$sDate parsed, or false on error. */ function my_strptime($sDate, $sFormat) { $aResult = array ( 'tm_sec' => 0, 'tm_min' => 0, 'tm_hour' => 0, 'tm_mday' => 1, 'tm_mon' => 0, 'tm_year' => 0, 'tm_wday' => 0, 'tm_yday' => 0, 'unparsed' => $sDate, ); while($sFormat != "") { // ===== Search a %x element, Check the static string before the %x ===== $nIdxFound = strpos($sFormat, '%'); if($nIdxFound === false) { // There is no more format. Check the last static string. $aResult['unparsed'] = ($sFormat == $sDate) ? "" : $sDate; break; } $sFormatBefore = mb_substr($sFormat, 0, $nIdxFound); $sDateBefore = mb_substr($sDate, 0, $nIdxFound); if($sFormatBefore != $sDateBefore) break; // ===== Read the value of the %x found ===== $sFormat = mb_substr($sFormat, $nIdxFound); $sDate = mb_substr($sDate, $nIdxFound); $aResult['unparsed'] = $sDate; $sFormatCurrent = mb_substr($sFormat, 0, 2); $sFormatAfter = mb_substr($sFormat, 2); $nValue = -1; $sDateAfter = ""; switch($sFormatCurrent) { case '%S': // Seconds after the minute (0-59) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if(($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 59)) return false; $aResult['tm_sec'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%M': // Minutes after the hour (0-59) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if(($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 59)) return false; $aResult['tm_min'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%H': // Hour since midnight (0-23) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if(($nValue < 0) || ($nValue > 23)) return false; $aResult['tm_hour'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%d': // Day of the month (1-31) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if(($nValue < 1) || ($nValue > 31)) return false; $aResult['tm_mday'] = $nValue; break; // ---------- case '%m': // Months since January (0-11) sscanf($sDate, "%2d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if(($nValue < 1) || ($nValue > 12)) return false; $aResult['tm_mon'] = ($nValue - 1); break; // ---------- case '%Y': // Years since 1900 sscanf($sDate, "%4d%[^\\n]", $nValue, $sDateAfter); if($nValue < 1900) return false; $aResult['tm_year'] = ($nValue - 1900); break; // ---------- default: //sscanf($sDate, "%s%[^\\n]", $skip, $sDateAfter); preg_match('/^(.+)(\s|$)/uU', $sDate, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $sDateAfter = mb_substr($sDate, mb_strlen($matches[1])); } else { $sDateAfter = ''; } //break 2; // Break Switch and while break; } // ===== Next please ===== $sFormat = $sFormatAfter; $sDate = $sDateAfter; $aResult['unparsed'] = $sDate; } // END while($sFormat != "") // ===== Create the other value of the result array ===== $nParsedDateTimestamp = mktime($aResult['tm_hour'], $aResult['tm_min'], $aResult['tm_sec'], $aResult['tm_mon'] + 1, $aResult['tm_mday'], $aResult['tm_year'] + 1900); // Before PHP 5.1 return -1 when error if(($nParsedDateTimestamp === false) ||($nParsedDateTimestamp === -1)) return false; $aResult['tm_wday'] = (int) strftime("%w", $nParsedDateTimestamp); // Days since Sunday (0-6) $aResult['tm_yday'] = (strftime("%j", $nParsedDateTimestamp) - 1); // Days since January 1 (0-365) return $aResult; } // END of function class DateAndTime { var $mHour = 0; var $mMinute = 0; var $mSecond = 0; var $mMonth; var $mDay; // day of week var $mDate; // day of month var $mYear; var $mIntrFormat = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"; //29.02.2004 16:21:42 internal format date var $mLocalFormat; var $mParseResult = 0; var $mAutoComplete = true; /** * Constructor * * @param String $format * @param String $strfDateTime * @return DateAndTime */ function DateAndTime($format="",$strfDateTime="") { $this->mLocalFormat = ($format ? $format : $this->mIntrFormat); $d = ($strfDateTime ? $strfDateTime : $this->do_strftime($this->mLocalFormat)); $this->parseVal($d); } function setFormat($format) { $this->mLocalFormat = $format; } function getFormat() { return $this->mLocalFormat; } //01 to 31 function getDate() { return $this->mDate; } //0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) function getDay() { return $this->mDay; } //01 through 12 function getMonth() { return $this->mMonth; } //1999 or 2003 function getYear() { return $this->mYear; } function setDate($value) { $this->mDate = $value; } function setMonth($value) { $this->mMonth = $value; } function setYear($value) { $this->mYear = $value; } function setTimestamp($ts) { $this->mDate = date("d",$ts); $this->mDay = date("w",$ts); $this->mMonth = date("m",$ts); $this->mYear = date("Y",$ts); $this->mHour = date("H",$ts); $this->mMinute = date("i",$ts); $this->mSecond = date("s",$ts); } /** * Return UNIX timestamp */ function getTimestamp() { return @mktime($this->mHour, $this->mMinute, $this->mSecond, $this->mMonth, $this->mDate, $this->mYear); } function compare($datetime) { $ts1 = $this->getTimestamp(); $ts2 = $datetime->getTimestamp(); if ($ts1<$ts2) return -1; if ($ts1==$ts2) return 0; if ($ts1>$ts2) return 1; } function toString($format="") { if ($this->mParseResult==0) { if ($format) { return $this->do_strftime($format, $this->getTimestamp()); } else { return $this->do_strftime($this->mLocalFormat, $this->getTimestamp()); } } else { if ($format) { return $this->do_strftime($format); } else { return $this->do_strftime($this->mLocalFormat); } } } function parseVal($szDate, $format="") { $useformat = ($format ? $format : $this->mLocalFormat); $res = my_strptime($szDate, $useformat); if ($res !== false) { $this->mDate = $res['tm_mday']; $this->mDay = $res['tm_wday']; $this->mMonth = $res['tm_mon'] + 1; // tm_mon - Months since January (0-11) $this->mYear = 1900 + $res['tm_year']; // tm_year - Years since 1900 $this->mHour = $res['tm_hour']; $this->mMinute = $res['tm_min']; $this->mSecond = $res['tm_sec']; $this->mParseResult = 0; } elseif ($this->mAutoComplete) { $this->setTimestamp(time()); $this->mParseResult = 1; } } function isError() { if ($this->mParseResult!=0) return true; return false; } function getClone() { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0') < 0) { $d = new DateAndTime($this->getFormat()); $d->setTimestamp($this->getTimestamp()); return $d; } else { return clone($this); } } function before(/*DateAndTime*/ $obj) { if ($this->getTimestamp()<$obj->getTimestamp()) return true; return false; } function after(/*DateAndTime*/ $obj) { if ($this->getTimestamp()>$obj->getTimestamp()) return true; return false; } function equals(/*DateAndTime*/ $obj) { if ($this->getTimestamp() == $obj->getTimestamp()) return true; return false; } function nextDate() { $d = $this->getClone(); $d->incDay(); return $d; } function decDay(/*int*/$days=1) { $this->setTimestamp(@mktime($this->mHour, $this->mMinute, $this->mSecond, $this->mMonth, $this->mDate - $days, $this->mYear)); } function incDay(/*int*/$days=1) { $this->setTimestamp(@mktime($this->mHour, $this->mMinute, $this->mSecond, $this->mMonth, $this->mDate + $days, $this->mYear)); } /** * @param $format string Datetime format string * @return string Preprocessed string with all locale-depended format * characters replaced by localized i18n strings. */ function preprocessFormatString($format) { global $i18n; if (isset($GLOBALS['i18n'])) { // replace locale-dependent strings $format = str_replace('%a', mb_substr($i18n->getWeekDayName($this->mDay), 0, 3, 'utf-8'), $format); $format = str_replace('%A', $i18n->getWeekDayName($this->mDay), $format); $abbrev_month = mb_substr($i18n->monthNames[$this->mMonth], 0, 3, 'utf-8'); $format = str_replace('%b', $abbrev_month, $format); $format = str_replace('%h', $abbrev_month, $format); $format = str_replace('%z', date('O'), $format); $format = str_replace('%Z', date('O'), $format); // format as 'O' for consistency with JS strftime if (strpos($format, '%c') !== false) { $format = str_replace('%c', $this->preprocessFormatString('%a %d %b %Y %T %Z'), $format); } } return $format; } function do_strftime($format, $timestamp = null) { if (!is_null($timestamp)) { return strftime($this->preprocessFormatString($format), $timestamp); } else { return strftime($this->preprocessFormatString($format)); } } } ?>