= '".$period->getBeginDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and date <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."'"; } if (CHART_PROJECTS == $ch_type) { // Data for projects. $sql = "select p.name as name, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time from tt_log l inner join tt_projects p on (p.id = l.project_id) where l.status = 1 and l.duration > 0 and l.user_id = $user_id $q_period group by l.project_id"; } else if (CHART_TASKS == $ch_type) { // Data for tasks. $sql = "select t.name as name, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time from tt_log l inner join tt_tasks t on (t.id = l.task_id) where l.status = 1 and l.duration > 0 and l.user_id = $user_id $q_period group by l.task_id"; } else if (CHART_CLIENTS == $ch_type) { // Data for clients. $sql = "select coalesce(c.name, 'NULL') as name, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time from tt_log l left join tt_clients c on (c.id = l.client_id) where l.status = 1 and l.duration > 0 and l.user_id = $user_id $q_period group by l.client_id"; } $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = array('name'=>$val['name'],'time'=>$val['time']); // name - project name, time - total for project in seconds. } } // Get total time. We'll need it calculate percentages (for labels to the right of diagram). $total = 0; foreach ($result as $one_val) { $total += $one_val['time']; } // Add a string representation of time + percentage to names. Example: "Time Tracker (1:15 - 6%)". foreach ($result as &$one_val) { $percent = round(100*$one_val['time']/$total).'%'; $one_val['name'] .= ' ('.sec_to_time_fmt_hm($one_val['time']).' - '.$percent.')'; } // Note: the remaining code here is needed to display labels on the side of a diagram. // We print lables ourselves (not using libchart.php) because quality of libchart labels is not good. // Note: Optimize this sorting and reversing. $result = mu_sort($result, 'time'); $result = array_reverse($result); // This is to assign correct colors to labels. // Add color to array items. This is used in labels on the side of a chart. $colors = array( array(2, 78, 0), array(148, 170, 36), array(233, 191, 49), array(240, 127, 41), array(243, 63, 34), array(190, 71, 47), array(135, 81, 60), array(128, 78, 162), array(121, 75, 255), array(142, 165, 250), array(162, 254, 239), array(137, 240, 166), array(104, 221, 71), array(98, 174, 35), array(93, 129, 1) ); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $color = $colors[$i%count($colors)]; $result[$i]['color_html'] = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); } return $result; } } ?>