6 <h1>[% 'Select from one of the projects below' | $T8 %]</h1>
8 <form method=post action="[% script %]">
11 <tr class=listheading>
13 <th>[% 'Number' | $T8 %]</th>
14 <th>[% 'Description' | $T8 %]</th>
16 [%- FOREACH row IN project_list %]
17 <tr class=listrow[% loop.count % 2 %]>
18 <td>[% L.radio_button_tag('ndx', value=loop.count, checked=loop.first) %]</td>
19 <td>[% row.projectnumber | html %]</td>
20 <td>[% row.description | html %]</td>
21 [% L.hidden_tag('new_id_' _ loop.count, row.id) %]
22 [% L.hidden_tag('new_projectnumber_' _ loop.count, row.projectnumber) %]
29 [% L.hidden_tag(row.key, row.value) FOREACH row = hiddens %]
30 [% L.hidden_tag('lastndx', project_list.size) %]
31 [% L.hidden_tag('nextsub', 'project_selected') %]
32 [% L.hidden_tag('rownumber', rownumber) %]
33 [% L.submit_tag('action', LxERP.t8('Continue')) %]