1 package SL::Helper::Inventory;
6 use Exporter qw(import);
7 use List::Util qw(min sum);
8 use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by);
9 use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
12 use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
13 use SL::MoreCommon qw(listify);
14 use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_hashref_query selectrow_query);
15 use SL::DB::TransferType;
16 use SL::Helper::Number qw(_format_number _round_number);
17 use SL::Helper::Inventory::Allocation;
20 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_stock get_onhand allocate allocate_for_assembly produce_assembly check_constraints);
21 our %EXPORT_TAGS = (ALL => \@EXPORT_OK);
23 sub _get_stock_onhand {
26 my $onhand_mode = !!$params{onhand};
30 'MIN(EXTRACT(epoch FROM inventory.itime)) AS itime',
37 my @ids = map { ref $_ ? $_->id : $_ } listify($params{part});
38 push @where, sprintf "parts_id IN (%s)", join ', ', ("?") x @ids;
43 my @ids = map { ref $_ ? $_->id : $_ } listify($params{bin});
44 push @where, sprintf "bin_id IN (%s)", join ', ', ("?") x @ids;
48 if ($params{warehouse}) {
49 my @ids = map { ref $_ ? $_->id : $_ } listify($params{warehouse});
50 push @where, sprintf "warehouse.id IN (%s)", join ', ', ("?") x @ids;
54 if ($params{chargenumber}) {
55 my @ids = listify($params{chargenumber});
56 push @where, sprintf "chargenumber IN (%s)", join ', ', ("?") x @ids;
61 Carp::croak("not DateTime ".$params{date}) unless ref($params{date}) eq 'DateTime';
62 push @where, sprintf "shippingdate <= ?";
63 push @values, $params{date};
66 if (!$params{bestbefore} && $onhand_mode && default_show_bestbefore()) {
67 $params{bestbefore} = DateTime->now_local;
70 if ($params{bestbefore}) {
71 Carp::croak("not DateTime ".$params{date}) unless ref($params{bestbefore}) eq 'DateTime';
72 push @where, sprintf "(bestbefore IS NULL OR bestbefore >= ?)";
73 push @values, $params{bestbefore};
78 part => [ qw(parts_id) ],
79 bin => [ qw(bin_id inventory.warehouse_id)],
80 warehouse => [ qw(inventory.warehouse_id) ],
81 chargenumber => [ qw(chargenumber) ],
82 bestbefore => [ qw(bestbefore) ],
83 for_allocate => [ qw(parts_id bin_id inventory.warehouse_id chargenumber bestbefore) ],
87 for (listify($params{by})) {
88 my $selects = $allowed_by{$_} or Carp::croak("unknown option for by: $_");
89 push @selects, @$selects;
90 push @groups, @$selects;
94 my $select = join ',', @selects;
95 my $where = @where ? 'WHERE ' . join ' AND ', @where : '';
96 my $group_by = @groups ? 'GROUP BY ' . join ', ', @groups : '';
99 SELECT $select FROM inventory
100 LEFT JOIN bin ON bin_id = bin.id
101 LEFT JOIN warehouse ON bin.warehouse_id = warehouse.id
106 $query .= ' HAVING SUM(qty) > 0';
109 my $results = selectall_hashref_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, $query, @values);
112 part => 'SL::DB::Manager::Part',
113 bin => 'SL::DB::Manager::Bin',
114 warehouse => 'SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse',
120 warehouse => 'warehouse_id',
123 if ($params{by} && $params{with_objects}) {
124 for my $with_object (listify($params{with_objects})) {
125 Carp::croak("unknown with_object $with_object") if !exists $with_objects{$with_object};
127 my $manager = $with_objects{$with_object};
128 my $slot = $slots{$with_object};
129 next if !(my @ids = map { $_->{$slot} } @$results);
130 my $objects = $manager->get_all(query => [ id => \@ids ]);
131 my %objects_by_id = map { $_->id => $_ } @$objects;
133 $_->{$with_object} = $objects_by_id{$_->{$slot}} for @$results;
140 return $results->[0]{qty};
145 _get_stock_onhand(@_, onhand => 0);
149 _get_stock_onhand(@_, onhand => 1);
155 croak('allocate needs a part') unless $params{part};
156 croak('allocate needs a qty') unless $params{qty};
158 my $part = $params{part};
159 my $qty = $params{qty};
161 return () if $qty <= 0;
163 my $results = get_stock(part => $part, by => 'for_allocate');
164 my %bin_whitelist = map { (ref $_ ? $_->id : $_) => 1 } grep defined, listify($params{bin});
165 my %wh_whitelist = map { (ref $_ ? $_->id : $_) => 1 } grep defined, listify($params{warehouse});
166 my %chargenumbers = map { (ref $_ ? $_->id : $_) => 1 } grep defined, listify($params{chargenumber});
168 # sort results so that chargenumbers are matched first, then wanted bins, then wanted warehouses
169 my @sorted_results = sort {
170 exists $chargenumbers{$b->{chargenumber}} <=> exists $chargenumbers{$a->{chargenumber}} # then prefer wanted chargenumbers
171 || exists $bin_whitelist{$b->{bin_id}} <=> exists $bin_whitelist{$a->{bin_id}} # then prefer wanted bins
172 || exists $wh_whitelist{$b->{warehouse_id}} <=> exists $wh_whitelist{$a->{warehouse_id}} # then prefer wanted bins
173 || $a->{itime} <=> $b->{itime} # and finally prefer earlier charges
178 for my $chunk (@sorted_results) {
179 my $qty = min($chunk->{qty}, $rest_qty);
181 # since allocate operates on stock, this also ensures that no negative stock results are used
183 push @allocations, SL::Helper::Inventory::Allocation->new(
184 parts_id => $chunk->{parts_id},
186 comment => $params{comment},
187 bin_id => $chunk->{bin_id},
188 warehouse_id => $chunk->{warehouse_id},
189 chargenumber => $chunk->{chargenumber},
190 bestbefore => $chunk->{bestbefore},
191 for_object_id => undef,
193 $rest_qty -= _round_number($qty, 5);
195 $rest_qty = _round_number($rest_qty, 5);
196 last if $rest_qty == 0;
199 die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
200 code => 'not enough to allocate',
201 message => t8("can not allocate #1 units of #2, missing #3 units", _format_number($qty), $part->displayable_name, _format_number($rest_qty)),
204 if ($params{constraints}) {
205 check_constraints($params{constraints},\@allocations);
211 sub allocate_for_assembly {
214 my $part = $params{part} or Carp::croak('allocate needs a part');
215 my $qty = $params{qty} or Carp::croak('allocate needs a qty');
216 my $wh = $params{warehouse};
217 my $wh_strict = $::instance_conf->get_produce_assembly_same_warehouse;
218 my $consume_service = $::instance_conf->get_produce_assembly_transfer_service;
220 Carp::croak('not an assembly') unless $part->is_assembly;
221 Carp::croak('No warehouse selected') if $wh_strict && !$wh;
223 my %parts_to_allocate;
225 for my $assembly ($part->assemblies) {
226 next if $assembly->part->type eq 'service' && !$consume_service;
227 $parts_to_allocate{ $assembly->part->id } //= 0;
228 $parts_to_allocate{ $assembly->part->id } += $assembly->qty * $qty;
233 for my $part_id (keys %parts_to_allocate) {
234 my $part = SL::DB::Part->load_cached($part_id);
235 push @allocations, allocate(%params, part => $part, qty => $parts_to_allocate{$part_id});
237 die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
238 code => "wrong warehouse for part",
239 message => t8('Part #1 exists in warehouse #2, but not in warehouse #3 ',
240 $part->partnumber . ' ' . $part->description,
241 SL::DB::Manager::Warehouse->find_by(id => $allocations[-1]->{warehouse_id})->description,
243 ) unless $allocations[-1]->{warehouse_id} == $wh->id;
250 sub check_constraints {
251 my ($constraints, $allocations) = @_;
252 if ('CODE' eq ref $constraints) {
253 if (!$constraints->(@$allocations)) {
254 die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
255 code => 'allocation constraints failure',
256 message => t8("Allocations didn't pass constraints"),
260 croak 'constraints needs to be a hashref' unless 'HASH' eq ref $constraints;
262 my %supported_constraints = (
264 warehouse_id => 'warehouse_id',
265 chargenumber => 'chargenumber',
268 for (keys %$constraints ) {
269 croak "unsupported constraint '$_'" unless $supported_constraints{$_};
270 next unless defined $constraints->{$_};
272 my %whitelist = map { (ref $_ ? $_->id : $_) => 1 } listify($constraints->{$_});
273 my $accessor = $supported_constraints{$_};
275 if (any { !$whitelist{$_->$accessor} } @$allocations) {
276 my %error_constraints = (
277 bin_id => t8('Bins'),
278 warehouse_id => t8('Warehouses'),
279 chargenumber => t8('Chargenumbers'),
281 my @allocs = grep { $whitelist{$_->$accessor} } @$allocations;
282 my $needed = sum map { $_->qty } grep { !$whitelist{$_->$accessor} } @$allocations;
283 my $err = t8("Cannot allocate parts.");
284 $err .= ' '.t8('part \'#\'1 in bin \'#2\' only with qty #3 (need additional #4) and chargenumber \'#5\'.',
285 SL::DB::Part->load_cached($_->parts_id)->description,
286 SL::DB::Bin->load_cached($_->bin_id)->full_description,
287 _format_number($_->qty), _format_number($needed), $_->chargenumber ? $_->chargenumber : '--') for @allocs;
288 die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
289 code => 'allocation constraints failure',
297 sub produce_assembly {
300 my $part = $params{part} or Carp::croak('produce_assembly needs a part');
301 my $qty = $params{qty} or Carp::croak('produce_assembly needs a qty');
302 my $bin = $params{bin} or Carp::croak("need target bin");
304 my $allocations = $params{allocations};
305 my $strict_wh = $::instance_conf->get_produce_assembly_same_warehouse ? $bin->warehouse : undef;
306 if ($params{auto_allocate}) {
307 Carp::croak("produce_assembly: can't have both allocations and auto_allocate") if $params{allocations};
308 $allocations = [ allocate_for_assembly(part => $part, qty => $qty, warehouse => $strict_wh, chargenumber => $params{chargenumber}) ];
310 Carp::croak("produce_assembly: need allocations or auto_allocate to produce something") if !$params{allocations};
311 $allocations = $params{allocations};
314 my $chargenumber = $params{chargenumber};
315 my $bestbefore = $params{bestbefore};
316 my $for_object_id = $params{for_object_id};
317 my $comment = $params{comment} // '';
318 my $invoice = $params{invoice};
319 my $project = $params{project};
320 my $shippingdate = $params{shippingsdate} // DateTime->now_local;
321 my $trans_id = $params{trans_id};
323 ($trans_id) = selectrow_query($::form, SL::DB->client->dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('id')| ) unless $trans_id;
325 my $trans_type_out = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(direction => 'out', description => 'used');
326 my $trans_type_in = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(direction => 'in', description => 'assembled');
328 # check whether allocations are sane
329 if (!$params{no_check_allocations} && !$params{auto_allocate}) {
330 my %allocations_by_part = map { $_->parts_id => $_->qty } @$allocations;
331 for my $assembly ($part->assemblies) {
332 $allocations_by_part{ $assembly->parts_id } -= $assembly->qty * $qty;
335 die SL::X::Inventory::Allocation->new(
336 code => "allocations are insufficient for production",
337 message => t8('can not allocate enough resources for production'),
338 ) if any { $_ < 0 } values %allocations_by_part;
342 for my $allocation (@$allocations) {
343 my $oe_id = delete $allocation->{for_object_id};
344 push @transfers, $allocation->transfer_object(
345 trans_id => $trans_id,
346 qty => -$allocation->qty,
347 trans_type => $trans_type_out,
348 shippingdate => $shippingdate,
349 employee => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current,
350 comment => t8('Used for assembly #1 #2', $part->partnumber, $part->description),
354 push @transfers, SL::DB::Inventory->new(
355 trans_id => $trans_id,
356 trans_type => $trans_type_in,
360 warehouse => $bin->warehouse_id,
361 chargenumber => $chargenumber,
362 bestbefore => $bestbefore,
363 shippingdate => $shippingdate,
367 employee => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current,
368 oe_id => $for_object_id,
371 SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
372 $_->save for @transfers;
375 die SL::DB->client->error;
381 sub default_show_bestbefore {
382 $::instance_conf->get_show_bestbefore
391 SL::WH - Warehouse and Inventory API
395 # See description for an intro to the concepts used here.
397 use SL::Helper::Inventory qw(:ALL);
399 # stock, get "what's there" for a part with various conditions:
400 my $qty = get_stock(part => $part); # how much is on stock?
401 my $qty = get_stock(part => $part, date => $date); # how much was on stock at a specific time?
402 my $qty = get_stock(part => $part, bin => $bin); # how much is on stock in a specific bin?
403 my $qty = get_stock(part => $part, warehouse => $warehouse); # how much is on stock in a specific warehouse?
404 my $qty = get_stock(part => $part, chargenumber => $chargenumber); # how much is on stock of a specific chargenumber?
406 # onhand, get "what's available" for a part with various conditions:
407 my $qty = get_onhand(part => $part); # how much is available?
408 my $qty = get_onhand(part => $part, date => $date); # how much was available at a specific time?
409 my $qty = get_onhand(part => $part, bin => $bin); # how much is available in a specific bin?
410 my $qty = get_onhand(part => $part, warehouse => $warehouse); # how much is available in a specific warehouse?
411 my $qty = get_onhand(part => $part, chargenumber => $chargenumber); # how much is availbale of a specific chargenumber?
414 my $data = get_onhand(
415 warehouse => $warehouse,
416 by => [ qw(bin part chargenumber) ],
417 with_objects => [ qw(bin part) ],
421 my @allocations = allocate(
422 part => $part, # part_id works too
423 qty => $qty, # must be positive
424 chargenumber => $chargenumber, # optional, may be arrayref. if provided these charges will be used first
425 bestbefore => $datetime, # optional, defaults to today. items with bestbefore prior to that date wont be used
426 bin => $bin, # optional, may be arrayref. if provided
429 # shortcut to allocate all that is needed for producing an assembly, will use chargenumbers as appropriate
430 my @allocations = allocate_for_assembly(
431 part => $assembly, # part_id works too
432 qty => $qty, # must be positive
435 # create allocation manually, bypassing checks. all of these need to be passed, even undefs
436 my $allocation = SL::Helper::Inventory::Allocation->new(
437 part_id => $part->id,
439 bin_id => $bin_obj->id,
440 warehouse_id => $bin_obj->warehouse_id,
441 chargenumber => '1823772365',
443 for_object_id => $order->id,
448 part => $part, # target assembly
450 allocations => \@allocations, # allocations to use. alternatively use "auto_allocate => 1,"
453 bin => $bin, # needed unless a global standard target is configured
454 chargenumber => $chargenumber, # optional
455 bestbefore => $datetime, # optional
456 comment => $comment, # optional
461 New functions for the warehouse and inventory api.
463 The WH api currently has three large shortcomings: It is very hard to just get
464 the current stock for an item, it's extremely complicated to use it to produce
465 assemblies while ensuring that no stock ends up negative, and it's very hard to
466 use it to get an overview over the actual contents of the inventory.
468 The first problem has spawned several dozen small functions in the program that
469 try to implement that, and those usually miss some details. They may ignore
470 bestbefore times, comments, ignore negative quantities etc.
472 To get this cleaned up a bit this code introduces two concepts: stock and onhand.
476 =item * Stock is defined as the actual contents of the inventory, everything that is
479 =item * Onhand is what is available, which means things that are stocked,
480 not expired and not in any other way reserved for other uses.
484 The two new functions C<get_stock> and C<get_onhand> encapsulate these principles and
485 allow simple access with some optional filters for chargenumbers or warehouses.
486 Both of them have a batch mode that can be used to get these information to
487 supplement simple reports.
489 To address the safe assembly creation a new function has been added.
490 C<allocate> will try to find the requested quantity of a part in the inventory
491 and will return allocations of it which can then be used to create the
492 assembly. Allocation will happen with the C<onhand> semantics defined above,
493 meaning that by default no expired goods will be used. The caller can supply
494 hints of what shold be used and in those cases chargenumbers will be used up as
495 much as possible first. C<allocate> will always try to fulfil the request even
496 beyond those. Should the required amount not be stocked, allocate will throw an
499 C<produce_assembly> has been rewritten to only accept parameters about the
500 target of the production, and requires allocations to complete the request. The
501 allocations can be supplied manually, or can be generated automatically.
502 C<produce_assembly> will check whether enough allocations are given to create
503 the assembly, but will not check whether the allocations are backed. If the
504 allocations are not sufficient or if the auto-allocation fails an exception
505 is returned. If you need to produce something that is not in the inventory, you
506 can bypass those checks by creating the allocations yourself (see
509 Note: this is only intended to cover the scenarios described above. For other cases:
515 If you need actual inventory objects because of record links or something like
516 that load them directly. And strongly consider redesigning that, because it's
521 You need weight or accounting information you're on your own. The inventory api
522 only concerns itself with the raw quantities.
526 If you need the first stock date of parts, or anything related to a specific
527 transfer type or direction, this is not covered yet.
535 =item * get_stock PARAMS
537 Returns for single parts how much actually exists in the inventory.
545 The part. Must be present without C<by>. May be arrayref with C<by>. Can be object or id.
549 If given, will only return stock on these bins. Optional. May be array, May be object or id.
553 If given, will only return stock on these warehouses. Optional. May be array, May be object or id.
557 If given, will return stock as it were on this timestamp. Optional. Must be L<DateTime> object.
561 If given, will only show stock with this chargenumber. Optional. May be array.
573 Will return a single qty normally, see L</"STOCK/ONHAND REPORT MODE"> for batch
574 mode when C<by> is given.
576 =item * get_onhand PARAMS
578 Returns for single parts how much is available in the inventory. That excludes
579 stock with expired bestbefore.
581 It takes the same options as L</get_stock>.
587 If given, will only return stock with a bestbefore at or after the given date.
588 Optional. Must be L<DateTime> object.
592 =item * allocate PARAMS
604 Bin object. Optional.
608 Warehouse object. Optional.
620 Tries to allocate the required quantity using what is currently onhand. If
621 given any of C<bin>, C<warehouse>, C<chargenumber>
623 =item * allocate_for_assembly PARAMS
625 Shortcut to allocate everything for an assembly. Takes the same arguments. Will
626 compute the required amount for each assembly part and allocate all of them.
628 =item * produce_assembly
635 If the special option C<by> is given with an arrayref, the result will instead
636 be an arrayref of partitioned stocks by those fields. Valid partitions are:
642 If this is given, part is optional in the parameters
654 Note: If you want to use the returned data to create allocations you I<need> to
655 enable all of these. To make this easier a special shortcut exists
657 In this mode, C<with_objects> can be used to load C<warehouse>, C<bin>,
658 C<parts> objects in one go, just like with Rose. They
659 need to be present in C<by> before that though.
663 When calling allocate, the current onhand (== available stock) of the item will
664 be used to decide which bins/chargenumbers/bestbefore can be used.
666 In general allocate will try to make the request happen, and will use the
667 provided charges up first, and then tap everything else. If you need to only
668 I<exactly> use the provided charges, you'll need to craft the allocations
669 yourself. See L</"ALLOCATION DATA STRUCTURE"> for that.
671 If C<chargenumber> is given, those will be used up next.
673 After that normal quantities will be used.
675 These are tiebreakers and expected to rarely matter in reality. If you need
676 finegrained control over which allocation is used, you may want to get the
677 onhands yourself and select the appropriate ones.
679 Only quantities with C<bestbefore> unset or after the given date will be
680 considered. If more than one charge is eligible, the earlier C<bestbefore>
683 Allocations do NOT have an internal memory and can't react to other allocations
684 of the same part earlier. Never double allocate the same part within a
689 Allocations are instances of the helper class C<SL::Helper::Inventory::Allocation>. They require
690 each of the following attributes to be set at creation time:
706 =item * for_object_id
708 If set the allocations will be marked as allocated for the given object.
709 If these allocations are later used to produce an assembly, the resulting
710 consuming transactions will be marked as belonging to the given object.
711 The object may be an order, productionorder or other objects
715 C<chargenumber>, C<bestbefore> and C<for_object_id> and C<comment> may be
716 C<undef> (but must still be present at creation time). Instances are considered
719 Allocations also provide the method C<transfer_object> which will create a new
720 C<SL::DB::Inventory> bject with all the playload.
724 # whitelist constraints
728 bin_id => \@allowed_bins,
729 chargenumber => \@allowed_chargenumbers,
736 # only allow chargenumbers with specific format
737 all { $_->chargenumber =~ /^ C \d{8} - \a{d2} $/x } @_
740 # and must all have a bestbefore date
741 all { $_->bestbefore } @_;
745 C<allocation> is "best effort" in nature. It will take the C<bin>,
746 C<chargenumber> etc hints from the parameters, but will try it's bvest to
747 fulfil the request anyway and only bail out if it is absolutely not possible.
749 Sometimes you need to restrict allocations though. For this you can pass
750 additional constraints to C<allocate>. A constraint serves as a whitelist.
751 Every allocation must fulfil every constraint by having that attribute be one
754 In case even that is not enough, you may supply a custom check by passing a
755 function that will be given the allocation objects.
757 Note that both whitelists and constraints do not influence the order of
758 allocations, which is done purely from the initial parameters. They only serve
759 to reject allocations made in good faith which do fulfil required assertions.
763 C<allocate> and C<produce_assembly> will throw exceptions if the request can
764 not be completed. The usual reason will be insufficient onhand to allocate, or
765 insufficient allocations to process the request.
769 * It's not currently possible to identify allocations between requests, for
770 example for presenting the user possible allocations and then actually using
771 them on the next request.
772 * It's not currently possible to give C<allocate> prior constraints.
773 Currently all constraints are treated as hints (and will be preferred) but
774 the internal ordering of the hints is fixed and more complex preferentials
776 * bestbefore handling is untested
777 * interaction with config option "transfer_default_ignore_onhand" is
778 currently undefined (and implicitly ignores it)
782 * define and describe error classes
783 * define wrapper classes for stock/onhand batch mode return values
784 * handle extra arguments in produce: shippingdate, project
794 Sven Schöling E<lt>sven.schoeling@googlemail.comE<gt>