2 # @description: Einführung von Mandanten
3 # @depends: release_3_0_0
5 package SL::DBUpgrade2::clients;
10 use parent qw(SL::DBUpgrade2::Base);
12 use List::MoreUtils qw(any all);
13 use List::Util qw(first);
18 use SL::Helper::Flash;
20 use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
21 scalar => [ qw(clients) ],
22 'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(users groups templates auth_db_settings data_dbhs) ],
27 my @users = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $self->dbh, qq|SELECT * FROM auth."user" ORDER BY lower(login)|);
29 foreach my $user (@users) {
30 my @attributes = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $self->dbh, <<SQL, $user->{id});
31 SELECT cfg_key, cfg_value
36 $user->{ $_->{cfg_key} } = $_->{cfg_value} for @attributes;
44 return [ selectall_hashref_query($::form, $self->dbh, qq|SELECT * FROM auth."group" ORDER BY lower(name)|) ];
48 my %templates = SL::Template->available_templates;
49 return $templates{print_templates};
52 sub init_auth_db_settings {
53 my $cfg = $::lx_office_conf{'authentication/database'};
55 dbhost => $cfg->{host} || 'localhost',
56 dbport => $cfg->{port} || 5432,
57 dbname => $cfg->{name},
69 $text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
74 sub _group_into_clients {
77 my @match_fields = qw(dbhost dbport dbname);
78 my @copy_fields = (@match_fields, qw(address company co_ustid dbuser dbpasswd duns sepa_creditor_id taxnumber templates));
81 # Group users into clients. Users which have identical database
82 # settings (host, port and name) will be grouped. The other fields
83 # like tax number etc. are taken from the first user and only filled
84 # from user users if they're still unset.
85 foreach my $user (@{ $self->users }) {
86 $user->{$_} = _clear_field($user->{$_}) for @copy_fields;
88 my $existing_client = first { my $client = $_; all { ($user->{$_} || '') eq ($client->{$_} || '') } @match_fields } @clients;
90 if ($existing_client) {
91 push @{ $existing_client->{users} }, $user->{id};
92 $existing_client->{$_} ||= $user->{$_} for @copy_fields;
97 map({ $_ => $user->{$_} } @copy_fields),
98 users => [ $user->{id} ],
99 groups => [ map { $_->{id} } @{ $self->groups } ],
104 # Ignore users (and therefore clients) for which no database
105 # configuration has been given.
106 @clients = grep { my $client = $_; any { $client->{$_} } @match_fields } @clients;
108 # If there's only one client set that one as default.
109 $clients[0]->{is_default} = 1 if scalar(@clients) == 1;
111 # Set a couple of defaults for database fields.
113 foreach my $client (@clients) {
115 $client->{name} ||= $::locale->text('Client #1', $num);
116 $client->{dbhost} ||= 'localhost';
117 $client->{dbport} ||= 5432;
118 $client->{templates} =~ s:templates/::;
121 $self->clients(\@clients);
125 my ($self, %params) = @_;
127 $self->_group_into_clients;
129 return $self->_do_convert if !@{ $self->clients };
131 print $::form->parse_html_template('dbupgrade/auth/clients', { SELF => $self });
136 sub _verify_clients {
139 my (%names, @errors);
142 foreach my $client (@{ $self->clients }) {
145 next if !$client->{enabled};
147 $client->{$_} = _clear_field($client->{$_}) for qw(address co_ustid company dbhost dbname dbpasswd dbport dbuser duns sepa_creditor_id taxnumber templates);
149 if (!$client->{name} || $names{ $client->{name} }) {
150 push @errors, $::locale->text('New client #1: The name must be unique and not empty.', $num);
153 $names{ $client->{name} } = 1;
155 if (any { !$client->{$_} } qw(dbhost dbport dbname dbuser)) {
156 push @errors, $::locale->text('New client #1: The database configuration fields "host", "port", "name" and "user" must not be empty.', $num);
163 sub _alter_auth_database_structure {
167 qq|CREATE TABLE auth.clients (
170 dbhost TEXT NOT NULL,
172 dbname TEXT NOT NULL,
173 dbuser TEXT NOT NULL,
174 dbpasswd TEXT NOT NULL,
177 UNIQUE (dbhost, dbport, dbname)
179 qq|CREATE TABLE auth.clients_users (
180 client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES auth.clients (id),
181 user_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES auth."user" (id),
183 PRIMARY KEY (client_id, user_id)
185 qq|CREATE TABLE auth.clients_groups (
186 client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES auth.clients (id),
187 group_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES auth."group" (id),
189 PRIMARY KEY (client_id, group_id)
193 $self->db_query($_, may_fail => 0) for @queries;
196 sub _alter_data_database_structure {
197 my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
200 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN company TEXT|,
201 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN address TEXT|,
202 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN taxnumber TEXT|,
203 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN co_ustid TEXT|,
204 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN duns TEXT|,
205 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN sepa_creditor_id TEXT|,
206 qq|ALTER TABLE defaults ADD COLUMN templates TEXT|,
207 qq|INSERT INTO schema_info (tag, login) VALUES ('clients', 'admin')|,
210 foreach my $query (@queries) {
211 $dbh->do($query) || die $self->db_errstr($dbh);
215 sub _create_clients_in_auth_database {
218 my @client_columns = qw(name dbhost dbport dbname dbuser dbpasswd is_default);
219 my $q_client = qq|INSERT INTO auth.clients (| . join(', ', @client_columns) . qq|) VALUES (| . join(', ', ('?') x @client_columns) . qq|) RETURNING id|;
220 my $sth_client = $self->dbh->prepare($q_client) || die $self->db_errstr;
222 my $q_client_user = qq|INSERT INTO auth.clients_users (client_id, user_id) VALUES (?, ?)|;
223 my $sth_client_user = $self->dbh->prepare($q_client_user) || die $self->db_errstr;
225 my $q_client_group = qq|INSERT INTO auth.clients_groups (client_id, group_id) VALUES (?, ?)|;
226 my $sth_client_group = $self->dbh->prepare($q_client_group) || die $self->db_errstr;
228 foreach my $client (@{ $self->clients }) {
229 next unless $client->{enabled};
231 $client->{is_default} = $client->{is_default} ? 1 : 0;
233 $sth_client->execute(@{ $client }{ @client_columns }) || die;
234 my $client_id = $sth_client->fetch->[0];
236 $sth_client_user ->execute($client_id, $_) || die for @{ $client->{users} || [] };
237 $sth_client_group->execute($client_id, $_) || die for @{ $client->{groups} || [] };
240 $sth_client ->finish;
241 $sth_client_user ->finish;
242 $sth_client_group->finish;
245 sub _clean_auth_database {
248 my @keys_to_delete = qw(acs address admin anfragen angebote bestellungen businessnumber charset companies company co_ustid currency dbconnect dbdriver dbhost dbname dboptions dbpasswd dbport dbuser duns
249 einkaufsrechnungen in_numberformat lieferantenbestellungen login pdonumber printer rechnungen role sdonumber sepa_creditor_id sid steuernummer taxnumber templates);
251 $self->dbh->do(qq|DELETE FROM auth.user_config WHERE cfg_key IN (| . join(', ', ('?') x @keys_to_delete) . qq|)|, undef, @keys_to_delete)
252 || die $self->db_errstr;
255 sub _copy_fields_to_data_database {
256 my ($self, $client) = @_;
258 my $dbh = SL::DBConnect->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=' . $client->{dbname} . ';host=' . $client->{dbhost} . ';port=' . $client->{dbport},
259 $client->{dbuser}, $client->{dbpasswd},
260 SL::DBConnect->get_options(AutoCommit => 0));
263 $::locale->text('The connection to the configured client database "#1" on host "#2:#3" failed.', $client->{dbname}, $client->{dbhost}, $client->{dbport}),
264 $::locale->text('Please correct the settings and try again or deactivate that client.'),
265 $::locale->text('Error message from the database: #1', $self->db_errstr('DBI')));
268 my ($has_been_applied) = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq|SELECT tag FROM schema_info WHERE tag = 'clients'|);
270 if (!$has_been_applied) {
271 $self->_alter_data_database_structure($dbh);
274 my @columns = qw(company address taxnumber co_ustid duns sepa_creditor_id templates);
275 my $query = join ', ', map { "$_ = ?" } @columns;
276 my @values = @{ $client }{ @columns };
278 if (!$dbh->do(qq|UPDATE defaults SET $query|, undef, @values)) {
280 $::locale->text('Updating the client fields in the database "#1" on host "#2:#3" failed.', $client->{dbname}, $client->{dbhost}, $client->{dbport}),
281 $::locale->text('Please correct the settings and try again or deactivate that client.'),
282 $::locale->text('Error message from the database: #1', $self->db_errstr('DBI')));
285 $self->data_dbhs([ @{ $self->data_dbhs }, $dbh ]);
288 sub _commit_data_database_changes {
291 foreach my $dbh (@{ $self->data_dbhs }) {
300 # Skip clients that are not enabled. Clean fields.
302 foreach my $client (@{ $self->clients }) {
305 next if !$client->{enabled};
307 $client->{$_} = _clear_field($client->{$_}) for qw(dbhost dbport dbname dbuser dbpasswd address company co_ustid dbuser dbpasswd duns sepa_creditor_id taxnumber templates);
308 $client->{templates} = 'templates/' . $client->{templates};
311 $self->_copy_fields_to_data_database($_) for grep { $_->{enabled} } @{ $self->clients };
313 $self->_alter_auth_database_structure;
314 $self->_create_clients_in_auth_database;
315 $self->_clean_auth_database;
317 $self->_commit_data_database_changes;
325 return $self->_analyze if !$::form->{clients} || !@{ $::form->{clients} };
327 $self->clients($::form->{clients});
329 my @errors = $self->_verify_clients;
331 return $self->_do_convert if !@errors;
333 flash('error', @errors);
335 print $::form->parse_html_template('dbupgrade/auth/clients', { SELF => $self });