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[kivitendo-erp.git] / js / ckeditor / samples / old / sourcedialog / sourcedialog.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>\r
2 <!--\r
3 Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
4 For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license\r
5 -->\r
6 <html>\r
7 <head>\r
8         <meta charset="utf-8">\r
9         <title>Editing source code in a dialog &mdash; CKEditor Sample</title>\r
10         <script src="../../../ckeditor.js"></script>\r
11         <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../samples/old/sample.css">\r
12         <meta name="ckeditor-sample-name" content="Editing source code in a dialog">\r
13         <meta name="ckeditor-sample-group" content="Plugins">\r
14         <meta name="ckeditor-sample-description" content="Editing HTML content of both inline and classic editor instances.">\r
15         <meta name="ckeditor-sample-isnew" content="1">\r
16         <style>\r
17 \r
18                 #editable\r
19                 {\r
20                         padding: 10px;\r
21                         float: left;\r
22                 }\r
23 \r
24         </style>\r
25 </head>\r
26 <body>\r
27         <h1 class="samples">\r
28                 <a href="../../../samples/old/index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> &raquo; Editing source code in a dialog\r
29         </h1>\r
30         <div class="warning deprecated">\r
31                 This sample is not maintained anymore. Check out its <a href="http://sdk.ckeditor.com/samples/sourcearea.html">brand new version in CKEditor SDK</a>.\r
32         </div>\r
33         <div class="description">\r
34                 <p>\r
35                         <strong>Sourcedialog</strong> plugin provides an easy way to edit raw HTML content\r
36                         of an editor, similarly to what is possible with <strong>Sourcearea</strong>\r
37                         plugin for classic (<code>iframe</code>-based) instances but using dialogs. Thanks to that, it's also possible\r
38                         to manipulate raw content of inline editor instances.\r
39                 </p>\r
40                 <p>\r
41                         This plugin extends the toolbar with a button,\r
42                         which opens a dialog window with a source code editor. It works with both classic\r
43                         and inline instances. To enable this\r
44                         plugin, basically add <code>extraPlugins: 'sourcedialog'</code> to editor's\r
45                         config:\r
46                 </p>\r
47 <pre class="samples">\r
48 // Inline editor.\r
49 CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable', {\r
50         <strong>extraPlugins: 'sourcedialog'</strong>\r
51 });\r
52 \r
53 // Classic (iframe-based) editor.\r
54 CKEDITOR.replace( 'textarea_id', {\r
55         <strong>extraPlugins: 'sourcedialog'</strong>,\r
56         removePlugins: 'sourcearea'\r
57 });\r
58 </pre>\r
59                 <p>\r
60                         Note that you may want to include <code>removePlugins: 'sourcearea'</code>\r
61                         in your config when using <strong>Sourcedialog</strong> in classic editor instances.\r
62                         This prevents feature redundancy.\r
63                 </p>\r
64                 <p>\r
65                         Note that <code>editable</code> in the code above is the <code>id</code>\r
66                         attribute of the <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> element to be converted into an inline instance.\r
67                 </p>\r
68                 <p>\r
69                         Note that <code><em>textarea_id</em></code> in the code above is the <code>id</code> attribute of\r
70                         the <code>&lt;textarea&gt;</code> element to be replaced with CKEditor.\r
71                 </p>\r
72         </div>\r
73         <div>\r
74                 <label for="editor1">\r
75                         Inline editor:\r
76                 </label>\r
77                 <div id="editor1" contenteditable="true" style="padding: 5px 20px;">\r
78                         <p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p>\r
79                 </div>\r
80         </div>\r
81         <br>\r
82         <div>\r
83                 <label for="editor2">\r
84                         Classic editor:\r
85                 </label>\r
86                 <textarea cols="80" id="editor2" name="editor2" rows="10">\r
87                         This is some &lt;strong&gt;sample text&lt;/strong&gt;. You are using &lt;a href="http://ckeditor.com/"&gt;CKEditor&lt;/a&gt;.\r
88                 </textarea>\r
89         </div>\r
90         <script>\r
91 \r
92                 // We need to turn off the automatic editor creation first.\r
93                 CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;\r
94 \r
95                 var config = {\r
96                         toolbarGroups: [\r
97                                 { name: 'mode' },\r
98                                 { name: 'basicstyles' },\r
99                                 { name: 'links' }\r
100                         ],\r
101                         extraPlugins: 'sourcedialog',\r
102                         removePlugins: 'sourcearea'\r
103                 }\r
104 \r
105                 CKEDITOR.inline( 'editor1', config );\r
106                 CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', config );\r
107 \r
108         </script>\r
109         <div id="footer">\r
110                 <hr>\r
111                 <p>\r
112                         CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">\r
113                                 http://ckeditor.com</a>\r
114                 </p>\r
115                 <p id="copy">\r
116                         Copyright &copy; 2003-2017, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a>\r
117                         - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
118                 </p>\r
119         </div>\r
120 </body>\r
121 </html>\r