1 package SL::DB::Helper::PriceTaxCalculator;
5 use parent qw(Exporter);
6 our @EXPORT = qw(calculate_prices_and_taxes _calculate_item);
9 use List::Util qw(sum min max);
11 sub calculate_prices_and_taxes {
12 my ($self, %params) = @_;
14 require SL::DB::Chart;
15 require SL::DB::Currency;
16 require SL::DB::Default;
17 require SL::DB::InvoiceItem;
19 require SL::DB::PriceFactor;
22 SL::DB::Part->load_cached(map { $_->parts_id } @{ $self->items }) if @{ $self->items || [] };
24 my %units_by_name = map { ( $_->name => $_ ) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Unit->get_all };
25 my %price_factors_by_id = map { ( $_->id => $_ ) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PriceFactor->get_all };
27 my %data = ( lastcost_total => 0,
29 last_incex_chart_id => undef,
30 units_by_name => \%units_by_name,
31 price_factors_by_id => \%price_factors_by_id,
32 taxes_by_chart_id => { },
33 taxes_by_tax_id => { },
37 assembly_items => [ ],
38 exchangerate => undef,
39 is_sales => $self->can('customer') && $self->customer,
40 is_invoice => (ref($self) =~ /Invoice/) || $params{invoice},
44 # set exchangerate in $data>{exchangerate}
45 if ( ref($self) eq 'SL::DB::Order' ) {
46 # orders store amount in the order currency
47 $data{exchangerate} = 1;
48 $data{allow_optional_items} = 1;
50 # invoices store amount in the default currency
51 _get_exchangerate($self, \%data, %params);
52 # $data{exchangerate} = $self->exchangerate; # untested alternative for setting exchangerate
56 $self->marge_total(0);
58 SL::DB::Manager::Chart->cache_taxkeys(date => $self->effective_tax_point);
61 foreach my $item (@{ $self->items_sorted }) {
63 _calculate_item($self, $item, $idx, \%data, %params);
66 _calculate_amounts($self, \%data, %params);
68 return $self unless wantarray;
70 return map { ($_ => $data{$_}) } qw(taxes_by_chart_id taxes_by_tax_id amounts amounts_cogs allocated exchangerate assembly_items items rounding);
73 sub _get_exchangerate {
74 my ($self, $data, %params) = @_;
76 my $currency = $self->currency_id ? SL::DB::Currency->load_cached($self->currency_id)->name || '' : '';
77 if ($currency ne SL::DB::Default->get_default_currency) {
78 $data->{exchangerate} = $::form->check_exchangerate(\%::myconfig, $currency, $self->transdate, $data->{is_sales} ? 'buy' : 'sell');
79 $data->{exchangerate} ||= $params{exchangerate};
81 $data->{exchangerate} ||= 1;
85 my ($self, $item, $idx, $data, %params) = @_;
87 my $part = SL::DB::Part->load_cached($item->parts_id);
90 my $part_unit = $data->{units_by_name}->{ $part->unit };
91 my $item_unit = $data->{units_by_name}->{ $item->unit };
93 croak("Undefined unit " . $part->unit) if !$part_unit;
94 croak("Undefined unit " . $item->unit) if !$item_unit;
96 $item->base_qty($item_unit->convert_to($item->qty, $part_unit));
97 $item->fxsellprice($item->sellprice) if $data->{is_invoice};
99 my $num_dec = max 2, _num_decimal_places($item->sellprice);
101 $item->discount(0) if !$item->discount;
103 # don't include rounded discount into sellprice for calculation
104 # any time the sellprice is multiplied with qty discount has to be considered as part of the multiplication
105 my $sellprice = $item->sellprice;
107 $item->price_factor( ! $item->price_factor_obj ? 1 : ($item->price_factor_obj->factor || 1));
108 $item->marge_price_factor(! $part->price_factor ? 1 : ($part->price_factor->factor || 1));
109 my $linetotal = _round($sellprice * (1 - $item->discount) * $item->qty / $item->price_factor, 2) * $data->{exchangerate};
110 $linetotal = _round($linetotal, 2);
112 $data->{invoicediff} += $sellprice * (1 - $item->discount) * $item->qty * $data->{exchangerate} / $item->price_factor - $linetotal if $self->taxincluded;
114 my $taxkey = $part->get_taxkey(date => $self->effective_tax_point, is_sales => $data->{is_sales}, taxzone => $self->taxzone_id);
115 my $tax_rate = $taxkey->tax->rate;
116 my $tax_amount = undef;
118 if ($self->taxincluded) {
119 $tax_amount = $linetotal * $tax_rate / ($tax_rate + 1);
120 $sellprice = $sellprice / ($tax_rate + 1);
123 $tax_amount = $linetotal * $tax_rate;
125 my $chart = $part->get_chart(type => $data->{is_sales} ? 'income' : 'expense', taxzone => $self->taxzone_id);
126 unless ($data->{allow_optional_items} && $item->optional) {
127 if ($taxkey->tax->chart_id) {
128 $data->{taxes_by_chart_id}->{ $taxkey->tax->chart_id } ||= 0;
129 $data->{taxes_by_chart_id}->{ $taxkey->tax->chart_id } += $tax_amount;
130 $data->{taxes_by_tax_id}->{ $taxkey->tax_id } ||= 0;
131 $data->{taxes_by_tax_id}->{ $taxkey->tax_id } += $tax_amount;
132 } elsif ($tax_amount) {
133 die "tax_amount != 0 but no chart_id for taxkey " . $taxkey->id . " tax " . $taxkey->tax->id;
136 $data->{amounts}->{ $chart->id } ||= { taxkey => $taxkey->taxkey_id, tax_id => $taxkey->tax_id, amount => 0 };
137 $data->{amounts}->{ $chart->id }->{amount} += $linetotal;
138 $data->{amounts}->{ $chart->id }->{amount} -= $tax_amount if $self->taxincluded;
140 my $linetotal_cost = 0;
143 $item->marge_total( 0);
144 $item->marge_percent(0);
147 my $lastcost = !(($item->lastcost // 0) * 1) ? ($part->lastcost || 0) : $item->lastcost;
148 $linetotal_cost = _round($lastcost * $item->qty / $item->marge_price_factor, 2);
149 my $linetotal_net = $self->taxincluded ? $linetotal - $tax_amount : $linetotal;
151 $item->marge_total( $linetotal_net - $linetotal_cost);
152 $item->marge_percent($item->marge_total * 100 / $linetotal_net);
154 unless ($data->{allow_optional_items} && $item->optional) {
155 $self->marge_total( $self->marge_total + $item->marge_total);
156 $data->{lastcost_total} += $linetotal_cost;
160 push @{ $data->{assembly_items} }, [];
161 if ($part->is_assembly) {
162 _calculate_assembly_item($self, $data, $part, $item->base_qty, $item_unit->convert_to(1, $part_unit));
163 } elsif ($part->is_part) {
164 if ($data->{is_invoice}) {
165 $item->allocated(_calculate_part_item($self, $data, $part, $item->base_qty, $item_unit->convert_to(1, $part_unit)));
169 $data->{last_incex_chart_id} = $chart->id if $data->{is_sales};
171 my $item_sellprice = _round($sellprice * (1 - $item->discount), $num_dec);
173 push @{ $data->{items} }, {
174 linetotal => $linetotal,
175 linetotal_cost => $linetotal_cost,
176 sellprice => $item_sellprice,
177 tax_amount => $tax_amount,
178 taxkey_id => $taxkey->id,
181 _dbg("CALCULATE! ${idx} i.qty " . $item->qty . " i.sellprice " . $item->sellprice . " sellprice $sellprice num_dec $num_dec taxamount $tax_amount " .
182 "i.linetotal $linetotal netamount " . $self->netamount . " marge_total " . $item->marge_total . " marge_percent " . $item->marge_percent);
185 sub _calculate_amounts {
186 my ($self, $data, %params) = @_;
189 foreach my $chart_id (keys %{ $data->{taxes_by_chart_id} }) {
190 my $rounded = _round($data->{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$chart_id} * $data->{exchangerate}, 2);
191 $tax_diff += $data->{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$chart_id} * $data->{exchangerate} - $rounded if $self->taxincluded;
192 $data->{taxes_by_chart_id}->{$chart_id} = $rounded;
195 $self->netamount(sum map { $_->{amount} } values %{ $data->{amounts} });
197 my $amount = _round(($self->netamount + $tax_diff) * $data->{exchangerate}, 2);
198 my $diff = $amount - ($self->netamount + $tax_diff) * $data->{exchangerate};
199 my $netamount = $amount;
201 if ($self->taxincluded) {
202 $data->{invoicediff} += $diff;
203 $data->{amounts}->{ $data->{last_incex_chart_id} }->{amount} += $data->{invoicediff} if $data->{last_incex_chart_id};
206 _dbg("Sna " . $self->netamount . " idiff " . $data->{invoicediff} . " tdiff ${tax_diff}");
208 my $tax = sum values %{ $data->{taxes_by_chart_id} };
209 $amount = $netamount + $tax;
210 my $grossamount = _round($amount, 2, 1);
211 $data->{rounding} = _round($grossamount - $amount, 2);
212 $data->{arap_amount} = $grossamount;
214 $self->netamount( $netamount);
215 $self->amount( $grossamount);
216 $self->marge_percent($self->netamount ? ($self->netamount - $data->{lastcost_total}) * 100 / $self->netamount : 0);
219 sub _calculate_assembly_item {
220 my ($self, $data, $part, $total_qty, $base_factor) = @_;
222 return 0 if $::instance_conf->get_inventory_system eq 'periodic' || !$data->{is_invoice};
224 foreach my $assembly_entry (@{ $part->assemblies }) {
225 push @{ $data->{assembly_items}->[-1] }, { part => $assembly_entry->part,
226 qty => $total_qty * $assembly_entry->qty,
229 if ($assembly_entry->part->is_assembly) {
230 _calculate_assembly_item($self, $data, $assembly_entry->part, $total_qty * $assembly_entry->qty);
231 } elsif ($assembly_entry->part->is_part) {
232 my $allocated = _calculate_part_item($self, $data, $assembly_entry->part, $total_qty * $assembly_entry->qty);
233 $data->{assembly_items}->[-1]->[-1]->{allocated} = $allocated;
238 sub _calculate_part_item {
239 my ($self, $data, $part, $total_qty, $base_factor) = @_;
241 _dbg("cpsi tq " . $total_qty);
243 return 0 if $::instance_conf->get_inventory_system eq 'periodic' || !$data->{is_invoice} || !$total_qty;
247 my $remaining_qty = $total_qty;
248 my $expense_income_chart = $part->get_chart(type => $data->{is_sales} ? 'expense' : 'income', taxzone => $self->taxzone_id);
249 my $inventory_chart = $part->get_chart(type => 'inventory', taxzone => $self->taxzone_id);
251 my $iterator = SL::DB::Manager::InvoiceItem->get_all_iterator(query => [ and => [ parts_id => $part->id,
252 \'(base_qty + allocated) < 0' ] ]);
254 while (($remaining_qty > 0) && ($entry = $iterator->next)) {
255 my $qty = min($remaining_qty, $entry->base_qty * -1 - $entry->allocated - $data->{allocated}->{ $entry->id });
260 my $linetotal = _round(($entry->sellprice * (1 - $entry->discount) * $qty) / $base_factor, 2);
262 $data->{amounts_cogs}->{ $expense_income_chart->id } -= $linetotal;
263 $data->{amounts_cogs}->{ $inventory_chart->id } += $linetotal;
265 $data->{allocated}->{ $entry->id } ||= 0;
266 $data->{allocated}->{ $entry->id } += $qty;
267 $remaining_qty -= $qty;
272 return $remaining_qty - $total_qty;
276 return $::form->round_amount(@_);
279 sub _num_decimal_places {
280 return length( (split(/\./, '' . ($_[0] * 1), 2))[1] || '' );
284 # $::lxdebug->message(0, join(' ', @_));
296 SL::DB::Helper::PriceTaxCalculator - Mixin for calculating the prices,
297 amounts and taxes of orders, quotations, invoices
303 =item C<calculate_prices_and_taxes %params>
305 Calculates the prices, amounts and taxes for an order, a quotation or
308 The function assumes that the mixing package has a certain layout and
309 provides certain functions:
317 =item C<customer> or C<vendor>
319 Determines if the record is a sales or purchase record.
323 Accessor returning all line items for this record. The line items
324 themselves must again have a certain layout. Instances of
325 L<SL::DB::OrderItem> and L<SL::DB::InvoiceItem> are supported.
329 The following values are calculated and set for C<$self>: C<amount>,
330 C<netamount>, C<marge_percent>, C<marge_total>.
332 The following values are calculated and set for each line item:
333 C<base_qty>, C<price_factor>, C<marge_price_factor>, C<marge_total>,
336 The objects are not saved.
338 Returns C<$self> in scalar context.
340 In array context a hash with the following keys is returned:
344 =item C<taxes_by_chart_id>
346 A hash reference with the calculated taxes. The keys are chart IDs,
347 the values the rounded calculated taxes.
349 =item C<taxes_by_tax_id>
351 A hash reference with the calculated taxes. The keys are tax IDs,
352 the values the calculated taxes.
356 A hash reference with the calculated amounts. The keys are chart IDs,
357 the values are hash references containing the two keys C<amount> and
360 =item C<amounts_cogs>
362 A hash reference with the calculated amounts for costs of goods
363 sold. The keys are chart IDs, the values the calculated amounts.
365 =item C<assembly_items>
367 An array reference with as many entries as there are items in the
368 record. Each entry is again an array reference of hash references with
369 the keys C<part> (an instance of L<SL::DB::Part>), C<qty> and
370 C<allocated>. Is only valid for invoices and can be used to populate
371 the C<invoice> table with entries for assemblies.
375 A hash reference. The keys are IDs of entries in the C<invoice>
376 table. The values are the new values for the entry's C<allocated>
377 column. Only valid for invoices.
379 =item C<exchangerate>
381 The exchangerate used for the calculation.
385 An array reference. For each line item this array contains a hash ref
386 entry with additional values that have been calculated for that item
387 but that aren't stored in the item object itself. These include
388 C<linetotal>, C<linetotal_cost>, C<sellprice>, C<tax_amount> and
391 The items are stored in the same order the items are stored in the
392 object that L</calculate_prices_and_taxes> has been called on.
396 my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(id => 12345)->load;
397 my %data = $invoice->calculate_prices_and_taxes;
399 print "line total of second item: " . $data{items}->[1]->{linetotal};
411 Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>