setName($name); $form->setRequest($request); $this->setForm($form); //if ($request) $this->initAttributes($request); $this->initAttributes($request); } function setForm(&$form) { $this->mForm = $form; $elements = $form->getElements(); if (is_array($elements)) $this->setVariablesNames(array_keys($elements)); } function &getFormElement($name) { if ($this->mForm!=null) { return $this->mForm->elements[$name]; } return null; } function getName() { return $this->mName; } function setName($name) { $this->mName = $name; $this->mSessionCell = "formbean_".$this->mName; } /** * init parameters and form * * @param object $request */ function initAttributes(&$request) { //$submit_flag = $this->isSubmit(); $submit_flag = (is_object($request) && ($request->isPost())); if ($submit_flag) { // fill ActionForm and Form from Request foreach ($this->mVariables as $name) { if ($this->mForm->elements[$name] && $request->getParameter($name)) { $this->mForm->elements[$name]->setValue($request->getParameter($name)); $this->mValues[$name] = $this->mForm->elements[$name]->getValue(); } } } else { // fill ActionForm from Session $this->loadBean(); } // fill Form by ActionForm if ($this->mForm) { $elements = $this->mForm->getElements(); foreach ($elements as $name=>$el) { if ($this->mForm->elements[$name] && isset($this->mValues[$name])) { $this->mForm->elements[$name]->setValue($this->mValues[$name]); } } $this->mInitForm = true; } } /** * Init custom variables * * @param unknown $request * @param unknown $respons */ function initVariables(&$request, &$respons) { } function setVariablesNames($namelist) { $this->mVariables = $namelist; } function setAttribute($name,$value) { global $user; $this->mValues[$name] = $value; if ($this->mForm) { if (isset($this->mForm->elements[$name])) { if ($this->mForm->elements[$name]->cClassName=="DateField") { $dt = new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $value); $value = $dt->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT); } $this->mForm->elements[$name]->setValueSafe($value); } } } function getAttribute($name) { return @$this->mValues[$name]; } function getAttributes() { return $this->mValues; } function validate(&$actionMapping, &$request) { return null; } function setAttributes($value) { global $user; $this->mValues = $value; if (is_array($this->mValues)) foreach ($this->mValues as $name=>$value) { if ($this->mForm) { if (isset($this->mForm->elements[$name])) { if ($this->mForm->elements[$name]->cClassName=="DateField") { $dt = new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $value); $value = $dt->toString(DB_DATEFORMAT); } $this->mForm->elements[$name]->setValueSafe($value); } } } } function dump() { print_r($this->mValues); } function isSubmit() { $res = false; if (is_object($this->mForm)) { $res = $this->mForm->isSubmit(); } return $res; } function saveBean() { if ($this->mForm) { $elements = $this->mForm->getElements(); $el_list = array(); foreach ($elements as $el) { $el_list[] = array("name"=>$el->getName(),"class"=>$el->getClass()); $_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "_" . $el->getName()] = $el->getValueSafe(); } $_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "session_store_elements"] = $el_list; } //print_r($_SESSION); } function loadBean() { $el_list = @$_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "session_store_elements"]; if (is_array($el_list)) { foreach ($el_list as $ref_el) { // restore form elements import('form.'.$ref_el["class"]); $class_name = $ref_el["class"]; $el = new $class_name($ref_el["name"]); if (isset($GLOBALS["I18N"])) $el->setLocalization($GLOBALS["I18N"]); $el->setValueSafe(@$_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "_" .$el->getName()]); if ($this->mForm && !isset($this->mForm->elements[$ref_el["name"]])) { $this->mForm->elements[$ref_el["name"]] = &$el; } $this->mValues[$el->getName()] = $el->getValue(); } } //print_r($_SESSION); } function destroyBean() { $el_list = @$_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "session_store_elements"]; if (is_array($el_list)) { foreach ($el_list as $ref_el) { unset($_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "_" .$ref_el["name"]]); } } unset($_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "session_store_elements"]); } function isSaved() { return (isset($_SESSION[$this->mSessionCell . "session_store_elements"]) ? true : false); } }