2 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 // | Anuko Time Tracker
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | Copyright (c) Anuko International Ltd. (https://www.anuko.com)
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | LIBERAL FREEWARE LICENSE: This source code document may be used
8 // | by anyone for any purpose, and freely redistributed alone or in
9 // | combination with other software, provided that the license is obeyed.
11 // | There are only two ways to violate the license:
13 // | 1. To redistribute this code in source form, with the copyright
14 // | notice or license removed or altered. (Distributing in compiled
15 // | forms without embedded copyright notices is permitted).
17 // | 2. To redistribute modified versions of this code in *any* form
18 // | that bears insufficient indications that the modifications are
19 // | not the work of the original author(s).
21 // | This license applies to this document only, not any other software
22 // | that it may be combined with.
24 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
26 // | https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/credits.htm
27 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
29 require_once('WEB-INF/config.php');
30 require_once('WEB-INF/lib/common.lib.php');
31 require_once('initialize.php');
32 import('ttUserHelper');
33 import('ttTaskHelper');
34 import('ttRoleHelper');
35 import('ttOrgHelper');
37 // setChange - executes an sql statement. TODO: rename this function to something better.
38 // Better yet, redo the entire thing and make an installer.
39 function setChange($sql) {
40 print "<pre>".$sql."</pre>";
41 $mdb2 = getConnection();
42 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
43 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
44 print "error: ".$affected->getMessage()."<br>";
46 print "successful update<br>\n";
50 if ($request->isGet()) {
51 echo('<h2>Environment Checks</h2>');
53 // Check if WEB-INF/templates_c dir is writable.
54 if (is_writable(APP_DIR.'/WEB-INF/templates_c/')) {
55 echo('WEB-INF/templates_c/ directory is writable.<br>');
57 echo('<font color="red">Error: WEB-INF/templates_c/ directory is not writable.</font><br>');
60 // Require the configuration file with application settings.
61 if (file_exists(APP_DIR."/WEB-INF/config.php")) {
62 echo('WEB-INF/config.php file exists.<br>');
64 // Config file must start with the PHP opening tag. We are checking this because
65 // a Unicode editor may insert a byte order mark (BOM) before it. This is not good as it will
66 // spit white space before output in some situations such as in PDF reports.
67 $file = fopen(APP_DIR.'/WEB-INF/config.php', 'r');
69 if (strcmp("<?php\n", $line) !== 0 && strcmp("<?php\r\n", $line) !== 0) {
70 echo('<font color="red">Error: WEB-INF/config.php file does not start with PHP opening tag.</font><br>');
74 echo('<font color="red">Error: WEB-INF/config.php file does not exist.</font><br>');
77 // Check whether DSN is defined.
79 // echo('DSN is defined as '.DSN.'<br>');
80 echo('DSN is defined.<br>');
82 echo('<font color="red">Error: DSN value is not defined. Check your config.php file.</font><br>');
85 // Check if PHP version is good enough.
86 // $required_version = '5.2.1'; // Something in TCPDF library does not work below this one.
87 $required_version = '5.4.0'; // Week view (week.php) requires 5.4 because of []-way of referencing arrays.
88 // This needs further investigation as we use [] elsewhere without obvious problems.
89 if (version_compare(phpversion(), $required_version, '>=')) {
90 echo('PHP version: '.phpversion().', good enough.<br>');
92 echo('<font color="red">Error: PHP version is not high enough: '.phpversion().'. Required: '.$required_version.'.</font><br>');
95 // Depending on DSN, require either mysqli or mysql extensions.
96 if (strrpos(DSN, 'mysqli://', -strlen(DSN)) !== FALSE) {
97 if (extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
98 echo('mysqli PHP extension is loaded.<br>');
100 echo('<font color="red">Error: mysqli PHP extension is required but is not loaded.</font><br>');
103 if (strrpos(DSN, 'mysql://', -strlen(DSN)) !== FALSE) {
104 if (extension_loaded('mysql')) {
105 echo('mysql PHP extension is loaded.<br>');
107 echo('<font color="red">Error: mysql PHP extension is required but is not loaded.</font><br>');
111 // Check mbstring extension.
112 if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
113 echo('mbstring PHP extension is loaded.<br>');
115 echo('<font color="red">Error: mbstring PHP extension is not loaded.</font><br>');
118 // Check gd extension.
119 if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
120 echo('gd PHP extension is loaded.<br>');
122 echo('<font color="red">Error: gd PHP extension is not loaded. It is required for charts plugin.</font><br>');
125 // Check ldap extension.
126 if (AUTH_MODULE == 'ldap') {
127 if (extension_loaded('ldap_')) {
128 echo('ldap PHP extension is loaded.<br>');
130 echo('<font color="red">Error: ldap PHP extension is not loaded. It is required for LDAP authentication.</font><br>');
134 // Check database access.
135 require_once('MDB2.php');
136 $conn = MDB2::connect(DSN);
137 if (!is_a($conn, 'MDB2_Error')) {
138 echo('Connection to database successful.<br>');
140 die('<font color="red">Error: connection to database failed. '.$conn->getMessage().'</font><br>');
143 $conn->setOption('debug', true);
144 $conn->setFetchMode(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
146 $sql = "show tables";
147 $res = $conn->query($sql);
148 if (is_a($res, 'MDB2_Error')) {
149 die('<font color="red">Error: show tables returned an error. '.$res->getMessage().'</font><br>');
152 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
156 echo("There are $tblCnt tables in database.<br>");
158 echo('<font color="red">There are no tables in database. Execute step 1 - Create database structure.</font><br>');
161 $sql = "select param_value from tt_site_config where param_name = 'version_db'";
162 $res = $conn->query($sql);
163 if (is_a($res, 'MDB2_Error')) {
164 echo('<font color="red">Error: database schema version query failed. '.$res->getMessage().'</font><br>');
166 $val = $res->fetchRow();
167 echo('Database version is: '.$val['param_value'].'.');
175 print "Processing...<br>\n";
177 if ($_POST["crstructure"]) {
178 $sqlQuery = join("\n", file("mysql.sql"));
179 $sqlQuery = str_replace("TYPE=MyISAM","",$sqlQuery);
180 $queries = explode(";",$sqlQuery);
181 if (is_array($queries)) {
182 foreach ($queries as $query) {
183 $query = trim($query);
184 if (strlen($query)>0) {
191 if ($_POST["convert5to7"]) {
192 setChange("alter table `activity_log` CHANGE al_comment al_comment text");
193 setChange("CREATE TABLE `sysconfig` (`sysc_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`sysc_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`sysc_value` varchar(70) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sysc_id`), UNIQUE KEY `sysc_id` (`sysc_id`), UNIQUE KEY `sysc_name` (`sysc_name`))");
194 setChange("alter table `companies` add c_locktime int(4) default -1");
195 setChange("alter table `activity_log` add al_billable tinyint(4) default 0");
196 setChange("alter table `sysconfig` drop INDEX `sysc_name`");
197 setChange("alter table `sysconfig` add sysc_id_u int(4)");
198 setChange("alter table `report_filter_set` add rfs_billable VARCHAR(10)");
199 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients MODIFY clnt_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT");
200 setChange("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `u_show_pie` smallint(2) DEFAULT '1'");
201 setChange("alter table `users` ADD `u_pie_mode` smallint(2) DEFAULT '1'");
202 setChange("alter table users drop `u_aprojects`");
205 if ($_POST["convert7to133"]) {
206 setChange("ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN u_lang VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL");
207 setChange("ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN u_email VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL");
208 setChange("ALTER TABLE `activity_log` drop `al_proof`");
209 setChange("ALTER TABLE `activity_log` drop `al_charge`");
210 setChange("ALTER TABLE `activities` drop `a_project_id`");
211 setChange("DROP TABLE `activity_status_list`");
212 setChange("DROP TABLE `project_status_list`");
213 setChange("DROP TABLE `user_status_list`");
214 setChange("DROP TABLE `companies_c_id_seq`");
215 setChange("ALTER TABLE projects ADD COLUMN p_activities TEXT");
218 // The update_projects function updates p_activities field in the projects table so that we could
219 // improve performance of the application by using this field instead of activity_bind table.
220 if ($_POST["update_projects"]) {
221 $mdb2 = getConnection();
222 // $sql = "select p_id from projects where p_status = 1 and p_activities is NULL";
223 $sql = "select p_id from projects where p_status = 1";
224 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
225 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
226 die($res->getMessage());
228 // Iterate through projects.
229 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
230 $project_id = $val['p_id'];
232 // Get activity binds for project (old way).
233 // $sql = "select ab_id_a from activity_bind where ab_id_p = $project_id";
234 $sql = "select ab_id_a, a_id, a_name from activity_bind
235 inner join activities on (ab_id_a = a_id)
236 where ab_id_p = $project_id order by a_name";
238 $result = $mdb2->query($sql);
239 if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
240 die($result->getMessage());
242 $activity_arr = array();
243 while ($value = $result->fetchRow()) {
244 $activity_arr[] = $value['ab_id_a'];
246 $a_comma_separated = implode(",", $activity_arr); // This is a comma-separated list of associated activity ids.
248 // Re-bind the project to activities (new way).
249 $sql = "update projects set p_activities = ".$mdb2->quote($a_comma_separated)." where p_id = $project_id";
250 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
251 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
252 die($affected->getMessage());
257 if ($_POST["convert133to1340"]) {
258 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN c_show_pie smallint(2) DEFAULT 1");
259 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN c_pie_mode smallint(2) DEFAULT 1");
260 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN c_lang varchar(20) default NULL");
263 // The update_companies function sets up c_show_pie, c_pie_mode, and c_lang
264 // fields in the companies table from the corresponding manager fields.
265 if ($_POST["update_companies"]) {
266 $mdb2 = getConnection();
267 // Get all active managers.
268 $sql = "select u_company_id, u_show_pie, u_pie_mode, u_lang from users
269 where u_manager_id is NULL and u_login <> 'admin' and u_company_id is not NULL and u_active = 1";
270 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
271 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
272 die($res->getMessage());
274 // Iterate through managers and set fields in the companies table.
275 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
276 $company_id = $val['u_company_id'];
277 $show_pie = $val['u_show_pie'];
278 $pie_mode = $val['u_pie_mode'];
279 $lang = $val['u_lang'];
281 $sql = "update companies set
282 c_show_pie = $show_pie, c_pie_mode = $pie_mode, c_lang = ".$mdb2->quote($lang).
283 " where c_id = $company_id";
285 $result = $mdb2->query($sql);
286 if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
287 die($result->getMessage());
292 if ($_POST["convert1340to1485"]) {
293 setChange("ALTER TABLE users DROP u_show_pie");
294 setChange("ALTER TABLE users DROP u_pie_mode");
295 setChange("ALTER TABLE users DROP u_lang");
296 setChange("ALTER TABLE `users` modify u_login varchar(100) NOT NULL");
297 setChange("ALTER TABLE `users` modify u_active smallint(6) default '1'");
298 setChange("drop index u_login_idx on users");
299 setChange("create unique index u_login_idx on users(u_login, u_active)");
300 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies MODIFY `c_lang` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'en'");
301 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN `c_date_format` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '%Y-%m-%d'");
302 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN `c_time_format` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '%H:%M'");
303 setChange("ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN `c_week_start` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
304 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients MODIFY `clnt_status` smallint(6) default '1'");
305 setChange("create unique index clnt_name_idx on clients(clnt_id_um, clnt_name, clnt_status)");
306 setChange("ALTER TABLE projects modify p_status smallint(6) default '1'");
307 setChange("update projects set p_status = NULL where p_status = 1000");
308 setChange("drop index p_manager_idx on projects");
309 setChange("create unique index p_name_idx on projects(p_manager_id, p_name, p_status)");
310 setChange("ALTER TABLE activities modify a_status smallint(6) default '1'");
311 setChange("update activities set a_status = NULL where a_status = 1000");
312 setChange("drop index a_manager_idx on activities");
313 setChange("create unique index a_name_idx on activities(a_manager_id, a_name, a_status)");
314 setChange("RENAME TABLE companies TO teams");
315 setChange("RENAME TABLE teams TO att_teams");
316 setChange("ALTER TABLE att_teams CHANGE c_id id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
317 setChange("RENAME TABLE users TO att_users");
318 setChange("update att_users set u_company_id = 0 where u_company_id is NULL");
319 setChange("ALTER TABLE att_users CHANGE u_company_id team_id int(11) NOT NULL");
320 setChange("RENAME TABLE att_teams TO tt_teams");
321 setChange("RENAME TABLE att_users TO tt_users");
322 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_name name varchar(80) NOT NULL");
323 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` drop `c_www`");
324 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` MODIFY `name` varchar(80) default NULL");
325 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN `your_name` varchar(255) default NULL");
326 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN `address` varchar(255) default NULL");
327 setChange("ALTER TABLE invoice_header ADD COLUMN `client_name` varchar(255) default NULL");
328 setChange("ALTER TABLE invoice_header ADD COLUMN `client_addr` varchar(255) default NULL");
329 setChange("ALTER TABLE report_filter_set ADD COLUMN `rfs_cb_cost` tinyint(4) default '0'");
330 setChange("ALTER TABLE activity_log DROP primary key");
331 setChange("ALTER TABLE activity_log ADD COLUMN `id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment primary key");
332 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_custom_fields` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', `label` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
333 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_custom_field_options` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `field_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
334 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_custom_field_log` (`id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment, `al_id` bigint NOT NULL, `field_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
335 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users DROP u_level");
336 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_custom_fields ADD COLUMN `status` tinyint(4) default '1'");
337 setChange("ALTER TABLE report_filter_set ADD COLUMN `rfs_cb_cf_1` tinyint(4) default '0'");
338 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN `plugins` varchar(255) default NULL");
339 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams MODIFY c_locktime int(4) default '0'");
340 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients DROP your_name");
341 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients DROP clnt_addr_your");
342 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_fields` ADD COLUMN `required` tinyint(4) default '0'");
343 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams DROP c_pie_mode");
344 setChange("RENAME TABLE report_filter_set TO tt_fav_reports");
345 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_id id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment");
346 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_name name varchar(200) NOT NULL");
347 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_id_u user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
348 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_id_p project_id int(11) default NULL");
349 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_id_a task_id int(11) default NULL");
350 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_users users text default NULL");
351 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_period period tinyint(4) default NULL");
352 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_period_start period_start date default NULL");
353 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_period_finish period_end date default NULL");
354 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_project show_project tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
355 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_activity show_task tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
356 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_note show_note tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
357 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_start show_start tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
358 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_finish show_end tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
359 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_duration show_duration tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
360 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_cost show_cost tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
361 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_cf_1 show_custom_field_1 tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
362 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_idle show_empty_days tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
363 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_cb_totals_only show_totals_only tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
364 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_groupby group_by varchar(20) default NULL");
365 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE rfs_billable billable tinyint(4) default NULL");
366 setChange("ALTER TABLE projects CHANGE p_activities tasks text default NULL");
367 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_currency currency varchar(7) default NULL");
368 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_locktime locktime int(4) default '0'");
369 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_show_pie show_pie smallint(2) DEFAULT '1'");
370 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_lang lang varchar(10) NOT NULL default 'en'");
371 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_date_format date_format varchar(20) NOT NULL default '%Y-%m-%d'");
372 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_time_format time_format varchar(20) NOT NULL default '%H:%M'");
373 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams CHANGE c_week_start week_start smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
374 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_id id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
375 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_timestamp timestamp timestamp NOT NULL");
376 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_login login varchar(50) NOT NULL");
377 setChange("drop index u_login_idx on tt_users");
378 setChange("create unique index login_idx on tt_users(login, u_active)");
379 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_password password varchar(50) default NULL");
380 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_name name varchar(100) default NULL");
381 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_email email varchar(100) default NULL");
382 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_rate rate float(6,2) NOT NULL default '0.00'");
383 setChange("update tt_users set u_active = NULL where u_active = 1000");
384 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users CHANGE u_active status tinyint(4) default '1'");
385 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN status tinyint(4) default '1'");
386 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users ADD COLUMN role int(11) default '4'");
387 setChange("update tt_users set role = 1024 where login = 'admin'");
388 setChange("update tt_users set role = 68 where u_comanager = 1");
389 setChange("update tt_users set role = 324 where u_manager_id is null and login != 'admin'");
390 setChange("ALTER TABLE user_bind CHANGE ub_checked status tinyint(4) default '1'");
391 setChange("ALTER TABLE activities ADD COLUMN team_id int(11) NOT NULL");
392 setChange("ALTER TABLE clients ADD COLUMN team_id int(11) NOT NULL");
393 setChange("ALTER TABLE projects ADD COLUMN team_id int(11) NOT NULL");
396 // The update_to_team_id function sets team_id field projects, activities, and clients tables.
397 if ($_POST["update_to_team_id"]) {
398 $mdb2 = getConnection();
401 $sql = "select p_id, p_manager_id from projects where team_id = 0 limit 1000";
402 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
403 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
404 die($res->getMessage());
406 // Iterate through projects.
407 $projects_updated = 0;
408 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
409 $project_id = $val['p_id'];
410 $manager_id = $val['p_manager_id'];
412 $sql = "select team_id from tt_users where id = $manager_id";
413 $res2 = $mdb2->query($sql);
414 if (is_a($res2, 'PEAR_Error')) {
415 die($res2->getMessage());
417 $val2 = $res2->fetchRow();
418 $team_id = $val2['team_id'];
421 $sql = "update projects set team_id = $team_id where p_id = $project_id";
422 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
423 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
424 die($affected->getMessage());
426 $projects_updated += $affected;
429 print "Updated $projects_updated projects...<br>\n";
432 $sql = "select a_id, a_manager_id from activities where team_id = 0 limit 1000";
433 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
434 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
435 die($res->getMessage());
437 // Iterate through tasks.
439 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
440 $task_id = $val['a_id'];
441 $manager_id = $val['a_manager_id'];
443 $sql = "select team_id from tt_users where id = $manager_id";
444 $res2 = $mdb2->query($sql);
445 if (is_a($res2, 'PEAR_Error')) {
446 die($res2->getMessage());
448 $val2 = $res2->fetchRow();
449 $team_id = $val2['team_id'];
452 $sql = "update activities set team_id = $team_id where a_id = $task_id";
453 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
454 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
455 die($affected->getMessage());
457 $tasks_updated += $affected;
460 print "Updated $tasks_updated tasks...<br>\n";
463 $sql = "select clnt_id, clnt_id_um from clients where team_id = 0 limit 1000";
464 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
465 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
466 die($res->getMessage());
468 // Iterate through clients.
469 $clients_updated = 0;
470 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
471 $client_id = $val['clnt_id'];
472 $manager_id = $val['clnt_id_um'];
474 $sql = "select team_id from tt_users where id = $manager_id";
475 $res2 = $mdb2->query($sql);
476 if (is_a($res2, 'PEAR_Error')) {
477 die($res2->getMessage());
479 $val2 = $res2->fetchRow();
480 $team_id = $val2['team_id'];
483 $sql = "update clients set team_id = $team_id where clnt_id = $client_id";
484 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
485 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
486 die($affected->getMessage());
488 $clients_updated += $affected;
491 print "Updated $clients_updated clients...<br>\n";
494 if ($_POST["convert1485to1579"]) {
495 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports MODIFY id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
496 setChange("RENAME TABLE clients TO tt_clients");
497 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients CHANGE clnt_id id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT");
498 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients CHANGE clnt_status status tinyint(4) default '1'");
499 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients DROP clnt_id_um");
500 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients CHANGE clnt_name name varchar(80) NOT NULL");
501 setChange("drop index clnt_name_idx on tt_clients");
502 setChange("drop index client_name_idx on tt_clients");
503 setChange("create unique index client_name_idx on tt_clients(team_id, name, status)");
504 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL");
505 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients CHANGE clnt_addr_cust address varchar(255) default NULL");
506 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients DROP clnt_discount");
507 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients DROP clnt_comment");
508 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients DROP clnt_fsubtotals");
509 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients CHANGE clnt_tax tax float(6,2) NOT NULL default '0.00'");
510 setChange("ALTER TABLE activity_log ADD COLUMN client_id int(11) default NULL");
511 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams DROP show_pie");
512 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports CHANGE group_by sort_by varchar(20) default 'date'");
513 setChange("RENAME TABLE tmp_refs TO tt_tmp_refs");
514 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tmp_refs CHANGE tr_created timestamp timestamp NOT NULL");
515 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tmp_refs CHANGE tr_code ref char(32) NOT NULL default ''");
516 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tmp_refs CHANGE tr_userid user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
517 setChange("RENAME TABLE projects TO tt_projects");
518 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects CHANGE p_id id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
519 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects DROP p_timestamp");
520 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects CHANGE p_name name varchar(80) NOT NULL");
521 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects CHANGE p_status status tinyint(4) default '1'");
522 setChange("drop index p_name_idx on tt_projects");
523 setChange("create unique index project_idx on tt_projects(team_id, name, status)");
524 setChange("RENAME TABLE activities TO tt_tasks");
525 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks CHANGE a_id id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
526 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks DROP a_timestamp");
527 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks CHANGE a_name name varchar(80) NOT NULL");
528 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks CHANGE a_status status tinyint(4) default '1'");
529 setChange("drop index a_name_idx on tt_tasks");
530 setChange("create unique index task_idx on tt_tasks(team_id, name, status)");
531 setChange("RENAME TABLE invoice_header TO tt_invoice_headers");
532 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_user_id user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
533 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_number number varchar(20) default NULL");
534 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers DROP ih_addr_your");
535 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers DROP ih_addr_cust");
536 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_comment comment varchar(255) default NULL");
537 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_tax tax float(6,2) default '0.00'");
538 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_discount discount float(6,2) default '0.00'");
539 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoice_headers CHANGE ih_fsubtotals subtotals tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
540 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users DROP u_comanager");
541 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks DROP a_manager_id");
542 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects DROP p_manager_id");
543 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users DROP u_manager_id");
544 setChange("ALTER TABLE activity_bind DROP ab_id");
545 setChange("RENAME TABLE activity_bind TO tt_project_task_binds");
546 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_project_task_binds CHANGE ab_id_p project_id int(11) NOT NULL");
547 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_project_task_binds CHANGE ab_id_a task_id int(11) NOT NULL");
548 setChange("RENAME TABLE user_bind TO tt_user_project_binds");
549 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_user_project_binds CHANGE ub_rate rate float(6,2) NOT NULL default '0.00'");
550 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_user_project_binds CHANGE ub_id_p project_id int(11) NOT NULL");
551 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_user_project_binds CHANGE ub_id_u user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
552 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_user_project_binds CHANGE ub_id id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
553 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_client_project_binds` (`client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `project_id` int(11) NOT NULL)");
554 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_user_project_binds MODIFY rate float(6,2) default '0.00'");
555 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients MODIFY tax float(6,2) default '0.00'");
556 setChange("RENAME TABLE activity_log TO tt_log");
557 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_timestamp timestamp timestamp NOT NULL");
558 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_user_id user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
559 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_date date date NOT NULL");
560 setChange("drop index al_date_idx on tt_log");
561 setChange("create index date_idx on tt_log(date)");
562 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_from start time default NULL");
563 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_duration duration time default NULL");
564 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_project_id project_id int(11) NOT NULL");
565 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log MODIFY project_id int(11) default NULL");
566 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_activity_id task_id int(11) default NULL");
567 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_comment comment text");
568 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log CHANGE al_billable billable tinyint(4) default '0'");
569 setChange("drop index al_user_id_idx on tt_log");
570 setChange("drop index al_project_id_idx on tt_log");
571 setChange("drop index al_activity_id_idx on tt_log");
572 setChange("create index user_idx on tt_log(user_id)");
573 setChange("create index project_idx on tt_log(project_id)");
574 setChange("create index task_idx on tt_log(task_id)");
575 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_custom_field_log CHANGE al_id log_id bigint NOT NULL");
576 setChange("RENAME TABLE sysconfig TO tt_config");
577 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_config DROP sysc_id");
578 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_config CHANGE sysc_id_u user_id int(11) NOT NULL");
579 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_config CHANGE sysc_name param_name varchar(32) NOT NULL");
580 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_config CHANGE sysc_value param_value varchar(80) default NULL");
581 setChange("create unique index param_idx on tt_config(user_id, param_name)");
582 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log ADD COLUMN invoice_id int(11) default NULL");
583 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects ADD COLUMN description varchar(255) default NULL");
584 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_invoices` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `number` varchar(20) default NULL, `client_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `client_addr` varchar(255) default NULL, `comment` varchar(255) default NULL, `tax` float(6,2) default '0.00', `discount` float(6,2) default '0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
585 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices drop number");
586 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices drop client_name");
587 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices drop client_addr");
588 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices drop comment");
589 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices drop tax");
590 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN name varchar(80) NOT NULL");
591 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN client_id int(11) NOT NULL");
592 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN start_date date NOT NULL");
593 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN end_date date NOT NULL");
594 setChange("create unique index name_idx on tt_invoices(team_id, name)");
595 setChange("drop index ub_id_u on tt_user_project_binds");
596 setChange("create unique index bind_idx on tt_user_project_binds(user_id, project_id)");
597 setChange("create index client_idx on tt_log(client_id)");
598 setChange("create index invoice_idx on tt_log(invoice_id)");
601 if ($_POST["convert1579to1600"]) {
602 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN date date NOT NULL");
603 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN custom_logo tinyint(4) default '0'");
604 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks ADD COLUMN description varchar(255) default NULL");
605 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_projects MODIFY name varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL");
606 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users MODIFY login varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL");
607 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_tasks MODIFY name varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL");
608 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices MODIFY name varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL");
609 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients MODIFY name varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL");
610 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_clients ADD COLUMN projects text default NULL");
611 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_custom_field_log ADD COLUMN option_id int(11) default NULL");
612 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN tracking_mode smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2'");
613 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN record_type smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
614 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices DROP start_date");
615 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices DROP end_date");
618 // The update_clients function updates projects field in tt_clients table.
619 if ($_POST["update_clients"]) {
620 $mdb2 = getConnection();
621 $sql = "select id from tt_clients where status = 1 or status = 0";
622 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
623 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
624 die($res->getMessage());
627 $clients_updated = 0;
628 // Iterate through clients.
629 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
630 $client_id = $val['id'];
632 // Get projects binds for client.
633 $sql = "select cpb.project_id from tt_client_project_binds cpb
634 left join tt_projects p on (p.id = cpb.project_id)
635 where cpb.client_id = $client_id order by p.name";
637 $result = $mdb2->query($sql);
638 if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error'))
639 die($result->getMessage());
641 $project_arr = array();
642 while ($value = $result->fetchRow()) {
643 $project_arr[] = $value['project_id'];
645 $comma_separated = implode(',', $project_arr); // This is a comma-separated list of associated project ids.
647 // Update the projects field.
648 $sql = "update tt_clients set projects = ".$mdb2->quote($comma_separated)." where id = $client_id";
649 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
650 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
651 die($affected->getMessage());
652 $clients_updated += $affected;
654 print "Updated $clients_updated clients...<br>\n";
657 // The update_custom_fields function updates option_id field field in tt_custom_field_log table.
658 if ($_POST['update_custom_fields']) {
659 $mdb2 = getConnection();
660 $sql = "update tt_custom_field_log set option_id = value where field_id in (select id from tt_custom_fields where type = 2)";
661 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
662 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
663 die($affected->getMessage());
665 print "Updated $affected custom fields...<br>\n";
668 // The update_tracking_mode function sets the tracking_mode field in tt_teams table to 2 (== MODE_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS).
669 if ($_POST['update_tracking_mode']) {
670 $mdb2 = getConnection();
671 $sql = "update tt_teams set tracking_mode = 2 where tracking_mode = 0";
672 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
673 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error'))
674 die($affected->getMessage());
676 print "Updated $affected teams...<br>\n";
679 if ($_POST["convert1600to11400"]) {
680 setChange("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt_invoice_headers");
681 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `client_id` int(11) default NULL");
682 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `cf_1_option_id` int(11) default NULL");
683 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `show_client` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
684 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `show_invoice` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'");
685 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `group_by` varchar(20) default NULL");
686 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_expense_items` (`id` bigint NOT NULL auto_increment, `date` date NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) default NULL, `project_id` int(11) default NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `cost` decimal(10,2) default '0.00', `invoice_id` int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
687 setChange("create index date_idx on tt_expense_items(date)");
688 setChange("create index user_idx on tt_expense_items(user_id)");
689 setChange("create index client_idx on tt_expense_items(client_id)");
690 setChange("create index project_idx on tt_expense_items(project_id)");
691 setChange("create index invoice_idx on tt_expense_items(invoice_id)");
692 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports DROP sort_by");
693 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports DROP show_empty_days");
694 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices DROP discount");
695 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_users ADD COLUMN `client_id` int(11) default NULL");
696 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN `decimal_mark` char(1) NOT NULL default '.'");
697 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_fav_reports ADD COLUMN `invoice` tinyint(4) default NULL");
698 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_cron` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `cron_spec` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `last` int(11) default NULL, `next` int(11) default NULL, `report_id` int(11) default NULL, `email` varchar(100) default NULL, `status` tinyint(4) default '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
699 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_cron ADD COLUMN `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
700 setChange("create index client_idx on tt_client_project_binds(client_id)");
701 setChange("create index project_idx on tt_client_project_binds(project_id)");
702 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_log ADD COLUMN status tinyint(4) default '1'");
703 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_custom_field_log ADD COLUMN status tinyint(4) default '1'");
704 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_expense_items ADD COLUMN status tinyint(4) default '1'");
705 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_invoices ADD COLUMN status tinyint(4) default '1'");
706 setChange("DROP INDEX name_idx on tt_invoices");
707 setChange("create unique index name_idx on tt_invoices(team_id, name, status)");
708 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams ADD COLUMN lock_spec varchar(255) default NULL");
709 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_teams DROP locktime");
710 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_monthly_quota` (`team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `year` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `month` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `quota` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`year`,`month`,`team_id`))");
712 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `workday_hours` SMALLINT NULL DEFAULT '8' AFTER `lock_spec`");
713 setChange("RENAME TABLE tt_monthly_quota TO tt_monthly_quotas");
714 setChange("ALTER TABLE tt_expense_items modify `name` text NOT NULL");
715 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `uncompleted_indicators` SMALLINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `record_type`");
716 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_predefined_expenses` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `cost` decimal(10,2) default '0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
717 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `task_required` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `tracking_mode`");
718 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `project_required` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `tracking_mode`");
719 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` ADD `report_condition` varchar(255) default NULL AFTER `email`");
720 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `status` tinyint(4) default '1'");
721 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `bcc_email` varchar(100) default NULL AFTER `uncompleted_indicators`");
722 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` ADD `cc` varchar(100) default NULL AFTER `email`");
723 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` ADD `subject` varchar(100) default NULL AFTER `cc`");
724 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `paid` tinyint(4) NULL default '0' AFTER `billable`");
727 if ($_POST["convert11400to11744"]) {
728 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` DROP `address`");
729 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `report_spec` text default NULL AFTER `user_id`");
730 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `paid_status` tinyint(4) default NULL AFTER `invoice`");
731 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `show_paid` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `show_invoice`");
732 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `paid` tinyint(4) NULL default '0' AFTER `invoice_id`");
733 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` MODIFY `quota` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL");
734 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` MODIFY `workday_hours` decimal(5,2) DEFAULT '8.00'");
735 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `config` text default NULL AFTER `custom_logo`");
736 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` ADD `minutes` int(11) DEFAULT NULL");
737 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `workday_minutes` smallint(4) DEFAULT '480' AFTER `workday_hours`");
738 setChange("UPDATE `tt_teams` SET `workday_minutes` = 60 * `workday_hours`");
739 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` DROP `workday_hours`");
740 setChange("UPDATE `tt_monthly_quotas` SET `minutes` = 60 * `quota`");
741 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` DROP `quota`");
742 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` DROP `uncompleted_indicators`");
743 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` MODIFY `timestamp` timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
744 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` MODIFY `timestamp` timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
745 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` MODIFY `timestamp` timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
746 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tmp_refs` MODIFY `timestamp` timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
747 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_roles` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `team_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(80) default NULL, `rank` int(11) default 0, `rights` text default NULL, `status` tinyint(4) default 1, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
748 setChange("create unique index role_idx on tt_roles(team_id, rank, status)");
749 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_roles` ADD `description` varchar(255) default NULL AFTER `name`");
750 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `role_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `role`");
751 setChange("CREATE TABLE `tt_site_config` (`param_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `param_value` text default NULL, `created` datetime default NULL, `updated` datetime default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`param_name`))");
752 setChange("INSERT INTO `tt_site_config` (`param_name`, `param_value`, `created`) VALUES ('version_db', '1.17.34', now())");
753 setChange("INSERT INTO `tt_roles` (`team_id`, `name`, `rank`, `rights`) VALUES (0, 'Site administrator', 1024, 'administer_site')");
754 setChange("INSERT INTO `tt_roles` (`team_id`, `name`, `rank`, `rights`) VALUES (0, 'Top manager', 512, 'data_entry,view_own_data,manage_own_settings,view_users,on_behalf_data_entry,view_data,override_punch_mode,swap_roles,approve_timesheets,manage_users,manage_projects,manage_tasks,manage_custom_fields,manage_clients,manage_invoices,manage_features,manage_basic_settings,manage_advanced_settings,manage_roles,export_data,manage_subgroups')");
755 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET `param_value` = '1.17.35' where param_name = 'version_db'");
756 setChange("update `tt_users` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.35') set role_id = (select id from tt_roles where rank = 1024) where role = 1024");
757 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.35') set rights = 'data_entry,view_own_reports,view_own_charts,view_own_invoices,manage_own_settings,view_users,on_behalf_data_entry,view_reports,view_charts,override_punch_mode,swap_roles,approve_timesheets,manage_users,manage_projects,manage_tasks,manage_custom_fields,manage_clients,manage_invoices,manage_features,manage_basic_settings,manage_advanced_settings,manage_roles,export_data,manage_subgroups' where team_id = 0 and rank = 512");
758 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.35') set rights = replace(rights, 'view_own_data', 'view_own_reports,view_own_charts') where team_id > 0");
759 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.35') set rights = replace(rights, 'view_data', 'view_reports,view_charts') where team_id > 0");
760 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.35') set rights = replace(rights, 'view_own_charts,manage_own_settings', 'view_own_charts,view_own_invoices,manage_own_settings') where team_id > 0 and rank = 16");
761 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET `param_value` = '1.17.40' where param_name = 'version_db'");
762 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.40') set rights = replace(rights, 'on_behalf_data_entry', 'track_time,track_expenses')");
763 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.40') set rights = replace(rights, 'data_entry', 'track_own_time,track_own_expenses')");
764 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET `param_value` = '1.17.43' where param_name = 'version_db'");
765 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.43') set rights = replace(rights, 'override_punch_mode,swap_roles', 'override_punch_mode,override_date_lock,swap_roles')");
766 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET `param_value` = '1.17.44' where param_name = 'version_db'");
769 // The update_role_id function assigns a role_id to users, who don't have it.
770 if ($_POST['update_role_id']) {
773 $mdb2 = getConnection();
775 $sql = "select u.id, u.team_id, u.role, t.lang from tt_users u inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.44') left join tt_teams t on (u.team_id = t.id) where u.role_id is NULL and u.status is NOT NULL";
776 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
777 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage());
780 // Iterate through users.
781 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
783 $user_id = $val['id'];
784 $team_id = $val['team_id'];
785 $lang = $val['lang'];
786 $legacy_role = $val['role'];
788 $sql = "select count(*) as count from tt_roles where team_id = $team_id";
789 $result = $mdb2->query($sql);
790 if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) die($result->getMessage());
791 $row = $result->fetchRow();
792 if ($row['count'] == 0)
793 ttRoleHelper::createPredefinedRoles_1_17_44($team_id, $lang);
795 // Obtain new role id based on legacy role.
796 $role_id = ttRoleHelper::getRoleByRank_1_17_44($legacy_role, $team_id);
797 if (!$role_id) continue; // Role not found, nothing to do.
799 $sql = "update tt_users set role_id = $role_id where id = $user_id and team_id = $team_id";
800 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
801 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) die($affected->getMessage());
804 // if ($users_updated >= 1000) break; // TODO: uncomment for large user sets to run multiple times.
806 print "Updated $users_updated users...<br>\n";
809 if ($_POST["convert11744to11797"]) {
810 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.44') set rights = replace(rights, 'override_punch_mode,override_date_lock', 'override_punch_mode,override_own_punch_mode,override_date_lock')");
811 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.48' where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.44'");
812 setChange("update `tt_users` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.48') set role_id = (select id from tt_roles where team_id = 0 and rank = 512) where role = 324");
813 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.49' where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.48'");
814 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` drop role");
815 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.50' where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.49'");
816 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.50') set rights = replace(rights, 'override_date_lock,swap_roles', 'override_date_lock,override_own_date_lock,swap_roles')");
817 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.51' where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.50'");
818 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `created` datetime default NULL AFTER `email`");
819 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `created_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `created`");
820 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `created_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `created_ip`");
821 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `modified` datetime default NULL AFTER `created_by`");
822 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `modified_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `modified`");
823 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `modified_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `modified_ip`");
824 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `accessed` datetime default NULL AFTER `modified_by`");
825 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `accessed_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `accessed`");
826 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.52' where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.51'");
827 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_site_config` CHANGE `updated` `modified` datetime default NULL");
828 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.53', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.52'");
829 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `created` datetime default NULL AFTER `paid`");
830 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `created_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `created`");
831 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `created_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `created_ip`");
832 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `modified` datetime default NULL AFTER `created_by`");
833 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `modified_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `modified`");
834 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `modified_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `modified_ip`");
835 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.56', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.53'");
836 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `created` datetime default NULL AFTER `paid`");
837 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `created_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `created`");
838 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `created_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `created_ip`");
839 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `modified` datetime default NULL AFTER `created_by`");
840 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `modified_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `modified`");
841 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `modified_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `modified_ip`");
842 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.59', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.56'");
843 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `show_ip` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `show_paid`");
844 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.61', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.59'");
845 setChange("update `tt_log` l inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.61') set l.created = l.timestamp where l.created is null");
846 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` drop `timestamp`");
847 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.64', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.61'");
848 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `created` datetime default NULL AFTER `config`");
849 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `created_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `created`");
850 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `created_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `created_ip`");
851 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `modified` datetime default NULL AFTER `created_by`");
852 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `modified_ip` varchar(45) default NULL AFTER `modified`");
853 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `modified_by` int(11) default NULL AFTER `modified_ip`");
854 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.65', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.64'");
855 setChange("update `tt_teams` t inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.65') set t.created = t.timestamp where t.created is null");
856 setChange("update `tt_users` u inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.65') set u.created = u.timestamp where u.created is null");
857 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` drop `timestamp`");
858 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` drop `timestamp`");
859 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.66', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.65'");
860 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tmp_refs` ADD `created` datetime default NULL AFTER `timestamp`");
861 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tmp_refs` drop `timestamp`");
862 setChange("delete from `tt_tmp_refs`");
863 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.67', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.66'");
864 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `parent_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `id`");
865 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_teams` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `parent_id`");
866 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.76', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.67'");
867 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.76') set rights = replace(rights, ',manage_users', ',manage_own_account,manage_users')");
868 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.77', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.76'");
869 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.77') set rights = replace(rights, 'manage_own_settings,view_users', 'manage_own_settings,view_projects,view_users')");
870 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.78', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.77'");
871 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.78') set rights = replace(rights, 'manage_own_settings,view_projects,view_users', 'view_own_projects,manage_own_settings,view_users')");
872 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.79', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.78'");
873 setChange("RENAME TABLE `tt_teams` TO `tt_groups`");
874 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_TT_TEAM_CONSTRAING");
875 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.80', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.79'");
876 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_roles` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
877 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
878 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_projects` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
879 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tasks` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
880 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_invoices` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
881 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
882 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_clients` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
883 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_fields` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
884 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_predefined_expenses` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
885 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` CHANGE `team_id` `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL");
886 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.81', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.80'");
887 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.81') set rights = replace(rights, ',manage_invoices', ',manage_invoices,view_all_reports')");
888 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.82', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.81'");
889 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_groups` ADD `allow_ip` varchar(255) default NULL AFTER `bcc_email`");
890 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.82') set rights = replace(rights, 'manage_invoices,view_all_reports', 'manage_invoices,override_allow_ip,view_all_reports')");
891 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.83', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.82'");
892 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.83') set rights = replace(rights, 'view_own_projects,manage_own_settings', 'view_own_projects,view_own_tasks,manage_own_settings')");
893 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.84', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.83'");
894 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.84') set rights = replace(rights, 'view_charts,override_punch_mode', 'view_charts,view_own_clients,override_punch_mode')");
895 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.85', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.84'");
896 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.85') set rights = replace(rights, 'override_allow_ip,view_all_reports', 'override_allow_ip,manage_basic_settings,view_all_reports')");
897 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.85') set rights = replace(rights, 'manage_features,manage_basic_setting,manage_advanced_settings', 'manage_features,manage_advanced_settings')");
898 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.86', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.85'");
899 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_groups` ADD `password_complexity` varchar(64) default NULL AFTER `allow_ip`");
900 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.87', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.86'");
901 setChange("update `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.17.87') set rights = replace(rights, 'manage_subgroups', 'manage_subgroups,delete_group') where rank = 512");
902 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.88', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.87'");
903 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `show_work_units` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `show_custom_field_1`");
904 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.92', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.88'");
905 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `user_id`");
906 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `user_id`");
907 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.96', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.92'");
908 setChange("create index group_idx on tt_log(group_id)");
909 setChange("create index group_idx on tt_expense_items(group_id)");
910 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.17.97', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.96'");
913 // The update_group_id function updates group_id field in tt_log and tt_expense_items tables.
914 if ($_POST["update_group_id"]) {
915 $mdb2 = getConnection();
917 $sql = "(select distinct user_id from tt_log where group_id is null) union distinct (select distinct user_id from tt_expense_items where group_id is null)";
918 $res = $mdb2->query($sql);
919 if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
920 die($res->getMessage());
923 $tt_log_records_updated = 0;
924 $tt_expense_items_updated = 0;
926 // Iterate through result set.
927 while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) {
928 $user_id = $val['user_id'];
929 $sql = "select group_id from tt_users where id = $user_id";
930 $result = $mdb2->query($sql);
931 if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
932 die($res->getMessage());
934 $value = $result->fetchRow();
935 $group_id = $value['group_id'];
938 $sql = "update tt_log set group_id = $group_id where user_id = $user_id";
939 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
940 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
941 die($affected->getMessage());
943 $tt_log_records_updated += $affected;
945 $sql = "update tt_expense_items set group_id = $group_id where user_id = $user_id";
946 $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql);
947 if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) {
948 die($affected->getMessage());
950 $tt_expense_items_updated += $affected;
953 print "Error: Could not find group for user $user_id...<br>\n";
956 print "Updated $tt_log_records_updated tt_log records...<br>\n";
957 print "Updated $tt_expense_items_updated tt_expense_items records...<br>\n";
960 if ($_POST["convert11797to11822"]) {
961 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` CHANGE `group_by` `group_by1` varchar(20) default NULL");
962 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `group_by2` varchar(20) default NULL AFTER `group_by1`");
963 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `group_by3` varchar(20) default NULL AFTER `group_by2`");
964 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.00', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.17.97'");
965 setChange("create index log_idx on tt_custom_field_log(log_id)");
966 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.05', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.00'");
967 setChange("UPDATE `tt_groups` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.05') set org_id = id where org_id is null");
968 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.06', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.05'");
969 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
970 setChange("UPDATE `tt_users` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.06') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
971 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.07', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.06'");
972 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_roles` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
973 setChange("UPDATE `tt_roles` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.07') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
974 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.08', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.07'");
975 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_clients` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
976 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.09', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.08'");
977 setChange("UPDATE `tt_clients` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.09') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
978 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_projects` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
979 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tasks` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
980 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.10', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.09'");
981 setChange("UPDATE `tt_projects` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.10') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
982 setChange("UPDATE `tt_tasks` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.10') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
983 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_log` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
984 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_invoices` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
985 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.11', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.10'");
986 setChange("UPDATE `tt_log` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.11') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
987 setChange("UPDATE `tt_invoices` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.11') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
988 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_user_project_binds` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `project_id`");
989 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_user_project_binds` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
990 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_project_task_binds` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `task_id`");
991 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_project_task_binds` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
992 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.12', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.11'");
993 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.13', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.12'");
994 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_users` MODIFY `login` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL");
995 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_projects` MODIFY `name` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL");
996 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_tasks` MODIFY `name` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL");
997 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_invoices` MODIFY `name` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL");
998 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_clients` MODIFY `name` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL");
999 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.14', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.13'");
1000 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_monthly_quotas` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1001 setChange("UPDATE `tt_monthly_quotas` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.14') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
1002 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.15', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.14'");
1003 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_predefined_expenses` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1004 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.16', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.15'");
1005 setChange("UPDATE `tt_predefined_expenses` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.16') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
1006 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_expense_items` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1007 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.17', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.16'");
1008 setChange("UPDATE `tt_expense_items` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.17') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
1009 setChange("update `tt_user_project_binds` upb inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.17') inner join `tt_users` u on u.id = upb.user_id set upb.group_id = u.group_id, upb.org_id = u.org_id where upb.org_id is null");
1010 setChange("update `tt_project_task_binds` ptb inner join tt_site_config sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.17') inner join `tt_projects` p on p.id = ptb.project_id set ptb.group_id = p.group_id, ptb.org_id = p.org_id where ptb.org_id is null");
1011 setChange("create unique index project_task_idx on tt_project_task_binds(project_id, task_id)");
1012 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.18', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.17'");
1013 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `user_id`");
1014 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_fav_reports` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1015 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.19', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.18'");
1016 setChange("update `tt_fav_reports` fr inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.19') inner join `tt_users` u on u.id = fr.user_id set fr.group_id = u.group_id, fr.org_id = u.org_id where fr.org_id is null");
1017 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_cron` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1018 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.20', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.19'");
1019 setChange("UPDATE `tt_cron` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.20') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
1020 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_client_project_binds` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `project_id`");
1021 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_client_project_binds` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1022 setChange("update `tt_client_project_binds` cpb inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.20') inner join `tt_clients` c on c.id = cpb.client_id set cpb.group_id = c.group_id, cpb.org_id = c.org_id where cpb.org_id is null");
1023 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.21', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.20'");
1024 setChange("create unique index client_project_idx on tt_client_project_binds(client_id, project_id)");
1025 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_config` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `user_id`");
1026 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_config` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1027 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.22', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.21'");
1028 setChange("update `tt_config` c inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.22') inner join `tt_users` u on u.id = c.user_id set c.group_id = u.group_id, c.org_id = u.org_id where c.org_id is null");
1029 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_fields` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1030 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_field_options` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `id`");
1031 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_field_options` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1032 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_field_log` ADD `group_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `id`");
1033 setChange("ALTER TABLE `tt_custom_field_log` ADD `org_id` int(11) default NULL AFTER `group_id`");
1034 setChange("UPDATE `tt_site_config` SET param_value = '1.18.23', modified = now() where param_name = 'version_db' and param_value = '1.18.22'");
1035 setChange("UPDATE `tt_custom_fields` inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.23') set org_id = group_id where org_id is null");
1036 setChange("update `tt_custom_field_options` cfo inner join `tt_site_config` sc on (sc.param_name = 'version_db' and sc.param_value = '1.18.23') inner join `tt_custom_fields` cf on cf.id = cfo.field_id set cfo.group_id = cf.group_id, cfo.org_id = cf.org_id where cfo.org_id is null");
1039 if ($_POST["cleanup"]) {
1041 $mdb2 = getConnection();
1042 $inactive_groups = ttOrgHelper::getInactiveOrgs();
1044 $count = count($inactive_groups);
1045 print "$count inactive groups found...<br>\n";
1046 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
1047 print " deleting group ".$inactive_groups[$i]."<br>\n";
1048 $res = ttTeamHelper::delete($inactive_groups[$i]); // TODO: rewrite this to delete subgroups, too.
1051 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_client_project_binds");
1052 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_clients");
1053 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_config");
1054 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_cron");
1055 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_custom_field_log");
1056 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_custom_field_options");
1057 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_custom_fields");
1058 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_expense_items");
1059 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_fav_reports");
1060 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_invoices");
1061 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_log");
1062 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_monthly_quotas");
1063 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_predefined_expenses");
1064 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_project_task_binds");
1065 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_projects");
1066 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_tasks");
1067 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_groups");
1068 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_tmp_refs");
1069 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_user_project_binds");
1070 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_users");
1071 setChange("OPTIMIZE TABLE tt_roles");
1074 print "done.<br>\n";
1079 <div align="center">
1080 <form method="POST">
1082 <table width="80%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
1084 <td width="80%"><b>Create database structure (v1.18.22)</b>
1085 <br>(applies only to new installations, do not execute when updating)</br></td><td><input type="submit" name="crstructure" value="Create"></td>
1091 <table width="80%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
1093 <td>Update database structure (v0.5 to v0.7)</td><td><input type="submit" name="convert5to7" value="Update"></td>
1096 <td>Update database structure (v0.7 to v1.3.3)</td>
1097 <td><input type="submit" name="convert7to133" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_projects" value="Update projects"></td>
1100 <td>Update database structure (v1.3.3 to v1.3.40)</td>
1101 <td><input type="submit" name="convert133to1340" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_companies" value="Update companies"></td>
1104 <td>Update database structure (v1.3.40 to v1.4.85)</td>
1105 <td><input type="submit" name="convert1340to1485" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_to_team_id" value="Update team_id"></td>
1108 <td>Update database structure (v1.4.85 to v1.5.79)</td>
1109 <td><input type="submit" name="convert1485to1579" value="Update"></td>
1112 <td>Update database structure (v1.5.79 to v1.6)</td>
1113 <td><input type="submit" name="convert1579to1600" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_clients" value="Update clients"><br><input type="submit" name="update_custom_fields" value="Update custom fields"><br><input type="submit" name="update_tracking_mode" value="Update tracking mode"></td>
1116 <td>Update database structure (v1.6 to v1.14)</td>
1117 <td><input type="submit" name="convert1600to11400" value="Update"><br></td>
1120 <td>Update database structure (v1.14 to v1.17.44)</td>
1121 <td><input type="submit" name="convert11400to11744" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_role_id" value="Update role_id"></td>
1124 <td>Update database structure (v1.17.44 to v1.17.97)</td>
1125 <td><input type="submit" name="convert11744to117797" value="Update"><br><input type="submit" name="update_group_id" value="Update group_id"></td>
1129 <td>Update database structure (v1.17.97 to v1.18.22)</td>
1130 <td><input type="submit" name="convert11797to11822" value="Update"></td>
1134 <h2>DB Maintenance</h2>
1135 <table width="80%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
1137 <td width="80%">Clean up DB from inactive teams</td><td><input type="submit" name="cleanup" value="Clean up"></td>