4 if (! -d "bin" || ! -d "SL") {
5 print("This tool must be run from the kivitendo ERP base directory.\n");
9 unshift @INC, "modules/override"; # Use our own versions of various modules (e.g. YAML).
10 push @INC, "modules/fallback"; # Only use our own versions of modules if there's no system version.
18 use English '-no_match_vars';
29 SL::LxOfficeConf->read;
30 our $lxdebug = LXDebug->new();
44 my ($opt_list, $opt_tree, $opt_rtree, $opt_nodeps, $opt_graphviz, $opt_help);
45 my ($opt_user, $opt_apply, $opt_applied, $opt_unapplied, $opt_format, $opt_test_utf8);
46 my ($opt_dbhost, $opt_dbport, $opt_dbname, $opt_dbuser, $opt_dbpassword, $opt_create, $opt_type);
47 my ($opt_description, $opt_encoding, @opt_depends, $opt_auth_db);
49 our (%myconfig, $form, $user, $auth, $locale, $controls, $dbupgrader);
52 return $auth if $auth;
54 $auth = SL::Auth->new;
55 if (!$auth->session_tables_present) {
56 $form->error("The session and user management tables are not present in the authentication database. Please use the administration web interface to create them.");
63 my $help_text = <<"END_HELP"
64 dbupgrade2_tool.pl [options]
66 A validation and information tool for the database upgrade scripts
67 in \'sql/Pg-upgrade2\'.
69 At startup dbupgrade2_tool.pl will always check the consistency
70 of all database upgrade scripts (e.g. circular references, invalid
71 formats, missing meta information). You can but don\'t have to specifiy
75 --list Lists all database upgrade tags
76 --tree Lists all database upgrades in tree form
77 --rtree Lists all database upgrades in reverse tree form
78 --graphviz[=file] Create a Postscript document showing a tree of
79 all database upgrades and their dependencies.
80 If no file name is given then the output is
81 written to \'db_dependencies.png\'.
82 --format=... Format for the graphviz output. Defaults to
83 \'png\'. All values that the command \'dot\' accepts
84 for it\'s option \'-T\' are acceptable.
85 --nodeps List all database upgrades that no other upgrade
87 --create=tag Creates a new upgrade with the supplied tag. This
88 action accepts several optional other options. See
89 the option section for those. After creating the
90 upgrade file your \$EDITOR will be called with it.
91 --apply=tag Applies the database upgrades \'tag\' and all
92 upgrades it depends on. If \'--apply\' is used
93 then the option \'--user\' must be used as well.
94 --applied List the applied database upgrades for the
95 database that the user given with \'--user\' uses.
96 --unapplied List the database upgrades that haven\'t been applied
97 yet to the database that the user given with
99 --test-utf8 Tests a PostgreSQL cluster for proper UTF-8 support.
100 You have to specify the database to test with the
101 parameters --dbname, --dbhost, --dbport, --dbuser
103 --help Show this help and exit.
106 --user=name The name of the user configuration to use for
107 database connectivity.
108 --auth-db Work on the authentication database instead of a
110 --dbname=name Database connection options for the UTF-8
111 --dbhost=host handling test.
116 Options for --create:
117 --type \'sql\' or \'pl\'. Defaults to sql.
118 --description The description field of the generated upgrade.
119 --encoding Encoding used for the file. Defaults to \'utf8\'.
120 Note: Your editor will not be told to open the file in
122 --depends Tags of upgrades which this upgrade depends upon.
123 Defaults to the latest stable release upgrade.
124 Multiple values possible.
137 sub calc_rev_depends {
138 map { $_->{rev_depends} = []; } values %{ $controls };
140 foreach my $control (values %{ $controls }) {
141 map { push @{ $controls->{$_}->{rev_depends} }, $control->{tag} } @{ $control->{depends} };
146 my @sorted_controls = $dbupgrader->sort_dbupdate_controls;
148 print "LIST VIEW\n\n" .
149 "number tag depth priority\n";
152 foreach (@sorted_controls) {
153 print "$i $_->{tag} $_->{depth} $_->{priority}\n";
161 my ($tag, $depth) = @_;
163 print " " x $depth . $tag . "\n";
165 foreach my $dep_tag (@{ $controls->{$tag}->{depends} }) {
166 dump_node($dep_tag, $depth + 1);
171 print "TREE VIEW\n\n";
175 my @sorted_controls = $dbupgrader->sort_dbupdate_controls;
177 foreach my $control (@sorted_controls) {
178 dump_node($control->{tag}, "") unless (@{ $control->{rev_depends} });
184 sub dump_node_reverse {
185 my ($tag, $depth) = @_;
187 print " " x $depth . $tag . "\n";
189 foreach my $dep_tag (@{ $controls->{$tag}->{rev_depends} }) {
190 dump_node_reverse($dep_tag, $depth + 1);
194 sub dump_tree_reverse {
195 print "REVERSE TREE VIEW\n\n";
199 my @sorted_controls = $dbupgrader->sort_dbupdate_controls;
201 foreach my $control (@sorted_controls) {
202 last if ($control->{depth} > 1);
203 dump_node_reverse($control->{tag}, "");
212 my $format = $params{format} || "png";
213 my $file_name = $params{file_name} || "db_dependencies.${format}";
215 print "GRAPHVIZ OUTPUT -- format: ${format}\n\n";
216 print "Output will be written to '${file_name}'\n";
220 my $dot = "|dot -T${format} ";
221 open OUT, "${dot}> \"${file_name}\"" || die;
224 "digraph db_dependencies {\n" .
225 "graph [size=\"16.53,11.69!\"];\n" .
226 "node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=white];\n";
229 foreach my $c (values %{ $controls }) {
230 $ranks{$c->{depth}} ||= [];
232 my ($pre, $post) = @{ $c->{rev_depends} } ? ('')x2 :
233 (map "node [fillcolor=$_] ", qw(lightgray white));
235 push @{ $ranks{$c->{"depth"}} }, qq|${pre}"$c->{tag}"; ${post}|;
238 foreach (sort keys %ranks) {
239 print OUT "{ rank = same; ", join("", @{ $ranks{$_} }), " }\n";
242 foreach my $c (values %{ $controls }) {
243 print OUT qq|"$c->{tag}";\n|;
245 foreach my $d (@{ $c->{depends} }) {
246 print OUT qq|"$c->{tag}" -> "$d";\n|;
258 join("\n", map { $_->{tag} } grep { !scalar @{ $_->{rev_depends} } } values %{ $controls }) .
265 my $filename = $params{filename};
266 my $dbupgrader = $params{dbupgrader};
267 my $type = $params{type} || 'sql';
268 my $description = $params{description} || '';
269 my $encoding = $params{encoding} || 'utf-8';
270 my @depends = @{ $params{depends} };
273 my @releases = grep { /^release_/ } keys %$controls;
274 @depends = ((sort @releases)[-1]);
278 if ($type eq 'sql') {
280 } elsif ($type eq 'pl') {
283 die 'Error: No --type was given but is required for --create.';
285 die 'Error: Unknown --type. Try "sql" or "pl".';
288 my $full_filename = $dbupgrader->path . '/' . $filename . '.' . $type;
290 die "file '$full_filename' already exists, aborting" if -f $full_filename;
293 open my $fh, ">:encoding($encoding)", $full_filename or die "can't open $full_filename";
294 print $fh "$comment \@tag: $filename\n";
295 print $fh "$comment \@description: $description\n";
296 print $fh "$comment \@depends: @depends\n";
297 print $fh "$comment \@encoding: $encoding\n";
300 print "File $full_filename created.\n";
302 system("\$EDITOR $full_filename");
309 my (@order, %tags, @all_tags);
311 if ($name eq "ALL") {
313 @all_tags = map { $_->{tag} } grep { !@{$_->{rev_depends}} } values %{ $controls };
316 $form->error("Unknown dbupgrade tag '$name'") if (!$controls->{$name});
320 foreach my $tag (@all_tags) {
321 build_upgrade_order($tag, \@order, \%tags);
324 my @upgradescripts = map { $controls->{$_}->{applied} = 0; $controls->{$_} } @order;
326 my $dbh = $opt_auth_db ? connect_auth()->dbconnect : $form->dbconnect_noauto(\%myconfig);
327 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
329 $dbh->{PrintWarn} = 0;
330 $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
332 $user->create_schema_info_table($form, $dbh);
334 my $query = qq|SELECT tag FROM schema_info|;
335 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
336 $sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);
337 while (my ($tag) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
338 $controls->{$tag}->{applied} = 1 if defined $controls->{$tag};
342 @upgradescripts = sort { $a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority} } grep { !$_->{applied} } @upgradescripts;
343 if (!@upgradescripts) {
344 print "The upgrade has already been applied.\n";
348 my $db_charset = $::lx_office_conf{system}->{dbcharset};
349 $db_charset ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET();
351 foreach my $control (@upgradescripts) {
352 $control->{file} =~ /\.(sql|pl)$/;
356 print "Applying upgrade $control->{file}\n";
358 if ($file_type eq "sql") {
359 $dbupgrader->process_query($dbh, "sql/$form->{dbdriver}-upgrade2/$control->{file}", $control, $db_charset);
361 $dbupgrader->process_perl_script($dbh, "sql/$form->{dbdriver}-upgrade2/$control->{file}", $control, $db_charset);
365 $dbh->disconnect unless $opt_auth_db;
368 sub dump_sql_result {
369 my ($results, $column_order) = @_;
371 my %column_lengths = map { $_, length $_ } keys %{ $results->[0] };
373 foreach my $row (@{ $results }) {
374 map { $column_lengths{$_} = length $row->{$_} if (length $row->{$_} > $column_lengths{$_}) } keys %{ $row };
378 if ($column_order && scalar @{ $column_order }) {
379 @sorted_names = @{ $column_order };
381 @sorted_names = sort keys %column_lengths;
384 my $format = join('|', map { '%-' . $column_lengths{$_} . 's' } @sorted_names) . "\n";
386 printf $format, @sorted_names;
387 print join('+', map { '-' x $column_lengths{$_} } @sorted_names) . "\n";
389 foreach my $row (@{ $results }) {
390 printf $format, map { $row->{$_} } @sorted_names;
392 printf "(\%d row\%s)\n", scalar @{ $results }, scalar @{ $results } > 1 ? 's' : '';
398 my $dbh = $opt_auth_db ? connect_auth()->dbconnect : $form->dbconnect_noauto(\%myconfig);
399 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
401 $dbh->{PrintWarn} = 0;
402 $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
404 $user->create_schema_info_table($form, $dbh);
406 my $query = qq|SELECT tag, login, itime FROM schema_info ORDER BY itime|;
407 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
408 $sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);
409 while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
414 $dbh->disconnect unless $opt_auth_db;
416 if (!scalar @results) {
417 print "No database upgrades have been applied yet.\n";
419 dump_sql_result(\@results, [qw(tag login itime)]);
426 my $dbh = $opt_auth_db ? connect_auth()->dbconnect : $form->dbconnect_noauto(\%myconfig);
428 $dbh->{PrintWarn} = 0;
429 $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
431 my @unapplied = $dbupgrader->unapplied_upgrade_scripts($dbh);
433 $dbh->disconnect unless $opt_auth_db;
435 if (!scalar @unapplied) {
436 print "All database upgrades have been applied.\n";
438 print map { $_->{tag} . "\n" } @unapplied;
442 sub build_upgrade_order {
447 my $control = $controls->{$name};
449 foreach my $dependency (@{ $control->{depends} }) {
450 next if $tags->{$dependency};
451 $tags->{$dependency} = 1;
452 build_upgrade_order($dependency, $order, $tags);
455 push @{ $order }, $name;
463 $locale = Locale->new;
470 GetOptions("list" => \$opt_list,
471 "tree" => \$opt_tree,
472 "rtree" => \$opt_rtree,
473 "nodeps" => \$opt_nodeps,
474 "graphviz:s" => \$opt_graphviz,
475 "format:s" => \$opt_format,
476 "user=s" => \$opt_user,
477 "apply=s" => \$opt_apply,
478 "applied" => \$opt_applied,
479 "create=s" => \$opt_create,
480 "type=s" => \$opt_type,
481 "encoding=s" => \$opt_encoding,
482 "description=s" => \$opt_description,
483 "depends=s" => \@opt_depends,
484 "unapplied" => \$opt_unapplied,
485 "test-utf8" => \$opt_test_utf8,
486 "dbhost:s" => \$opt_dbhost,
487 "dbport:s" => \$opt_dbport,
488 "dbname:s" => \$opt_dbname,
489 "dbuser:s" => \$opt_dbuser,
490 "dbpassword:s" => \$opt_dbpassword,
491 "auth-db" => \$opt_auth_db,
492 "help" => \$opt_help,
495 show_help() if ($opt_help);
497 $dbupgrader = SL::DBUpgrade2->new(form => $form, dbdriver => 'Pg', auth => $opt_auth_db);
498 $controls = $dbupgrader->parse_dbupdate_controls->{all_controls};
500 dump_list() if ($opt_list);
501 dump_tree() if ($opt_tree);
502 dump_tree_reverse() if ($opt_rtree);
503 dump_graphviz('file_name' => $opt_graphviz,
504 'format' => $opt_format) if (defined $opt_graphviz);
505 dump_nodeps() if ($opt_nodeps);
506 create_upgrade(filename => $opt_create,
507 dbupgrader => $dbupgrader,
509 description => $opt_description,
510 encoding => $opt_encoding,
511 depends => \@opt_depends) if ($opt_create);
514 %myconfig = connect_auth()->read_user(login => $opt_user);
516 if (!$myconfig{login}) {
517 $form->error($form->format_string("The user '#1' does not exist.", $opt_user));
520 $locale = new Locale($myconfig{countrycode}, "all");
521 $user = new User(login => $opt_user);
523 map { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} } keys %myconfig;
527 $form->error("--apply used but no user name given with --user.") if !$user && !$opt_auth_db;
528 apply_upgrade($opt_apply);
532 $form->error("--applied used but no user name given with --user.") if !$user && !$opt_auth_db;
536 if ($opt_unapplied) {
537 $form->error("--unapplied used but no user name given with --user.") if !$user && !$opt_auth_db;
542 if ($opt_test_utf8) {
543 $form->error("--test-utf8 used but no database name given with --dbname.") if (!$opt_dbname);
545 my $umlaut_upper = 'Ä';
547 my $dbconnect = "dbi:Pg:dbname=${opt_dbname}";
548 $dbconnect .= ";host=${opt_dbhost}" if ($opt_dbhost);
549 $dbconnect .= ";port=${opt_dbport}" if ($opt_dbport);
551 my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbconnect, $opt_dbuser, $opt_dbpassword, { pg_enable_utf8 => 1 });
553 $form->error("UTF-8 test: Database connect failed (" . $DBI::errstr . ")") if (!$dbh);
555 my ($umlaut_lower) = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq|SELECT lower(?)|, undef, $umlaut_upper);
559 if ($umlaut_lower eq 'ä') {
560 print "UTF-8 test was successful.\n";
561 } elsif ($umlaut_lower eq 'Ä') {
562 print "UTF-8 test was NOT successful: Umlauts are not modified (this might be partially ok, but you should probably not use UTF-8 on this cluster).\n";
564 print "UTF-8 test was NOT successful: Umlauts are destroyed. Do not use UTF-8 on this cluster.\n";