3 use List::MoreUtils qw(any none uniq);
4 use List::Util qw(first);
5 use POSIX qw(strftime);
11 use SL::GenericTranslations;
12 use SL::ReportGenerator;
16 require "bin/mozilla/common.pl";
17 require "bin/mozilla/reportgenerator.pl";
19 sub bank_transfer_add {
20 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
22 my $form = $main::form;
23 my $locale = $main::locale;
24 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
26 $form->{title} = $vc eq 'customer' ? $::locale->text('Prepare bank collection via SEPA XML') : $locale->text('Prepare bank transfer via SEPA XML');
28 my $bank_accounts = SL::BankAccount->list();
30 if (!scalar @{ $bank_accounts }) {
31 $form->error($locale->text('You have not added bank accounts yet.'));
34 my $invoices = SL::SEPA->retrieve_open_invoices(vc => $vc);
36 if (!scalar @{ $invoices }) {
37 $form->show_generic_information($locale->text('Either there are no open invoices, or you have already initiated bank transfers ' .
38 'with the open amounts for those that are still open.'));
39 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
43 $_->{checked} = $_->{direct_debit} for @{ $invoices };
45 my $bank_account_label_sub = sub { $locale->text('Account number #1, bank code #2, #3', $_[0]->{account_number}, $_[0]->{bank_code}, $_[0]->{bank}) };
47 my $translation_list = GenericTranslations->list(translation_type => 'sepa_remittance_info_pfx');
48 my %translations = map { ( ($_->{language_id} || 'default') => $_->{translation} ) } @{ $translation_list };
50 foreach my $invoice (@{ $invoices }) {
51 my $prefix = $translations{ $invoice->{language_id} } || $translations{default} || $::locale->text('Invoice');
52 $prefix .= ' ' unless $prefix =~ m/ $/;
53 $invoice->{reference_prefix} = $prefix;
57 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_add',
58 { 'INVOICES' => $invoices,
59 'BANK_ACCOUNTS' => $bank_accounts,
60 'bank_account_label' => $bank_account_label_sub,
64 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
67 sub bank_transfer_create {
68 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
70 my $form = $main::form;
71 my $locale = $main::locale;
72 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
73 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
75 $form->{title} = $vc eq 'customer' ? $::locale->text('Create bank collection via SEPA XML') : $locale->text('Create bank transfer via SEPA XML');
77 my $bank_accounts = SL::BankAccount->list();
79 if (!scalar @{ $bank_accounts }) {
80 $form->error($locale->text('You have not added bank accounts yet.'));
83 my $bank_account = first { $form->{bank_account}->{id} == $_->{id} } @{ $bank_accounts };
86 $form->error($locale->text('The selected bank account does not exist anymore.'));
89 my $arap_id = $vc eq 'customer' ? 'ar_id' : 'ap_id';
90 my $invoices = SL::SEPA->retrieve_open_invoices(vc => $vc);
92 my %invoices_map = map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $invoices };
94 map +{ %{ $invoices_map{ $_->{$arap_id} } }, %{ $_ } },
95 grep { $_->{selected} && (0 < $_->{amount}) && $invoices_map{ $_->{$arap_id} } }
96 map { $_->{amount} = $form->parse_amount($myconfig, $_->{amount}); $_ }
97 @{ $form->{bank_transfers} || [] };
99 if (!scalar @bank_transfers) {
100 $form->error($locale->text('You have selected none of the invoices.'));
106 if ($form->{confirmation}) {
107 $vc_bank_info = { map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $form->{vc_bank_info} || [] } };
109 foreach my $info (values %{ $vc_bank_info }) {
110 if (any { !$info->{$_} } qw(iban bic)) {
111 $error_message = $locale->text('The bank information must not be empty.');
117 if ($error_message || !$form->{confirmation}) {
118 my @vc_ids = uniq map { $_->{vc_id} } @bank_transfers;
119 $vc_bank_info ||= CT->get_bank_info('vc' => $vc,
121 my @vc_bank_info = sort { lc $a->{name} cmp lc $b->{name} } values %{ $vc_bank_info };
123 my $bank_account_label_sub = sub { $locale->text('Account number #1, bank code #2, #3', $_[0]->{account_number}, $_[0]->{bank_code}, $_[0]->{bank}) };
125 $form->{jsscript} = 1;
128 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_create',
129 { 'BANK_TRANSFERS' => \@bank_transfers,
130 'BANK_ACCOUNTS' => $bank_accounts,
131 'VC_BANK_INFO' => \@vc_bank_info,
132 'bank_account' => $bank_account,
133 'bank_account_label' => $bank_account_label_sub,
134 'error_message' => $error_message,
139 foreach my $bank_transfer (@bank_transfers) {
140 foreach (qw(iban bic)) {
141 $bank_transfer->{"vc_${_}"} = $vc_bank_info->{ $bank_transfer->{vc_id} }->{$_};
142 $bank_transfer->{"our_${_}"} = $bank_account->{$_};
145 $bank_transfer->{chart_id} = $bank_account->{chart_id};
148 my $id = SL::SEPA->create_export('employee' => $form->{login},
149 'bank_transfers' => \@bank_transfers,
153 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_created', { 'id' => $id, 'vc' => $vc });
156 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
159 sub bank_transfer_search {
160 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
162 my $form = $main::form;
163 my $locale = $main::locale;
164 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
166 $form->{title} = $vc eq 'customer' ? $::locale->text('List of bank collections') : $locale->text('List of bank transfers');
167 $form->{jsscript} = 1;
170 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_search', { vc => $vc });
172 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
176 sub bank_transfer_list {
177 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
179 my $form = $main::form;
180 my $locale = $main::locale;
181 my $cgi = $::request->{cgi};
182 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
184 $form->{title} = $vc eq 'customer' ? $::locale->text('List of bank collections') : $locale->text('List of bank transfers');
186 $form->{sort} ||= 'id';
187 $form->{sortdir} = '1' if (!defined $form->{sortdir});
189 $form->{callback} = build_std_url('action=bank_transfer_list', 'sort', 'sortdir', 'vc');
191 my %filter = map +( $_ => $form->{"f_${_}"} ),
192 grep { $form->{"f_${_}"} }
194 map { ("${_}_date_from", "${_}_date_to") }
195 qw(export requested_execution execution));
196 $filter{executed} = $form->{l_executed} ? 1 : 0 if ($form->{l_executed} != $form->{l_not_executed});
197 $filter{closed} = $form->{l_closed} ? 1 : 0 if ($form->{l_open} != $form->{l_closed});
199 my $exports = SL::SEPA->list_exports('filter' => \%filter,
200 'sortorder' => $form->{sort},
201 'sortdir' => $form->{sortdir},
204 my $open_available = any { !$_->{closed} } @{ $exports };
206 my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%main::myconfig, $form);
208 my @hidden_vars = ('vc', grep { m/^[fl]_/ && $form->{$_} } keys %{ $form });
210 my $href = build_std_url('action=bank_transfer_list', @hidden_vars);
213 'selected' => { 'text' => $cgi->checkbox(-name => 'select_all', -id => 'select_all', -label => ''), },
214 'id' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Number'), },
215 'export_date' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Export date'), },
216 'employee' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Employee'), },
217 'executed' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Executed'), },
218 'closed' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Closed'), },
221 my @columns = qw(selected id export_date employee executed closed);
223 foreach my $name (qw(id export_date employee executed closed)) {
224 my $sortdir = $form->{sort} eq $name ? 1 - $form->{sortdir} : $form->{sortdir};
225 $column_defs{$name}->{link} = $href . "&sort=$name&sortdir=$sortdir";
228 $column_defs{selected}->{visible} = $open_available ? 'HTML' : 0;
229 $column_defs{executed}->{visible} = $form->{l_executed} && $form->{l_not_executed} ? 1 : 0;
230 $column_defs{closed}->{visible} = $form->{l_closed} && $form->{l_open} ? 1 : 0;
233 push @options, ($vc eq 'customer' ? $::locale->text('Customer') : $locale->text('Vendor')) . ' : ' . $form->{f_vc} if ($form->{f_vc});
234 push @options, $locale->text('Invoice number') . ' : ' . $form->{f_invnumber} if ($form->{f_invnumber});
235 push @options, $locale->text('Export date from') . ' : ' . $form->{f_export_date_from} if ($form->{f_export_date_from});
236 push @options, $locale->text('Export date to') . ' : ' . $form->{f_export_date_to} if ($form->{f_export_date_to});
237 push @options, $locale->text('Requested execution date from') . ' : ' . $form->{f_requested_execution_date_from} if ($form->{f_requested_execution_date_from});
238 push @options, $locale->text('Requested execution date to') . ' : ' . $form->{f_requested_execution_date_to} if ($form->{f_requested_execution_date_to});
239 push @options, $locale->text('Execution date from') . ' : ' . $form->{f_execution_date_from} if ($form->{f_execution_date_from});
240 push @options, $locale->text('Execution date to') . ' : ' . $form->{f_execution_date_to} if ($form->{f_execution_date_to});
241 push @options, $form->{l_executed} ? $locale->text('executed') : $locale->text('not yet executed') if ($form->{l_executed} != $form->{l_not_executed});
242 push @options, $form->{l_closed} ? $locale->text('closed') : $locale->text('open') if ($form->{l_open} != $form->{l_closed});
244 $report->set_options('top_info_text' => join("\n", @options),
245 'raw_top_info_text' => $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_list_top'),
246 'raw_bottom_info_text' => $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_list_bottom', { 'show_buttons' => $open_available, vc => $vc }),
247 'std_column_visibility' => 1,
248 'output_format' => 'HTML',
249 'title' => $form->{title},
250 'attachment_basename' => $locale->text('banktransfers') . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
252 $report->set_options_from_form();
253 $locale->set_numberformat_wo_thousands_separator(\%::myconfig) if lc($report->{options}->{output_format}) eq 'csv';
255 $report->set_columns(%column_defs);
256 $report->set_column_order(@columns);
257 $report->set_export_options('bank_transfer_list', @hidden_vars);
258 $report->set_sort_indicator($form->{sort}, $form->{sortdir});
260 my $edit_url = build_std_url('action=bank_transfer_edit', 'callback');
262 foreach my $export (@{ $exports }) {
263 my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => $export->{$_} } } keys %{ $export } };
265 map { $row->{$_}->{data} = $export->{$_} ? $locale->text('yes') : $locale->text('no') } qw(executed closed);
267 $row->{id}->{link} = $edit_url . '&id=' . E($export->{id}) . '&vc=' . E($vc);
269 if (!$export->{closed}) {
270 $row->{selected}->{raw_data} =
271 $cgi->hidden(-name => "exports[+].id", -value => $export->{id})
272 . $cgi->checkbox(-name => "exports[].selected", -value => 1, -label => '');
275 $report->add_data($row);
278 $report->generate_with_headers();
280 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
283 sub bank_transfer_edit {
284 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
286 my $form = $main::form;
287 my $locale = $main::locale;
288 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
291 if (!$form->{mode} || ($form->{mode} eq 'single')) {
292 push @ids, $form->{id};
294 @ids = map $_->{id}, grep { $_->{selected} } @{ $form->{exports} || [] };
297 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have not selected any export.'), 'back_button' => 1);
303 foreach my $id (@ids) {
304 my $curr_export = SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $id, 'details' => 1, 'vc' => $vc);
306 foreach my $item (@{ $curr_export->{items} }) {
307 map { $item->{"export_${_}"} = $curr_export->{$_} } grep { !ref $curr_export->{$_} } keys %{ $curr_export };
311 $export = $curr_export;
313 push @{ $export->{items} }, @{ $curr_export->{items} };
317 if ($form->{mode} && ($form->{mode} eq 'multi')) {
318 $export->{items} = [ grep { !$_->{export_closed} && !$_->{executed} } @{ $export->{items} } ];
320 if (!@{ $export->{items} }) {
321 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.'), 'back_button' => 1);
325 $form->error($locale->text('That export does not exist.'));
328 $form->{jsscript} = 1;
329 $form->{title} = $locale->text('View SEPA export');
331 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_edit',
334 'current_date' => $form->current_date(\%main::myconfig),
335 'show_post_payments_button' => any { !$_->{export_closed} && !$_->{executed} } @{ $export->{items} },
338 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
341 sub bank_transfer_post_payments {
342 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
344 my $form = $main::form;
345 my $locale = $main::locale;
346 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
348 my @items = grep { $_->{selected} } @{ $form->{items} || [] };
351 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have not selected any item.'), 'back_button' => 1);
353 my @export_ids = uniq map { $_->{sepa_export_id} } @items;
354 my %exports = map { $_ => SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $_, 'details' => 1, vc => $vc) } @export_ids;
355 my @items_to_post = ();
357 foreach my $item (@items) {
358 my $export = $exports{ $item->{sepa_export_id} };
359 next if (!$export || $export->{closed} || $export->{executed});
361 push @items_to_post, $item if (none { ($_->{id} == $item->{id}) && $_->{executed} } @{ $export->{items} });
364 if (!@items_to_post) {
365 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.'), 'back_button' => 1);
368 if (any { !$_->{execution_date} } @items_to_post) {
369 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have to specify an execution date for each antry.'), 'back_button' => 1);
372 SL::SEPA->post_payment('items' => \@items_to_post, vc => $vc);
374 $form->show_generic_information($locale->text('The payments have been posted.'));
376 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
379 sub bank_transfer_payment_list_as_pdf {
380 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
382 my $form = $main::form;
383 my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
384 my $locale = $main::locale;
385 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
387 my @ids = @{ $form->{items} || [] };
388 my @export_ids = uniq map { $_->{export_id} } @ids;
390 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('Multi mode not supported.'), 'back_button' => 1) if 1 != scalar @export_ids;
392 my $export = SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $export_ids[0], 'details' => 1, vc => $vc);
395 foreach my $id (@ids) {
396 my $item = first { $_->{id} == $id->{id} } @{ $export->{items} };
397 push @items, $item if $item;
400 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('No transfers were executed in this export.'), 'back_button' => 1) if 1 > scalar @items;
402 my $report = SL::ReportGenerator->new(\%main::myconfig, $form);
405 'invnumber' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Invoice'), },
406 'vc_name' => { 'text' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Customer') : $locale->text('Vendor'), },
407 'our_iban' => { 'text' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Destination IBAN') : $locale->text('Source IBAN'), },
408 'our_bic' => { 'text' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Destination BIC') : $locale->text('Source BIC'), },
409 'vc_iban' => { 'text' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Source IBAN') : $locale->text('Destination IBAN'), },
410 'vc_bic' => { 'text' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Source BIC') : $locale->text('Destination BIC'), },
411 'amount' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Amount'), },
412 'reference' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Reference'), },
413 'execution_date' => { 'text' => $locale->text('Execution date'), },
416 map { $column_defs{$_}->{align} = 'right' } qw(amount execution_date);
418 my @columns = qw(invnumber vc_name our_iban our_bic vc_iban vc_bic amount reference execution_date);
420 $report->set_options('std_column_visibility' => 1,
421 'output_format' => 'PDF',
422 'title' => $vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('Bank collection payment list for export #1', $export->{id}) : $locale->text('Bank transfer payment list for export #1', $export->{id}),
423 'attachment_basename' => ($vc eq 'customer' ? $locale->text('bank_collection_payment_list_#1', $export->{id}) : $locale->text('bank_transfer_payment_list_#1', $export->{id})) . strftime('_%Y%m%d', localtime time),
426 $report->set_columns(%column_defs);
427 $report->set_column_order(@columns);
429 foreach my $item (@items) {
430 my $row = { map { $_ => { 'data' => $item->{$_} } } @columns };
431 $row->{amount}->{data} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $item->{amount}, 2);
433 $report->add_data($row);
436 $report->generate_with_headers();
438 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
442 sub bank_transfer_download_sepa_xml {
443 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
445 my $form = $main::form;
446 my $myconfig = \%main::myconfig;
447 my $locale = $main::locale;
448 my $cgi = $::request->{cgi};
449 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
451 if (!$myconfig->{company}) {
452 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have to enter a company name in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").'), 'back_button' => 1);
455 if (($vc eq 'customer') && !$myconfig->{sepa_creditor_id}) {
456 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have to enter the SEPA creditor ID in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").'), 'back_button' => 1);
460 if ($form->{mode} && ($form->{mode} eq 'multi')) {
461 @ids = map $_->{id}, grep { $_->{selected} } @{ $form->{exports} || [] };
464 @ids = ($form->{id});
468 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have not selected any export.'), 'back_button' => 1);
473 foreach my $id (@ids) {
474 my $export = SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $id, 'details' => 1, vc => $vc);
475 push @items, grep { !$_->{executed} } @{ $export->{items} } if ($export && !$export->{closed});
479 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.'), 'back_button' => 1);
482 my $message_id = strftime('MSG%Y%m%d%H%M%S', localtime) . sprintf('%06d', $$);
484 my $sepa_xml = SL::SEPA::XML->new('company' => $myconfig->{company},
485 'creditor_id' => $myconfig->{sepa_creditor_id},
486 'src_charset' => $::lx_office_conf{system}->{dbcharset} || 'ISO-8859-15',
487 'message_id' => $message_id,
489 'collection' => $vc eq 'customer',
492 foreach my $item (@items) {
493 my $requested_execution_date;
494 if ($item->{requested_execution_date}) {
495 my ($yy, $mm, $dd) = $locale->parse_date($myconfig, $item->{requested_execution_date});
496 $requested_execution_date = sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02d', $yy, $mm, $dd;
499 if ($vc eq 'customer') {
500 my ($yy, $mm, $dd) = $locale->parse_date($myconfig, $item->{reference_date});
501 $item->{reference_date} = sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02d', $yy, $mm, $dd;
504 $sepa_xml->add_transaction({ 'src_iban' => $item->{our_iban},
505 'src_bic' => $item->{our_bic},
506 'dst_iban' => $item->{vc_iban},
507 'dst_bic' => $item->{vc_bic},
508 'company' => $item->{vc_name},
509 'amount' => $item->{amount},
510 'reference' => $item->{reference},
511 'reference_date' => $item->{reference_date},
512 'execution_date' => $requested_execution_date,
513 'end_to_end_id' => $item->{end_to_end_id} });
516 my $xml = $sepa_xml->to_xml();
518 print $cgi->header('-type' => 'application/octet-stream',
519 '-content-disposition' => 'attachment; filename="SEPA_' . $message_id . ($vc eq 'customer' ? '.cdd' : '.cct') . '"',
520 '-content-length' => length $xml);
523 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
526 sub bank_transfer_mark_as_closed_step1 {
527 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
529 my $form = $main::form;
530 my $locale = $main::locale;
531 my $vc = $form->{vc} eq 'customer' ? 'customer' : 'vendor';
533 my @export_ids = map { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{selected} } @{ $form->{exports} || [] };
536 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('You have not selected any export.'), 'back_button' => 1);
539 my @open_export_ids = ();
540 foreach my $id (@export_ids) {
541 my $export = SL::SEPA->retrieve_export('id' => $id, vc => $vc);
542 push @open_export_ids, $id if (!$export->{closed});
545 if (!@open_export_ids) {
546 $form->show_generic_error($locale->text('All of the exports you have selected were already closed.'), 'back_button' => 1);
549 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Close SEPA exports');
551 print $form->parse_html_template('sepa/bank_transfer_mark_as_closed_step1', { 'OPEN_EXPORT_IDS' => \@open_export_ids, vc => $vc });
553 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
556 sub bank_transfer_mark_as_closed_step2 {
557 $main::lxdebug->enter_sub();
559 my $form = $main::form;
560 my $locale = $main::locale;
562 map { SL::SEPA->close_export('id' => $_); } @{ $form->{open_export_ids} || [] };
564 $form->{title} = $locale->text('Close SEPA exports');
566 $form->show_generic_information($locale->text('The selected exports have been closed.'));
568 $main::lxdebug->leave_sub();
572 my $form = $main::form;
574 foreach my $action (qw(bank_transfer_create bank_transfer_edit bank_transfer_list
575 bank_transfer_post_payments bank_transfer_download_sepa_xml
576 bank_transfer_mark_as_closed_step1 bank_transfer_mark_as_closed_step2
577 bank_transfer_payment_list_as_pdf)) {
578 if ($form->{"action_${action}"}) {
584 $form->error($main::locale->text('No action defined.'));