Added a field for note value in week view to apply to new entries.
[timetracker.git] / WEB-INF / templates / week.tpl
1 {include file="time_script.tpl"}
3 <style>
4 .not_billable td {
5   color: #ff6666;
6 }
7 </style>
9 {$}
10 <table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0">
11   <tr>
12     <td align="center" colspan=2">
13       <a href="time.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.day_view}</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href="week.php?date={$selected_date->toString()}">{$i18n.label.week_view}</a>
14     </td>
15   </tr>
16   <tr>
17     <td valign="top">
18       <table>
19 {if $on_behalf_control}
20         <tr>
21           <td align="right">{$i18n.label.user}:</td>
22           <td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.onBehalfUser.control}</td>
23         </tr>
24 {/if}
25 {if $user->isPluginEnabled('cl')}
26         <tr>
27           <td align="right">{$i18n.label.client}{if $user->isPluginEnabled('cm')} (*){/if}:</td>
28           <td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.client.control}</td>
29         </tr>
30 {/if}
31 {if $user->isPluginEnabled('iv')}
32         <tr>
33           <td align="right">&nbsp;</td>
34           <td><label>{$forms.weekTimeForm.billable.control}{$i18n.form.time.billable}</label></td>
35         </tr>
36 {/if}
37 {if ($custom_fields && $custom_fields->fields[0])}
38         <tr>
39           <td align="right">{$custom_fields->fields[0]['label']|escape}{if $custom_fields->fields[0]['required']} (*){/if}:</td><td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.cf_1.control}</td>
40         </tr>
41 {/if}
42 {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS == $user->tracking_mode || $smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
43         <tr>
44           <td align="right">{$i18n.label.project} (*):</td>
45           <td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.project.control}</td>
46         </tr>
47 {/if}
48 {if ($smarty.const.MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS == $user->tracking_mode)}
49         <tr>
50           <td align="right">{$i18n.label.task}:</td>
51           <td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.task.control}</td>
52         </tr>
53 {/if}
54         <tr>
55           <td align="right">{$i18n.label.note}:</td>
56           <td align="left">{$forms.weekTimeForm.note.control}</td>
57         </tr>
58       </table>
59     </td>
60     <td valign="top">
61       <table>
62         <tr><td>{$}</td></tr>
63       </table>
64     </td>
65   </tr>
66 </table>
67 <table width="720">
68   <tr valign="top">
69     <td>{$forms.weekTimeForm.week_durations.control}</td>
70   </tr>
71 </table>
72 <table>
73   <tr>
74     <td align="center" colspan="2">{$forms.weekTimeForm.btn_submit.control}</td>
75   </tr>
76 </table>
77 {$forms.weekTimeForm.close}