5 use 5.008; # too much magic in here to include perl 5.6
8 unshift @INC, "modules/override"; # Use our own versions of various modules (e.g. YAML).
9 push @INC, "modules/fallback"; # Only use our own versions of modules if there's no system version.
13 use Devel::REPL 1.002001;
19 SL::LxOfficeConf->read;
21 my $client = $::lx_office_conf{console}{client};
22 my $login = $::lx_office_conf{console}{login} || 'demo';
23 my $history_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{history_file} || '/tmp/kivitendo_console_history.log'; # fallback if users is not writable
24 my $debug_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{log_file} || '/tmp/kivitendo_console_debug.log';
25 my $autorun = $::lx_office_conf{console}{autorun};
26 my ($execute_code, $execute_file, $help, $man);
28 my $result = GetOptions(
29 "login|l=s" => \$login,
30 "client|c=s" => \$client,
31 "history-file|i=s" => \$history_file,
32 "log-file|o=s" => \$debug_file,
33 "execute|e=s" => \$execute_code,
34 "file|f=s" => \$execute_file,
38 pod2usage(2) if !$result;
39 pod2usage(1) if $help;
40 pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
42 # will be configed eventually
43 my @plugins = qw(History LexEnv Colors MultiLine::PPI FancyPrompt PermanentHistory AutoloadModules);
46 my ($repl, $code) = @_;
48 my $result = $repl->eval($code);
49 if (ref($result) eq 'Devel::REPL::Error') {
50 $repl->print($result->message);
61 my $repl = Devel::REPL->new;
62 $repl->load_plugin($_) for @plugins;
63 $repl->load_history($history_file);
65 $repl->print("trying to auto login into client '$client' with login '$login'...\n");
66 execute_code($repl, "lxinit '$client', '$login'");
68 my @code_to_execute = grep { $_ } ($autorun, $execute_code, $execute_file ? join('', read_file($execute_file)) : undef);
69 execute_code($repl, $_) || exit 1 for @code_to_execute;
70 exit if $execute_code || $execute_file;
77 use CGI qw( -no_xhtml);
81 use SL::Helper::DateTime;
82 use SL::InstanceConfiguration;
86 use List::Util qw(max);
89 # this is a cleaned up version of am.pl
90 # it lacks redirection, some html setup and most of the authentication process.
91 # it is assumed that anyone with physical access and execution rights on this script
92 # won't be hindered by authentication anyway.
94 my ($client, $login) = @_;
96 die 'need client and login' unless $client && $login;
100 $::lxdebug = LXDebug->new(file => $debug_file);
101 $::locale = Locale->new($::lx_office_conf{system}->{language});
103 $::auth = SL::Auth->new;
104 die "Cannot find client with ID or name '$client'" if !$::auth->set_client($client);
106 $::instance_conf = SL::InstanceConfiguration->new;
107 $::request = SL::Request->new(
109 layout => SL::Layout::None->new,
112 die 'cannot reach auth db' unless $::auth->session_tables_present;
114 $::auth->restore_session;
116 require "bin/mozilla/common.pl";
118 die "cannot find user $login" unless %::myconfig = $::auth->read_user(login => $login);
120 die "cannot find locale for user $login" unless $::locale = Locale->new($::myconfig{countrycode});
122 $::instance_conf->init;
124 return "logged in as $login";
127 # these function provides a load command to slurp in a lx-office module
128 # since it's seldomly useful, it's not documented in help
131 $module =~ s/[^\w]//g;
132 require "bin/mozilla/$module.pl";
136 require Module::Reload;
137 Module::Reload->check();
139 return "modules reloaded";
151 ./scripts/console [login]
155 help - zeigt diese Hilfe an.
156 lxinit 'login' - lädt das kivitendo-Environment für den User 'login'.
157 reload - lädt modifizierte Module neu.
158 pp DATA - zeigt die Datenstruktur mit Data::Dumper an.
159 clock { CODE } - zeigt die gebrauchte Zeit für die Ausführung von CODE an
160 quit - beendet die Konsole
162 part - shortcuts auf die jeweilige SL::DB::{...}::find_by
169 # load 'module' - läd das angegebene Modul, d.h. bin/mozilla/module.pl und SL/Module.pm.
173 local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
174 local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
175 local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
176 Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_);
180 my @rows = ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_;
181 return '<empty result set>' unless @rows;
183 my @columns = sort keys %{ $rows[0] };
184 my @widths = map { max @{ $_ } } map { my $column = $_; [ length($column), map { length("" . ($_->{$column} // '')) } @rows ] } @columns;
185 my @output = (join ' | ', map { my $width = $widths[$_]; sprintf "\%-${width}s", $columns[$_] } (0..@columns - 1));
186 push @output, join('-+-', map { '-' x $_ } @widths);
187 push @output, map { my $row = $_; join(' | ', map { my $width = $widths[$_]; sprintf "\%-${width}s", $row->{ $columns[$_] } // '' } (0..@columns - 1) ) } @rows;
189 return join("\n", @output);
194 return '<no object>' unless $obj;
197 $ref =~ s/^SL::DB:://;
198 my %primaries = map { ($_ => 1) } $obj->meta->primary_key;
199 my @columns = map { "${_}:" . ($obj->$_ // 'UNDEF') } sort $obj->meta->primary_key;
200 push @columns, map { "${_}:" . ($obj->$_ // 'UNDEF') } grep { !$primaries{$_} } sort map { $_->{name} } $obj->meta->columns;
202 return "<${ref} " . join(' ', @columns) . '>';
206 my $dbh = ref($_[0]) ? shift : $::form->get_standard_dbh;
207 my ($query, @args) = @_;
209 if ($query =~ m/^\s*select/i) {
210 ptab($dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, { Slice => {} }, @args));
212 $dbh->do($query, { Slice => {} }, @args);
217 require SL::DB::Part;
218 SL::DB::Manager::Part->find_by(@_)
222 require SL::DB::Order;
223 SL::DB::Manager::Order->find_by(@_)
227 require SL::DB::Invoice;
228 SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(@_)
231 sub purchase_invoice {
232 require SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
233 SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(@_)
237 require SL::DB::Customer;
238 SL::DB::Manager::Customer->find_by(@_)
242 require SL::DB::Vendor;
243 SL::DB::Manager::Vendor->find_by(@_)
247 require SL::DB::Chart;
248 SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(@_)
252 my $s = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()];
254 Time::HiRes::tv_interval($s);
264 scripts/console - kivitendo console
268 ./script/console [options]
269 > help # displays a brief documentation
273 The list of supported command line options includes:
277 =item B<--help>, B<-h>
279 Print this help message and exit.
283 Print the manual page and exit.
285 =item B<-l>, B<--login>=C<username>
287 Log in as C<username>. The default is to use the value from the
288 configuration file and C<demo> if none is set there.
290 =item B<-o>, B<--log-file>=C<filename>
292 Use C<filename> as the log file. The default is to use the value from
293 the configuration file and C</tmp/kivitendo_console_debug.log> if none
296 =item B<-i>, B<--history-file>=C<filename>
298 Use C<filename> as the history file for commands input by the
299 user. The default is to use the value from the configuration file and
300 C</tmp/kivitendo_console_history.log> if none is set there.
302 =item B<-e>, B<--execute>=C<perl-code>
304 Execute this code on startup and exit afterwards.
306 =item B<-f>, B<--file>=C<filename>
308 Execute the code from the file C<filename> on startup and exit
315 Users of Ruby on Rails will recognize this as a perl reimplementation of the
316 rails scripts/console. It's intend is to provide a shell environment to the
317 lx-office internals. This will mostly not interest you if you just want to do
318 your ERP stuff with lx-office, but will be invaluable for those who wish to
319 make changes to lx-office itself.
323 You can do most things in the console that you could do in an actual perl
324 script. Certain helper functions will aid you in debugging the state of the
329 Named after the rails pretty print gem, this will call Data::Dumper on the
330 given C<DATA>. Use it to see what is going on.
332 Currently C<pp> will set the Data::Dumper depth to 2, so if you need a
333 different depth, you'll have to change that. A nice feature would be to
334 configure that, or at least to be able to change it at runtime.
338 Returns a tabular representation of C<@data>. C<@data> must be an
339 array or array reference containing hash references. Column widths are
340 calculated automatically.
342 Undefined values are represented by an empty column.
346 ptab($dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM employee", { Slice => {} }));
350 Returns a textual representation of the L<Rose::DB> instance
351 C<$obj>. This includes the class name, then the primary key columns as
352 name/value pairs and then all other columns as name/value pairs.
354 Undefined values are represented by C<UNDEF>.
358 pobj(SL::DB::Manager::Employee->find_by(login => 'demo'));
360 =head2 sql C<[ $dbh, ] $query, @bind_values>
362 Executes an SQL query using the optional bind values. If the first
363 parameter is a database handle then that database handle is used;
364 otherwise the handle returned by L<SL::Form/get_standard_dbh> is used.
366 If the query is a C<SELECT> then the result is filtered through
367 L<ptab()>. Otherwise the result of C<$dbh->do($query, undef, @bind_values)>
372 sql(qq|SELECT * FROM employee|);
373 sql(SL::DB::Employee->new->db->dbh,
374 qq|UPDATE employee SET notes = ? WHERE login = ?|,
375 'This guy is evil!', 'demo');
377 =head2 lxinit C<login>
379 Login into lx-office using a specified login. No password will be required, and
380 security mechanisms will mostly be inactive. form, locale, myconfig will be
385 Attempts to reload modules that changed since last reload (or inital startup).
386 This will mostly work just fine, except for Moose classes that have been made
387 immutable. Keep in mind that existing objects will continue to have the methods
388 of the classes they were created with.
392 - Reload on immutable Moose classes is buggy.
393 - Logging in more than once is not supported by the program, and thus not by
394 the console. It seems to work, but strange things may happen.
398 Configuration of this script is located in:
400 config/kivitendo.conf
401 config/kivitendo.conf.default
403 See there for interesting options.
407 Sven Schöling <s.schoeling@linet-services.de>