name = $name; $this->mValue = $value; } function setKeyField($value) { $this->mKeyField = $value; } function setData($data) { if (is_array($data) && isset($data[0]) && is_array($data[0])) $this->mData = &$data; } function addColumn($column) { if ($column != null) $column->setTable($this); $this->mColumns[] = &$column; } function setInteractive($value) { $this->mInteractive = $value; } function isInteractive() { return $this->mInteractive; } function setIAScript($value) { $this->mIAScript = $value; } function getIAScript() { return $this->mIAScript; } function setWidth($value) { $this->mWidth = $value; } function getWidth() { return $this->mWidth; } function setTableOptions($value) { $this->mTableOptions = $value; } function getTableOptions() { return $this->mTableOptions; } function setRowOptions($value) { $this->mRowOptions = $value; } function getRowOptions() { return $this->mRowOptions; } function setHeaderOptions($value) { $this->mHeaderOptions = $value; } function getHeaderOptions() { return $this->mHeaderOptions; } function getValueAt($rowindex, $colindex) { if (!$this->mProccessed) $this->_process(); return @$this->mData[$rowindex][$this->mColumnFields[$colindex]]; } function getValueAtName($rowindex,$fieldname) { if (!$this->mProccessed) $this->_process(); return @$this->mData[$rowindex][$fieldname]; } function _process() { $this->mProccessed = true; if ($this->mInteractive) { // Add a column of clickable checkboxes. $column = new TableColumn("","getName()."_all\" onclick=\"setAll(this.checked)\">"); import('form.CheckboxCellRenderer'); $cb = new CheckboxCellRenderer(); if ($this->getIAScript()) $cb->setOnChangeAdd($this->getIAScript()."(this)"); $column->setRenderer($cb); $column->setTable($this); array_unshift($this->mColumns, $column); } foreach ($this->mColumns as $column) { $this->mColumnFields[] = $column->getField(); $this->mHeaders[] = $column->getHeader(); } } function toStringControl() { if (!$this->isRenderable()) return ""; if (!$this->mProccessed) $this->_process(); $html = ""; if ($this->mInteractive) $html .= $this->_addJavaScript(); $html .= "mTableOptions) > 0) { foreach ($this->mTableOptions as $k=>$v) { $html .= " $k=\"$v\""; } } else { $html .= " border=\"1\""; } if ($this->mWidth!="") $html .= " width=\"".$this->mWidth."\""; $html .= ">\n"; // Print headers. if (($this->mInteractive && (count($this->mHeaders) > 1)) || (!$this->mInteractive && (count($this->mHeaders) > 0))) { $html .= "mRowOptions) > 0) { foreach ($this->mRowOptions as $k=>$v) { $html .= " $k=\"$v\""; } } $html .= ">\n"; foreach ($this->mHeaders as $header) { $html .= "mHeaderOptions) > 0) { foreach ($this->mHeaderOptions as $k=>$v) { $html .= " $k=\"$v\""; } } $html .= ">$header\n"; } $html .= "\n"; } // Print rows. for ($row = 0; $row < count($this->mData); $row++) { $html .= "\nmBgColor."\" onmouseover=\"setRowBackground(this, '".$this->mBgColorOver."')\" onmouseout=\"setRowBackground(this, null)\">\n"; for ($col = 0; $col < $this->getColumnCount(); $col++) { if (0 == $col && strtolower(get_class($this->mColumns[$col]->getRenderer())) == 'checkboxcellrenderer') { // Checkbox for the row. Determine if selected. $selected = false; if (is_array($this->mValue)) { foreach ($this->mValue as $p) { if ($p == $this->mData[$row][$this->mKeyField]) { $selected = true; break; } } } // Render control checkbox. $html .= $this->mColumns[$col]->renderCell($this->mData[$row][$this->mKeyField], $row, $col, $selected); } else { // Render regular cell. $html .= $this->mColumns[$col]->renderCell($this->getValueAt($row, $col), $row, $col); } } $html .= "\n"; } $html .= ""; return $html; } function getColumnCount() { return count($this->mColumns); } function _addJavaScript() { $html = "\n"; return $html; } }