Fixed charts to allow display of totals for unassigned projects and tasks.
[timetracker.git] / WEB-INF / templates / charts.tpl
1 <p></p>
2 {$}
3 <table border="0" width="720">
4   <tr>
5 {if $on_behalf_control}
6       <td width="50%" align="center">{$i18n.label.user}: {$forms.chartForm.onBehalfUser.control}</td>
7   {if $chart_selector}
8       <td width="50%" align="left">{$i18n.form.charts.chart}: {$forms.chartForm.type.control}</td>
9   {/if}
10 {else}
11   {if $chart_selector}
12       <td width="100%" align="center">{$i18n.form.charts.chart}: {$forms.chartForm.type.control}</td>
13   {/if}
14 {/if}
16   </tr>
17 </table>
18 <table border="0" width="720">
19   <tr>
20     <td width="50%" align="center"><img src="{$img_file_name}" border="0"/></td>
21     <td>
22       <table border="0" cellspacing="3">
23       {section name=i loop=$totals}
24       {if $smarty.section.i.index <= 12}
25         <tr><td style="width:7px;height:1em;background-color:{$totals[i].color_html};"></td><td>{$totals[i].name|escape:'html'}</td></tr>
26       {/if}
27       {/section}
28       </table>
29     </td>
30   </tr>
31 </table>
32 <p></p>
33 <table>
34   <tr><td align="center">{$i18n.form.charts.interval}: {$forms.chartForm.interval.control}</td></tr>
35   <tr><td valign="top">{$}</td></tr>
36 </table>
37 {$forms.chartForm.close}