query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { return; } $val = $res->fetchRow(); if ($val['id'] > 0) { $this->id = $val['id']; $this->parent_id = $val['parent_id']; $this->org_id = $val['org_id']; $this->name = $val['name']; $this->lang = $val['lang']; $this->decimal_mark = $val['decimal_mark']; $this->date_format = $val['date_format']; $this->time_format = $val['time_format']; $this->week_start = $val['week_start']; $this->tracking_mode = $val['tracking_mode']; /* TODO: initialize other things here. $this->project_required = $val['project_required']; $this->task_required = $val['task_required']; */ $this->record_type = $val['record_type']; /* $this->bcc_email = $val['bcc_email']; $this->allow_ip = $val['allow_ip']; $this->password_complexity = $val['password_complexity']; $this->group_name = $val['group_name']; */ $this->currency = $val['currency']; $this->plugins = $val['plugins']; $this->lock_spec = $val['lock_spec']; $this->workday_minutes = $val['workday_minutes']; /* $this->custom_logo = $val['custom_logo']; */ $this->config = $val['config']; $config = new ttConfigHelper($this->config); // Set user config options. $this->show_holidays = $config->getDefinedValue('show_holidays'); $this->punch_mode = $config->getDefinedValue('punch_mode'); $this->allow_overlap = $config->getDefinedValue('allow_overlap'); $this->future_entries = $config->getDefinedValue('future_entries'); /* if ($this->isPluginEnabled('wu')) { $minutes_in_unit = $config->getIntValue('minutes_in_unit'); if ($minutes_in_unit) $this->minutes_in_unit = $minutes_in_unit; $this->unit_totals_only = $config->getDefinedValue('unit_totals_only'); } */ } // Determine active user count in a separate query. // TODO: If performance becomes an issue, investigate combining 2 queries in one. // At this time we only need to know if at least 1 active user exists. $sql = "select count(*) as user_count from tt_users". " where group_id = $id and org_id = $org_id and status = 1"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { return; } $val = $res->fetchRow(); $this->active_users = $val['user_count']; } }