1 #=====================================================================
4 # Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
5 # Web http://www.lx-office.org
7 #=====================================================================
8 # SQL-Ledger, Accounting
11 # Author: Dieter Simader
12 # Email: dsimader@sql-ledger.org
13 # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
16 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
17 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
19 # (at your option) any later version.
21 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 # GNU General Public License for more details.
25 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
28 #======================================================================
30 # Inventory Control module
32 #======================================================================
34 use POSIX qw(strftime);
35 use List::Util qw(first max);
36 use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
41 use SL::ReportGenerator;
49 our ($form, $locale, %myconfig, $lxdebug, $auth);
51 require "bin/mozilla/io.pl";
52 require "bin/mozilla/invoice_io.pl";
53 require "bin/mozilla/common.pl";
54 require "bin/mozilla/reportgenerator.pl";
59 # type=submit $locale->text('Add Part')
60 # type=submit $locale->text('Add Service')
61 # type=submit $locale->text('Add Assembly')
62 # type=submit $locale->text('Edit Part')
63 # type=submit $locale->text('Edit Service')
64 # type=submit $locale->text('Edit Assembly')
65 # $locale->text('Parts')
66 # $locale->text('Services')
67 # $locale->text('Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!')
68 # $locale->text('Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!')
69 # $locale->text('Part Number missing!')
70 # $locale->text('Service Number missing!')
71 # $locale->text('Assembly Number missing!')
72 # $locale->text('ea');
77 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
79 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
81 my $title = 'Add ' . ucfirst $form->{item};
82 $form->{title} = $locale->text($title);
83 $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=add&item=$form->{item}" unless $form->{callback};
84 $form->{unit_changeable} = 1;
86 IC->get_pricegroups(\%myconfig, \%$form);
90 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
94 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
96 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
98 $form->{revers} = 0; # switch for backward sorting
99 $form->{lastsort} = ""; # memory for which table was sort at last time
100 $form->{ndxs_counter} = 0; # counter for added entries to top100
102 my %is_xyz = map { +"is_$_" => ($form->{searchitems} eq $_) } qw(part service assembly);
104 $form->{title} = (ucfirst $form->{searchitems}) . "s";
105 $form->{title} = $locale->text($form->{title});
106 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Assemblies') if ($is_xyz{is_assembly});
108 $form->{jsscript} = 1;
110 $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES} = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'IC');
112 $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES_INCLUSION_CODE}) = CVar->render_search_options('variables' => $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES},
113 'include_prefix' => 'l_',
114 'include_value' => 'Y');
118 $form->get_lists('partsgroup' => 'ALL_PARTSGROUPS');
119 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/search', { %is_xyz,
120 dateformat => $myconfig{dateformat},
121 limit => $myconfig{vclimit}, });
123 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
126 sub search_update_prices {
127 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
129 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
131 my $pricegroups = IC->get_pricegroups(\%myconfig, \%$form);
133 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Update Prices');
137 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/search_update_prices', { PRICE_ROWS => $pricegroups });
139 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
142 sub confirm_price_update {
143 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
145 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
148 my $value_found = undef;
150 foreach my $idx (qw(sellprice listprice), (1..$form->{price_rows})) {
151 my $name = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? $form->{"pricegroup_${idx}"} : $idx eq 'sellprice' ? $locale->text('Sell Price') : $locale->text('List Price');
152 my $type = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? $form->{"pricegroup_type_${idx}"} : $form->{"${idx}_type"};
153 my $value_idx = $idx =~ m/\d/ ? "price_${idx}" : $idx;
154 my $value = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$value_idx});
156 if ((0 > $value) && ($type eq 'percent')) {
157 push @errors, $locale->text('You cannot adjust the price for pricegroup "#1" by a negative percentage.', $name);
159 } elsif (!$value && ($form->{$value_idx} ne '')) {
160 push @errors, $locale->text('No valid number entered for pricegroup "#1".', $name);
162 } elsif (0 < $value) {
167 push @errors, $locale->text('No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.') if (!$value_found);
169 my $num_matches = IC->get_num_matches_for_priceupdate();
174 $form->show_generic_error(join('<br>', @errors), 'back_button' => 1);
177 $form->{nextsub} = "update_prices";
179 map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(action header);
181 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/confirm_price_update', { HIDDENS => [ map { name => $_, value => $form->{$_} }, keys %$form ],
182 num_matches => $num_matches });
184 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
188 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
190 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
192 my $num_updated = IC->update_prices(\%myconfig, \%$form);
194 if (-1 != $num_updated) {
195 $form->redirect($locale->text('#1 prices were updated.', $num_updated));
197 $form->error($locale->text('Could not update prices!'));
200 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
204 # $lxdebug->enter_sub();
206 # $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
208 # our ($j, $lastndx);
211 # $form->{title} = $locale->text('Top 100 hinzufuegen');
215 # push @custom_hiddens, qw(searchitems title bom titel revers lastsort sort ndxs_counter extras);
216 # push @custom_hiddens, qw(itemstatus l_linetotal l_partnumber l_description l_onhand l_unit l_sellprice l_linetotalsellprice);
218 # +{ name => 'row', value => $j },
219 # +{ name => 'nextsub', value => 'item_selected' },
220 # +{ name => 'test', value => 'item_selected' },
221 # +{ name => 'lastndx', value => $lastndx },
222 # map(+{ name => $_, value => $form->{$_} }, @custom_hiddens),
225 # my ($partnumber, $description, $unit, $sellprice, $soldtotal);
226 # # if choice set data
227 ## if ($form->{ndx}) {
228 ## for my $i (0 .. $form->{ndxs_counter}) {
230 ## # insert data into top100
231 ## push @{ $form->{parts} },
233 ## partnumber => $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$j"},
234 ## description => $form->{"totop100_description_$j"},
235 ## unit => $form->{"totop100_unit_$j"},
236 ## sellprice => $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$j"},
237 ## soldtotal => $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$j"},
244 # # set data for next page
245 # for my $i (1 .. $form->{ndxs_counter}) {
246 # $partnumber = $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"};
247 # $description = $form->{"totop100_description_$i"};
248 # $unit = $form->{"totop100_unit_$i"};
249 # $sellprice = $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"};
250 # $soldtotal = $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"};
253 # totop100_partnumber => $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"},
254 # totop100_description => $form->{"totop100_description_$i"},
255 # totop100_unit => $form->{"totop100_unit_$i"},
256 # totop100_sellprice => $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"},
257 # totop100_soldtotal => $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"},
261 ##<input type=hidden name=totop100_partnumber_$i value=$form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"}>
262 ##<input type=hidden name=totop100_description_$i value=$form->{"totop100_description_$i"}>
263 ##<input type=hidden name=totop100_unit_$i value=$form->{"totop100_unit_$i"}>
264 ##<input type=hidden name=totop100_sellprice_$i value=$form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"}>
265 ##<input type=hidden name=totop100_soldtotal_$i value=$form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"}>
269 # print $form->parse_html_template('ic/choice', +{ HIDDENS => \@HIDDENS, PARTS => \@PARTS });
271 # $lxdebug->leave_sub();
275 # $lxdebug->enter_sub();
277 # $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
280 # our ($partnumber, $description, $unit, $sellprice, $soldtotal);
282 # my @sortorders = ("", "partnumber", "description", "all");
283 # my $sortorder = $sortorders[($form->{description} ? 2 : 0) + ($form->{partnumber} ? 1 : 0)];
284 # IC->get_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form, $sortorder);
286 # $form->{title} = $locale->text('Top 100 hinzufuegen');
292 # <form method=post action=ic.pl>
295 # <th class=listtop colspan=6>| . $locale->text('choice part') . qq|</th>
297 # <tr height="5"></tr>
298 # <tr class=listheading>
300 # <th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Part Number') . qq|</th>
301 # <th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Part Description') . qq|</th>
302 # <th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Unit of measure') . qq|</th>
303 # <th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('Sell Price') . qq|</th>
304 # <th class=listheading>| . $locale->text('soldtotal') . qq|</th>
308 # my $i = $form->{rows};
310 # for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {
313 # <tr class=listrow| . ($j % 2) . qq|>|;
316 # <td><input name=ndx class=radio type=radio value=$j checked></td>|;
319 # <td><input name=ndx class=radio type=radio value=$j></td>|;
322 # <td><input name="new_partnumber_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"partnumber_$j"}">$form->{"partnumber_$j"}</td>
323 # <td><input name="new_description_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"description_$j"}">$form->{"description_$j"}</td>
324 # <td><input name="new_unit_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"unit_$j"}">$form->{"unit_$j"}</td>
325 # <td><input name="new_sellprice_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"sellprice_$j"}">$form->{"sellprice_$j"}</td>
326 # <td><input name="new_soldtotal_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"soldtotal_$j"}">$form->{"soldtotal_$j"}</td>
329 # <input name="new_id_$j" type=hidden value="$form->{"id_$j"}">|;
339 #<input type=hidden name=itemstatus value="$form->{itemstatus}">
340 #<input type=hidden name=l_linetotal value="$form->{l_linetotal}">
341 #<input type=hidden name=l_partnumber value="$form->{l_partnumber}">
342 #<input type=hidden name=l_description value="$form->{l_description}">
343 #<input type=hidden name=l_onhand value="$form->{l_onhand}">
344 #<input type=hidden name=l_unit value="$form->{l_unit}">
345 #<input type=hidden name=l_sellprice value="$form->{l_sellprice}">
346 #<input type=hidden name=l_linetotalsellprice value="$form->{l_linetotalsellprice}">
347 #<input type=hidden name=sort value="$form->{sort}">
348 #<input type=hidden name=revers value="$form->{revers}">
349 #<input type=hidden name=lastsort value="$form->{lastsort}">
351 #<input type=hidden name=bom value="$form->{bom}">
352 #<input type=hidden name=titel value="$form->{titel}">
353 #<input type=hidden name=searchitems value="$form->{searchitems}">
355 #<input type=hidden name=row value=$j>
357 #<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=item_selected>
359 #<input name=lastndx type=hidden value=$lastndx>
361 #<input name=ndxs_counter type=hidden value=$form->{ndxs_counter}>|;
365 # if (($form->{ndxs_counter}) > 0) {
366 # for ($i = 1; ($i < $form->{ndxs_counter} + 1); $i++) {
368 # $partnumber = $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"};
369 # $description = $form->{"totop100_description_$i"};
370 # $unit = $form->{"totop100_unit_$i"};
371 # $sellprice = $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"};
372 # $soldtotal = $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"};
375 #<input type=hidden name=totop100_partnumber_$i value=$form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"}>
376 #<input type=hidden name=totop100_description_$i value=$form->{"totop100_description_$i"}>
377 #<input type=hidden name=totop100_unit_$i value=$form->{"totop100_unit_$i"}>
378 #<input type=hidden name=totop100_sellprice_$i value=$form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"}>
379 #<input type=hidden name=totop100_soldtotal_$i value=$form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"}>
387 #<input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
388 # . $locale->text('TOP100') . qq|">
394 # $lxdebug->leave_sub();
398 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
400 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
403 $form->{ndxs_counter}++;
405 if ($form->{ndxs_counter} > 0) {
407 my $index = $form->{ndx};
409 $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$form->{ndxs_counter}"} = $form->{"new_partnumber_$index"};
410 $form->{"totop100_description_$form->{ndxs_counter}"} = $form->{"new_description_$index"};
411 $form->{"totop100_unit_$form->{ndxs_counter}"} = $form->{"new_unit_$index"};
412 $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$form->{ndxs_counter}"} = $form->{"new_sellprice_$index"};
413 $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$form->{ndxs_counter}"} = $form->{"new_soldtotal_$index"};
417 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
421 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
423 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
425 my ($revers, $lastsort, $callback, $option, $description, $sameitem,
426 $partnumber, $unit, $sellprice, $soldtotal, $totop100, $onhand, $align);
427 my (@column_index, %column_header, %column_data);
428 my ($totalsellprice, $totallastcost, $totallistprice, $subtotalonhand, $subtotalsellprice, $subtotallastcost, $subtotallistprice);
430 $form->{top100} = "top100";
431 $form->{l_soldtotal} = "Y";
432 $form->{soldtotal} = "soldtotal";
433 $form->{sort} = "soldtotal";
434 $form->{l_qty} = "N";
435 $form->{l_linetotal} = "";
437 $form->{number} = "position";
438 $form->{l_number} = "Y";
442 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Top 100');
444 $revers = $form->{revers};
445 $lastsort = $form->{lastsort};
447 if (($form->{lastsort} eq "") && ($form->{sort} eq undef)) {
449 $form->{lastsort} = "partnumber";
450 $form->{sort} = "partnumber";
454 "$form->{script}?action=top100&searchitems=$form->{searchitems}&itemstatus=$form->{itemstatus}&bom=$form->{bom}&l_linetotal=$form->{l_linetotal}&title="
455 . $form->escape($form->{title}, 1);
457 # if we have a serialnumber limit search
458 if ($form->{serialnumber} || $form->{l_serialnumber}) {
459 $form->{l_serialnumber} = "Y";
460 unless ( $form->{bought}
463 || $form->{quoted}) {
464 $form->{bought} = $form->{sold} = 1;
467 IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
469 if ($form->{itemstatus} eq 'active') {
470 $option .= $locale->text('Active') . " : ";
472 if ($form->{itemstatus} eq 'obsolete') {
473 $option .= $locale->text('Obsolete') . " : ";
475 if ($form->{itemstatus} eq 'orphaned') {
476 $option .= $locale->text('Orphaned') . " : ";
478 if ($form->{itemstatus} eq 'onhand') {
479 $option .= $locale->text('On Hand') . " : ";
480 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
482 if ($form->{itemstatus} eq 'short') {
483 $option .= $locale->text('Short') . " : ";
484 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
486 if ($form->{onorder}) {
487 $form->{l_ordnumber} = "Y";
488 $callback .= "&onorder=$form->{onorder}";
489 $option .= $locale->text('On Order') . " : ";
491 if ($form->{ordered}) {
492 $form->{l_ordnumber} = "Y";
493 $callback .= "&ordered=$form->{ordered}";
494 $option .= $locale->text('Ordered') . " : ";
497 $form->{l_quonumber} = "Y";
498 $callback .= "&rfq=$form->{rfq}";
499 $option .= $locale->text('RFQ') . " : ";
501 if ($form->{quoted}) {
502 $form->{l_quonumber} = "Y";
503 $callback .= ""ed=$form->{quoted}";
504 $option .= $locale->text('Quoted') . " : ";
506 if ($form->{bought}) {
507 $form->{l_invnumber} = "Y";
508 $callback .= "&bought=$form->{bought}";
509 $option .= $locale->text('Bought') . " : ";
512 $form->{l_invnumber} = "Y";
513 $callback .= "&sold=$form->{sold}";
514 $option .= $locale->text('Sold') . " : ";
521 || $form->{quoted}) {
523 $form->{l_lastcost} = "";
524 $form->{l_name} = "Y";
525 if ($form->{transdatefrom}) {
526 $callback .= "&transdatefrom=$form->{transdatefrom}";
528 . $locale->text('From')
530 . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdatefrom}, 1);
532 if ($form->{transdateto}) {
533 $callback .= "&transdateto=$form->{transdateto}";
535 . $locale->text('To')
537 . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdateto}, 1);
543 if ($form->{partnumber}) {
544 $callback .= "&partnumber=$form->{partnumber}";
545 $option .= $locale->text('Part Number') . qq| : $form->{partnumber}<br>|;
548 $callback .= "&partnumber=$form->{ean}";
549 $option .= $locale->text('EAN') . qq| : $form->{ean}<br>|;
551 if ($form->{partsgroup}) {
552 $callback .= "&partsgroup=$form->{partsgroup}";
553 $option .= $locale->text('Group') . qq| : $form->{partsgroup}<br>|;
555 if ($form->{serialnumber}) {
556 $callback .= "&serialnumber=$form->{serialnumber}";
557 $option .= $locale->text('Serial Number') . qq| : $form->{serialnumber}<br>|;
559 if ($form->{description}) {
560 $callback .= "&description=$form->{description}";
561 $description = $form->{description};
562 $description =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
563 $option .= $locale->text('Part Description') . qq| : $form->{description}<br>|;
566 $callback .= "&make=$form->{make}";
567 $option .= $locale->text('Make') . qq| : $form->{make}<br>|;
569 if ($form->{model}) {
570 $callback .= "&model=$form->{model}";
571 $option .= $locale->text('Model') . qq| : $form->{model}<br>|;
573 if ($form->{drawing}) {
574 $callback .= "&drawing=$form->{drawing}";
575 $option .= $locale->text('Drawing') . qq| : $form->{drawing}<br>|;
577 if ($form->{microfiche}) {
578 $callback .= "µfiche=$form->{microfiche}";
579 $option .= $locale->text('Microfiche') . qq| : $form->{microfiche}<br>|;
581 if ($form->{l_soldtotal}) {
582 $callback .= "&soldtotal=$form->{soldtotal}";
583 $option .= $locale->text('soldtotal') . qq| : $form->{soldtotal}<br>|;
586 my @columns = $form->sort_columns(
587 qw(number partnumber ean description partsgroup bin onhand rop unit listprice linetotallistprice sellprice linetotalsellprice lastcost linetotallastcost priceupdate weight image drawing microfiche invnumber ordnumber quonumber name serialnumber soldtotal)
590 if ($form->{l_linetotal}) {
591 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
592 $form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_sellprice};
593 if ($form->{l_lastcost}) {
594 $form->{l_linetotallastcost} = "Y";
595 if (($form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly') && !$form->{bom}) {
596 $form->{l_linetotallastcost} = "";
599 $form->{l_linetotallistprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_listprice};
602 if ($form->{searchitems} eq 'service') {
604 # remove bin, weight and rop from list
605 map { $form->{"l_$_"} = "" } qw(bin weight rop);
607 $form->{l_onhand} = "";
609 # qty is irrelevant unless bought or sold
615 || $form->{quoted}) {
616 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
618 $form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "";
619 $form->{l_linetotallastcost} = "";
623 foreach my $item (@columns) {
624 if ($form->{"l_$item"} eq "Y") {
625 push @column_index, $item;
627 # add column to callback
628 $callback .= "&l_$item=Y";
632 if ($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y') {
633 $callback .= "&l_subtotal=Y";
636 $column_header{number} =
637 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('number') . qq|</th>|;
638 $column_header{partnumber} =
639 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=partnumber&revers=$form->{revers}&lastsort=$form->{lastsort}>|
640 . $locale->text('Part Number')
642 $column_header{description} =
643 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=description&revers=$form->{revers}&lastsort=$form->{lastsort}>|
644 . $locale->text('Part Description')
646 $column_header{partsgroup} =
647 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=partsgroup>|
648 . $locale->text('Group')
650 $column_header{bin} =
651 qq|<th><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=bin>|
652 . $locale->text('Bin')
654 $column_header{priceupdate} =
655 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=priceupdate>|
656 . $locale->text('Updated')
658 $column_header{onhand} =
659 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=onhand&revers=$form->{revers}&lastsort=$form->{lastsort}>|
660 . $locale->text('Qty')
662 $column_header{unit} =
663 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Unit') . qq|</th>|;
664 $column_header{listprice} =
665 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>|
666 . $locale->text('List Price')
668 $column_header{lastcost} =
669 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Last Cost') . qq|</th>|;
670 $column_header{rop} =
671 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('ROP') . qq|</th>|;
672 $column_header{weight} =
673 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Weight') . qq|</th>|;
675 $column_header{invnumber} =
676 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=invnumber>|
677 . $locale->text('Invoice Number')
679 $column_header{ordnumber} =
680 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=ordnumber>|
681 . $locale->text('Order Number')
683 $column_header{quonumber} =
684 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=quonumber>|
685 . $locale->text('Quotation')
688 $column_header{name} =
689 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=name>|
690 . $locale->text('Name')
693 $column_header{sellprice} =
694 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>|
695 . $locale->text('Sell Price')
697 $column_header{linetotalsellprice} =
698 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Extended') . qq|</th>|;
699 $column_header{linetotallastcost} =
700 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Extended') . qq|</th>|;
701 $column_header{linetotallistprice} =
702 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Extended') . qq|</th>|;
704 $column_header{image} =
705 qq|<th class=listheading nowrap>| . $locale->text('Image') . qq|</a></th>|;
706 $column_header{drawing} =
707 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=drawing>|
708 . $locale->text('Drawing')
710 $column_header{microfiche} =
711 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=microfiche>|
712 . $locale->text('Microfiche')
715 $column_header{serialnumber} =
716 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=serialnumber>|
717 . $locale->text('Serial Number')
719 $column_header{soldtotal} =
720 qq|<th nowrap><a class=listheading href=$callback&sort=soldtotal&revers=$form->{revers}&lastsort=$form->{lastsort}>|
721 . $locale->text('soldtotal')
725 my $colspan = $#column_index + 1;
732 <th class=listtop colspan=$colspan>$form->{title}</th>
736 <tr><td colspan=$colspan>$option</td></tr>
738 <tr class=listheading>
741 map { print "\n$column_header{$_}" } @column_index;
747 # add order to callback
748 $form->{callback} = $callback .= "&sort=$form->{sort}";
750 # escape callback for href
751 $callback = $form->escape($callback);
753 if (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
754 $sameitem = $form->{parts}->[0]->{ $form->{sort} };
757 # insert numbers for top100
759 foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
764 # if avaible -> insert choice here
765 if (($form->{ndxs_counter}) > 0) {
766 for (my $i = 1; ($i < $form->{ndxs_counter} + 1); $i++) {
767 $partnumber = $form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"};
768 $description = $form->{"totop100_description_$i"};
769 $unit = $form->{"totop100_unit_$i"};
770 $sellprice = $form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"};
771 $soldtotal = $form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"};
774 <input type=hidden name=totop100_partnumber_$i value=$form->{"totop100_partnumber_$i"}>
775 <input type=hidden name=totop100_description_$i value=$form->{"totop100_description_$i"}>
776 <input type=hidden name=totop100_unit_$i value=$form->{"totop100_unit_$i"}>
777 <input type=hidden name=totop100_sellprice_$i value=$form->{"totop100_sellprice_$i"}>
778 <input type=hidden name=totop100_soldtotal_$i value=$form->{"totop100_soldtotal_$i"}>
782 push @{ $form->{parts} },
784 partnumber => "$partnumber",
785 description => "$description",
787 sellprice => "$sellprice",
788 soldtotal => "$soldtotal" };
791 # build data for columns
793 foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
795 if ($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y' && !$ref->{assemblyitem}) {
796 if ($sameitem ne $ref->{ $form->{sort} }) {
797 parts_subtotal(\@column_index, \$subtotalonhand, \$subtotalsellprice, \$subtotallastcost, \$subtotallistprice);
798 $sameitem = $ref->{ $form->{sort} };
802 $ref->{exchangerate} = 1 unless $ref->{exchangerate};
803 $ref->{sellprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
804 $ref->{listprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
805 $ref->{lastcost} *= $ref->{exchangerate};
807 # use this for assemblies
808 $onhand = $ref->{onhand};
811 if ($ref->{assemblyitem}) {
813 $onhand = 0 if ($form->{sold});
816 $ref->{description} =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
818 $column_data{number} =
820 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{number})
822 $column_data{partnumber} =
823 "<td align=$align>$ref->{partnumber} </a></td>";
824 $column_data{description} = "<td>$ref->{description} </td>";
825 $column_data{partsgroup} = "<td>$ref->{partsgroup} </td>";
827 $column_data{onhand} =
829 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand})
831 $column_data{sellprice} =
833 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{sellprice})
835 $column_data{listprice} =
837 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{listprice})
839 $column_data{lastcost} =
841 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{lastcost})
844 $column_data{linetotalsellprice} = "<td align=right>"
845 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand} * $ref->{sellprice}, 2)
847 $column_data{linetotallastcost} = "<td align=right>"
848 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand} * $ref->{lastcost}, 2)
850 $column_data{linetotallistprice} = "<td align=right>"
851 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand} * $ref->{listprice}, 2)
854 if (!$ref->{assemblyitem}) {
855 $totalsellprice += $onhand * $ref->{sellprice};
856 $totallastcost += $onhand * $ref->{lastcost};
857 $totallistprice += $onhand * $ref->{listprice};
859 $subtotalonhand += $onhand;
860 $subtotalsellprice += $onhand * $ref->{sellprice};
861 $subtotallastcost += $onhand * $ref->{lastcost};
862 $subtotallistprice += $onhand * $ref->{listprice};
867 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{rop}) . "</td>";
868 $column_data{weight} =
870 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{weight})
872 $column_data{unit} = "<td>$ref->{unit} </td>";
873 $column_data{bin} = "<td>$ref->{bin} </td>";
874 $column_data{priceupdate} = "<td>$ref->{priceupdate} </td>";
876 $column_data{invnumber} =
877 ($ref->{module} ne 'oe')
878 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{module}.pl?action=edit&type=invoice&id=$ref->{trans_id}&callback=$callback>$ref->{invnumber}</a></td>"
879 : "<td>$ref->{invnumber}</td>";
880 $column_data{ordnumber} =
881 ($ref->{module} eq 'oe')
882 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{module}.pl?action=edit&type=$ref->{type}&id=$ref->{trans_id}&callback=$callback>$ref->{ordnumber}</a></td>"
883 : "<td>$ref->{ordnumber}</td>";
884 $column_data{quonumber} =
885 ($ref->{module} eq 'oe' && !$ref->{ordnumber})
886 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{module}.pl?action=edit&type=$ref->{type}&id=$ref->{trans_id}&callback=$callback>$ref->{quonumber}</a></td>"
887 : "<td>$ref->{quonumber}</td>";
889 $column_data{name} = "<td>$ref->{name}</td>";
891 $column_data{image} =
893 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{image}><img src=$ref->{image} height=32 border=0></a></td>"
895 $column_data{drawing} =
897 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{drawing}>$ref->{drawing}</a></td>"
899 $column_data{microfiche} =
901 ? "<td><a href=$ref->{microfiche}>$ref->{microfiche}</a></td>"
904 $column_data{serialnumber} = "<td>$ref->{serialnumber}</td>";
906 $column_data{soldtotal} = "<td align=right>$ref->{soldtotal}</td>";
910 print "<tr class=listrow$i>";
912 map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;
919 if ($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y') {
920 parts_subtotal(\@column_index, \$subtotalonhand, \$subtotalsellprice, \$subtotallastcost, \$subtotallistprice);
923 if ($form->{"l_linetotal"}) {
924 map { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>" } @column_index;
925 $column_data{linetotalsellprice} =
926 "<th class=listtotal align=right>"
927 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totalsellprice, 2)
929 $column_data{linetotallastcost} =
930 "<th class=listtotal align=right>"
931 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totallastcost, 2)
933 $column_data{linetotallistprice} =
934 "<th class=listtotal align=right>"
935 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totallistprice, 2)
938 print "<tr class=listtotal>";
940 map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @column_index;
947 <tr><td colspan=$colspan><hr size=3 noshade></td></tr>
956 <form method=post action=$form->{script}>
958 <input type=hidden name=itemstatus value="$form->{itemstatus}">
959 <input type=hidden name=l_linetotal value="$form->{l_linetotal}">
960 <input type=hidden name=l_partnumber value="$form->{l_partnumber}">
961 <input type=hidden name=l_description value="$form->{l_description}">
962 <input type=hidden name=l_onhand value="$form->{l_onhand}">
963 <input type=hidden name=l_unit value="$form->{l_unit}">
964 <input type=hidden name=l_sellprice value="$form->{l_sellprice}">
965 <input type=hidden name=l_linetotalsellprice value="$form->{l_linetotalsellprice}">
966 <input type=hidden name=sort value="$form->{sort}">
967 <input type=hidden name=revers value="$form->{revers}">
968 <input type=hidden name=lastsort value="$form->{lastsort}">
969 <input type=hidden name=parts value="$form->{parts}">
971 <input type=hidden name=bom value="$form->{bom}">
972 <input type=hidden name=titel value="$form->{titel}">
973 <input type=hidden name=searchitems value="$form->{searchitems}">|;
978 <!-- <input type=hidden name=ndxs_counter value="$form->{ndxs_counter}">-->
980 <input class=submit type=submit name=action value="|
981 . $locale->text('choice') . qq|">
989 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
994 # Warning, deep magic ahead.
995 # This function parses the requested details, sanity checks them, and converts them into a format thats usable for IC->all_parts
997 # flags coming from the form:
999 # searchitems=part revers=0 lastsort=''
1002 # partnumber ean description partsgroup serialnumber make model drawing microfiche
1003 # transdatefrom transdateto
1006 # itemstatus = active | onhand | short | obsolete | orphaned
1007 # action = continue | top100
1010 # bought sold onorder ordered rfq quoted
1011 # l_partnumber l_description l_serialnumber l_unit l_listprice l_sellprice l_lastcost
1012 # l_linetotal l_priceupdate l_bin l_rop l_weight l_image l_drawing l_microfiche
1013 # l_partsgroup l_subtotal l_soldtotal l_deliverydate
1016 # nextsub revers lastsort sort ndxs_counter
1018 sub generate_report {
1019 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1021 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1023 my ($revers, $lastsort, $description);
1025 my $cvar_configs = CVar->get_configs('module' => 'IC');
1027 $form->{title} = (ucfirst $form->{searchitems}) . "s";
1028 $form->{title} =~ s/ys$/ies/;
1029 $form->{title} = $locale->text($form->{title});
1032 'bin' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Bin'), },
1033 'deliverydate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('deliverydate'), },
1034 'description' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part Description'), },
1035 'drawing' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Drawing'), },
1036 'ean' => { 'text' => $locale->text('EAN'), },
1037 'image' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Image'), },
1038 'invnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Invoice Number'), },
1039 'lastcost' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Last Cost'), },
1040 'linetotallastcost' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
1041 'linetotallistprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
1042 'linetotalsellprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Extended'), },
1043 'listprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('List Price'), },
1044 'microfiche' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Microfiche'), },
1045 'name' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Name'), },
1046 'onhand' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Qty'), },
1047 'ordnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Order Number'), },
1048 'partnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Part Number'), },
1049 'partsgroup' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Group'), },
1050 'priceupdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Updated'), },
1051 'quonumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Quotation'), },
1052 'rop' => { 'text' => $locale->text('ROP'), },
1053 'sellprice' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Sell Price'), },
1054 'serialnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Serial Number'), },
1055 'soldtotal' => { 'text' => $locale->text('soldtotal'), },
1056 'transdate' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Transdate'), },
1057 'unit' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Unit'), },
1058 'weight' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Weight'), },
1061 $revers = $form->{revers};
1062 $lastsort = $form->{lastsort};
1064 # sorting and direction of sorting
1065 # ToDO: change this to the simpler field+direction method
1066 if (($form->{lastsort} eq "") && ($form->{sort} eq undef)) {
1067 $form->{revers} = 0;
1068 $form->{lastsort} = "partnumber";
1069 $form->{sort} = "partnumber";
1071 if ($form->{lastsort} eq $form->{sort}) {
1072 $form->{revers} = 1 - $form->{revers};
1074 $form->{revers} = 0;
1075 $form->{lastsort} = $form->{sort};
1079 # special case if we have a serialnumber limit search
1080 # serialnumbers are only given in invoices and orders,
1081 # so they can only pop up in bought, sold, rfq, and quoted stuff
1082 $form->{no_sn_joins} = 'Y' if ( !$form->{bought} && !$form->{sold}
1083 && !$form->{rfq} && !$form->{quoted}
1084 && ($form->{l_serialnumber} || $form->{serialnumber}));
1086 # special case for any checkbox of bought | sold | onorder | ordered | rfq | quoted.
1087 # if any of these are ticked the behavior changes slightly for lastcost
1088 # since all those are aggregation checks for the legder tables this is an internal switch
1089 # refered to as ledgerchecks
1090 $form->{ledgerchecks} = 'Y' if ( $form->{bought} || $form->{sold} || $form->{onorder}
1091 || $form->{ordered} || $form->{rfq} || $form->{quoted});
1093 # if something should be activated if something else is active, enter it here
1094 my %dependencies = (
1095 onhand => [ qw(l_onhand) ],
1096 short => [ qw(l_onhand) ],
1097 onorder => [ qw(l_ordnumber) ],
1098 ordered => [ qw(l_ordnumber) ],
1099 rfq => [ qw(l_quonumber) ],
1100 quoted => [ qw(l_quonumber) ],
1101 bought => [ qw(l_invnumber) ],
1102 sold => [ qw(l_invnumber) ],
1103 ledgerchecks => [ qw(l_name) ],
1104 serialnumber => [ qw(l_serialnumber) ],
1105 no_sn_joins => [ qw(bought sold) ],
1108 # get name of partsgroup if id is given
1110 if ($form->{partsgroup_id}) {
1111 my $pg = SL::DB::PartsGroup->new(id => $form->{partsgroup_id})->load;
1112 $pg_name = $pg->{'partsgroup'};
1115 # these strings get displayed at the top of the results to indicate the user which switches were used
1117 active => $locale->text('Active'),
1118 obsolete => $locale->text('Obsolete'),
1119 orphaned => $locale->text('Orphaned'),
1120 onhand => $locale->text('On Hand'),
1121 short => $locale->text('Short'),
1122 onorder => $locale->text('On Order'),
1123 ordered => $locale->text('Ordered'),
1124 rfq => $locale->text('RFQ'),
1125 quoted => $locale->text('Quoted'),
1126 bought => $locale->text('Bought'),
1127 sold => $locale->text('Sold'),
1128 transdatefrom => $locale->text('From') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdatefrom}, 1),
1129 transdateto => $locale->text('To (time)') . " " . $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{transdateto}, 1),
1130 partnumber => $locale->text('Part Number') . ": '$form->{partnumber}'",
1131 partsgroup => $locale->text('Group') . ": '$form->{partsgroup}'",
1132 partsgroup_id => $locale->text('Group') . ": '$pg_name'",
1133 serialnumber => $locale->text('Serial Number') . ": '$form->{serialnumber}'",
1134 description => $locale->text('Part Description') . ": '$form->{description}'",
1135 make => $locale->text('Make') . ": '$form->{make}'",
1136 model => $locale->text('Model') . ": '$form->{model}'",
1137 drawing => $locale->text('Drawing') . ": '$form->{drawing}'",
1138 microfiche => $locale->text('Microfiche') . ": '$form->{microfiche}'",
1139 l_soldtotal => $locale->text('soldtotal'),
1140 ean => $locale->text('EAN') . ": '$form->{ean}'",
1143 my @itemstatus_keys = qw(active obsolete orphaned onhand short);
1144 my @callback_keys = qw(onorder ordered rfq quoted bought sold partnumber partsgroup partsgroup_id serialnumber description make model
1145 drawing microfiche l_soldtotal l_deliverydate transdatefrom transdateto ean);
1147 # calculate dependencies
1148 for (@itemstatus_keys, @callback_keys) {
1149 next if ($form->{itemstatus} ne $_ && !$form->{$_});
1150 map { $form->{$_} = 'Y' } @{ $dependencies{$_} } if $dependencies{$_};
1153 # generate callback and optionstrings
1155 for my $key (@itemstatus_keys, @callback_keys) {
1156 next if ($form->{itemstatus} ne $key && !$form->{$key});
1157 push @options, $optiontexts{$key};
1160 # special case for lastcost
1161 if ($form->{ledgerchecks}){
1162 # ledgerchecks don't know about sellprice or lastcost. they just return a
1163 # price. so rename sellprice to price, and drop lastcost.
1164 $column_defs{sellprice}{text} = $locale->text('Price');
1165 $form->{l_lastcost} = ""
1168 if ($form->{description}) {
1169 $description = $form->{description};
1170 $description =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
1173 if ($form->{l_linetotal}) {
1174 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
1175 $form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_sellprice};
1176 $form->{l_linetotallastcost} = $form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly' && !$form->{bom} ? "" : 'Y' if $form->{l_lastcost};
1177 $form->{l_linetotallistprice} = "Y" if $form->{l_listprice};
1180 if ($form->{searchitems} eq 'service') {
1182 # remove bin, weight and rop from list
1183 map { $form->{"l_$_"} = "" } qw(bin weight rop);
1185 $form->{l_onhand} = "";
1187 # qty is irrelevant unless bought or sold
1188 if ( $form->{bought}
1193 || $form->{quoted}) {
1194 $form->{l_onhand} = "Y";
1196 $form->{l_linetotalsellprice} = "";
1197 $form->{l_linetotallastcost} = "";
1201 IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
1204 partnumber description partsgroup bin onhand rop unit listprice
1205 linetotallistprice sellprice linetotalsellprice lastcost linetotallastcost
1206 priceupdate weight image drawing microfiche invnumber ordnumber quonumber
1207 transdate name serialnumber soldtotal deliverydate ean
1210 my @includeable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{includeable} } @{ $cvar_configs };
1211 my @searchable_custom_variables = grep { $_->{searchable} } @{ $cvar_configs };
1212 my %column_defs_cvars = map { +"cvar_$_->{name}" => { 'text' => $_->{description} } } @includeable_custom_variables;
1214 push @columns, map { "cvar_$_->{name}" } @includeable_custom_variables;
1216 %column_defs = (%column_defs,%column_defs_cvars); # nochmal die cvars als überschrift hinzufügen
1217 map { $column_defs{$_}->{visible} = $form->{"l_$_"} ? 1 : 0 } @columns;
1218 map { $column_defs{$_}->{align} = 'right' } qw(onhand sellprice listprice lastcost linetotalsellprice linetotallastcost linetotallistprice rop weight soldtotal);
1220 my @hidden_variables = (qw(l_subtotal l_linetotal searchitems itemstatus bom), @itemstatus_keys, @callback_keys,
1221 map({ "cvar_$_->{name}" } @searchable_custom_variables), map { "l_$_" } @columns);
1222 my $callback = build_std_url('action=generate_report', grep { $form->{$_} } @hidden_variables);
1224 my @sort_full = qw(partnumber description onhand soldtotal deliverydate);
1225 my @sort_no_revers = qw(partsgroup bin priceupdate invnumber ordnumber quonumber name image drawing serialnumber);
1227 foreach my $col (@sort_full) {
1228 $column_defs{$col}->{link} = join '&', $callback, "sort=$col", map { "$_=" . E($form->{$_}) } qw(revers lastsort);
1230 map { $column_defs{$_}->{link} = "${callback}&sort=$_" } @sort_no_revers;
1232 # add order to callback
1233 $form->{callback} = join '&', ($callback, map { "${_}=" . E($form->{$_}) } qw(sort revers));
1235 my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%myconfig, $form);
1237 my %attachment_basenames = (
1238 'part' => $locale->text('part_list'),
1239 'service' => $locale->text('service_list'),
1240 'assembly' => $locale->text('assembly_list'),
1243 $report->set_options('top_info_text' => $locale->text('Options') . ': ' . join(', ', grep $_, @options),
1244 'raw_bottom_info_text' => $form->parse_html_template('ic/generate_report_bottom'),
1245 'output_format' => 'HTML',
1246 'title' => $form->{title},
1247 'attachment_basename' => $attachment_basenames{$form->{searchitems}} . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
1249 $report->set_options_from_form();
1250 $locale->set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator(\%myconfig) if lc($report->{options}->{output_format}) eq 'csv';
1252 $report->set_columns(%column_defs);
1253 $report->set_column_order(@columns);
1255 $report->set_export_options('generate_report', @hidden_variables, qw(sort revers));
1257 $report->set_sort_indicator($form->{sort}, $form->{revers} ? 0 : 1);
1259 CVar->add_custom_variables_to_report('module' => 'IC',
1260 'trans_id_field' => 'id',
1261 'configs' => $cvar_configs,
1262 'column_defs' => \%column_defs,
1263 'data' => $form->{parts});
1265 CVar->add_custom_variables_to_report('module' => 'IC',
1266 'sub_module' => sub { $_[0]->{ioi} },
1267 'trans_id_field' => 'ioi_id',
1268 'configs' => $cvar_configs,
1269 'column_defs' => \%column_defs,
1270 'data' => $form->{parts});
1272 my @subtotal_columns = qw(sellprice listprice lastcost);
1273 my %subtotals = map { $_ => 0 } ('onhand', @subtotal_columns);
1274 my %totals = map { $_ => 0 } @subtotal_columns;
1276 my $same_item = @{ $form->{parts} } ? $form->{parts}[0]{ $form->{sort} } : undef;
1278 my $defaults = AM->get_defaults();
1281 foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{parts} }) {
1283 # fresh row, for inserting later
1284 my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => $ref->{$_} } } @columns };
1286 $ref->{exchangerate} ||= 1;
1287 $ref->{price_factor} ||= 1;
1288 $ref->{sellprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
1289 $ref->{listprice} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
1290 $ref->{lastcost} *= $ref->{exchangerate} / $ref->{price_factor};
1292 # use this for assemblies
1293 my $onhand = $ref->{onhand};
1295 if ($ref->{assemblyitem}) {
1296 $row->{partnumber}{align} = 'right';
1297 $row->{onhand}{data} = 0;
1298 $onhand = 0 if ($form->{sold});
1301 my $edit_link = build_std_url('action=edit', 'id=' . E($ref->{id}), 'callback');
1302 $row->{partnumber}->{link} = $edit_link;
1303 $row->{description}->{link} = $edit_link;
1305 foreach (qw(sellprice listprice lastcost)) {
1306 $row->{$_}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{$_}, -2);
1307 $row->{"linetotal$_"}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{onhand} * $ref->{$_}, 2);
1310 map { $row->{$_}{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ref->{$_}); } qw(onhand rop weight soldtotal);
1312 $row->{weight}->{data} .= ' ' . $defaults->{weightunit};
1314 if (!$ref->{assemblyitem}) {
1315 foreach my $col (@subtotal_columns) {
1316 $totals{$col} += $onhand * $ref->{$col};
1317 $subtotals{$col} += $onhand * $ref->{$col};
1320 $subtotals{onhand} += $onhand;
1324 if ($ref->{module} eq 'oe') {
1325 my $edit_oe_link = build_std_url("script=oe.pl", 'action=edit', 'type=' . E($ref->{cv} eq 'vendor' ? 'purchase_order' : 'sales_order'), 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');
1326 $row->{ordnumber}{link} = $edit_oe_link;
1327 $row->{quonumber}{link} = $edit_oe_link if (!$ref->{ordnumber});
1330 $row->{invnumber}{link} = build_std_url("script=$ref->{module}.pl", 'action=edit', 'type=invoice', 'id=' . E($ref->{trans_id}), 'callback');
1333 # set properties of images
1334 if ($ref->{image} && (lc $report->{options}->{output_format} eq 'html')) {
1335 $row->{image}{data} = '';
1336 $row->{image}{raw_data} = '<a href="' . H($ref->{image}) . '"><img src="' . H($ref->{image}) . '" height="32" border="0"></a>';
1338 map { $row->{$_}{link} = $ref->{$_} } qw(drawing microfiche);
1340 $report->add_data($row);
1342 my $next_ref = $form->{parts}[$idx + 1];
1344 # insert subtotal rows
1345 if (($form->{l_subtotal} eq 'Y') &&
1347 (!$next_ref->{assemblyitem} && ($same_item ne $next_ref->{ $form->{sort} })))) {
1348 my $row = { map { $_ => { 'class' => 'listsubtotal', } } @columns };
1350 if (($form->{searchitems} ne 'assembly') || !$form->{bom}) {
1351 $row->{onhand}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $subtotals{onhand});
1354 map { $row->{"linetotal$_"}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $subtotals{$_}, 2) } @subtotal_columns;
1355 map { $subtotals{$_} = 0 } ('onhand', @subtotal_columns);
1357 $report->add_data($row);
1359 $same_item = $next_ref->{ $form->{sort} };
1365 if ($form->{"l_linetotal"}) {
1366 my $row = { map { $_ => { 'class' => 'listtotal', } } @columns };
1368 map { $row->{"linetotal$_"}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $totals{$_}, 2) } @subtotal_columns;
1370 $report->add_separator();
1371 $report->add_data($row);
1374 $report->generate_with_headers();
1376 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1377 } #end generate_report
1379 sub parts_subtotal {
1380 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1382 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1385 my ($column_index, $subtotalonhand, $subtotalsellprice, $subtotallastcost, $subtotallistprice) = @_;
1387 map { $column_data{$_} = "<td> </td>" } @{ $column_index };
1388 $$subtotalonhand = 0 if ($form->{searchitems} eq 'assembly' && $form->{bom});
1390 $column_data{onhand} =
1391 "<th class=listsubtotal align=right>"
1392 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $$subtotalonhand)
1395 $column_data{linetotalsellprice} =
1396 "<th class=listsubtotal align=right>"
1397 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $$subtotalsellprice, 2)
1399 $column_data{linetotallistprice} =
1400 "<th class=listsubtotal align=right>"
1401 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $$subtotallistprice, 2)
1403 $column_data{linetotallastcost} =
1404 "<th class=listsubtotal align=right>"
1405 . $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $$subtotallastcost, 2)
1408 $$subtotalonhand = 0;
1409 $$subtotalsellprice = 0;
1410 $$subtotallistprice = 0;
1411 $$subtotallastcost = 0;
1413 print "<tr class=listsubtotal>";
1415 map { print "\n$column_data{$_}" } @{ $column_index };
1421 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1425 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1427 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1429 # show history button
1430 $form->{javascript} = qq|<script type="text/javascript" src="js/show_history.js"></script>|;
1431 #/show hhistory button
1432 IC->get_part(\%myconfig, \%$form);
1434 $form->{"original_partnumber"} = $form->{"partnumber"};
1436 my $title = 'Edit ' . ucfirst $form->{item};
1437 $form->{title} = $locale->text($title);
1442 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1446 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1448 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1450 IC->create_links("IC", \%myconfig, \%$form);
1453 map({ $form->{selectcurrency} .= "<option>$_\n" }
1454 split(/:/, $form->{currencies}));
1456 # parts and assemblies have the same links
1457 my $item = $form->{item};
1458 if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
1462 # build the popup menus
1463 $form->{taxaccounts} = "";
1464 foreach my $key (keys %{ $form->{IC_links} }) {
1465 foreach my $ref (@{ $form->{IC_links}{$key} }) {
1467 # if this is a tax field
1468 if ($key =~ /IC_tax/) {
1469 if ($key =~ /\Q$item\E/) {
1470 $form->{taxaccounts} .= "$ref->{accno} ";
1471 $form->{"IC_tax_$ref->{accno}_description"} =
1472 "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}";
1475 if ($form->{amount}{ $ref->{accno} }) {
1476 $form->{"IC_tax_$ref->{accno}"} = "checked";
1479 $form->{"IC_tax_$ref->{accno}"} = "checked";
1484 $form->{"select$key"} .=
1485 "<option $ref->{selected}>$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}\n";
1486 if ($form->{amount}{$key} eq $ref->{accno}) {
1487 $form->{$key} = "$ref->{accno}--$ref->{description}";
1493 chop $form->{taxaccounts};
1495 if (($form->{item} eq "part") || ($form->{item} eq "assembly")) {
1496 $form->{selectIC_income} = $form->{selectIC_sale};
1497 $form->{selectIC_expense} = $form->{selectIC_cogs};
1498 $form->{IC_income} = $form->{IC_sale};
1499 $form->{IC_expense} = $form->{IC_cogs};
1502 delete $form->{IC_links};
1503 delete $form->{amount};
1505 $form->get_partsgroup(\%myconfig, { all => 1 });
1507 $form->{partsgroup} = "$form->{partsgroup}--$form->{partsgroup_id}";
1509 if (@{ $form->{all_partsgroup} }) {
1510 $form->{selectpartsgroup} = qq|<option>\n|;
1511 map { $form->{selectpartsgroup} .= qq|<option value="$_->{partsgroup}--$_->{id}">$_->{partsgroup}\n| } @{ $form->{all_partsgroup} };
1514 if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
1516 foreach my $i (1 .. $form->{assembly_rows}) {
1517 if ($form->{"partsgroup_id_$i"}) {
1518 $form->{"partsgroup_$i"} =
1519 qq|$form->{"partsgroup_$i"}--$form->{"partsgroup_id_$i"}|;
1522 $form->get_partsgroup(\%myconfig);
1524 if (@{ $form->{all_partsgroup} }) {
1525 $form->{selectassemblypartsgroup} = qq|<option>\n|;
1528 $form->{selectassemblypartsgroup} .=
1529 qq|<option value="$_->{partsgroup}--$_->{id}">$_->{partsgroup}\n|
1530 } @{ $form->{all_partsgroup} };
1533 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1537 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1539 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1541 $form->{pg_keys} = sub { "$_[0]->{partsgroup}--$_[0]->{id}" };
1542 $form->{description_area} = ($form->{rows} = $form->numtextrows($form->{description}, 40)) > 1;
1543 $form->{notes_rows} = max 4, $form->numtextrows($form->{notes}, 40), $form->numtextrows($form->{formel}, 40);
1545 map { $form->{"is_$_"} = ($form->{item} eq $_) } qw(part service assembly);
1546 map { $form->{$_} =~ s/"/"/g; } qw(unit);
1548 $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS',
1549 'partsgroup' => 'all_partsgroup',
1550 'vendors' => 'ALL_VENDORS',);
1553 IC->retrieve_buchungsgruppen(\%myconfig, $form);
1554 @{ $form->{BUCHUNGSGRUPPEN} } = grep { $_->{id} eq $form->{buchungsgruppen_id} || ($form->{id} && $form->{orphaned}) || !$form->{id} } @{ $form->{BUCHUNGSGRUPPEN} };
1556 # use JavaScript Calendar or not (yes!)
1557 $form->{jsscript} = 1;
1559 my $units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
1560 $form->{ALL_UNITS} = [ map +{ name => $_ }, sort { $units->{$a}{sortkey} <=> $units->{$b}{sortkey} } keys %$units ];
1562 $form->{defaults} = AM->get_defaults();
1564 $form->{fokus} = "ic.partnumber";
1566 $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES} = CVar->get_custom_variables('module' => 'IC', 'trans_id' => $form->{id});
1568 CVar->render_inputs('variables' => $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES}, show_disabled_message => 1)
1569 if (scalar @{ $form->{CUSTOM_VARIABLES} });
1572 #print $form->parse_html_template('ic/form_header', { ALL_PRICE_FACTORS => $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS},
1573 # ALL_UNITS => $form->{ALL_UNITS},
1575 # payment_terms => $form->{payment_terms},
1576 # all_partsgroup => $form->{all_partsgroup}});
1577 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/form_header');
1578 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1582 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1584 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1586 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/form_footer');
1588 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1592 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1595 my @mm_data = grep { any { $_ ne '' } @$_{qw(make model)} } map +{ make => $form->{"make_$_"}, model => $form->{"model_$_"}, lastcost => $form->{"lastcost_$_"}, lastupdate => $form->{"lastupdate_$_"}, sortorder => $form->{"sortorder_$_"} }, 1 .. $numrows;
1596 delete @{$form}{grep { m/^make_\d+/ || m/^model_\d+/ } keys %{ $form }};
1597 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/makemodel', { MM_DATA => [ @mm_data, {} ], mm_rows => scalar @mm_data + 1 });
1599 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1603 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1606 my ($nochange, $callback, $previousform, $linetotal, $line_purchase_price, $href);
1608 @column_index = qw(runningnumber qty unit bom partnumber description partsgroup lastcost total);
1610 if ($form->{previousform}) {
1612 @column_index = qw(qty unit bom partnumber description partsgroup total);
1616 $form->{old_callback} = $form->{callback};
1617 $callback = $form->{callback};
1618 $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=display_form";
1621 map { delete $form->{$_} } qw(action header);
1623 # save form variables in a previousform variable
1624 my %form_to_save = map { ($_ => m/^ (?: listprice | sellprice | lastcost ) $/x ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) : $form->{$_}) }
1626 $previousform = $::auth->save_form_in_session(form => \%form_to_save);
1628 $form->{callback} = $callback;
1629 $form->{assemblytotal} = 0;
1630 $form->{assembly_purchase_price_total} = 0;
1631 $form->{weight} = 0;
1635 runningnumber => { text => $locale->text('No.'), nowrap => 1, width => '5%' },
1636 qty => { text => $locale->text('Qty'), nowrap => 1, width => '10%' },
1637 unit => { text => $locale->text('Unit'), nowrap => 1, width => '5%' },
1638 partnumber => { text => $locale->text('Part Number'), nowrap => 1, width => '20%' },
1639 description => { text => $locale->text('Part Description'), nowrap => 1, width => '50%' },
1640 lastcost => { text => $locale->text('Purchase Prices'), nowrap => 1, width => '50%' },
1641 total => { text => $locale->text('Sale Prices'), nowrap => 1, },
1642 bom => { text => $locale->text('BOM'), },
1643 partsgroup => { text => $locale->text('Group'), },
1648 for my $i (1 .. $numrows) {
1649 my (%row, @row_hiddens);
1651 $form->{"partnumber_$i"} =~ s/\"/"/g;
1653 $linetotal = $form->round_amount($form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / ($form->{"price_factor_$i"} || 1), 4);
1654 $line_purchase_price = $form->round_amount($form->{"lastcost_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"} / ($form->{"price_factor_$i"} || 1), 4);
1655 $form->{assemblytotal} += $linetotal;
1656 $form->{assembly_purchase_price_total} += $line_purchase_price;
1657 $form->{"qty_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"qty_$i"});
1658 $linetotal = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $linetotal, 2);
1659 $line_purchase_price = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $line_purchase_price, 2);
1660 $href = qq|$form->{script}?action=edit&id=$form->{"id_$i"}&rowcount=$i&previousform=$previousform|;
1661 map { $row{$_}{data} = "" } qw(qty unit partnumber description bom partsgroup runningnumber);
1664 if (($i >= 1) && ($i == $numrows)) {
1665 if (!$form->{previousform}) {
1666 $row{partnumber}{data} = qq|<input name="partnumber_$i" size=15 value="$form->{"partnumber_$i"}">|;
1667 $row{qty}{data} = qq|<input name="qty_$i" size=5 value="$form->{"qty_$i"}">|;
1668 $row{description}{data} = qq|<input name="description_$i" size=40 value="$form->{"description_$i"}">|;
1669 $row{partsgroup}{data} = qq|<input name="partsgroup_$i" size=10 value="$form->{"partsgroup_$i"}">|;
1673 if ($form->{previousform}) {
1674 push @row_hiddens, qw(qty bom);
1675 $row{partnumber}{data} = $form->{"partnumber_$i"};
1676 $row{qty}{data} = $form->{"qty_$i"};
1677 $row{bom}{data} = $form->{"bom_$i"} ? "x" : " ";
1678 $row{qty}{align} = 'right';
1680 $row{partnumber}{data} = qq|<a href=$href>$form->{"partnumber_$i"}</a>|;
1681 $row{qty}{data} = qq|<input name="qty_$i" size=5 value="$form->{"qty_$i"}">|;
1682 $row{runningnumber}{data} = qq|<input name="runningnumber_$i" size=3 value="$i">|;
1683 $row{bom}{data} = sprintf qq|<input name="bom_$i" type=checkbox class=checkbox value=1 %s>|,
1684 $form->{"bom_$i"} ? 'checked' : '';
1686 push @row_hiddens, qw(unit description partnumber partsgroup);
1687 $row{unit}{data} = $form->{"unit_$i"};
1688 $row{description}{data} = $form->{"description_$i"};
1689 $row{partsgroup}{data} = $form->{"partsgroup_$i"};
1690 $row{bom}{align} = 'center';
1693 $row{lastcost}{data} = $line_purchase_price;
1694 $row{total}{data} = $linetotal;
1695 $row{lastcost}{align} = 'right';
1696 $row{total}{align} = 'right';
1697 $row{deliverydate}{align} = 'right';
1699 push @row_hiddens, qw(id sellprice lastcost weight price_factor_id price_factor);
1700 $row{hiddens} = [ map +{ name => "${_}_$i", value => $form->{"${_}_$i"} }, @row_hiddens ];
1705 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/assembly_row', { COLUMNS => \@column_index, ROWS => \@ROWS, HEADER => \%header });
1707 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1711 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1713 # parse pricegroups. and no, don't rely on check_form for this...
1714 map { $form->{"price_$_"} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"price_$_"}) } 1 .. $form->{price_rows};
1716 # same for lastcosts
1717 map { $form->{"lastcost_$_"} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"lastcost_$_"}) } 1 .. $form->{"makemodel_rows"};
1719 if ($form->{item} eq "assembly") {
1720 my $i = $form->{assembly_rows};
1722 # if last row is empty check the form otherwise retrieve item
1723 if ( ($form->{"partnumber_$i"} eq "")
1724 && ($form->{"description_$i"} eq "")
1725 && ($form->{"partsgroup_$i"} eq "")) {
1731 IC->assembly_item(\%myconfig, \%$form);
1733 my $rows = scalar @{ $form->{item_list} };
1736 $form->{"qty_$i"} = 1 unless ($form->{"qty_$i"});
1739 $form->{makemodel_rows}--;
1740 select_item(mode => 'IC');
1743 map { $form->{item_list}[$i]{$_} =~ s/\"/"/g }
1744 qw(partnumber description unit partsgroup);
1745 map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->{item_list}[0]{$_} }
1746 keys %{ $form->{item_list}[0] };
1747 $form->{"runningnumber_$i"} = $form->{assembly_rows};
1748 $form->{assembly_rows}++;
1756 $form->{rowcount} = $i;
1757 $form->{assembly_rows}++;
1764 } elsif (($form->{item} eq 'part') || ($form->{item} eq 'service')) {
1768 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1772 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1774 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1776 my ($parts_id, %newform, $amount, $callback);
1778 # check if there is a part number - commented out, cause there is an automatic allocation of numbers
1779 # $form->isblank("partnumber", $locale->text(ucfirst $form->{item}." Part Number missing!"));
1781 # check if there is a description
1782 $form->isblank("description", $locale->text("Part Description missing!"));
1784 $form->error($locale->text("Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this $form->{item} obsolete!"))
1785 if $form->{obsolete} && $form->{onhand} * 1 && $form->{item} ne 'service';
1787 if (!$form->{buchungsgruppen_id}) {
1788 $form->error($locale->text("Parts must have an entry type.") . " " .
1789 $locale->text("If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven't added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.")
1793 $form->error($locale->text('Description must not be empty!')) unless $form->{description};
1794 $form->error($locale->text('Partnumber must not be set to empty!')) if $form->{id} && !$form->{partnumber};
1797 $lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG1, "ic.pl: sellprice in save = $form->{sellprice}\n");
1798 if (IC->save(\%myconfig, \%$form) == 3) {
1799 $form->error($locale->text('Partnumber not unique!'));
1801 # saving the history
1802 if(!exists $form->{addition}) {
1803 $form->{snumbers} = qq|partnumber_| . $form->{partnumber};
1804 $form->{addition} = "SAVED";
1805 $form->save_history;
1807 # /saving the history
1808 $parts_id = $form->{id};
1811 # load previous variables
1812 if ($form->{previousform}) {
1814 # save the new form variables before splitting previousform
1815 map { $newform{$_} = $form->{$_} } keys %$form;
1817 # don't trample on previous variables
1818 map { delete $form->{$_} } keys %newform;
1820 my $ic_cvar_configs = CVar->get_configs(module => 'IC');
1821 my @ic_cvar_fields = map { "cvar_$_->{name}" } @{ $ic_cvar_configs };
1823 # restore original values
1824 $::auth->restore_form_from_session($newform{previousform}, form => $form);
1825 $form->{taxaccounts} = $newform{taxaccount2};
1827 if ($form->{item} eq 'assembly') {
1829 # undo number formatting
1830 map { $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$_}) }
1831 qw(weight listprice sellprice rop);
1833 $form->{assembly_rows}--;
1834 $i = $newform{rowcount};
1835 $form->{"qty_$i"} = 1 unless ($form->{"qty_$i"});
1837 $form->{sellprice} -= $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
1838 $form->{weight} -= $form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
1840 # change/add values for assembly item
1841 map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } qw(partnumber description bin unit weight listprice sellprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno price_factor_id);
1842 map { $form->{"ic_${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } @ic_cvar_fields;
1844 # das ist __voll__ bekloppt, dass so auszurechnen jb 22.5.09
1845 #$form->{sellprice} += $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
1846 $form->{weight} += $form->{"weight_$i"} * $form->{"qty_$i"};
1850 # set values for last invoice/order item
1851 $i = $form->{rowcount};
1852 $form->{"qty_$i"} = 1 unless ($form->{"qty_$i"});
1854 map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } qw(partnumber description bin unit listprice inventory_accno income_accno expense_accno sellprice lastcost price_factor_id);
1855 map { $form->{"ic_${_}_$i"} = $newform{$_} } @ic_cvar_fields;
1857 $form->{"longdescription_$i"} = $newform{notes};
1859 $form->{"sellprice_$i"} = $newform{lastcost} if ($form->{vendor_id});
1861 if ($form->{exchangerate} != 0) {
1862 $form->{"sellprice_$i"} /= $form->{exchangerate};
1865 $lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG1, qq|sellprice_$i in previousform 2 = | . $form->{"sellprice_$i"} . qq|\n|);
1867 map { $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} .= "$_ " } split / /, $newform{taxaccount};
1868 chop $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"};
1869 foreach my $item (qw(description rate taxnumber)) {
1870 my $index = $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} . "_$item";
1871 $form->{$index} = $newform{$index};
1874 # credit remaining calculation
1875 $amount = $form->{"sellprice_$i"} * (1 - $form->{"discount_$i"} / 100) * $form->{"qty_$i"};
1877 map { $form->{"${_}_base"} += $amount } (split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"});
1878 map { $amount += ($form->{"${_}_base"} * $form->{"${_}_rate"}) } split / /, $form->{"taxaccounts_$i"} if !$form->{taxincluded};
1880 $form->{creditremaining} -= $amount;
1882 # redo number formatting, because invoice parse them!
1883 map { $form->{"${_}_$i"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"${_}_$i"}) } qw(weight listprice sellprice lastcost rop);
1886 $form->{"id_$i"} = $parts_id;
1888 # Get the actual price factor (not just the ID) for the marge calculation.
1889 $form->get_lists('price_factors' => 'ALL_PRICE_FACTORS');
1890 foreach my $pfac (@{ $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS} }) {
1891 next if ($pfac->{id} != $newform{price_factor_id});
1892 $form->{"marge_price_factor_$i"} = $pfac->{factor};
1895 delete $form->{ALL_PRICE_FACTORS};
1897 delete $form->{action};
1899 # restore original callback
1900 $callback = $form->unescape($form->{callback});
1901 $form->{callback} = $form->unescape($form->{old_callback});
1902 delete $form->{old_callback};
1904 $form->{makemodel_rows}--;
1906 # put callback together
1907 foreach my $key (keys %$form) {
1909 # do single escape for Apache 2.0
1910 my $value = $form->escape($form->{$key}, 1);
1911 $callback .= qq|&$key=$value|;
1913 $form->{callback} = $callback;
1915 $lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG1, qq|ic.pl: sellprice_$i nach sub save = | . $form->{"sellprice_$i"} . qq|\n|);
1920 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1924 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1926 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1928 # saving the history
1929 if(!exists $form->{addition}) {
1930 $form->{snumbers} = qq|partnumber_| . $form->{partnumber};
1931 $form->{addition} = "SAVED AS NEW";
1932 $form->save_history;
1934 # /saving the history
1936 if ($form->{"original_partnumber"} &&
1937 ($form->{"partnumber"} eq $form->{"original_partnumber"})) {
1938 $form->{partnumber} = "";
1941 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1945 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1947 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1949 # saving the history
1950 if(!exists $form->{addition}) {
1951 $form->{snumbers} = qq|partnumber_| . $form->{partnumber};
1952 $form->{addition} = "DELETED";
1953 $form->save_history;
1955 # /saving the history
1956 my $rc = IC->delete(\%myconfig, \%$form);
1959 $form->redirect($locale->text('Item deleted!')) if ($rc > 0);
1960 $form->error($locale->text('Cannot delete item!'));
1962 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1966 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1968 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1973 pricegroup => $form->{"pricegroup_$_"},
1974 pricegroup_id => $form->{"pricegroup_id_$_"},
1975 price => $form->{"price_$_"},
1978 print $form->parse_html_template('ic/price_row', { PRICES => \@PRICES });
1980 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
1983 sub parts_language_selection {
1984 $lxdebug->enter_sub();
1986 $auth->assert('part_service_assembly_edit');
1988 my $languages = IC->retrieve_languages(\%myconfig, $form);
1990 if ($form->{language_values} ne "") {
1991 foreach my $item (split(/---\+\+\+---/, $form->{language_values})) {
1992 my ($language_id, $translation, $longdescription) = split(/--\+\+--/, $item);
1994 foreach my $language (@{ $languages }) {
1995 next unless ($language->{id} == $language_id);
1997 $language->{translation} = $translation;
1998 $language->{longdescription} = $longdescription;
2004 my @header_sort = qw(name longdescription);
2005 my %header_title = ( "name" => $locale->text("Name"),
2006 "longdescription" => $locale->text("Long Description"),
2010 map(+{ "column_title" => $header_title{$_},
2015 $form->{"title"} = $locale->text("Language Values");
2017 print $form->parse_html_template("ic/parts_language_selection", { "HEADER" => \@header,
2018 "LANGUAGES" => $languages, });
2020 $lxdebug->leave_sub();
2023 sub ajax_autocomplete {
2024 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
2026 my $form = $main::form;
2027 my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
2029 $form->{column} = 'description' unless $form->{column} =~ /^partnumber|description$/;
2030 $form->{$form->{column}} = $form->{q} || '';
2031 $form->{limit} = ($form->{limit} * 1) || 10;
2032 $form->{searchitems} ||= '';
2034 my @results = IC->all_parts(\%myconfig, $form);
2036 print $form->ajax_response_header(),
2037 $form->parse_html_template('ic/ajax_autocomplete');
2039 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
2042 sub back_to_record {
2045 $::auth->restore_form_from_session($::form->{previousform}, clobber => 1);
2046 $::form->{rowcount}--;
2047 $::form->{action} = 'display_form';
2048 $::form->{callback} = $::form->{script} . '?' . join('&', map { $::form->escape($_) . '=' . $::form->escape($::form->{$_}) } sort keys %{ $::form });
2052 sub continue { call_sub($form->{"nextsub"}); }
2055 my $action = first { $::form->{"action_${_}"} } qw(add back_to_record);
2056 $::form->error($::locale->text('No action defined.')) unless $action;
2058 $::form->{dispatched_action} = $action;