2 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 // | Anuko Time Tracker
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | Copyright (c) Anuko International Ltd. (https://www.anuko.com)
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | LIBERAL FREEWARE LICENSE: This source code document may be used
8 // | by anyone for any purpose, and freely redistributed alone or in
9 // | combination with other software, provided that the license is obeyed.
11 // | There are only two ways to violate the license:
13 // | 1. To redistribute this code in source form, with the copyright
14 // | notice or license removed or altered. (Distributing in compiled
15 // | forms without embedded copyright notices is permitted).
17 // | 2. To redistribute modified versions of this code in *any* form
18 // | that bears insufficient indications that the modifications are
19 // | not the work of the original author(s).
21 // | This license applies to this document only, not any other software
22 // | that it may be combined with.
24 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
26 // | https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/credits.htm
27 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
29 // ttWeekViewHelper class groups together functions used in week view.
30 class ttWeekViewHelper {
32 // getRecordsForInterval - returns time records for a user for a given interval of dates.
33 static function getRecordsForInterval($user_id, $start_date, $end_date) {
35 $sql_time_format = "'%k:%i'"; // 24 hour format.
36 if ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format)
37 $sql_time_format = "'%h:%i %p'"; // 12 hour format for MySQL TIME_FORMAT function.
40 $mdb2 = getConnection();
43 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
44 $client_field = ', c.id as client_id, c.name as client';
46 $custom_field_1 = null;
47 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
48 $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id);
49 $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type'];
50 if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) {
51 $custom_field_1 = ', cfl.value as cf_1_value';
52 } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) {
53 $custom_field_1 = ', cfo.id as cf_1_id, cfo.value as cf_1_value';
57 $left_joins = " left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id = p.id)".
58 " left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id = t.id)";
59 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
60 $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id = c.id)";
61 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
62 if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
63 $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on (l.id = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = cfo.id) ';
64 elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN)
65 $left_joins .= 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on (l.id = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = cfo.id) ';
68 $sql = "select l.id as id, l.date as date, TIME_FORMAT(l.start, $sql_time_format) as start,
69 TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), $sql_time_format) as finish,
70 TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration, p.id as project_id, p.name as project,
71 t.id as task_id, t.name as task, l.comment, l.billable, l.invoice_id $client_field $custom_field_1
74 where l.date >= '$start_date' and l.date <= '$end_date' and l.user_id = $user_id and l.status = 1
75 order by l.date, p.name, t.name, l.start, l.id";
76 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
77 if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
78 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
79 if($val['duration']=='0:00')
88 // getDataForWeekView - builds an array to render a table of durations and comments for a week view.
89 // In a week view we want one row representing the same attributes to have 7 values for each day of week.
90 // We identify similar records by a combination of client, billable, project, task, and custom field values.
91 // This will allow us to extend the feature when more custom fields are added.
93 // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
94 // The above means client 546, billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field text "example text".
96 // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
97 // The above means client 546, not billable, project 23456, task 27464, custom field option id 7623.
99 // Daily comments are implemented as alternate rows following week durations.
100 // For example: row_0 - new entry durations, row_1 - new entry daily comments,
101 // row_2 - existing entry durations, row_3 - existing entry comments, etc.
103 // Description of $dataArray format that the function returns.
104 // $dataArray = array(
105 // array( // Row 0. This is a special, one-off row for a new week entry with empty values.
106 // 'row_id' => null, // Row identifier. Null for a new entry.
107 // 'label' => 'New entry:', // Human readable label for the row describing what this time entry is for.
108 // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '0_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null), // control_id is row_id plus day header for column.
109 // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '0_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
110 // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '0_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
111 // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '0_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
112 // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '0_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
113 // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '0_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
114 // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '0_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
117 // array( // Row 1. This row represents daily comments for a new entry in row above (row 0).
119 // 'label' => 'Notes:',
120 // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '1_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
121 // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '1_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
122 // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '1_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
123 // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '1_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
124 // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '1_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
125 // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '1_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
126 // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '1_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null)
130 // 'row_id' => 'cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623_0',
131 // 'label' => 'Anuko - Time Tracker - Coding - Option 2',
132 // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '2_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => 12345, 'duration' => '00:00'),
133 // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '2_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12346, 'duration' => '01:00'),
134 // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '2_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => 12347, 'duration' => '02:00'),
135 // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '2_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null),
136 // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '2_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12348, 'duration' => '04:00'),
137 // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '2_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => 12349, 'duration' => '04:00'),
138 // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '2_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'duration' => null)
141 // 'row_id' => 'cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623_0_notes',
142 // 'label' => 'Notes:',
143 // 'day_0' => array('control_id' => '3_day_0', 'tt_log_id' => 12345, 'note' => 'Comment one'),
144 // 'day_1' => array('control_id' => '3_day_1', 'tt_log_id' => 12346, 'note' => 'Comment two'),
145 // 'day_2' => array('control_id' => '3_day_2', 'tt_log_id' => 12347, 'note' => 'Comment three'),
146 // 'day_3' => array('control_id' => '3_day_3', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null),
147 // 'day_4' => array('control_id' => '3_day_4', 'tt_log_id' => 12348, 'note' => 'Comment four'),
148 // 'day_5' => array('control_id' => '3_day_5', 'tt_log_id' => 12349, 'note' => 'Comment five'),
149 // 'day_6' => array('control_id' => '3_day_6', 'tt_log_id' => null, 'note' => null)
152 static function getDataForWeekView($records, $dayHeaders) {
156 $dataArray = array();
158 // Construct the first row for a brand new entry.
159 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('form.week.new_entry').':'); // Insert row.
160 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
161 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
162 $control_id = '0_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
163 $dataArray[0][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
165 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('wvns')) {
166 // Construct the second row for daily comments for a brand new entry.
167 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('label.notes').':'); // Insert row.
168 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
169 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
170 $control_id = '1_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
171 $dataArray[1][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'note' => null);
175 // Iterate through records and build $dataArray cell by cell.
176 foreach ($records as $record) {
177 // Create row id without suffix.
178 $row_id_no_suffix = ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowIdentifier($record);
179 // Handle potential multiple records with the same attributes by using a numerical suffix.
181 $row_id = $row_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
182 $day_header = substr($record['date'], 8); // Day number in month.
183 while (ttWeekViewHelper::cellExists($row_id, $day_header, $dataArray)) {
185 $row_id = $row_id_no_suffix.'_'.$suffix;
188 $pos = ttWeekViewHelper::findRow($row_id, $dataArray);
190 // Insert row for durations.
191 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $row_id,'label' => ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowLabel($record));
192 $pos = ttWeekViewHelper::findRow($row_id, $dataArray);
193 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
194 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
195 $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
196 $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
198 // Insert row for comments.
199 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('wvns')) {
200 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $row_id.'_notes','label' => $i18n->getKey('label.notes').':');
202 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
203 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
204 $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
205 $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'note' => null);
210 // Insert actual cell data from $record (one cell only).
211 $dataArray[$pos][$day_header] = array('control_id' => $pos.'_'. $day_header, 'tt_log_id' => $record['id'],'duration' => $record['duration']);
212 // Insert existing comment from $record into the comment cell.
213 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('wvns')) {
215 $dataArray[$pos][$day_header] = array('control_id' => $pos.'_'. $day_header, 'tt_log_id' => $record['id'],'note' => $record['comment']);
221 // prePopulateFromPastWeeks - is a complementary function to getDataForWeekView.
222 // It builds an "empty" $dataArray with only labels present. Labels are taken from
223 // the most recent active past week, up to 5 weeks back from now.
224 // This is a data entry acceleration feature to help users quickly populate their
225 // regular entry list for a new week, even after a long vacation.
226 static function prePopulateFromPastWeeks($startDate, $dayHeaders) {
230 // First, determine past week start and end dates.
231 $objDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $startDate);
233 $pastWeekStartDate = $objDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT);
235 $pastWeekEndDate = $objDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT);
238 // Obtain past week(s) records.
239 $records = ttWeekViewHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user->getActiveUser(), $pastWeekStartDate, $pastWeekEndDate);
240 // Handle potential situation of no records by re-trying for up to 4 more previous weeks (after a long vacation, etc.).
242 for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
243 $objDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $pastWeekStartDate);
245 $pastWeekStartDate = $objDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT);
247 $pastWeekEndDate = $objDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT);
250 $records = ttWeekViewHelper::getRecordsForInterval($user->getActiveUser(), $pastWeekStartDate, $pastWeekEndDate);
251 // Break out of the loop if we found something.
256 // Construct the first row for a brand new entry.
257 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('form.week.new_entry').':'); // Insert row.
258 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
259 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
260 $control_id = '0_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
261 $dataArray[0][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
263 // Construct the second row for daily comments for a brand new entry.
264 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => null,'label' => $i18n->getKey('label.notes').':'); // Insert row.
265 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
266 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
267 $control_id = '1_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
268 $dataArray[1][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'note' => null);
271 // Iterate through records and build an "empty" $dataArray.
272 foreach ($records as $record) {
273 // Create row id with 0 suffix. In prepopulated view, we only need one row for similar records.
274 $row_id = ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowIdentifier($record).'_0';
276 $pos = ttWeekViewHelper::findRow($row_id, $dataArray);
278 // Insert row for durations.
279 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $row_id,'label' => ttWeekViewHelper::makeRowLabel($record));
280 $pos = ttWeekViewHelper::findRow($row_id, $dataArray);
281 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
282 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
283 $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
284 $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'duration' => null);
286 // Insert row for comments.
287 $dataArray[] = array('row_id' => $row_id.'_notes','label' => $i18n->getKey('label.notes').':');
289 // Insert empty cells with proper control ids.
290 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
291 $control_id = $pos.'_'. $dayHeaders[$i];
292 $dataArray[$pos][$dayHeaders[$i]] = array('control_id' => $control_id, 'tt_log_id' => null,'note' => null);
301 // cellExists is a helper function for getDataForWeekView() to see if a cell with a given label
302 // and a day header already exists.
303 static function cellExists($row_id, $day_header, $dataArray) {
304 foreach($dataArray as $row) {
305 if ($row['row_id'] == $row_id && !empty($row[$day_header]['duration']))
311 // findRow returns an existing row position in $dataArray, -1 otherwise.
312 static function findRow($row_id, $dataArray) {
313 $pos = 0; // Row position in array.
314 foreach($dataArray as $row) {
315 if ($row['row_id'] == $row_id)
317 $pos++; // Increment for search.
319 return -1; // Row not found.
322 // getDayTotals calculates total durations for each day from the existing data in $dataArray.
323 static function getDayTotals($dataArray, $dayHeaders) {
324 $dayTotals = array();
328 $dayTotals['label'] = $i18n->getKey('label.day_total').':';
330 foreach ($dataArray as $row) {
331 foreach($dayHeaders as $dayHeader) {
332 if (array_key_exists($dayHeader, $row)) {
333 $minutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($row[$dayHeader]['duration']);
334 $dayTotals[$dayHeader] += $minutes;
338 // Convert minutes to hh:mm for display.
339 foreach($dayHeaders as $dayHeader) {
340 $dayTotals[$dayHeader] = ttTimeHelper::toAbsDuration($dayTotals[$dayHeader]);
345 // getDayHeadersForWeek - obtains day column headers for week view, which are simply day numbers in month.
346 static function getDayHeadersForWeek($start_date) {
347 $dayHeaders = array();
348 $objDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $start_date);
349 $dayHeaders[] = (string) $objDate->getDate(); // It returns an int on first call.
350 if (strlen($dayHeaders[0]) == 1) // Which is an implementation detail of DateAndTime class.
351 $dayHeaders[0] = '0'.$dayHeaders[0]; // Add a 0 for single digit day.
353 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate(); // After incDay it returns a string with leading 0, when necessary.
355 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate();
357 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate();
359 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate();
361 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate();
363 $dayHeaders[] = $objDate->getDate();
368 // getLockedDaysForWeek - builds an array of locked days in week.
369 static function getLockedDaysForWeek($start_date) {
371 $lockedDays = array();
372 $objDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $start_date);
373 for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
374 $lockedDays[] = $user->isDateLocked($objDate);
381 // makeRowIdentifier - builds a string identifying a row for a week view from a single record properties.
382 // Note that the return value is without a suffix.
384 // "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
385 // "cl:546,bl:1,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:7623"
386 static function makeRowIdentifier($record) {
388 // Start with client.
389 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
390 $row_identifier = $record['client_id'] ? 'cl:'.$record['client_id'] : '';
391 // Add billable flag.
392 if (!empty($row_identifier)) $row_identifier .= ',';
393 $row_identifier .= 'bl:'.$record['billable'];
395 $row_identifier .= $record['project_id'] ? ',pr:'.$record['project_id'] : '';
397 $row_identifier .= $record['task_id'] ? ',ts:'.$record['task_id'] : '';
398 // Add custom field 1.
399 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
400 if ($record['cf_1_id'])
401 $row_identifier .= ',cf_1:'.$record['cf_1_id'];
402 else if ($record['cf_1_value'])
403 $row_identifier .= ',cf_1:'.$record['cf_1_value'];
406 return $row_identifier;
409 // makeRowLabel - builds a human readable label for a row in week view,
410 // which is a combination ot record properties.
411 // Client - Project - Task - Custom field 1.
412 // Note that billable property is not part of the label. Instead,
413 // we identify such records with a different color in week view.
414 static function makeRowLabel($record) {
416 // Start with client.
417 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cl'))
418 $label = $record['client'];
421 if (!empty($label) && !empty($record['project'])) $label .= ' - ';
422 $label .= $record['project'];
425 if (!empty($label) && !empty($record['task'])) $label .= ' - ';
426 $label .= $record['task'];
428 // Add custom field 1.
429 if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) {
430 if (!empty($label) && !empty($record['cf_1_value'])) $label .= ' - ';
431 $label .= $record['cf_1_value'];
437 // parseFromWeekViewRow - obtains field value encoded in row identifier.
438 // For example, for a row id like "cl:546,bl:0,pr:23456,ts:27464,cf_1:example text"
439 // requesting a client "cl" should return 546.
440 static function parseFromWeekViewRow($row_id, $field_label) {
441 // Find beginning of label.
442 $pos = strpos($row_id, $field_label);
443 if ($pos === false) return null; // Not found.
445 // Strip suffix from row id.
446 $suffixPos = strrpos($row_id, '_');
448 $remaninder = substr($row_id, 0, $suffixPos);
450 // Find beginning of value.
451 $posBegin = 1 + strpos($remaninder, ':', $pos);
452 // Find end of value.
453 $posEnd = strpos($remaninder, ',', $posBegin);
454 if ($posEnd === false) $posEnd = strlen($remaninder);
456 return substr($remaninder, $posBegin, $posEnd - $posBegin);
459 // dateFromDayHeader calculates date from start date and day header in week view.
460 static function dateFromDayHeader($start_date, $day_header) {
461 $objDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $start_date);
462 $currentDayHeader = (string) $objDate->getDate(); // It returns an int on first call.
463 if (strlen($currentDayHeader) == 1) // Which is an implementation detail of DateAndTime class.
464 $currentDayHeader = '0'.$currentDayHeader; // Add a 0 for single digit day.
466 while ($currentDayHeader != $day_header && $i < 7) {
467 // Iterate through remaining days to find a match.
469 $currentDayHeader = $objDate->getDate(); // After incDay it returns a string with leading 0, when necessary.
472 return $objDate->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT);
475 // insertDurationFromWeekView - inserts a new record in log tables from a week view post.
476 static function insertDurationFromWeekView($fields, $custom_fields, $err) {
480 // Determine date for a new entry.
481 $entry_date = ttWeekViewHelper::dateFromDayHeader($fields['start_date'], $fields['day_header']);
482 $objEntryDate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $entry_date);
484 // Prohibit creating entries in future.
485 if (!$user->future_entries && $fields['browser_today']) {
486 $objBrowserToday = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $fields['browser_today']);
487 if ($objEntryDate->after($objBrowserToday)) {
488 $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.future_date'));
493 // Prepare an array of fields for regular insert function.
494 $fields4insert = array();
495 $fields4insert['user_id'] = $user->getActiveUser();
496 $fields4insert['date'] = $entry_date;
497 $fields4insert['duration'] = $fields['duration'];
498 $fields4insert['client'] = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($fields['row_id'], 'cl');
499 $fields4insert['billable'] = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($fields['row_id'], 'bl');
500 $fields4insert['project'] = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($fields['row_id'], 'pr');
501 $fields4insert['task'] = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($fields['row_id'], 'ts');
502 $fields4insert['note'] = $fields['note'];
504 // Try to insert a record.
505 $id = ttTimeHelper::insert($fields4insert);
506 if (!$id) return false; // Something failed.
508 // Insert custom field if we have it.
510 $cf_1 = ttWeekViewHelper::parseFromWeekViewRow($fields['row_id'], 'cf_1');
511 if ($custom_fields && $cf_1) {
512 if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT)
513 $result = $custom_fields->insert($id, $custom_fields->fields[0]['id'], null, $cf_1);
514 elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN)
515 $result = $custom_fields->insert($id, $custom_fields->fields[0]['id'], $cf_1, null);
521 // modifyDurationFromWeekView - modifies a duration of an existing record from a week view post.
522 static function modifyDurationFromWeekView($fields, $err) {
526 // Possible errors: 1) Overlap if the existing record has start time. 2) Going beyond 24 hour boundary.
527 if (!ttWeekViewHelper::canModify($fields['tt_log_id'], $fields['duration'], $err))
530 $mdb2 = getConnection();
531 $duration = $fields['duration'];
532 $tt_log_id = $fields['tt_log_id'];
533 $user_id = $user->getActiveUser();
534 $sql = "update tt_log set duration = '$duration' where id = $tt_log_id and user_id = $user_id";
535 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
536 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
542 // canModify - determines if an already existing tt_log record
543 // can be modified with a new user-provided duration.
544 static function canModify($tt_log_id, $new_duration, $err) {
546 $mdb2 = getConnection();
548 // Determine if we have start time in record, as further checking does not makes sense otherwise.
549 $sql = "select user_id, date, start, duration from tt_log where id = $tt_log_id";
550 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
551 if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
552 if (!$res->numRows()) {
553 $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.db')); // This is not expected.
556 $val = $res->fetchRow();
557 $oldDuration = $val['duration'];
559 return true; // There is no start time in the record, therefore safe to modify.
562 // We do have start time.
563 // Quick test if new duration is less then already existing.
564 $newMinutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($new_duration);
565 $oldMinutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($oldDuration);
566 if ($newMinutes < $oldMinutes)
567 return true; // Safe to modify.
569 // Does the new duration put the record beyond 24:00 boundary?
570 $startMinutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($val['start']);
571 $newEndMinutes = $startMinutes + $newMinutes;
572 if ($newEndMinutes > 1440) {
573 // Invalid duration, as new duration puts the record beyond current day.
574 $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.field'), $i18n->getKey('label.duration'));
578 // Does the new duration causes the record to overlap with others?
579 $user_id = $val['user_id'];
580 $date = $val['date'];
581 $startMinutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($val['start']);
582 $start = ttTimeHelper::toAbsDuration($startMinutes);
583 $finish = ttTimeHelper::toAbsDuration($newEndMinutes);
584 if (ttTimeHelper::overlaps($user_id, $date, $start, $finish, $tt_log_id)) {
585 $err->add($i18n->getKey('error.overlap'));
589 return true; // There are no conflicts, safe to modify.
592 // modifyCommentFromWeekView - modifies a comment in an existing record from a week view post.
593 static function modifyCommentFromWeekView($fields) {
596 $mdb2 = getConnection();
597 $tt_log_id = $fields['tt_log_id'];
598 $comment = $fields['comment'];
599 $user_id = $user->getActiveUser();
600 $sql = "update tt_log set comment = ".$mdb2->quote($fields['comment'])." where id = $tt_log_id and user_id = $user_id";
601 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
602 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))