#!/bin/bash # postinst script for lx-office-erp-svn # # see: dh_installdeb(1) # e = exit on error set -e # x = xtrace #set -x echo "! Postinst $1 !" source /usr/share/debconf/confmodule # summary of how this script can be called: # * `configure' # * `abort-upgrade' # * `abort-remove' `in-favour' # # * `abort-remove' # * `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour' # `removing' # # for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or # the debian-policy package config_postgresql_factory_script() { echo "Starting factory postgresql config script: scripts/inst_postgres.sh.." cd /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/ ./scripts/inst_postgres_deb.sh echo "Factory postgresql config script done." } config_postgresql_accounts_sec() { POSTGRESQL_PG_HBA_CONF="/etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf" echo "# added by lx-office-erp postinst-script" >> $POSTGRESQL_PG_HBA_CONF echo "host all lx_office_erp password" >> $POSTGRESQL_PG_HBA_CONF /etc/init.d/postgresql* reload } config_postgresql_roles() { echo "CREATE USER lx_office_erp with CREATEDB ;" > /tmp/lxdb-install.sql db_get lx-office-erp/lx-office-erp-user-postgresql-password POSTGRES_LX_OFFICE_ERP_USER_PASSWORD="$RET" echo "ALTER USER lx_office_erp PASSWORD '$POSTGRES_LX_OFFICE_ERP_USER_PASSWORD' ;" \ >> /tmp/lxdb-install.sql echo "UPDATE pg_language SET lanpltrusted = true WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql';" >> /tmp/lxdb-instal.sql su postgres -c "psql --dbname template1 < /tmp/lxdb-install.sql" /etc/init.d/postgresql* reload } config_postgresql_sql_routines() { PLPGSQL="/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/lib/plpgsql.so" echo "CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler() RETURNS language_handler" > /tmp/lxdb-install.sql echo "AS '$PLPGSQL', 'plpgsql_call_handler'" >> /tmp/lxdb-install.sql echo "LANGUAGE c;" >> /tmp/lxdb-install.sql echo "CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler;" >> /tmp/lxdb-install.sql su postgres -c "psql --dbname template1 < /tmp/lxdb-install.sql" /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 reload } set_lx_office_erp_web_admin_password() { db_get lx-office-erp/admin-password ADMINPASSWORD="$RET" cat /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl.default | \ sed --expression "s/\$self->{admin_password} = 'admin';/\$self->{admin_password} = '$ADMINPASSWORD';/g" \ > /tmp/1.txt mv /tmp/1.txt /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl chmod 0600 /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl chown www-data:www-data /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl } set_lx_office_erp_authentication_db_password() { db_get lx-office-erp/lx-office-erp-user-postgresql-password PASSWORD="$RET" cat /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl | \ sed --expression "s/'password' => '',/'password' => '$PASSWORD',/g" \ > /tmp/1.txt mv /tmp/1.txt /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl } set_lx_office_erp_authentication_db_user() { USER="lxoffice" cat /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl | \ sed --expression "s/'user' => 'postgres',/'user' => '$USER',/g" \ > /tmp/1.txt mv /tmp/1.txt /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/config/authentication.pl } disable_ipv6_on_lo_interface() { # 2009-04-25 # Perls Libraries are not yet ipv6 read echo "WICHTIG: ipv6 ist nunmehr auf dem Loopback-Interface deaktiviert, um die Funktionsfähigkeit von Lx-Office-ERP zu gewährleisten!" ifconfig lo inet6 del ::1/128 2> /dev/null || true # make the changes permanent (triggered on next reboot) RCLOCAL="/etc/rc.local" echo "# lx-office-erp: Perl libraries are not yet fully ipv6-ready" >> $RCLOCAL echo "ifconfig lo inet6 del ::1/128" >> $RCLOCAL } case "$1" in install) echo "Install" upgrade) echo "Upgrade" configure) # config_postgresql_sql_routines # config_postgresql_roles # config_postgresql_accounts_sec config_postgresql_factory_script chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/users chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/lib/lx-office-erp/templates set_lx_office_erp_web_admin_password set_lx_office_erp_authentication_db_user set_lx_office_erp_authentication_db_password disable_ipv6_on_lo_interface /etc/init.d/apache* reload ;; abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure) ;; *) echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac # dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically # generated by other debhelper scripts. echo "done!!" exit 0