'); // MAIL_MODE - mail sending mode. Can be 'mail' or 'smtp'. // 'mail' - sending through php mail() function. // 'smtp' - sending directly through SMTP server. // See https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/install_guide/mail.htm // define('MAIL_MODE', 'smtp'); define('MAIL_SMTP_HOST', 'localhost'); // For gmail use 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com' instead of 'localhost' and port 465. // define('MAIL_SMTP_PORT', '465'); // define('MAIL_SMTP_USER', 'yourname@yourdomain.com'); // define('MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'yourpassword'); // define('MAIL_SMTP_AUTH', true); // define('MAIL_SMTP_DEBUG', true); // CSS files. They are located in the root of Time Tracker installation. // define('DEFAULT_CSS', 'default.css'); define('RTL_CSS', 'rtl.css'); // For right to left languages. // Default date format. Behaviour with not included formats is undefined. Possible values: // '%Y-%m-%d' // '%m/%d/%Y' // '%d.%m.%Y' // '%d.%m.%Y %a' define('DATE_FORMAT_DEFAULT', '%Y-%m-%d'); // Default time format. Behaviour with not included formats is undefined. Possible values: // '%H:%M' // '%I:%M %p' define('TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT', '%H:%M'); // Default week start day. // Possible values: 0 - 6. 0 means Sunday. // define('WEEK_START_DEFAULT', 0); // Default language of the application. // Possible values: en, fr, nl, etc. Empty string means the language is defined by user browser. // define('LANG_DEFAULT', ''); // Default currency symbol. Use €, £, a more specific dollar like US$, CAD, etc. // define('CURRENCY_DEFAULT', '$'); // EXPORT_DECIMAL_DURATION - defines whether time duration values are decimal in CSV and XML data exports (1.25 vs 1:15). // define('EXPORT_DECIMAL_DURATION', true); // Authentication module (see WEB-INF/lib/auth/) // Possible authentication methods: // db - internal database, logins and password hashes are stored in time tracker database. // ldap - authentication against an LDAP directory such as OpenLDAP or Windows Active Directory. define('AUTH_MODULE', 'db'); // LDAP authentication examples. // Go to https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/install_guide/ldap_auth/index.htm for detailed configuration instructions. // Configuration example for OpenLDAP server: // define('AUTH_MODULE', 'ldap'); // $GLOBALS['AUTH_MODULE_PARAMS'] = array( // 'server' => '', // OpenLDAP server address or name. // 'type' => 'openldap', // Type of server. openldap type should also work with Sun Directory Server when member_of is empty. // It may work with other (non Windows AD) LDAP servers. For Windows AD use the 'ad' type. // 'base_dn' => 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', // Base distinguished name in LDAP catalog. // 'default_domain' => 'example.com', // Default domain. // 'member_of' => array()); // List of groups, membership in which is required for user to be authenticated. // Configuration example for Windows domains with Active Directory: // define('AUTH_MODULE', 'ldap'); // $GLOBALS['AUTH_MODULE_PARAMS'] = array( // 'server' => '', // Domain controller IP address or name. // 'type' => 'ad', // Type of server. // 'base_dn' => 'DC=example,DC=com', // Base distinguished name in LDAP catalog. // 'default_domain' => 'example.com', // Default domain. // 'member_of' => array()); // List of groups, membership in which is required for user to be authenticated. // define('AUTH_DEBUG', false); // Note: enabling AUTH_DEBUG breaks redirects as debug output is printed before setting redirect header. Do not enable on production systems. ?>