1 #=====================================================================
4 # Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
5 # Web http://www.lx-office.org
7 #=====================================================================
8 # SQL-Ledger Accounting
11 # Author: Dieter Simader
12 # Email: dsimader@sql-ledger.org
13 # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
16 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
17 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
19 # (at your option) any later version.
21 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 # GNU General Public License for more details.
25 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
28 #======================================================================
31 # add/edit/delete users
33 #======================================================================
35 my $menufile = "menu.ini";
39 use English qw(-no_match_vars);
43 use POSIX qw(strftime);
55 require "bin/mozilla/common.pl";
56 require "bin/mozilla/admin_groups.pl";
60 our $cgi = new CGI('');
62 our $locale = new Locale $main::language, "admin";
63 our $auth = SL::Auth->new();
65 if ($auth->session_tables_present()) {
66 $auth->expire_sessions();
67 $auth->restore_session();
68 $auth->set_session_value('rpw', $form->{rpw});
72 if (-f "bin/mozilla/custom_$form->{script}") {
73 eval { require "bin/mozilla/custom_$form->{script}"; };
74 $form->error($@) if ($@);
77 $form->{stylesheet} = "lx-office-erp.css";
78 $form->{favicon} = "favicon.ico";
80 if ($form->{action}) {
81 if ($auth->authenticate_root($form->{rpw}, 0) != $auth->OK()) {
82 $form->{error_message} = $locale->text('Incorrect Password!');
87 $auth->create_or_refresh_session() if ($auth->session_tables_present());
89 call_sub($locale->findsub($form->{action}));
91 } elsif ($auth->authenticate_root($form->{rpw}, 0) == $auth->OK()) {
93 $auth->create_or_refresh_session() if ($auth->session_tables_present());
98 # if there are no drivers bail out
99 $form->error($locale->text('No Database Drivers available!'))
100 unless (User->dbdrivers);
111 my $form = $main::form;
112 my $locale = $main::locale;
114 $form->{title} = qq|Lx-Office ERP $form->{version} | . $locale->text('Administration');
117 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/adminlogin');
121 check_auth_db_and_tables();
126 $main::auth->destroy_session();
130 sub check_auth_db_and_tables {
131 my $form = $main::form;
132 my $locale = $main::locale;
136 map { $params{"db_${_}"} = $main::auth->{DB_config}->{$_} } keys %{ $auth->{DB_config} };
138 if (!$main::auth->check_database()) {
139 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Authentification database creation');
141 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/check_auth_database', \%params);
146 if (!$main::auth->check_tables()) {
147 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Authentification tables creation');
149 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/check_auth_tables', \%params);
154 if (-f $main::memberfile) {
157 if ($main::memberfile =~ m|^.*/|) {
161 my $backupdir = "${memberdir}member-file-migration";
163 $form->{title} = $locale->text('User data migration');
165 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/user_migration', { 'memberfile' => $main::memberfile,
166 'backupdir' => $backupdir });
173 my $form = $main::form;
175 $main::auth->create_database('superuser' => $form->{db_superuser},
176 'superuser_password' => $form->{db_superuser_password},
177 'template' => $form->{db_template});
181 sub create_auth_tables {
182 my $form = $main::form;
183 my $locale = $main::locale;
185 $main::auth->create_tables();
186 $main::auth->set_session_value('rpw', $form->{rpw});
187 $main::auth->create_or_refresh_session();
189 if (!-f $main::memberfile) {
190 # New installation -- create a standard group with full access
193 'name' => $locale->text('Full Access'),
194 'description' => $locale->text('Full access to all functions'),
195 'rights' => { map { $_ => 1 } SL::Auth::all_rights() },
196 'members' => [ map { $_->{id} } values %members ],
199 $main::auth->save_group($group);
206 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
208 my $form = $main::form;
209 my $locale = $main::locale;
213 if ($main::memberfile =~ m|^.*/|) {
217 my $backupdir = "${memberdir}member-file-migration";
219 if (! -d $backupdir && !mkdir $backupdir, 0700) {
220 $form->error(sprintf($locale->text('The directory "%s" could not be created:\n%s'), $backupdir, $!));
223 copy $main::memberfile, "users/member-file-migration/members";
225 my $in = IO::File->new($main::memberfile, "r");
227 $form->error($locale->text('Could not open the old memberfile.')) if (!$in);
229 my (%members, $login);
238 $login =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
242 $members{$login} = { "login" => $login };
246 if ($login && m/=/) {
247 my ($key, $value) = split m/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
252 $value =~ s|\\n|\n|g;
254 $members{$login}->{$key} = $value;
260 delete $members{"root login"};
262 map { $_->{dbpasswd} = unpack 'u', $_->{dbpasswd} } values %members;
264 while (my ($login, $params) = each %members) {
265 $main::auth->save_user($login, %{ $params });
266 $main::auth->change_password($login, $params->{password}, 1);
268 my $conf_file = "${memberdir}${login}.conf";
271 copy $conf_file, "${backupdir}/${login}.conf";
276 unlink $main::memberfile;
278 my @member_list = sort { lc $a->{login} cmp lc $b->{login} } values %members;
280 $form->{title} = $locale->text('User data migration');
282 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/user_migration_done', { 'MEMBERS' => \@member_list });
284 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
287 sub create_standard_group_ask {
288 my $form = $main::form;
289 my $locale = $main::locale;
291 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Create a standard group');
294 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/create_standard_group_ask");
297 sub create_standard_group {
298 my $form = $main::form;
299 my $locale = $main::locale;
301 my %members = $main::auth->read_all_users();
303 my $groups = $main::auth->read_groups();
305 foreach my $group (values %{$groups}) {
306 if (($form->{group_id} != $group->{id})
307 && ($form->{name} eq $group->{name})) {
308 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text("A group with that name does already exist."));
313 'name' => $locale->text('Full Access'),
314 'description' => $locale->text('Full access to all functions'),
315 'rights' => { map { $_ => 1 } SL::Auth::all_rights() },
316 'members' => [ map { $_->{id} } values %members ],
319 $main::auth->save_group($group);
321 user_migration_complete(1);
324 sub dont_create_standard_group {
325 user_migration_complete(0);
328 sub user_migration_complete {
329 my $standard_group_created = shift;
331 my $form = $main::form;
332 my $locale = $main::locale;
334 $form->{title} = $locale->text('User migration complete');
337 print $form->parse_html_template('admin/user_migration_complete', { 'standard_group_created' => $standard_group_created });
341 my $form = $main::form;
342 my $locale = $main::locale;
344 my %members = $main::auth->read_all_users();
346 delete $members{"root login"};
348 map { $_->{templates} =~ s|.*/||; } values %members;
350 $form->{title} = "Lx-Office ERP " . $locale->text('Administration');
351 $form->{LOCKED} = -e "$main::userspath/nologin";
352 $form->{MEMBERS} = [ @members{sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %members} ];
355 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/list_users");
360 my $form = $main::form;
361 my $locale = $main::locale;
365 . $locale->text('Administration') . " / "
366 . $locale->text('Add User');
370 "countrycode" => "de",
371 "numberformat" => "1.000,00",
372 "dateformat" => "dd.mm.yy",
373 "stylesheet" => "lx-office-erp.css",
377 edit_user_form($myconfig);
381 my $form = $main::form;
382 my $locale = $main::locale;
387 . $locale->text('Administration') . " / "
388 . $locale->text('Edit User');
391 $form->isblank("login", $locale->text("The login is missing."));
394 my $myconfig = new User($form->{login});
396 # strip basedir from templates directory
397 $myconfig->{templates} =~ s|.*/||;
399 edit_user_form($myconfig);
405 my $form = $main::form;
406 my $locale = $main::locale;
408 my @valid_dateformats = qw(mm-dd-yy mm/dd/yy dd-mm-yy dd/mm/yy dd.mm.yy yyyy-mm-dd);
409 $form->{ALL_DATEFORMATS} = [ map { { "format" => $_, "selected" => $_ eq $myconfig->{dateformat} } } @valid_dateformats ];
411 my @valid_numberformats = ('1,000.00', '1000.00', '1.000,00', '1000,00');
412 $form->{ALL_NUMBERFORMATS} = [ map { { "format" => $_, "selected" => $_ eq $myconfig->{numberformat} } } @valid_numberformats ];
414 my %countrycodes = User->country_codes;
415 $form->{ALL_COUNTRYCODES} = [];
416 foreach my $countrycode (sort { $countrycodes{$a} cmp $countrycodes{$b} } keys %countrycodes) {
417 push @{ $form->{ALL_COUNTRYCODES} }, { "value" => $countrycode,
418 "name" => $countrycodes{$countrycode},
419 "selected" => $countrycode eq $myconfig->{countrycode} };
422 # is there a templates basedir
423 if (!-d "$main::templates") {
424 $form->error(sprintf($locale->text("The directory %s does not exist."), $main::templates));
427 opendir TEMPLATEDIR, "$main::templates/." or $form->error("$main::templates : $ERRNO");
428 my @all = readdir(TEMPLATEDIR);
429 my @alldir = sort grep { -d "$main::templates/$_" && !/^\.\.?$/ } @all;
430 my @allhtml = sort grep { -f "$main::templates/$_" && /\.html$/ } @all;
431 closedir TEMPLATEDIR;
433 @alldir = grep !/\.(html|tex|sty|odt|xml|txb)$/, @alldir;
434 @alldir = grep !/^(webpages|\.svn)$/, @alldir;
436 @allhtml = reverse grep !/Default/, @allhtml;
437 push @allhtml, 'Default';
438 @allhtml = reverse @allhtml;
440 $form->{ALL_TEMPLATES} = [ map { { "name", => $_, "selected" => $_ eq $myconfig->{templates} } } @alldir ];
442 my $lastitem = $allhtml[0];
443 $lastitem =~ s/-.*//g;
444 $form->{ALL_MASTER_TEMPLATES} = [ { "name" => $lastitem, "selected" => $lastitem eq "German" } ];
445 foreach my $item (@allhtml) {
447 next if ($item eq $lastitem);
449 push @{ $form->{ALL_MASTER_TEMPLATES} }, { "name" => $item, "selected" => $item eq "German" };
453 # css dir has styles that are not intended as general layouts.
454 # reverting to hardcoded list
455 $form->{ALL_STYLESHEETS} = [ map { { "name" => $_, "selected" => $_ eq $myconfig->{stylesheet} } } qw(lx-office-erp.css Win2000.css) ];
457 $form->{"menustyle_" . $myconfig->{menustyle} } = 1;
459 map { $form->{"myc_${_}"} = $myconfig->{$_} } keys %{ $myconfig };
464 my $user_id = $main::auth->get_user_id($form->{login});
465 my $all_groups = $main::auth->read_groups();
467 foreach my $group (values %{ $all_groups }) {
468 push @{ $groups }, $group if (grep { $user_id == $_ } @{ $group->{members} });
471 $groups = [ sort { lc $a->{name} cmp lc $b->{name} } @{ $groups } ];
474 $form->{CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD} = $main::auth->can_change_password();
477 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/edit_user", { 'GROUPS' => $groups });
481 my $form = $main::form;
482 my $locale = $main::locale;
484 $form->{dbdriver} = 'Pg';
486 # no spaces allowed in login name
487 $form->{login} =~ s|\s||g;
488 $form->isblank("login", $locale->text('Login name missing!'));
490 # check for duplicates
491 if (!$form->{edit}) {
492 my %members = $main::auth->read_all_users();
493 if ($members{$form->{login}}) {
494 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('Another user with the login #1 does already exist.', $form->{login}), 'back_button' => 1);
498 # no spaces allowed in directories
499 ($form->{newtemplates}) = split / /, $form->{newtemplates};
501 if ($form->{newtemplates}) {
502 $form->{templates} = $form->{newtemplates};
505 ($form->{usetemplates}) ? $form->{usetemplates} : $form->{login};
509 if (!-d "$main::templates") {
510 $form->error(sprintf($locale->text("The directory %s does not exist."), $main::templates));
513 # add base directory to $form->{templates}
514 $form->{templates} =~ s|.*/||;
515 $form->{templates} = "$main::templates/$form->{templates}";
517 my $myconfig = new User($form->{login});
519 $form->isblank("dbname", $locale->text('Dataset missing!'));
520 $form->isblank("dbuser", $locale->text('Database User missing!'));
522 foreach my $item (keys %{$form}) {
523 $myconfig->{$item} = $form->{$item};
526 delete $myconfig->{stylesheet};
527 if ($form->{userstylesheet}) {
528 $myconfig->{stylesheet} = $form->{userstylesheet};
531 $myconfig->save_member();
533 if ($main::auth->can_change_password()
534 && defined $form->{new_password}
535 && ($form->{new_password} ne '********')) {
536 $main::auth->change_password($form->{login}, $form->{new_password});
539 my ($login, $password, $newfile);
542 qw(angebote bestellungen rechnungen anfragen lieferantenbestellungen einkaufsrechnungen);
543 foreach my $directory (@webdavdirs) {
544 my $file = "webdav/" . $directory . "/webdav-user";
545 if ($form->{$directory}) {
546 if (open(HTACCESS, "$file")) {
548 ($login, $password) = split(/:/, $_);
549 if ($login ne $form->{login}) {
555 open(HTACCESS, "> $file") or die "cannot open $file $ERRNO\n";
556 $newfile .= $myconfig->{login} . ":" . $myconfig->{password} . "\n";
557 print(HTACCESS $newfile);
560 $form->{$directory} = 0;
561 if (open(HTACCESS, "$file")) {
563 ($login, $password) = split(/:/, $_);
564 if ($login ne $form->{login}) {
570 open(HTACCESS, "> $file") or die "cannot open $file $ERRNO\n";
571 print(HTACCESS $newfile);
577 $form->{templates} =~ s|.*/||;
578 $form->{templates} = "$main::templates/$form->{templates}";
579 $form->{mastertemplates} =~ s|.*/||;
581 # create user template directory and copy master files
582 if (!-d "$form->{templates}") {
585 if (mkdir "$form->{templates}", oct("771")) {
589 # copy templates to the directory
590 opendir TEMPLATEDIR, "$main::templates/." or $form->error("$main::templates : $ERRNO");
591 my @templates = grep /$form->{mastertemplates}.*?\.(html|tex|sty|odt|xml|txb)$/,
593 closedir TEMPLATEDIR;
595 foreach my $file (@templates) {
596 open(TEMP, "$main::templates/$file")
597 or $form->error("$main::templates/$file : $ERRNO");
599 $file =~ s/\Q$form->{mastertemplates}\E-//;
600 open(NEW, ">$form->{templates}/$file")
601 or $form->error("$form->{templates}/$file : $ERRNO");
603 while (my $line = <TEMP>) {
610 $form->error("$ERRNO: $form->{templates}");
614 # Add new user to his groups.
615 if (ref $form->{new_user_group_ids} eq 'ARRAY') {
616 my $all_groups = $main::auth->read_groups();
617 my %user = $main::auth->read_user($form->{login});
619 foreach my $group_id (@{ $form->{new_user_group_ids} }) {
620 my $group = $all_groups->{$group_id};
624 push @{ $group->{members} }, $user{id};
625 $main::auth->save_group($group);
629 $form->redirect($locale->text('User saved!'));
633 sub save_user_as_new {
634 my $form = $main::form;
636 $form->{login} = $form->{new_user_login};
637 delete @{$form}{qw(edit new_user_login)};
643 my $form = $main::form;
644 my $locale = $main::locale;
646 my %members = $main::auth->read_all_users();
647 my $templates = $members{$form->{login}}->{templates};
649 $main::auth->delete_user($form->{login});
652 my $templates_in_use = 0;
654 foreach my $login (keys %members) {
655 next if $form->{login} eq $login;
656 next if $members{$login}->{templates} ne $templates;
657 $templates_in_use = 1;
661 if (!$templates_in_use && -d $templates) {
662 unlink <$templates/*>;
667 $form->redirect($locale->text('User deleted!'));
675 return ($login) ? $login : undef;
682 my $form = $main::form;
684 my ($null, $value) = split(/=/, $line, 2);
687 $value =~ s/\s#.*//g;
689 # remove any trailing whitespace
690 $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
695 sub pg_database_administration {
696 my $form = $main::form;
698 $form->{dbdriver} = 'Pg';
703 sub dbselect_source {
704 my $form = $main::form;
705 my $locale = $main::locale;
707 $form->{dbport} = '5432';
708 $form->{dbuser} = 'postgres';
709 $form->{dbdefault} = 'template1';
710 $form->{dbhost} = 'localhost';
712 $form->{title} = "Lx-Office ERP / " . $locale->text('Database Administration');
714 # Intentionnaly disabled unless fixed to work with the authentication DB.
715 $form->{ALLOW_DBBACKUP} = 0; # "$pg_dump_exe" ne "DISABLED";
718 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbadmin");
721 sub test_db_connection {
722 my $form = $main::form;
723 my $locale = $main::locale;
725 $form->{dbdriver} = 'Pg';
726 User::dbconnect_vars($form, $form->{dbname});
728 my $dbh = DBI->connect($form->{dbconnect}, $form->{dbuser}, $form->{dbpasswd});
730 $form->{connection_ok} = $dbh ? 1 : 0;
731 $form->{errstr} = $DBI::errstr;
733 $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
735 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Database Connection Test');
737 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/test_db_connection");
741 call_sub($main::form->{"nextsub"});
745 my $form = $main::form;
746 my $locale = $main::locale;
750 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
751 . $locale->text('Update Dataset');
753 my @need_updates = User->dbneedsupdate($form);
754 $form->{NEED_UPDATES} = \@need_updates;
755 $form->{ALL_UPDATED} = !scalar @need_updates;
758 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/update_dataset");
762 my $form = $main::form;
763 my $locale = $main::locale;
765 $form->{stylesheet} = "lx-office-erp.css";
766 $form->{title} = $locale->text("Dataset upgrade");
769 my $rowcount = $form->{rowcount} * 1;
770 my @update_rows = grep { $form->{"update_$_"} } (1 .. $rowcount);
771 $form->{NOTHING_TO_DO} = !scalar @update_rows;
772 my $saved_form = save_form();
776 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbupgrade_all_header");
778 foreach my $i (@update_rows) {
779 restore_form($saved_form);
781 map { $form->{$_} = $form->{"${_}_${i}"} } qw(dbname dbdriver dbhost dbport dbuser dbpasswd);
783 my $controls = parse_dbupdate_controls($form, $form->{dbdriver});
785 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbupgrade_header");
787 $form->{dbupdate} = $form->{dbname};
788 $form->{$form->{dbname}} = 1;
790 User->dbupdate($form);
791 User->dbupdate2($form, $controls);
793 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbupgrade_footer");
796 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbupgrade_all_done");
800 my $form = $main::form;
801 my $locale = $main::locale;
803 $form->{dbsources} = join " ", map { "[${_}]" } sort User->dbsources($form);
805 $form->{CHARTS} = [];
807 opendir SQLDIR, "sql/." or $form->error($ERRNO);
808 foreach my $item (sort grep /-chart\.sql\z/, readdir SQLDIR) {
809 next if ($item eq 'Default-chart.sql');
810 $item =~ s/-chart\.sql//;
811 push @{ $form->{CHARTS} }, { "name" => $item,
812 "selected" => $item eq "Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU" };
816 my $default_charset = $main::dbcharset;
817 $default_charset ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
819 my $cluster_encoding = User->dbclusterencoding($form);
820 if ($cluster_encoding && ($cluster_encoding =~ m/^(?:UTF-?8|UNICODE)$/i)) {
821 if ($main::dbcharset !~ m/^UTF-?8$/i) {
822 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('The selected PostgreSQL installation uses UTF-8 as its encoding. ' .
823 'Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.'),
830 $form->{DBENCODINGS} = [];
832 foreach my $encoding (@Common::db_encodings) {
833 push @{ $form->{DBENCODINGS} }, { "dbencoding" => $encoding->{dbencoding},
834 "label" => $encoding->{label},
835 "selected" => $encoding->{charset} eq $default_charset };
841 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
842 . $locale->text('Create Dataset');
845 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/create_dataset");
849 my $form = $main::form;
850 my $locale = $main::locale;
852 $form->isblank("db", $locale->text('Dataset missing!'));
854 User->dbcreate(\%$form);
858 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
859 . $locale->text('Create Dataset');
862 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbcreate");
866 my $form = $main::form;
867 my $locale = $main::locale;
869 my @dbsources = User->dbsources_unused($form);
870 $form->error($locale->text('Nothing to delete!')) unless @dbsources;
874 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
875 . $locale->text('Delete Dataset');
876 $form->{DBSOURCES} = [ map { { "name", $_ } } sort @dbsources ];
879 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/delete_dataset");
883 my $form = $main::form;
884 my $locale = $main::locale;
887 $form->error($locale->text('No Dataset selected!'));
890 User->dbdelete(\%$form);
894 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
895 . $locale->text('Delete Dataset');
897 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/dbdelete");
901 my $form = $main::form;
902 my $locale = $main::locale;
906 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
907 . $locale->text('Backup Dataset');
909 if ("$main::pg_dump_exe" eq "DISABLED") {
910 $form->error($locale->text('Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.'));
913 my @dbsources = sort User->dbsources($form);
914 $form->{DATABASES} = [ map { { "dbname" => $_ } } @dbsources ];
915 $form->{NO_DATABASES} = !scalar @dbsources;
917 my $username = getpwuid $UID || "unknown-user";
918 my $hostname = hostname() || "unknown-host";
919 $form->{from} = "Lx-Office Admin <${username}\@${hostname}>";
922 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/backup_dataset");
925 sub backup_dataset_start {
926 my $form = $main::form;
927 my $locale = $main::locale;
931 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
932 . $locale->text('Backup Dataset');
934 $main::pg_dump_exe ||= "pg_dump";
936 if ("$main::pg_dump_exe" eq "DISABLED") {
937 $form->error($locale->text('Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.'));
940 $form->isblank("dbname", $locale->text('The dataset name is missing.'));
941 $form->isblank("to", $locale->text('The email address is missing.')) if $form->{destination} eq "email";
943 my $tmpdir = "/tmp/lx_office_backup_" . Common->unique_id();
944 mkdir $tmpdir, 0700 || $form->error($locale->text('A temporary directory could not be created:') . " $ERRNO");
946 my $pgpass = IO::File->new("${tmpdir}/.pgpass", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600);
950 $form->error($locale->text('A temporary file could not be created:') . " $ERRNO");
953 print $pgpass "$form->{dbhost}:$form->{dbport}:$form->{dbname}:$form->{dbuser}:$form->{dbpasswd}\n";
956 $ENV{HOME} = $tmpdir;
958 my @args = ("-Ft", "-c", "-o", "-h", $form->{dbhost}, "-U", $form->{dbuser});
959 push @args, ("-p", $form->{dbport}) if ($form->{dbport});
960 push @args, $form->{dbname};
962 my $cmd = "$main::pg_dump_exe " . join(" ", map { s/\\/\\\\/g; s/\"/\\\"/g; $_ } @args);
963 my $name = "dataset_backup_$form->{dbname}_" . strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime()) . ".tar";
965 if ($form->{destination} ne "email") {
966 my $in = IO::File->new("$cmd |");
969 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass";
972 $form->error($locale->text('The pg_dump process could not be started.'));
975 print "content-type: application/x-tar\n";
976 print "content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"${name}\"\n\n";
978 while (my $line = <$in>) {
984 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass";
988 my $tmp = $tmpdir . "/dump_" . Common::unique_id();
990 if (system("$cmd > $tmp") != 0) {
991 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass", $tmp;
994 $form->error($locale->text('The pg_dump process could not be started.'));
997 my $mail = new Mailer;
999 map { $mail->{$_} = $form->{$_} } qw(from to cc subject message);
1001 $mail->{charset} = $main::dbcharset ? $main::dbcharset : Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
1002 $mail->{attachments} = [ { "filename" => $tmp, "name" => $name } ];
1005 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass", $tmp;
1010 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
1011 . $locale->text('Backup Dataset');
1014 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/backup_dataset_email_done");
1018 sub restore_dataset {
1019 my $form = $main::form;
1020 my $locale = $main::locale;
1024 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
1025 . $locale->text('Restore Dataset');
1027 if ("$main::pg_restore_exe" eq "DISABLED") {
1028 $form->error($locale->text('Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.'));
1031 my $default_charset = $main::dbcharset;
1032 $default_charset ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
1034 $form->{DBENCODINGS} = [];
1036 foreach my $encoding (@Common::db_encodings) {
1037 push @{ $form->{DBENCODINGS} }, { "dbencoding" => $encoding->{dbencoding},
1038 "label" => $encoding->{label},
1039 "selected" => $encoding->{charset} eq $default_charset };
1043 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/restore_dataset");
1046 sub restore_dataset_start {
1047 my $form = $main::form;
1048 my $locale = $main::locale;
1052 . $locale->text('Database Administration') . " / "
1053 . $locale->text('Restore Dataset');
1055 $main::pg_restore_exe ||= "pg_restore";
1057 if ("$main::pg_restore_exe" eq "DISABLED") {
1058 $form->error($locale->text('Database backups and restorations are disabled in lx-erp.conf.'));
1061 $form->isblank("new_dbname", $locale->text('The dataset name is missing.'));
1062 $form->isblank("content", $locale->text('No backup file has been uploaded.'));
1064 # Create temporary directories. Write the backup file contents to a temporary
1065 # file. Create a .pgpass file with the username and password for the pg_restore
1068 my $tmpdir = "/tmp/lx_office_backup_" . Common->unique_id();
1069 mkdir $tmpdir, 0700 || $form->error($locale->text('A temporary directory could not be created:') . " $ERRNO");
1071 my $pgpass = IO::File->new("${tmpdir}/.pgpass", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600);
1075 $form->error($locale->text('A temporary file could not be created:') . " $ERRNO");
1078 print $pgpass "$form->{dbhost}:$form->{dbport}:$form->{new_dbname}:$form->{dbuser}:$form->{dbpasswd}\n";
1081 $ENV{HOME} = $tmpdir;
1083 my $tmp = $tmpdir . "/dump_" . Common::unique_id();
1086 if (substr($form->{content}, 0, 2) eq "\037\213") {
1087 $tmpfile = IO::File->new("| gzip -d > $tmp");
1091 $tmpfile = IO::File->new($tmp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0600);
1095 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass";
1098 $form->error($locale->text('A temporary file could not be created:') . " $ERRNO");
1101 print $tmpfile $form->{content};
1104 delete $form->{content};
1106 # Try to connect to the database. Find out if a database with the same name exists.
1107 # If yes, then drop the existing database. Create a new one with the name and encoding
1108 # given by the user.
1110 User::dbconnect_vars($form, "template1");
1112 my %myconfig = map { $_ => $form->{$_} } grep /^db/, keys %{ $form };
1113 my $dbh = $form->dbconnect(\%myconfig) || $form->dberror();
1117 $form->{new_dbname} =~ s|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]||g;
1119 $query = qq|SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ?|;
1120 my ($count) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query, $form->{new_dbname});
1122 do_query($form, $dbh, qq|DROP DATABASE $form->{new_dbname}|);
1126 foreach my $item (@Common::db_encodings) {
1127 if ($item->{dbencoding} eq $form->{dbencoding}) {
1132 $form->{dbencoding} = "LATIN9" unless $form->{dbencoding};
1134 do_query($form, $dbh, qq|CREATE DATABASE $form->{new_dbname} ENCODING ? TEMPLATE template0|, $form->{dbencoding});
1138 # Spawn pg_restore on the temporary file.
1140 my @args = ("-h", $form->{dbhost}, "-U", $form->{dbuser}, "-d", $form->{new_dbname});
1141 push @args, ("-p", $form->{dbport}) if ($form->{dbport});
1144 my $cmd = "$main::pg_restore_exe " . join(" ", map { s/\\/\\\\/g; s/\"/\\\"/g; $_ } @args);
1146 my $in = IO::File->new("$cmd 2>&1 |");
1149 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass", $tmp;
1152 $form->error($locale->text('The pg_restore process could not be started.'));
1155 $English::AUTOFLUSH = 1;
1158 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/restore_dataset_start_header");
1160 while (my $line = <$in>) {
1165 $form->{retval} = $CHILD_ERROR >> 8;
1166 print $form->parse_html_template("admin/restore_dataset_start_footer");
1168 unlink "${tmpdir}/.pgpass", $tmp;
1173 my $form = $main::form;
1174 my $locale = $main::locale;
1176 unlink "$main::userspath/nologin";
1178 $form->{callback} = "admin.pl?action=list_users";
1180 $form->redirect($locale->text('Lockfile removed!'));
1185 my $form = $main::form;
1186 my $locale = $main::locale;
1188 open(FH, ">$main::userspath/nologin")
1189 or $form->error($locale->text('Cannot create Lock!'));
1192 $form->{callback} = "admin.pl?action=list_users";
1194 $form->redirect($locale->text('Lockfile created!'));
1199 call_sub($main::form->{yes_nextsub});
1203 call_sub($main::form->{no_nextsub});
1207 call_sub($main::form->{add_nextsub});
1211 my $form = $main::form;
1213 $form->{edit_nextsub} ||= 'edit_user';
1215 call_sub($form->{edit_nextsub});
1219 my $form = $main::form;
1221 $form->{delete_nextsub} ||= 'delete_user';
1223 call_sub($form->{delete_nextsub});
1227 my $form = $main::form;
1229 $form->{save_nextsub} ||= 'save_user';
1231 call_sub($form->{save_nextsub});
1235 call_sub($main::form->{back_nextsub});
1239 my $form = $main::form;
1240 my $locale = $main::locale;
1242 foreach my $action (qw(create_standard_group dont_create_standard_group
1243 save_user delete_user save_user_as_new)) {
1244 if ($form->{"action_${action}"}) {
1250 call_sub($form->{default_action}) if ($form->{default_action});
1252 $form->error($locale->text('No action defined.'));