7 use List::Util qw(sum);
8 our $VERSION = '0.9.10';
10 print __PACKAGE__.' is version: '.$VERSION.$/ if($ENV{'PDF_TABLE_DEBUG'});
12 ############################################################
16 # Parameters are meta information about the PDF
18 # $pdf = PDF::Table->new();
20 ############################################################
25 my $class = ref($type) || $type;
27 bless ($self, $class);
29 # Pass all the rest to init for validation and initialisation
37 my ($self, $pdf, $page, $data, %options ) = @_;
39 # Check and set default values
40 $self->set_defaults();
42 # Check and set mandatory params
44 $self->set_page($page);
45 $self->set_data($data);
46 $self->set_options(\%options);
54 $self->{'font_size'} = 12;
58 my ($self, $pdf) = @_;
59 $self->{'pdf'} = $pdf;
63 my ($self, $page) = @_;
64 if ( defined($page) && ref($page) ne 'PDF::API2::Page' ){
66 if( ref($self->{'pdf'}) eq 'PDF::API2' ){
67 $self->{'page'} = $self->{'pdf'}->page();
69 carp 'Warning: Page must be a PDF::API2::Page object but it seems to be: '.ref($page).$/;
70 carp 'Error: Cannot set page from passed PDF object either as it is invalid!'.$/;
74 $self->{'page'} = $page;
79 my ($self, $data) = @_;
84 my ($self, $options) = @_;
88 ############################################################
90 # text_block - utility method to build multi-paragraph blocks of text
92 ############################################################
97 my $text_object = shift;
98 my $text = shift; # The text to be displayed
99 my %arg = @_; # Additional Arguments
101 my ( $align, $xpos, $ypos, $xbase, $ybase, $line_width, $wordspace, $endw , $width, $height) =
102 ( undef , undef, undef, undef , undef , undef , undef , undef , undef , undef );
103 my @line = (); # Temp data array with words on one line
104 my %width = (); # The width of every unique word in the givven text
106 # Try to provide backward compatibility
107 foreach my $key (keys %arg)
110 if($newkey =~ s#^-##)
112 $arg{$newkey} = $arg{$key};
119 # Lets check mandatory parameters with no default values
121 $xbase = $arg{'x'} || -1;
122 $ybase = $arg{'y'} || -1;
123 $width = $arg{'w'} || -1;
124 $height = $arg{'h'} || -1;
125 unless( $xbase > 0 ){ carp "Error: Left Edge of Block is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
126 unless( $ybase > 0 ){ carp "Error: Base Line of Block is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
127 unless( $width > 0 ){ carp "Error: Width of Block is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
128 unless( $height > 0 ){ carp "Error: Height of Block is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
129 # Check if any text to display
130 unless( defined( $text) and length($text) > 0 )
132 carp "Warning: No input text found. Trying to add dummy '-' and not to break everything.\n";
136 # Strip any <CR> and Split the text into paragraphs
138 my @paragraphs = split(/\n/, $text);
140 # Width between lines in pixels
141 my $line_space = defined $arg{'lead'} && $arg{'lead'} > 0 ? $arg{'lead'} : 12;
143 # Calculate width of all words
144 my $space_width = $text_object->advancewidth("\x20");
145 my @words = split(/\s+/, $text);
148 next if exists $width{$_};
149 $width{$_} = $text_object->advancewidth($_);
152 my @paragraph = split(' ', shift(@paragraphs));
154 my $first_paragraph = 1;
159 $ypos = $ybase + $line_space;
160 my $bottom_border = $ypos - $height;
161 # While we can add another line
162 while ( $ypos >= $bottom_border + $line_space )
164 # Is there any text to render ?
167 # Finish if nothing left
168 last unless scalar @paragraphs;
169 # Else take one line from the text
170 @paragraph = split(' ', shift( @paragraphs ) );
172 $ypos -= $arg{'parspace'} if $arg{'parspace'};
173 last unless $ypos >= $bottom_border;
175 $ypos -= $line_space;
178 # While there's room on the line, add another word
181 if( $first_line && exists $arg{'hang'} )
183 my $hang_width = $text_object->advancewidth($arg{'hang'});
185 $text_object->translate( $xpos, $ypos );
186 $text_object->text( $arg{'hang'} );
188 $xpos += $hang_width;
189 $line_width += $hang_width;
190 $arg{'indent'} += $hang_width if $first_paragraph;
192 elsif( $first_line && exists $arg{'flindent'} && $arg{'flindent'} > 0 )
194 $xpos += $arg{'flindent'};
195 $line_width += $arg{'flindent'};
197 elsif( $first_paragraph && exists $arg{'fpindent'} && $arg{'fpindent'} > 0 )
199 $xpos += $arg{'fpindent'};
200 $line_width += $arg{'fpindent'};
202 elsif (exists $arg{'indent'} && $arg{'indent'} > 0 )
204 $xpos += $arg{'indent'};
205 $line_width += $arg{'indent'};
208 # Lets take from paragraph as many words as we can put into $width - $indent;
209 # Always take at least one word; otherwise we'd end up in an infinite loop.
210 while ( !scalar(@line) || (
212 $text_object->advancewidth( join("\x20", @line)."\x20" . $paragraph[0]) + $line_width < $width
216 push(@line, shift(@paragraph));
218 $line_width += $text_object->advancewidth(join('', @line));
220 # calculate the space width
221 if( $arg{'align'} eq 'fulljustify' or ($arg{'align'} eq 'justify' and @paragraph))
223 @line = split(//,$line[0]) if (scalar(@line) == 1) ;
224 $wordspace = ($width - $line_width) / (scalar(@line) - 1);
229 $align=($arg{'align'} eq 'justify') ? 'left' : $arg{'align'};
230 $wordspace = $space_width;
232 $line_width += $wordspace * (scalar(@line) - 1);
234 if( $align eq 'justify')
236 foreach my $word (@line)
238 $text_object->translate( $xpos, $ypos );
239 $text_object->text( $word );
240 $xpos += ($width{$word} + $wordspace) if (@line);
246 # calculate the left hand position of the line
247 if( $align eq 'right' )
249 $xpos += $width - $line_width;
251 elsif( $align eq 'center' )
253 $xpos += ( $width / 2 ) - ( $line_width / 2 );
257 $text_object->translate( $xpos, $ypos );
258 $endw = $text_object->text( join("\x20", @line));
262 unshift(@paragraphs, join(' ',@paragraph)) if scalar(@paragraph);
263 return ($endw, $ypos, join("\n", @paragraphs))
267 ################################################################
268 # table - utility method to build multi-row, multicolumn tables
269 ################################################################
278 #=====================================
279 # Mandatory Arguments Section
280 #=====================================
281 unless($pdf and $page and $data)
283 carp "Error: Mandatory parameter is missing pdf/page/data object!\n";
287 # Validate mandatory argument data type
288 croak "Error: Invalid pdf object received." unless (ref($pdf) eq 'PDF::API2');
289 croak "Error: Invalid page object received." unless (ref($page) eq 'PDF::API2::Page');
290 croak "Error: Invalid data received." unless ((ref($data) eq 'ARRAY') && scalar(@$data));
291 croak "Error: Missing required settings." unless (scalar(keys %arg));
293 # Validate settings key
294 my %valid_settings_key = (
307 background_color => 1,
308 background_color_odd => 1,
309 background_color_even => 1,
312 horizontal_borders => 1,
313 vertical_borders => 1,
317 font_color_even => 1,
318 background_color_odd => 1,
319 background_color_even => 1,
325 max_word_length => 1,
326 num_header_rows => 1,
328 foreach my $key (keys %arg) {
329 croak "Error: Invalid setting key '$key' received."
330 unless (exists $valid_settings_key{$key});
333 # Try to provide backward compatibility
334 foreach my $key (keys %arg)
337 if($newkey =~ s#^-##)
339 $arg{$newkey} = $arg{$key};
345 #TODO: Add code for header props compatibility and col_props comp....
347 my ( $xbase, $ybase, $width, $height ) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef );
348 # Could be 'int' or 'real' values
349 $xbase = $arg{'x' } || -1;
350 $ybase = $arg{'start_y'} || -1;
351 $width = $arg{'w' } || -1;
352 $height = $arg{'start_h'} || -1;
354 # Global geometry parameters are also mandatory.
355 unless( $xbase > 0 ){ carp "Error: Left Edge of Table is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
356 unless( $ybase > 0 ){ carp "Error: Base Line of Table is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
357 unless( $width > 0 ){ carp "Error: Width of Table is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
358 unless( $height > 0 ){ carp "Error: Height of Table is NOT defined!\n"; return; }
360 # Ensure default values for -next_y and -next_h
361 my $next_y = $arg{'next_y'} || $arg{'start_y'} || 0;
362 my $next_h = $arg{'next_h'} || $arg{'start_h'} || 0;
365 my $txt = $page->text;
367 # Set Default Properties
368 my $fnt_name = $arg{'font' } || $pdf->corefont('Times',-encode => 'utf8');
369 my $fnt_size = $arg{'font_size' } || 12;
370 my $max_word_len= $arg{'max_word_length' } || 20;
372 #=====================================
373 # Table Header Section
374 #=====================================
375 # Disable header row into the table
376 my $header_props = undef;
377 my (@header_rows, @header_row_cell_props);
378 # Check if the user enabled it ?
379 if(defined $arg{'header_props'} and ref( $arg{'header_props'}) eq 'HASH')
381 # Transfer the reference to local variable
382 $header_props = $arg{'header_props'};
384 # Check other params and put defaults if needed
385 $header_props->{'repeat' } = $header_props->{'repeat' } || 0;
386 $header_props->{'font' } = $header_props->{'font' } || $fnt_name;
387 $header_props->{'font_color' } = $header_props->{'font_color' } || '#000066';
388 $header_props->{'font_size' } = $header_props->{'font_size' } || $fnt_size + 2;
389 $header_props->{'bg_color' } = $header_props->{'bg_color' } || '#FFFFAA';
390 $header_props->{'justify' } = $header_props->{'justify' };
391 $header_props->{num_header_rows } = $arg{num_header_rows } || 1;
393 #=====================================
394 # Other Parameters check
395 #=====================================
396 my $lead = $arg{'lead' } || $fnt_size;
397 my $pad_left = $arg{'padding_left' } || $arg{'padding'} || 0;
398 my $pad_right = $arg{'padding_right' } || $arg{'padding'} || 0;
399 my $pad_top = $arg{'padding_top' } || $arg{'padding'} || 0;
400 my $pad_bot = $arg{'padding_bottom'} || $arg{'padding'} || 0;
401 my $line_w = defined $arg{'border'} ? $arg{'border'} : 1 ;
402 my $horiz_borders = defined $arg{'horizontal_borders'}
403 ? $arg{'horizontal_borders'}
405 my $vert_borders = defined $arg{'vertical_borders'}
406 ? $arg{'vertical_borders'}
409 my $background_color_even = $arg{'background_color_even' } || $arg{'background_color'} || undef;
410 my $background_color_odd = $arg{'background_color_odd' } || $arg{'background_color'} || undef;
411 my $font_color_even = $arg{'font_color_even' } || $arg{'font_color' } || 'black';
412 my $font_color_odd = $arg{'font_color_odd' } || $arg{'font_color' } || 'black';
413 my $border_color = $arg{'border_color' } || 'black';
415 my $min_row_h = $fnt_size + $pad_top + $pad_bot;
416 my $row_h = defined ($arg{'row_height'})
418 ($arg{'row_height'} > $min_row_h)
420 $arg{'row_height'} : $min_row_h;
424 my $cell_props = $arg{cell_props} || []; # per cell properties
426 #If there is no valid data array reference warn and return!
427 if(ref $data ne 'ARRAY')
429 carp "Passed table data is not an ARRAY reference. It's actually a ref to ".ref($data);
430 return ($page,0,$cur_y);
433 # Copy the header row if header is enabled
434 if (defined $header_props) {
435 map { push @header_rows, $$data[$_] } (0..$header_props->{num_header_rows} - 1);
436 map { push @header_row_cell_props, $$cell_props[$_] } (0..$header_props->{num_header_rows} - 1);
438 # Determine column widths based on content
440 # an arrayref whose values are a hashref holding
441 # the minimum and maximum width of that column
442 my $col_props = $arg{'column_props'} || [];
444 # An array ref of arrayrefs whose values are
445 # the actual widths of the column/row intersection
446 my $row_col_widths = [];
447 # An array ref with the widths of the header row
448 my @header_row_widths;
450 # Scalars that hold sum of the maximum and minimum widths of all columns
451 my ( $max_col_w , $min_col_w ) = ( 0,0 );
452 my ( $row, $col_name, $col_fnt_size, $space_w );
454 my $word_widths = {};
455 my $rows_height = [];
457 for( my $row_idx = 0; $row_idx < scalar(@$data) ; $row_idx++ )
459 push @header_row_widths, [] if $row_idx < $header_props->{num_header_rows};
461 my $column_widths = []; #holds the width of each column
462 # Init the height for this row
463 $rows_height->[$row_idx] = 0;
465 for( my $column_idx = 0; $column_idx < scalar(@{$data->[$row_idx]}) ; $column_idx++ )
467 # look for font information for this column
468 my ($cell_font, $cell_font_size);
470 if( !$row_idx and ref $header_props )
472 $cell_font = $header_props->{'font'};
473 $cell_font_size = $header_props->{'font_size'};
476 # Get the most specific value if none was already set from header_props
477 $cell_font ||= $cell_props->[$row_idx][$column_idx]->{'font'}
478 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'font'}
481 $cell_font_size ||= $cell_props->[$row_idx][$column_idx]->{'font_size'}
482 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'font_size'}
486 $txt->font( $cell_font, $cell_font_size );
488 # Set row height to biggest font size from row's cells
489 if( $cell_font_size > $rows_height->[$row_idx] )
491 $rows_height->[$row_idx] = $cell_font_size;
494 # This should fix a bug with very long words like serial numbers etc.
495 if( $max_word_len > 0 )
497 $data->[$row_idx][$column_idx] =~ s#(\S{$max_word_len})(?=\S)#$1 #g;
500 # Init cell size limits
501 $space_w = $txt->advancewidth( "\x20" );
502 $column_widths->[$column_idx] = 0;
506 my @words = split( /\s+/, $data->[$row_idx][$column_idx] );
510 unless( exists $word_widths->{$_} )
511 { # Calculate the width of every word and add the space width to it
512 $word_widths->{$_} = $txt->advancewidth( $_ ) + $space_w;
515 $column_widths->[$column_idx] += $word_widths->{$_};
516 $min_col_w = $word_widths->{$_} if( $word_widths->{$_} > $min_col_w );
517 $max_col_w += $word_widths->{$_};
520 $min_col_w += $pad_left + $pad_right;
521 $max_col_w += $pad_left + $pad_right;
522 $column_widths->[$column_idx] += $pad_left + $pad_right;
524 # Keep a running total of the overall min and max widths
525 $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'min_w'} ||= 0;
526 $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'max_w'} ||= 0;
528 if( $min_col_w > $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'min_w'} )
529 { # Calculated Minimum Column Width is more than user-defined
530 $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'min_w'} = $min_col_w ;
533 if( $max_col_w > $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'max_w'} )
534 { # Calculated Maximum Column Width is more than user-defined
535 $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'max_w'} = $max_col_w ;
537 }#End of for(my $column_idx....
539 $row_col_widths->[$row_idx] = $column_widths;
541 # Copy the calculated row properties of header row.
542 if (ref $header_props && $row_idx < $header_props->{num_header_rows}) {
543 push @header_row_widths, [ @{ $column_widths } ];
547 # Calc real column widths and expand table width if needed.
548 my $calc_column_widths;
549 ($calc_column_widths, $width) = CalcColumnWidths( $col_props, $width );
550 my $num_cols = scalar @{ $calc_column_widths };
552 # Lets draw what we have!
554 # Store header row height for later use if headers have to be repeated
555 my @header_row_heights = @$rows_height[0 .. $header_props->{num_header_rows}-1];
557 my ( $gfx, $gfx_bg, $background_color, $font_color, $bot_marg, $table_top_y, $text_start);
559 my $remaining_header_rows = $header_props ? $header_props->{num_header_rows} : 0;
561 # Each iteration adds a new page as neccessary
562 while(scalar(@{$data}))
564 my ($page_header, $columns_number);
568 $table_top_y = $ybase;
569 $bot_marg = $table_top_y - $height;
573 if(ref $arg{'new_page_func'})
575 $page = &{$arg{'new_page_func'}};
582 $table_top_y = $next_y;
583 $bot_marg = $table_top_y - $next_h;
585 if( ref $header_props and $header_props->{'repeat'})
587 for my $idx (0 .. $header_props->{num_header_rows} - 1) {
588 unshift @$data, [ @{ $header_rows[$idx] } ];
589 unshift @$row_col_widths, [ @{ $header_row_widths[$idx] } ];
590 unshift @$rows_height, $header_row_heights[$idx];
592 $remaining_header_rows = $header_props->{num_header_rows};
596 # Check for safety reasons
598 { # This warning should remain i think
599 # carp "!!! Warning: !!! Incorrect Table Geometry! Setting bottom margin to end of sheet!\n";
603 $gfx_bg = $page->gfx;
605 $txt->font($fnt_name, $fnt_size);
607 $cur_y = $table_top_y;
612 $gfx->strokecolor($border_color);
613 $gfx->linewidth($line_w);
618 $gfx->move( $xbase , $cur_y );
619 $gfx->hline($xbase + $width );
627 # Each iteration adds a row to the current page until the page is full
628 # or there are no more rows to add
630 while(scalar(@{$data}) and $cur_y-$row_h > $bot_marg)
632 # Remove the next item from $data
633 my $record = shift @{$data};
635 # Get columns number to know later how many vertical lines to draw
636 # TODO: get the max number of columns per page as currently last row's columns overrides
637 $columns_number = scalar(@$record);
639 # Get the next set of row related settings
641 my $pre_calculated_row_height = shift @$rows_height;
644 my $record_widths = shift @$row_col_widths;
646 # Row coloumn props - TODO in another commit
648 # Row cell props - TODO in another commit
650 # Added to resolve infite loop bug with returned undef values
651 for(my $d = 0; $d < scalar(@{$record}) ; $d++)
653 $record->[$d] = '-' unless( defined $record->[$d]);
656 # Choose colors for this row
657 $background_color = $row_index % 2 ? $background_color_even : $background_color_odd;
658 $font_color = $row_index % 2 ? $font_color_even : $font_color_odd;
660 #Determine current row height
661 my $current_row_height = $pad_top + $pre_calculated_row_height + $pad_bot;
663 # $row_h is the calculated global user requested row height.
664 # It will be honored, only if it has bigger value than the calculated one.
665 # TODO: It's questionable if padding should be inclided in this calculation or not
666 if($current_row_height < $row_h){
667 $current_row_height = $row_h;
670 # Define the font y base position for this line.
671 $text_start = $cur_y - ($current_row_height - $pad_bot);
674 my $leftovers = undef; # Reference to text that is returned from textblock()
675 my $do_leftovers = 0;
676 my ($colspan, @vertical_lines);
678 # Process every cell(column) from current row
679 for( my $column_idx = 0; $column_idx < scalar( @$record); $column_idx++ )
681 next unless $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'max_w'};
682 next unless $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'min_w'};
683 $leftovers->[$column_idx] = undef;
685 # look for font information for this cell
686 my ($cell_font, $cell_font_size, $cell_font_color, $justify);
688 if( $remaining_header_rows and ref $header_props)
690 $cell_font = $header_props->{'font'};
691 $cell_font_size = $header_props->{'font_size'};
692 $cell_font_color = $header_props->{'font_color'};
693 $justify = $header_props->{'justify'};
696 # Get the most specific value if none was already set from header_props
697 $cell_font ||= $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{'font'}
698 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'font'}
701 $cell_font_size ||= $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{'font_size'}
702 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'font_size'}
705 $cell_font_color ||= $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{'font_color'}
706 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'font_color'}
709 $justify ||= $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{'justify'}
710 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'justify'}
714 # Init cell font object
715 $txt->font( $cell_font, $cell_font_size );
716 $txt->fillcolor($cell_font_color);
719 if (!$remaining_header_rows && $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{colspan}) {
720 $colspan = $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{colspan};
721 } elsif ($remaining_header_rows && $header_row_cell_props[$header_props->{num_header_rows} - $remaining_header_rows][$column_idx]->{colspan}) {
722 $colspan = $header_row_cell_props[$header_props->{num_header_rows} - $remaining_header_rows][$column_idx]->{colspan};
726 $colspan = $num_cols - $column_idx if (-1 == $colspan);
727 my $last_idx = $column_idx + $colspan - 1;
728 $this_width = sum @{ $calc_column_widths }[$column_idx..$last_idx];
730 $this_width = $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
733 # If the content is wider than the specified width, we need to add the text as a text block
734 if( $record->[$column_idx] !~ m/(.\n.)/ and
735 $record_widths->[$column_idx] and
736 $record_widths->[$column_idx] <= $this_width
738 my $space = $pad_left;
739 if ($justify eq 'right')
741 $space = $this_width -($txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx]) + $pad_right);
743 elsif ($justify eq 'center')
745 $space = ($this_width - $txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx])) / 2;
747 $txt->translate( $cur_x + $space, $text_start );
748 $txt->text( $record->[$column_idx] );
750 # Otherwise just use the $page->text() method
753 my ($width_of_last_line, $ypos_of_last_line, $left_over_text) = $self->text_block(
755 $record->[$column_idx],
756 x => $cur_x + $pad_left,
758 w => $this_width - $pad_left - $pad_right,
759 h => $cur_y - $bot_marg - $pad_top - $pad_bot,
763 # Desi - Removed $lead because of fixed incorrect ypos bug in text_block
764 my $current_cell_height = $cur_y - $ypos_of_last_line + $pad_bot;
765 if( $current_cell_height > $current_row_height )
767 $current_row_height = $current_cell_height;
770 if( $left_over_text )
772 $leftovers->[$column_idx] = $left_over_text;
776 $cur_x += $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
778 push @vertical_lines, (!$colspan || (1 >= $colspan)) ? 1 : 0;
779 $colspan-- if $colspan;
783 unshift @$data, $leftovers;
784 unshift @$row_col_widths, $record_widths;
785 unshift @$rows_height, $pre_calculated_row_height;
789 # This has to be separately from the text loop
790 # because we do not know the final height of the cell until all text has been drawn
792 for(my $column_idx = 0 ; $column_idx < scalar(@$record) ; $column_idx++)
796 if( $remaining_header_rows and ref $header_props)
797 { #Compatibility Consistency with other props
798 $cell_bg_color = $header_props->{'bg_color'} || $header_props->{'background_color'};
801 # Get the most specific value if none was already set from header_props
802 $cell_bg_color ||= $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{'background_color'}
803 || $col_props->[$column_idx]->{'background_color'}
804 || $background_color;
808 $gfx_bg->rect( $cur_x, $cur_y-$current_row_height, $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx], $current_row_height);
809 $gfx_bg->fillcolor($cell_bg_color);
812 $cur_x += $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
814 if ($line_w && $vertical_lines[$column_idx] && ($column_idx != (scalar(@{ $record }) - 1))) {
815 $gfx->move($cur_x, $cur_y);
816 $gfx->vline($cur_y - $row_h);
817 $gfx->fillcolor($border_color);
819 }#End of for(my $column_idx....
821 $cur_y -= $current_row_height;
822 if ($gfx && $horiz_borders)
824 $gfx->move( $xbase , $cur_y );
825 $gfx->hline( $xbase + $width );
828 if ($remaining_header_rows) {
829 $remaining_header_rows--;
831 $row_index++ unless $do_leftovers;
837 # Draw vertical lines
840 $gfx->move( $xbase, $table_top_y);
841 $gfx->vline( $cur_y );
842 $gfx->move($xbase + sum(@{ $calc_column_widths }[0..$num_cols - 1]), $table_top_y);
843 $gfx->vline( $cur_y );
846 # ACTUALLY draw all the lines
847 $gfx->fillcolor( $border_color);
851 }# End of while(scalar(@{$data}))
853 return ($page,--$pg_cnt,$cur_y);
857 # calculate the column widths
860 my $col_props = shift;
861 my $avail_width = shift;
866 for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar( @$col_props); $j++)
868 $min_width += $col_props->[$j]->{min_w} || 0;
871 # I think this is the optimal variant when good view can be guaranateed
872 if($avail_width < $min_width)
874 carp "!!! Warning !!!\n Calculated Mininal width($min_width) > Table width($avail_width).\n",
875 ' Expanding table width to:',int($min_width)+1,' but this could lead to unexpected results.',"\n",
876 ' Possible solutions:',"\n",
877 ' 0)Increase table width.',"\n",
878 ' 1)Decrease font size.',"\n",
879 ' 2)Choose a more narrow font.',"\n",
880 ' 3)Decrease "max_word_length" parameter.',"\n",
881 ' 4)Rotate page to landscape(if it is portrait).',"\n",
882 ' 5)Use larger paper size.',"\n",
883 '!!! --------- !!!',"\n";
884 $avail_width = int( $min_width) + 1;
888 # Calculate how much can be added to every column to fit the available width.
889 for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$col_props); $j++ )
891 $calc_widths->[$j] = $col_props->[$j]->{min_w} || 0;;
894 # Allow columns to expand to max_w before applying extra space equally.
898 my $span = ($avail_width - $min_width) / scalar( @$col_props);
902 my $next_will_be_last_iter = 1;
903 for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$col_props); $j++ )
905 my $new_w = $calc_widths->[$j] + $span;
907 if (!$is_last_iter && $new_w > $col_props->[$j]->{max_w})
909 $new_w = $col_props->[$j]->{max_w}
911 if ($calc_widths->[$j] != $new_w )
913 $calc_widths->[$j] = $new_w;
914 $next_will_be_last_iter = 0;
916 $min_width += $new_w;
918 last if $is_last_iter;
919 $is_last_iter = $next_will_be_last_iter;
922 return ($calc_widths,$avail_width);
932 PDF::Table - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object.
939 my $pdftable = new PDF::Table;
940 my $pdf = new PDF::API2(-file => "table_of_lorem.pdf");
941 my $page = $pdf->page;
943 # some data to layout
945 ["1 Lorem ipsum dolor",
946 "Donec odio neque, faucibus vel",
947 "consequat quis, tincidunt vel, felis."],
948 ["Nulla euismod sem eget neque.",
954 $left_edge_of_table = 50;
955 # build the table layout
961 x => $left_edge_of_table,
965 # some optional params
970 background_color_odd => "gray",
971 background_color_even => "lightblue", #cell background color for even rows
974 # do other stuff with $pdf
980 For a complete working example or initial script look into distribution`s 'examples' folder.
985 This class is a utility for use with the PDF::API2 module from CPAN.
986 It can be used to display text data in a table layout within a PDF.
987 The text data must be in a 2D array (such as returned by a DBI statement handle fetchall_arrayref() call).
988 The PDF::Table will automatically add as many new pages as necessary to display all of the data.
989 Various layout properties, such as font, font size, and cell padding and background color can be specified for each column and/or for even/odd rows.
990 Also a (non)repeated header row with different layout properties can be specified.
992 See the L</METHODS> section for complete documentation of every parameter.
998 my $pdf_table = new PDF::Table;
1004 Creates a new instance of the class. (to be improved)
1008 There are no parameters.
1012 Reference to the new instance
1018 my ($final_page, $number_of_pages, $final_y) = table($pdf, $page, $data, %settings)
1024 Generates a multi-row, multi-column table into an existing PDF document based on provided data set and settings.
1028 $pdf - a PDF::API2 instance representing the document being created
1029 $page - a PDF::API2::Page instance representing the current page of the document
1030 $data - an ARRAY reference to a 2D data structure that will be used to build the table
1031 %settings - HASH with geometry and formatting parameters.
1033 For full %settings description see section L</Table settings> below.
1035 This method will add more pages to the pdf instance as required based on the formatting options and the amount of data.
1039 The return value is a 3 items list where
1041 $final_page - The first item is a PDF::API2::Page instance that the table ends on
1042 $number_of_pages - The second item is the count of pages that the table spans on
1043 $final_y - The third item is the Y coordinate of the table bottom so that additional content can be added in the same document.
1047 my $pdf = new PDF::API2;
1048 my $page = $pdf->page();
1050 ['foo1','bar1','baz1'],
1051 ['foo2','bar2','baz2']
1060 my ($final_page, $number_of_pages, $final_y) = $pdftable->table( $pdf, $page, $data, %options );
1064 =head3 Table settings
1068 There are some mandatory parameteres for setting table geometry and position across page(s)
1072 =item B<x> - X coordinate of upper left corner of the table. Left edge of the sheet is 0.
1074 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 =< X < PageWidth
1075 B<Default:> No default value
1079 =item B<start_y> - Y coordinate of upper left corner of the table at the initial page.
1081 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < start_y < PageHeight (depending on space availability when embedding a table)
1082 B<Default:> No default value
1086 =item B<w> - width of the table starting from X.
1088 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < w < PageWidth - x
1089 B<Default:> No default value
1093 =item B<start_h> - Height of the table on the initial page
1095 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < start_h < PageHeight - Current Y position
1096 B<Default:> No default value
1106 =item B<next_h> - Height of the table on any additional page
1108 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < next_h < PageHeight
1109 B<Default:> Value of param B<'start_h'>
1113 =item B<next_y> - Y coordinate of upper left corner of the table at any additional page.
1115 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < next_y < PageHeight
1116 B<Default:> Value of param B<'start_y'>
1120 =item B<max_word_length> - Breaks long words (like serial numbers hashes etc.) by adding a space after every Nth symbol
1122 B<Value:> can be any whole positive number
1125 max_word_length => 20 # Will add a space after every 20 symbols
1127 =item B<padding> - Padding applied to every cell
1129 =item B<padding_top> - top cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1131 =item B<padding_right> - right cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1133 =item B<padding_left> - left cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1135 =item B<padding_bottom> - bottom padding, overrides 'padding'
1137 B<Value:> can be any whole positive number
1139 B<Default padding:> 0
1141 B<Default padding_*> $padding
1143 padding => 5 # all sides cell padding
1144 padding_top => 8, # top cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1145 padding_right => 6, # right cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1146 padding_left => 2, # left cell padding, overrides 'padding'
1147 padding_bottom => undef # bottom padding will be 5 as it will fallback to 'padding'
1149 =item B<border> - Width of table border lines.
1151 =item B<horizontal_borders> - Width of horizontal border lines. Overrides 'border' value.
1153 =item B<vertical_borders> - Width of vertical border lines. Overrides 'border' value.
1155 B<Value:> can be any whole positive number. When set to 0 will disable border lines.
1158 border => 3 # border width is 3
1159 horizontal_borders => 1 # horizontal borders will be 1 overriding 3
1160 vertical_borders => undef # vertical borders will be 3 as it will fallback to 'border'
1162 =item B<vertical_borders> - Width of vertical border lines. Overrides 'border' value.
1164 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1167 border_color => 'red'
1169 =item B<font> - instance of PDF::API2::Resource::Font defining the fontf to be used in the table
1171 B<Value:> can be any PDF::API2::Resource::* type of font
1172 B<Default:> 'Times' with UTF8 encoding
1174 font => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "utf8")
1176 =item B<font_size> - Default size of the font that will be used across the table
1178 B<Value:> can be any positive number
1183 =item B<font_color> - Font color for all rows
1185 =item B<font_color_odd> - Font color for odd rows
1187 =item B<font_color_even> - Font color for even rows
1189 =item B<background_color_odd> - Background color for odd rows
1191 =item B<background_color_even> - Background color for even rows
1193 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1194 B<Default:> 'black' font on 'white' background
1196 font_color => '#333333'
1197 font_color_odd => 'purple'
1198 font_color_even => '#00FF00'
1199 background_color_odd => 'gray'
1200 background_color_even => 'lightblue'
1202 =item B<row_height> - Desired row height but it will be honored only if row_height > font_size + padding_top + padding_bottom
1204 B<Value:> can be any whole positive number
1205 B<Default:> font_size + padding_top + padding_bottom
1209 =item B<new_page_func> - CODE reference to a function that returns a PDF::API2::Page instance.
1211 If used the parameter 'new_page_func' must be a function reference which when executed will create a new page and will return the object back to the module.
1212 For example you can use it to put Page Title, Page Frame, Page Numbers and other staff that you need.
1213 Also if you need some different type of paper size and orientation than the default A4-Portrait for example B2-Landscape you can use this function ref to set it up for you. For more info about creating pages refer to PDF::API2 PAGE METHODS Section.
1214 Don't forget that your function must return a page object created with PDF::API2 page() method.
1216 new_page_func => $code_ref
1218 =item B<header_props> - HASH reference to specific settings for the Header row of the table. See section L</Header Row Properties> below
1220 header_props => $hdr_props
1222 =item B<column_props> - HASH reference to specific settings for each column of the table. See section L</Column Properties> below
1224 column_props => $col_props
1226 =item B<cell_props> - HASH reference to specific settings for each column of the table. See section L</Cell Properties> below
1228 cell_props => $cel_props
1232 =head4 Header Row Properties
1234 If the 'header_props' parameter is used, it should be a hashref. Passing an empty HASH will trigger a header row initialised with Default values.
1235 There is no 'data' variable for the content, because the module asumes that first table row will become the header row. It will copy this row and put it on every new page if 'repeat' param is set.
1239 =item B<font> - instance of PDF::API2::Resource::Font defining the fontf to be used in the header row
1241 B<Value:> can be any PDF::API2::Resource::* type of font
1242 B<Default:> 'font' of the table. See table parameter 'font' for more details.
1244 =item B<font_size> - Font size of the header row
1246 B<Value:> can be any positive number
1247 B<Default:> 'font_size' of the table + 2
1249 =item B<font_color> - Font color of the header row
1251 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1252 B<Default:> '#000066'
1254 =item B<bg_color> - Background color of the header row
1256 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1259 =item B<repeat> - Flag showing if header row should be repeated on every new page
1261 B<Value:> 0,1 1-Yes/True, 0-No/False
1264 =item B<justify> - Alignment of text in the header row.
1266 B<Value:> One of 'left', 'right', 'center'
1267 B<Default:> Same as column alignment (or 'left' if undefined)
1271 font => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "utf8"),
1273 font_color => '#004444',
1274 bg_color => 'yellow',
1281 =head4 Column Properties
1283 If the 'column_props' parameter is used, it should be an arrayref of hashrefs,
1284 with one hashref for each column of the table. The columns are counted from left to right so the hash reference at $col_props[0] will hold properties for the first column from left to right.
1285 If you DO NOT want to give properties for a column but to give for another just insert and empty hash reference into the array for the column that you want to skip. This will cause the counting to proceed as expected and the properties to be applyed at the right columns.
1287 Each hashref can contain any of the keys shown below:
1291 =item B<min_w> - Minimum width of this column. Auto calculation will try its best to honour this param but aplying it is NOT guaranteed.
1293 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < min_w < w
1294 B<Default:> Auto calculated
1296 =item B<max_w> - Maximum width of this column. Auto calculation will try its best to honour this param but aplying it is NOT guaranteed.
1298 B<Value:> can be any whole number satisfying 0 < max_w < w
1299 B<Default:> Auto calculated
1301 =item B<font> - instance of PDF::API2::Resource::Font defining the fontf to be used in this column
1303 B<Value:> can be any PDF::API2::Resource::* type of font
1304 B<Default:> 'font' of the table. See table parameter 'font' for more details.
1306 =item B<font_size> - Font size of this column
1308 B<Value:> can be any positive number
1309 B<Default:> 'font_size' of the table.
1311 =item B<font_color> - Font color of this column
1313 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1314 B<Default:> 'font_color' of the table.
1316 =item B<background_color> - Background color of this column
1318 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1321 =item B<justify> - Alignment of text in this column
1323 B<Value:> One of 'left', 'right', 'center'
1329 {},# This is an empty hash so the next one will hold the properties for the second column from left to right.
1331 min_w => 100, # Minimum column width of 100.
1332 max_w => 150, # Maximum column width of 150 .
1333 justify => 'right', # Right text alignment
1334 font => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "latin1"),
1336 font_color=> 'blue',
1337 background_color => '#FFFF00',
1344 NOTE: If 'min_w' and/or 'max_w' parameter is used in 'col_props', have in mind that it may be overriden by the calculated minimum/maximum cell witdh so that table can be created.
1345 When this happens a warning will be issued with some advises what can be done.
1346 In cases of a conflict between column formatting and odd/even row formatting, 'col_props' will override odd/even.
1348 =head4 Cell Properties
1350 If the 'cell_props' parameter is used, it should be an arrayref with arrays of hashrefs
1351 (of the same dimension as the data array) with one hashref for each cell of the table.
1353 Each hashref can contain any of the keys shown below:
1357 =item B<font> - instance of PDF::API2::Resource::Font defining the fontf to be used in this cell
1359 B<Value:> can be any PDF::API2::Resource::* type of font
1360 B<Default:> 'font' of the table. See table parameter 'font' for more details.
1362 =item B<font_size> - Font size of this cell
1364 B<Value:> can be any positive number
1365 B<Default:> 'font_size' of the table.
1367 =item B<font_color> - Font color of this cell
1369 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1370 B<Default:> 'font_color' of the table.
1372 =item B<background_color> - Background color of this cell
1374 B<Value:> Color specifier as 'name' or 'HEX'
1377 =item B<justify> - Alignment of text in this cell
1379 B<Value:> One of 'left', 'right', 'center'
1385 [ #This array is for the first row. If header_props is defined it will overwrite these settings.
1387 background_color => '#AAAA00',
1388 font_color => 'yellow',
1395 background_color => '#CCCC00',
1396 font_color => 'blue',
1399 background_color => '#BBBB00',
1400 font_color => 'red',
1409 my $cell_props = [];
1410 $cell_props->[1][0] = {
1412 background_color => '#CCCC00',
1413 font_color => 'blue',
1418 NOTE: In case of a conflict between column, odd/even and cell formating, cell formating will overwrite the other two.
1419 In case of a conflict between header row and cell formating, header formating will override cell.
1423 my ($width_of_last_line, $ypos_of_last_line, $left_over_text) = text_block( $txt, $data, %settings)
1429 Utility method to create a block of text. The block may contain multiple paragraphs.
1430 It is mainly used internaly but you can use it from outside for placing formated text anywhere on the sheet.
1432 NOTE: This method will NOT add more pages to the pdf instance if the space is not enough to place the string inside the block.
1433 Leftover text will be returned and has to be handled by the caller - i.e. add a new page and a new block with the leftover.
1437 $txt - a PDF::API2::Page::Text instance representing the text tool
1438 $data - a string that will be placed inside the block
1439 %settings - HASH with geometry and formatting parameters.
1443 The return value is a 3 items list where
1445 $width_of_last_line - Width of last line in the block
1446 $final_y - The Y coordinate of the block bottom so that additional content can be added after it
1447 $left_over_text - Text that was did not fit in the provided box geometry.
1452 my $page = $pdf->page;
1453 my $txt = $page->text;
1462 lead => $font_size | $distance_between_lines,
1463 align => "left|right|center|justify|fulljustify",
1464 hang => $optional_hanging_indent,
1465 Only one of the subsequent 3params can be given.
1466 They override each other.-parspace is the weightest
1467 parspace => $optional_vertical_space_before_first_paragraph,
1468 flindent => $optional_indent_of_first_line,
1469 fpindent => $optional_indent_of_first_paragraph,
1470 indent => $optional_indent_of_text_to_every_non_first_line,
1473 my ( $width_of_last_line, $final_y, $left_over_text ) = $pdftable->text_block( $txt, $data, %settings );
1487 Further development since Ver: 0.02 - Desislav Kamenov
1491 Copyright (C) 2006 by Daemmon Hughes, portions Copyright 2004 Stone
1492 Environmental Inc. (www.stone-env.com) All Rights Reserved.
1494 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1495 it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
1496 at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
1502 =item by Daemmon Hughes
1504 Much of the work on this module was sponsered by
1505 Stone Environmental Inc. (www.stone-env.com).
1507 The text_block() method is a slightly modified copy of the one from
1508 Rick Measham's PDF::API2 L<tutorial|http://rick.measham.id.au/pdf-api2>.
1510 =item by Desislav Kamenov (@deskata on Twitter)
1512 The development of this module was supported by SEEBURGER AG (www.seeburger.com) till year 2007
1514 Thanks to my friends Krasimir Berov and Alex Kantchev for helpful tips and QA during development of versions 0.9.0 to 0.9.5
1516 Thanks to all GitHub contributors!
1522 Hey PDF::Table is on GitHub. You are more than welcome to contribute!
1524 https://github.com/kamenov/PDF-Table