PEAR integration notes. These notes explain how PEAR and its modules were integrated in Anuko Time Tracker project. PEAR packages can be downloaded from (click on the package group, then package name, then Download link). For example, for PEAR it will be PEAR PACKAGE - Download PEAR package from - Extract the files (what is in the deepest PEAR-1.9.1 folder) into WEB-INF/lib/pear/ folder in Time Tracker, so that you have something like: folders: OS PEAR scripts and files INSTALL LICENSE and others in your WEB-INF/lib/pear/ folder. DB PACKAGES NOTE: currently we are trying migrate from the old DB package to a newer MDB2 package. This is why we have (temporarily) both of them here. When the migration is finished the DB module will be removed. DB PACKAGE - Download DB module from - From archive DB-1.7.14RC1.tgz take "DB.php" file and DB folder and put them into WEB-INF/lib/pear MDB2 PACKAGE - Download MDB2 module from - From archive MDB2-2.5.0b3.tgz take "MDB2.php" file and MDB2 folder and put them into WEB-INF/lib/pear MDB2_Driver_mysql package - Download MDB2_Driver_mysql module from - From archive MDB2_Driver_mysql_1.5.0b3.tgz merge the content of MDB2 folder with your WEB-INF/lib/pear/MDB2 (a collection of mysql.php files organized in a directory structure). If you need Time Tracker to work with non mysql data sources install additional MDB2 drivers (similarly to MDB2_Driver_mysql). Net_SMTP PACKAGE - Download Net_SMTP module from - From archive Net_SMTP-1.4.2.tgz take the "SMTP.php" file and put it into WEB-INF/lib/pear/Net(you will need to create the Net folder). Net_Socket PACKAGE - Download Net_Socket module (dependency of Net_SMTP) from - From archive Net_Socket-1.0.9.tgz take the "Socket.php" file and put it into WEB-INF/lib/pear/Net folder. Mail PACKAGE - Download Mail module from - From archive Mail-1.2.0.tgz take "Mail.php" file and Mail folder. Put them in WEB-INF/lib/pear folder. Now we have PEAR, and PEAR DB, PEAR MDB2, PEAR Net_SMTP, PEAR Mail modules installed. Add this line to any place in config.php.dist to set PHP include path for PEAR and its modules: set_include_path(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/pear') . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); Note: it is important to include realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/pear') first to eliminate any potential PEAR compatibility issues for systems where another version of PEAR may be installed (like SME Server 8.0).