5 use POSIX qw(strftime);
10 use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
11 use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
14 sub retrieve_open_invoices {
15 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
20 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
21 my $form = $main::form;
23 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
24 my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
25 my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
27 my $mandate = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? " AND COALESCE(vc.mandator_id, '') <> '' AND vc.mandate_date_of_signature IS NOT NULL " : '';
29 # in query: for customers, use payment terms from invoice, for vendors use
30 # payment terms from vendor settings
31 # currently there is no option in vendor invoices for setting payment terms,
32 # so the vendor settings are always used
34 my $payment_term_type = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? "${arap}" : 'vc';
36 # open_amount is not the current open amount according to bookkeeping, but
37 # the open amount minus the SEPA transfer amounts that haven't been closed yet
40 SELECT ${arap}.id, ${arap}.invnumber, ${arap}.transdate, ${arap}.${vc}_id as vc_id, ${arap}.amount AS invoice_amount, ${arap}.invoice,
41 (${arap}.transdate + pt.terms_skonto) as skonto_date, (pt.percent_skonto * 100) as percent_skonto,
42 (${arap}.amount - (${arap}.amount * pt.percent_skonto)) as amount_less_skonto,
43 (${arap}.amount * pt.percent_skonto) as skonto_amount,
44 vc.name AS vcname, vc.language_id, ${arap}.duedate as duedate, ${arap}.direct_debit,
46 COALESCE(vc.iban, '') <> '' AND COALESCE(vc.bic, '') <> '' ${mandate} AS vc_bank_info_ok,
48 ${arap}.amount - ${arap}.paid - COALESCE(open_transfers.amount, 0) AS open_amount
51 LEFT JOIN ${vc} vc ON (${arap}.${vc}_id = vc.id)
52 LEFT JOIN (SELECT sei.${arap}_id, SUM(sei.amount) + SUM(COALESCE(sei.skonto_amount,0)) AS amount
53 FROM sepa_export_items sei
54 LEFT JOIN sepa_export se ON (sei.sepa_export_id = se.id)
57 GROUP BY sei.${arap}_id)
58 AS open_transfers ON (${arap}.id = open_transfers.${arap}_id)
60 LEFT JOIN payment_terms pt ON (${payment_term_type}.payment_id = pt.id)
62 WHERE ${arap}.amount > (COALESCE(open_transfers.amount, 0) + ${arap}.paid)
64 ORDER BY lower(vc.name) ASC, lower(${arap}.invnumber) ASC
67 my $results = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);
69 # add some more data to $results:
70 # create drop-down data for payment types and suggest amount to be paid according
71 # to open amount or skonto
73 foreach my $result ( @$results ) {
74 my $invoice = $vc eq 'customer' ? SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( id => $result->{id} )
75 : SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by( id => $result->{id} );
77 $invoice->get_payment_suggestions(sepa => 1); # consider amounts of open entries in sepa_export_items
78 $result->{skonto_amount} = $invoice->skonto_amount;
79 $result->{within_skonto_period} = $invoice->within_skonto_period;
80 $result->{invoice_amount_suggestion} = $invoice->{invoice_amount_suggestion};
81 $result->{payment_select_options} = $invoice->{payment_select_options};
84 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
90 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
95 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(employee bank_transfers vc));
97 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
98 my $form = $main::form;
99 my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
100 my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
103 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
105 my ($export_id) = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('sepa_export_id_seq')|);
107 qq|INSERT INTO sepa_export (id, employee_id, vc)
108 VALUES (?, (SELECT id
110 WHERE login = ?), ?)|;
111 do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $export_id, $params{employee}, $vc);
113 my $q_item_id = qq|SELECT nextval('id')|;
114 my $h_item_id = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_item_id);
115 my $c_mandate = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? ', vc_mandator_id, vc_mandate_date_of_signature' : '';
116 my $p_mandate = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? ', ?, ?' : '';
119 qq|INSERT INTO sepa_export_items (id, sepa_export_id, ${arap}_id, chart_id,
120 amount, requested_execution_date, reference, end_to_end_id,
121 our_iban, our_bic, vc_iban, vc_bic,
122 skonto_amount, payment_type ${c_mandate})
127 my $h_insert = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_insert);
130 qq|SELECT arap.invnumber,
133 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (at.chart_id = c.id)
134 WHERE (at.trans_id = ?)
135 AND (c.link LIKE '%${ARAP}_paid%'))
138 FROM sepa_export_items sei
139 WHERE (sei.ap_id = ?))
143 my $h_reference = prepare_query($form, $dbh, $q_reference);
147 foreach my $transfer (@{ $params{bank_transfers} }) {
148 if (!$transfer->{reference}) {
149 do_statement($form, $h_reference, $q_reference, (conv_i($transfer->{"${arap}_id"})) x 3);
151 my ($invnumber, $num_payments) = $h_reference->fetchrow_array();
154 $transfer->{reference} = "${invnumber}-${num_payments}";
157 $h_item_id->execute();
158 my ($item_id) = $h_item_id->fetchrow_array();
160 my $end_to_end_id = strftime "LXO%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime;
161 my $item_id_len = length "$item_id";
162 my $num_zeroes = 35 - $item_id_len - length $end_to_end_id;
163 $end_to_end_id .= '0' x $num_zeroes if (0 < $num_zeroes);
164 $end_to_end_id .= $item_id;
165 $end_to_end_id = substr $end_to_end_id, 0, 35;
167 my @values = ($item_id, $export_id,
168 conv_i($transfer->{"${arap}_id"}), conv_i($transfer->{chart_id}),
169 $transfer->{amount}, conv_date($transfer->{requested_execution_date}),
170 $transfer->{reference}, $end_to_end_id,
171 map { my $pfx = $_; map { $transfer->{"${pfx}_${_}"} } qw(iban bic) } qw(our vc));
172 # save value of skonto_amount and payment_type
173 if ( $transfer->{payment_type} eq 'without_skonto' ) {
175 } elsif ($transfer->{payment_type} eq 'difference_as_skonto' ) {
176 push(@values, $transfer->{amount});
177 } elsif ($transfer->{payment_type} eq 'with_skonto_pt' ) {
178 push(@values, $transfer->{skonto_amount});
180 die "illegal payment_type: " . $transfer->{payment_type} . "\n";
182 push(@values, $transfer->{payment_type});
184 push @values, $transfer->{vc_mandator_id}, conv_date($transfer->{vc_mandate_date_of_signature}) if $params{vc} eq 'customer';
186 do_statement($form, $h_insert, $q_insert, @values);
190 $h_item_id->finish();
192 $dbh->commit() unless ($params{dbh});
194 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
199 sub retrieve_export {
200 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
205 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(id vc));
207 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
208 my $form = $main::form;
209 my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
210 my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
212 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
214 my ($joins, $columns);
216 if ($params{details}) {
217 $columns = ', arap.invoice';
218 $joins = "LEFT JOIN ${arap} arap ON (se.${arap}_id = arap.id)";
223 CASE WHEN COALESCE(e.name, '') <> '' THEN e.name ELSE e.login END AS employee
225 LEFT JOIN employee e ON (se.employee_id = e.id)
228 my $export = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($params{id}));
231 my ($columns, $joins);
233 my $mandator_id = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? ', mandator_id, mandate_date_of_signature' : '';
235 if ($params{details}) {
236 $columns = qq|, arap.invnumber, arap.invoice, arap.transdate AS reference_date, vc.name AS vc_name, vc.${vc}number AS vc_number, c.accno AS chart_accno, c.description AS chart_description ${mandator_id}|;
237 $joins = qq|LEFT JOIN ${arap} arap ON (sei.${arap}_id = arap.id)
238 LEFT JOIN ${vc} vc ON (arap.${vc}_id = vc.id)
239 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (sei.chart_id = c.id)|;
242 $query = qq|SELECT sei.*
244 FROM sepa_export_items sei
246 WHERE sei.sepa_export_id = ?|;
248 $export->{items} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, conv_i($params{id}));
251 $export->{items} = [];
254 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
260 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
265 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(id));
267 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
268 my $form = $main::form;
270 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
272 my @ids = ref $params{id} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $params{id} } : ($params{id});
273 my $placeholders = join ', ', ('?') x scalar @ids;
274 my $query = qq|UPDATE sepa_export SET closed = TRUE WHERE id IN ($placeholders)|;
276 do_query($form, $dbh, $query, map { conv_i($_) } @ids);
278 $dbh->commit() unless ($params{dbh});
280 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
284 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
289 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
290 my $form = $main::form;
291 my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
292 my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
294 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
297 'id' => [ 'se.id', ],
298 'export_date' => [ 'se.itime', ],
299 'employee' => [ 'e.name', 'se.id', ],
300 'executed' => [ 'se.executed', 'se.id', ],
301 'closed' => [ 'se.closed', 'se.id', ],
304 my %sort_spec = create_sort_spec('defs' => \%sort_columns, 'default' => 'id', 'column' => $params{sortorder}, 'dir' => $params{sortdir});
306 my (@where, @values, @where_sub, @values_sub, %joins_sub);
308 my $filter = $params{filter} || { };
310 foreach (qw(executed closed)) {
311 push @where, $filter->{$_} ? "se.$_" : "NOT se.$_" if (exists $filter->{$_});
314 my %operators = ('from' => '>=',
317 foreach my $dir (qw(from to)) {
318 next unless ($filter->{"export_date_${dir}"});
319 push @where, "se.itime $operators{$dir} ?::date";
320 push @values, $filter->{"export_date_${dir}"};
323 if ($filter->{invnumber}) {
324 push @where_sub, "arap.invnumber ILIKE ?";
325 push @values_sub, '%' . $filter->{invnumber} . '%';
326 $joins_sub{$arap} = 1;
329 if ($filter->{message_id}) {
330 push @values, '%' . $filter->{message_id} . '%';
333 SELECT sepa_export_id
334 FROM sepa_export_message_ids
335 WHERE message_id ILIKE ?
341 push @where_sub, "vc.name ILIKE ?";
342 push @values_sub, '%' . $filter->{vc} . '%';
343 $joins_sub{$arap} = 1;
347 foreach my $type (qw(requested_execution execution)) {
348 foreach my $dir (qw(from to)) {
349 next unless ($filter->{"${type}_date_${dir}"});
350 push @where_sub, "(items.${type}_date IS NOT NULL) AND (items.${type}_date $operators{$dir} ?)";
351 push @values_sub, $filter->{"${type}_date_${_}"};
357 $joins_sub .= " LEFT JOIN ${arap} arap ON (items.${arap}_id = arap.id)" if ($joins_sub{$arap});
358 $joins_sub .= " LEFT JOIN ${vc} vc ON (arap.${vc}_id = vc.id)" if ($joins_sub{vc});
360 my $where_sub = join(' AND ', map { "(${_})" } @where_sub);
362 my $query_sub = qq|se.id IN (SELECT items.sepa_export_id
363 FROM sepa_export_items items
367 push @where, $query_sub;
368 push @values, @values_sub;
371 push @where, 'se.vc = ?';
374 my $where = @where ? ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', map { "(${_})" } @where) : '';
377 qq|SELECT se.id, se.employee_id, se.executed, se.closed, itime::date AS export_date,
379 FROM sepa_export_items sei
380 WHERE (sei.sepa_export_id = se.id)) AS num_invoices,
381 (SELECT SUM(sei.amount)
382 FROM sepa_export_items sei
383 WHERE (sei.sepa_export_id = se.id)) AS sum_amounts,
384 (SELECT string_agg(semi.message_id, ', ')
385 FROM sepa_export_message_ids semi
386 WHERE semi.sepa_export_id = se.id) AS message_ids,
391 CASE WHEN COALESCE(emp.name, '') <> '' THEN emp.name ELSE emp.login END AS name
393 ) AS e ON (se.employee_id = e.id)
395 ORDER BY $sort_spec{sql}|;
397 my $results = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
399 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
405 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
410 Common::check_params(\%params, qw(items));
412 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
413 my $form = $main::form;
414 my $vc = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
415 my $arap = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'ar' : 'ap';
416 my $mult = $params{vc} eq 'customer' ? -1 : 1;
419 my $dbh = $params{dbh} || $form->get_standard_dbh($myconfig);
421 my @items = ref $params{items} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $params{items} } : ($params{items});
424 'get_item' => [ qq|SELECT sei.*
425 FROM sepa_export_items sei
428 'get_arap' => [ qq|SELECT at.chart_id
430 LEFT JOIN chart c ON (at.chart_id = c.id)
432 AND ((c.link LIKE '%:${ARAP}') OR (c.link LIKE '${ARAP}:%') OR (c.link = '${ARAP}'))
435 'add_acc_trans' => [ qq|INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, transdate, gldate, source, memo, taxkey, tax_id , chart_link)
436 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, current_date, ?, '', 0, (SELECT id FROM tax WHERE taxkey=0 LIMIT 1), (SELECT link FROM chart WHERE id=?))| ],
438 'update_arap' => [ qq|UPDATE ${arap}
442 'finish_item' => [ qq|UPDATE sepa_export_items
443 SET execution_date = ?, executed = TRUE
446 'has_unexecuted' => [ qq|SELECT sei1.id
447 FROM sepa_export_items sei1
448 WHERE (sei1.sepa_export_id = (SELECT sei2.sepa_export_id
449 FROM sepa_export_items sei2
451 AND NOT COALESCE(sei1.executed, FALSE)
454 'do_close' => [ qq|UPDATE sepa_export
455 SET executed = TRUE, closed = TRUE
459 map { unshift @{ $_ }, prepare_query($form, $dbh, $_->[0]) } values %handles;
461 foreach my $item (@items) {
463 my $item_id = conv_i($item->{id});
465 # Retrieve the item data belonging to the ID.
466 do_statement($form, @{ $handles{get_item} }, $item_id);
467 my $orig_item = $handles{get_item}->[0]->fetchrow_hashref();
469 next if (!$orig_item);
471 # fetch item_id via Rose (same id as orig_item)
472 my $sepa_export_item = SL::DB::Manager::SepaExportItem->find_by( id => $item_id);
476 if ( $sepa_export_item->ar_id ) {
477 $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by( id => $sepa_export_item->ar_id);
478 } elsif ( $sepa_export_item->ap_id ) {
479 $invoice = SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by( id => $sepa_export_item->ap_id);
481 die "sepa_export_item needs either ar_id or ap_id\n";
484 $invoice->pay_invoice(amount => $sepa_export_item->amount,
485 payment_type => $sepa_export_item->payment_type,
486 chart_id => $sepa_export_item->chart_id,
487 source => $sepa_export_item->reference,
488 transdate => $item->{execution_date}, # value from user form
491 # Update the item to reflect that it has been posted.
492 do_statement($form, @{ $handles{finish_item} }, $item->{execution_date}, $item_id);
494 # Check whether or not we can close the export itself if there are no unexecuted items left.
495 do_statement($form, @{ $handles{has_unexecuted} }, $item_id);
496 my ($has_unexecuted) = $handles{has_unexecuted}->[0]->fetchrow_array();
498 if (!$has_unexecuted) {
499 do_statement($form, @{ $handles{do_close} }, $orig_item->{sepa_export_id});
503 map { $_->[0]->finish() } values %handles;
505 $dbh->commit() unless ($params{dbh});
507 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();