group_id = $group_id; $this->file = $file; $this->indentation = $indentation; // Build a list of subgroups. $mdb2 = getConnection(); $sql = "select id from tt_groups". " where status = 1 and parent_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $this->subgroups[] = $val; } } } // getGroupData obtains group attributes for export. function getGroupData() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $sql = "select * from tt_groups". " where status = 1 and id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { $val = $res->fetchRow(); } return $val; } // The getUsers obtains all users in group for the purpose of export. function getUsers() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $sql = "select u.*, r.rank from tt_users u left join tt_roles r on (u.role_id =". " where u.group_id = $this->group_id and u.org_id = $user->org_id order by upper("; // Note: deleted users are included. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $result = array(); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } return $result; } return false; } // getRoles - obtains all roles defined for group. function getRoles() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $result = array(); $sql = "select * from tt_roles where group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $result = array(); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } return $result; } return false; } // getTasks - obtains all tasks defined for group. function getTasks() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $result = array(); $sql = "select * from tt_tasks where group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $result = array(); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } return $result; } return false; } // getProjects - obtains all projects defined for group. function getProjects() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $result = array(); $sql = "select * from tt_projects where group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $result = array(); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } return $result; } return false; } // getClients - obtains all clients defined for group. function getClients() { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $result = array(); $sql = "select * from tt_clients where group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $user->org_id"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $result = array(); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } return $result; } return false; } // writeData writes group data into file. function writeData() { // Write group info. $group = $this->getGroupData(); $group_part = "file, $this->indentation.$group_part); // Prepare user map. $users = $this->getUsers(); foreach ($users as $key=>$user_item) $this->userMap[$user_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare role map. $roles = $this->getRoles(); foreach ($roles as $key=>$role_item) $this->roleMap[$role_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare task map. $tasks = $this->getTasks(); foreach ($tasks as $key=>$task_item) $this->taskMap[$task_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare project map. $projects = $this->getProjects(); foreach ($projects as $key=>$project_item) $this->projectMap[$project_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare client map. $clients = $this->getClients(); foreach ($clients as $key=>$client_item) $this->clientMap[$client_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare invoice map. $invoices = ttTeamHelper::getAllInvoices(); foreach ($invoices as $key=>$invoice_item) $this->invoiceMap[$invoice_item['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare custom fields map. $custom_fields = ttTeamHelper::getAllCustomFields($this->group_id); foreach ($custom_fields as $key=>$custom_field) $this->customFieldMap[$custom_field['id']] = $key + 1; // Prepare custom field options map. $custom_field_options = ttTeamHelper::getAllCustomFieldOptions($this->group_id); foreach ($custom_field_options as $key=>$option) $this->customFieldOptionMap[$option['id']] = $key + 1; // Write roles. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($roles as $role) { $role_part = $this->indentation.' '."roleMap[$role['id']]."\""; $role_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($role['name'])."\""; $role_part .= " description=\"".htmlentities($role['description'])."\""; $role_part .= " rank=\"".$role['rank']."\""; $role_part .= " rights=\"".htmlentities($role['rights'])."\""; $role_part .= " status=\"".$role['status']."\""; $role_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $role_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write tasks. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $task_part = $this->indentation.' '."taskMap[$task['id']]."\""; $task_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($task['name'])."\""; $task_part .= " description=\"".htmlentities($task['description'])."\""; $task_part .= " status=\"".$task['status']."\""; $task_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $task_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write projects. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($projects as $project_item) { if($project_item['tasks']){ $tasks = explode(',', $project_item['tasks']); $tasks_mapped = array(); foreach ($tasks as $item) $tasks_mapped[] = $this->taskMap[$item]; $tasks_str = implode(',', $tasks_mapped); } $project_part = $this->indentation.' '."projectMap[$project_item['id']]."\""; $project_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($project_item['name'])."\""; $project_part .= " description=\"".htmlentities($project_item['description'])."\""; $project_part .= " tasks=\"".$tasks_str."\""; $project_part .= " status=\"".$project_item['status']."\""; $project_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $project_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write clients. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($clients as $client_item) { if($client_item['projects']){ $projects_db = explode(',', $client_item['projects']); $projects_mapped = array(); foreach ($projects_db as $item) $projects_mapped[] = $this->projectMap[$item]; $projects_str = implode(',', $projects_mapped); } $client_part = $this->indentation.' '."clientMap[$client_item['id']]."\""; $client_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($client_item['name'])."\""; $client_part .= " address=\"".htmlentities($client_item['address'])."\""; $client_part .= " tax=\"".$client_item['tax']."\""; $client_part .= " projects=\"".$projects_str."\""; $client_part .= " status=\"".$client_item['status']."\""; $client_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $client_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write users. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($users as $user_item) { $role_id = $user_item['rank'] == 512 ? 0 : $this->roleMap[$user_item['role_id']]; // Special role_id 0 (not null) for top manager. $user_part = $this->indentation.' '."userMap[$user_item['id']]."\""; $user_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($user_item['name'])."\""; $user_part .= " login=\"".htmlentities($user_item['login'])."\""; $user_part .= " password=\"".$user_item['password']."\""; $user_part .= " role_id=\"".$role_id."\""; $user_part .= " client_id=\"".$this->clientMap[$user_item['client_id']]."\""; $user_part .= " rate=\"".$user_item['rate']."\""; $user_part .= " email=\"".$user_item['email']."\""; $user_part .= " status=\"".$user_item['status']."\""; $user_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $user_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write user to project binds. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); $user_binds = ttTeamHelper::getUserToProjectBinds($this->group_id); foreach ($user_binds as $bind) { $user_id = $this->userMap[$bind['user_id']]; $project_id = $this->projectMap[$bind['project_id']]; $bind_part = $this->indentation.' '."file, $bind_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write invoices. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($invoices as $invoice_item) { $invoice_part = $this->indentation.' '."invoiceMap[$invoice_item['id']]."\""; $invoice_part .= " name=\"".htmlentities($invoice_item['name'])."\""; $invoice_part .= " date=\"".$invoice_item['date']."\""; $invoice_part .= " client_id=\"".$this->clientMap[$invoice_item['client_id']]."\""; $invoice_part .= " status=\"".$invoice_item['status']."\""; $invoice_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $invoice_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); // Write time log entries and build logMap at the same time. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); $key = 0; foreach ($users as $user_item) { $records = ttTimeHelper::getAllRecords($user_item['id']); foreach ($records as $record) { $key++; $this->logMap[$record['id']] = $key; $log_part = $this->indentation.' '."userMap[$record['user_id']]."\""; $log_part .= " date=\"".$record['date']."\""; $log_part .= " start=\"".$record['start']."\""; $log_part .= " finish=\"".$record['finish']."\""; $log_part .= " duration=\"".($record['start']?"":$record['duration'])."\""; $log_part .= " client_id=\"".$this->clientMap[$record['client_id']]."\""; $log_part .= " project_id=\"".$this->projectMap[$record['project_id']]."\""; $log_part .= " task_id=\"".$this->taskMap[$record['task_id']]."\""; $log_part .= " invoice_id=\"".$this->invoiceMap[$record['invoice_id']]."\""; $log_part .= " comment=\"".htmlentities($record['comment'])."\""; $log_part .= " billable=\"".$record['billable']."\""; $log_part .= " paid=\"".$record['paid']."\""; $log_part .= " status=\"".$record['status']."\""; $log_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $log_part); } } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); unset($records); // Write custom fields. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) { $custom_field_part = $this->indentation.' '."customFieldMap[$custom_field['id']]."\""; $custom_field_part .= " type=\"".$custom_field['type']."\""; $custom_field_part .= " label=\"".htmlentities($custom_field['label'])."\""; $custom_field_part .= " required=\"".$custom_field['required']."\""; $custom_field_part .= " status=\"".$custom_field['status']."\""; $custom_field_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $custom_field_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); unset($custom_fields); // Write custom field options. fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($custom_field_options as $option) { $custom_field_option_part = $this->indentation.' '."customFieldOptionMap[$option['id']]."\""; $custom_field_option_part .= " field_id=\"".$this->customFieldMap[$option['field_id']]."\""; $custom_field_option_part .= " value=\"".htmlentities($option['value'])."\""; $custom_field_option_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $custom_field_option_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); unset($custom_field_options); // Write custom field log. $custom_field_log = ttTeamHelper::getCustomFieldLog($this->group_id); fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); foreach ($custom_field_log as $entry) { $custom_field_log_part = $this->indentation.' '."logMap[$entry['log_id']]."\""; $custom_field_log_part .= " field_id=\"".$this->customFieldMap[$entry['field_id']]."\""; $custom_field_log_part .= " option_id=\"".$this->customFieldOptionMap[$entry['option_id']]."\""; $custom_field_log_part .= " value=\"".htmlentities($entry['value'])."\""; $custom_field_log_part .= " status=\"".$entry['status']."\""; $custom_field_log_part .= ">\n"; fwrite($this->file, $custom_field_log_part); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation." \n"); unset($custom_field_log); // Call self recursively for all subgroups. foreach ($this->subgroups as $subgroup) { $subgroup_helper = new ttGroupExportHelper($subgroup['id'], $this->file, $this->indentation.' '); $subgroup_helper->writeData(); } fwrite($this->file, $this->indentation."\n"); } }