actively decide whether to accept the differing skonto.
861 Because of the way skonto_charts works the calculation doesn't work if there
862 are negative values in acc_trans. E.g. one invoice with a positive value for
863 19% tax and a negative value for the acc_trans line with 7%
865 Skonto doesn't/shouldn't apply if the invoice contains credited items.
867 If no amount is given the whole open amout is paid.
869 If neither currency or currency_id are given as params, the currency of the
870 invoice is assumed to be the payment currency.
872 If successful the return value will be 1 in scalar context or in list context
873 the two ids (acc_trans_id) of the newly created bookings.
875 =item C<reference_account>
877 Returns a chart object which is the chart of the invoice with link AR or AP.
879 Example (1200 is the AR account for SKR04):
880 my $invoice = invoice(invnumber => '144');
881 $invoice->reference_account->accno
884 =item C<percent_skonto>
886 Returns the configured skonto percentage of the payment terms of an invoice,
887 e.g. 0.02 for 2%. Payment terms come from invoice settingssettings for ap.
889 =item C<amount_less_skonto>
891 If the invoice has a payment term,
892 calculate the amount to be paid in the case of skonto. This doesn't check,
893 whether skonto applies (i.e. skonto doesn't wasn't exceeded), it just subtracts
894 the configured percentage (e.g. 2%) from the total amount.
896 The returned value is rounded to two decimals.
900 The date up to which skonto may be taken. This is calculated from the invoice
901 date + the number of days configured in the payment terms.
903 This method can also be used to determine whether skonto applies for the
904 invoice, as it returns undef if there is no payment term or skonto days is set
907 =item C<within_skonto_period [DATE]>
911 Checks whether the invoice has payment terms configured, and whether the date
912 is within the skonto max date. If no date is passed the current date is used.
914 You can also pass a dateref object as a parameter to check whether skonto
915 applies for that date rather than the current date.
917 =item C<valid_skonto_amount>
919 Takes an amount as an argument and checks whether the amount is less than 10%
920 of the total amount of the invoice. The value of 10% is currently hardcoded in
921 the method. This method is currently used to check whether to offer the payment
922 option "difference as skonto".
925 if ( $invoice->valid_skonto_amount($invoice->open_amount) ) {
929 =item C<skonto_charts [$amount]>
931 Returns a list of chart_ids and some calculated numbers that can be used for
932 paying the invoice with skonto. This function will automatically calculate the
933 relative skonto amounts even if the invoice contains several types of taxes
937 my $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(invnumber => '211');
938 my @skonto_charts = $invoice->skonto_charts;
940 or with the total skonto amount as an argument:
941 my @skonto_charts = $invoice->skonto_charts($invoice->open_amount);
943 The following values are generated for each chart:
949 The chart id of the skonto amount to be booked.
951 =item C<skonto_amount>
953 The total amount to be paid to the account
955 =item C<skonto_percent>
957 The relative percentage of that skonto chart. This can be useful if the actual
958 ekonto that is paid deviates from the granted skonto, e.g. customer effectively
959 pays 2.6% skonto instead of 2%, and we accept this. Then we can still calculate
960 the relative skonto amounts for different taxes based on the absolute
961 percentages. Used for case C<difference_as_skonto>.
963 =item C<skonto_percent_abs>
965 The absolute percentage of that skonto chart in relation to the total amount.
966 Used to calculate skonto_amount for case C<with_skonto_pt>.
970 If the invoice contains several types of taxes then skonto_charts can be used
971 to calculate the relative amounts.
973 Example in console of an invoice with 100 Euro at 7% and 100 Euro at 19% with
976 my $invoice = invoice(invnumber => '144');
979 $invoice->payment_terms->percent_skonto
981 $invoice->skonto_charts
982 pp $invoice->skonto_charts
985 # 'skonto_amount' => '2.14',
986 # 'skonto_percent' => '47.3451327433627'
990 # 'skonto_amount' => '2.38',
991 # 'skonto_percent' => '52.654867256637'
994 C<skonto_charts> always returns positive values (abs) for C<skonto_amount> and
997 C<skonto_charts> generates one entry for each acc_trans entry. ar and ap
998 bookings only have one acc_trans entry for each taxkey (e.g. 7% and 19%). This
999 is because all the items are grouped according to the Buchungsgruppen mechanism
1000 and the totals are written to acc_trans. For is and ir it is possible to have
1001 several acc_trans entries with the same tax. In this case skonto_charts
1002 generates a skonto booking for each acc_trans income/expense entry.
1004 In the future this function may also be used to calculate the corrections for
1007 =item C<open_amount>
1009 Unrounded total open amount of invoice (amount - paid).
1010 Doesn't take into account pending SEPA transfers.
1012 =item C<open_percent>
1014 Percentage of the invoice that is still unpaid, e.g. 100,00 if no payments have
1015 been made yet, 0,00 if fully paid.
1017 =item C<remaining_skonto_days>
1019 How many days skonto can still be taken, calculated from current day. Returns 0
1020 if current day is the max skonto date, and negative number if skonto date has
1023 Returns undef if skonto is not configured for that invoice.
1025 =item C<get_payment_suggestions %params>
1027 Creates data intended for an L.select_tag dropdown that can be used in a
1028 template. Depending on the rules it will choose from the options
1029 without_skonto, with_skonto_pt and difference_as_skonto, and select the most
1032 If the parameter "sepa" is passed, the SEPA export payments that haven't been
1033 executed yet are considered when determining the open amount of the invoice.
1035 The current rules are:
1039 =item * without_skonto is always an option
1041 =item * with_skonto_pt is only offered if there haven't been any payments yet and the current date is within the skonto period.
1043 =item * difference_as_skonto is only offered if there have already been payments made and the open amount is smaller than 10% of the total amount.
1045 with_skonto_pt will only be offered, if all the AR_amount/AP_amount have a
1046 taxkey with a configured skonto chart
1050 It will also fill $self->{invoice_amount_suggestion} with either the open
1051 amount, or if with_skonto_pt is selected, with amount_less_skonto, so the
1052 template can fill the input with the likely amount.
1055 my $ar = invoice( invnumber => '257');
1056 $ar->get_payment_suggestions;
1057 print $ar->{invoice_amount_suggestion} . "\n";
1059 pp $ar->{payment_select_options}
1062 # 'display' => 'ohne Skonto',
1063 # 'payment_type' => 'without_skonto'
1066 # 'display' => 'mit Skonto nach ZB',
1067 # 'payment_type' => 'with_skonto_pt',
1072 The resulting array $ar->{payment_select_options} can be used in a template
1073 select_tag using value_key and title_key:
1075 [% L.select_tag('payment_type_' _ loop.count, invoice.payment_select_options, value_key => 'payment_type', title_key => 'display', id => 'payment_type_' _ loop.count) %]
1077 It would probably make sense to have different rules for the pre-selected items
1078 for sales and purchase, and to also make these rules configurable in the
1079 defaults. E.g. when creating a SEPA bank transfer for vendor invoices a company
1080 might always want to pay quickly making use of skonto, while another company
1081 might always want to pay as late as possible.
1083 =item C<get_payment_select_options_for_bank_transaction $banktransaction_id %params>
1085 Make suggestion for a skonto payment type by returning an HTML blob of the options
1086 of a HTML drop-down select with the most likely option preselected.
1088 This is a helper function for BankTransaction/ajax_payment_suggestion and
1089 template/webpages/bank_transactions/invoices.html
1091 We are working with an existing payment, so difference_as_skonto never makes sense.
1093 If skonto is not possible (skonto_date does not exists) simply return
1094 the single 'no skonto' option as a visual hint.
1096 If skonto is possible (skonto_date exists), add two possibilities:
1097 without_skonto and with_skonto_pt if payment date is within skonto_date,
1098 preselect with_skonto_pt, otherwise preselect without skonto.
1100 =item C<exchangerate>
1102 Returns 1 immediately if the record uses the default currency.
1104 Returns the exchangerate in database format for the invoice according to that
1105 invoice's transdate, returning 'buy' for sales, 'sell' for purchases.
1107 If no exchangerate can be found for that day undef is returned.
1111 Returns 1 if record uses a different currency, 0 if the default currency is used.
1115 =head1 TODO AND CAVEATS
1121 when looking at open amount, maybe consider that there may already be queued
1122 amounts in SEPA Export
1124 =item * C<skonto_charts>
1126 Cannot handle negative skonto amounts, will always calculate the skonto amount
1127 for credit notes or negative ap transactions with a positive sign.
1134 G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitendo-premium.de<gt>