4 a2ensite timetracker.conf
5 #systemd restart apache2
6 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
8 chmod 777 /usr/share/php/timetracker/WEB-INF/templates_c
10 # check, whether sysal user exists
11 if ! mysql -uttuser -pTtuser09 timetracker -e";"
13 echo "Installation of ttuser user ..."
14 echo "Password of mysql root:"
16 mysql -uroot -p$pw <<END
17 create user ttuser@localhost identified by 'Ttuser09';
18 create database timetracker CHARACTER SET = 'utf8mb4';
19 grant all on timetracker.* to ttuser@localhost;
24 pushd /usr/share/php/timetracker/WEB-INF
25 if [ ! -f config.php ]
27 echo "copy standard config file"
28 cp config.php.dist config.php
32 echo "Check database with http://localhost/timetracker/dbinstall.php"
33 echo "Login at http://localhost/timetracker/login.php"
34 echo "Initial password: admin/secret"
35 echo "Further information: https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/index.htm"