getAttribute('client')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.client_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('client'); elseif ($user->isClient() && $user->client_id) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.client_id = '.$user->client_id; if ($bean->getAttribute('option')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and in(select log_id from tt_custom_field_log where status = 1 and option_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('option').')'; if ($bean->getAttribute('project')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.project_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('project'); if ($bean->getAttribute('task')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.task_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('task'); if ($bean->getAttribute('include_records')=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.billable = 1'; if ($bean->getAttribute('include_records')=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.billable = 0'; if ($bean->getAttribute('invoice')=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.invoice_id is not NULL'; if ($bean->getAttribute('invoice')=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.invoice_id is NULL'; if ($bean->getAttribute('paid_status')=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.paid = 1'; if ($bean->getAttribute('paid_status')=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.paid = 0'; // Prepare user list part. $userlist = -1; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && is_array($bean->getAttribute('users'))) $userlist = join(',', $bean->getAttribute('users')); // Prepare sql query part for user list. $user_list_part = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $user_list_part = " and l.user_id in ($userlist)"; else $user_list_part = " and l.user_id = ".$user->id; // Prepare sql query part for where. if ($bean->getAttribute('period')) $period = new Period($bean->getAttribute('period'), new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('start_date')), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('end_date'))); } $where = " where l.status = 1 and >= '".$period->getStartDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."'". " $user_list_part $dropdown_parts"; return $where; } // getFavWhere prepares a WHERE clause for a favorite report query. static function getFavWhere($report) { global $user; // Prepare dropdown parts. $dropdown_parts = ''; if ($report['client_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.client_id = '.$report['client_id']; elseif ($user->isClient() && $user->client_id) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.client_id = '.$user->client_id; if ($report['cf_1_option_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and in(select log_id from tt_custom_field_log where status = 1 and option_id = '.$report['cf_1_option_id'].')'; if ($report['project_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.project_id = '.$report['project_id']; if ($report['task_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.task_id = '.$report['task_id']; if ($report['billable']=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.billable = 1'; if ($report['billable']=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.billable = 0'; if ($report['invoice']=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.invoice_id is not NULL'; if ($report['invoice']=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.invoice_id is NULL'; if ($report['paid_status']=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.paid = 1'; if ($report['paid_status']=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and l.paid = 0'; // Prepare user list part. $userlist = -1; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient())) { if ($report['users']) $userlist = $report['users']; else { $active_users = ttTeamHelper::getActiveUsers(); foreach ($active_users as $single_user) $users[] = $single_user['id']; $userlist = join(',', $users); } } // Prepare sql query part for user list. $user_list_part = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $user_list_part = " and l.user_id in ($userlist)"; else $user_list_part = " and l.user_id = ".$user->id; // Prepare sql query part for where. if ($report['period']) $period = new Period($report['period'], new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_start']), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_end'])); } $where = " where l.status = 1 and >= '".$period->getStartDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."'". " $user_list_part $dropdown_parts"; return $where; } // getExpenseWhere prepares WHERE clause for expenses query in a report. static function getExpenseWhere($bean) { global $user; // Prepare dropdown parts. $dropdown_parts = ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('client')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.client_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('client'); elseif ($user->isClient() && $user->client_id) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.client_id = '.$user->client_id; if ($bean->getAttribute('project')) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.project_id = '.$bean->getAttribute('project'); if ($bean->getAttribute('invoice')=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.invoice_id is not NULL'; if ($bean->getAttribute('invoice')=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.invoice_id is NULL'; if ($bean->getAttribute('paid_status')=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.paid = 1'; if ($bean->getAttribute('paid_status')=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.paid = 0'; // Prepare user list part. $userlist = -1; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && is_array($bean->getAttribute('users'))) $userlist = join(',', $bean->getAttribute('users')); // Prepare sql query part for user list. $user_list_part = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $user_list_part = " and ei.user_id in ($userlist)"; else $user_list_part = " and ei.user_id = ".$user->id; // Prepare sql query part for where. if ($bean->getAttribute('period')) $period = new Period($bean->getAttribute('period'), new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('start_date')), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('end_date'))); } $where = " where ei.status = 1 and >= '".$period->getStartDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."'". " $user_list_part $dropdown_parts"; return $where; } // getFavExpenseWhere prepares a WHERE clause for expenses query in a favorite report. static function getFavExpenseWhere($report) { global $user; // Prepare dropdown parts. $dropdown_parts = ''; if ($report['client_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.client_id = '.$report['client_id']; elseif ($user->isClient() && $user->client_id) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.client_id = '.$user->client_id; if ($report['project_id']) $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.project_id = '.$report['project_id']; if ($report['invoice']=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.invoice_id is not NULL'; if ($report['invoice']=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.invoice_id is NULL'; if ($report['paid_status']=='1') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.paid = 1'; if ($report['paid_status']=='2') $dropdown_parts .= ' and ei.paid = 0'; // Prepare user list part. $userlist = -1; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient())) { if ($report['users']) $userlist = $report['users']; else { $active_users = ttTeamHelper::getActiveUsers(); foreach ($active_users as $single_user) $users[] = $single_user['id']; $userlist = join(',', $users); } } // Prepare sql query part for user list. $user_list_part = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $user_list_part = " and ei.user_id in ($userlist)"; else $user_list_part = " and ei.user_id = ".$user->id; // Prepare sql query part for where. if ($report['period']) $period = new Period($report['period'], new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_start']), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_end'])); } $where = " where ei.status = 1 and >= '".$period->getStartDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."' and <= '".$period->getEndDate(DB_DATEFORMAT)."'". " $user_list_part $dropdown_parts"; return $where; } // getItems retrieves all items associated with a report. // It combines tt_log and tt_expense_items in one array for presentation in one table using mysql union all. // Expense items use the "note" field for item name. static function getItems($bean) { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $group_by_option = $bean->getAttribute('group_by'); $convertTo12Hour = ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format) && ($bean->getAttribute('chstart') || $bean->getAttribute('chfinish')); // Prepare a query for time items in tt_log table. $fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query. array_push($fields, ' as id'); array_push($fields, '1 as type'); // Type 1 is for tt_log entries. array_push($fields, ' as date'); if($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) array_push($fields, ' as user'); // Add client name if it is selected. if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient') || 'client' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as client'); // Add project name if it is selected. if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject') || 'project' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as project'); // Add task name if it is selected. if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask') || 'task' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as task'); // Add custom field. $include_cf_1 = $bean->getAttribute('chcf_1') || 'cf_1' == $group_by_option; if ($include_cf_1) { $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type']; if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) { array_push($fields, 'cfl.value as cf_1'); } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) { array_push($fields, 'cfo.value as cf_1'); } } // Add start time. if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) { array_push($fields, "l.start as unformatted_start"); array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(l.start, '%k:%i') as start"); } // Add finish time. if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), '%k:%i') as finish"); // Add duration. if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration"); // Add note. if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) array_push($fields, 'l.comment as note'); // Handle cost. $includeCost = $bean->getAttribute('chcost'); if ($includeCost) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) array_push($fields, "cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2)) as cost"); // Use default user rate. else array_push($fields, "cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2)) as cost"); // Use project rate for user. array_push($fields, "null as expense"); } // Add paid status. if ($user->canManageTeam() && $bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) array_push($fields, 'l.paid as paid'); // Add invoice name if it is selected. if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) array_push($fields, ' as invoice'); // Prepare sql query part for left joins. $left_joins = null; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient') || 'client' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on ( = l.client_id)"; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $left_joins .= " left join tt_invoices i on ( = l.invoice_id and i.status = 1)"; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient() || $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) $left_joins .= " left join tt_users u on ( = l.user_id)"; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject') || 'project' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = l.project_id)"; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask') || 'task' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_tasks t on ( = l.task_id)"; if ($include_cf_1) { if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) $left_joins .= " left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1)"; elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) { $left_joins .= " left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1)". " left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id ="; } } if ($includeCost && MODE_TIME != $user->tracking_mode) $left_joins .= " left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id)"; $where = ttReportHelper::getWhere($bean); // Construct sql query for tt_log items. $sql = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_log l $left_joins $where"; // If we don't have expense items (such as when the Expenses plugin is desabled), the above is all sql we need, // with an exception of sorting part, that is added in the end. // However, when we have expenses, we need to do a union with a separate query for expense items from tt_expense_items table. if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost') && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { // if ex(penses) plugin is enabled $fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query. array_push($fields, ''); array_push($fields, '2 as type'); // Type 2 is for tt_expense_items entries. array_push($fields, ''); if($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) array_push($fields, ' as user'); // Add client name if it is selected. if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient') || 'client' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as client'); // Add project name if it is selected. if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject') || 'project' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as project'); if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask') || 'task' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for task name. We need to match column count for union. if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1') || 'cf_1' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for cf_1. if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) { array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for unformatted_start. array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for start. } if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for finish. if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for duration. // Use the note field to print item name. if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) array_push($fields, ' as note'); array_push($fields, 'ei.cost as cost'); array_push($fields, 'ei.cost as expense'); // Add paid status. if ($user->canManageTeam() && $bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) array_push($fields, 'ei.paid as paid'); // Add invoice name if it is selected. if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) array_push($fields, ' as invoice'); // Prepare sql query part for left joins. $left_joins = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $left_joins .= " left join tt_users u on ( = ei.user_id)"; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient') || 'client' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on ( = ei.client_id)"; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject') || 'project' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = ei.project_id)"; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $left_joins .= " left join tt_invoices i on ( = ei.invoice_id and i.status = 1)"; $where = ttReportHelper::getExpenseWhere($bean); // Construct sql query for expense items. $sql_for_expense_items = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_expense_items ei $left_joins $where"; // Construct a union. $sql = "($sql) union all ($sql_for_expense_items)"; } // Determine sort part. $sort_part = ' order by '; if ('no_grouping' == $group_by_option || 'date' == $group_by_option) $sort_part .= 'date'; else $sort_part .= $group_by_option.', date'; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && is_array($bean->getAttribute('users')) && 'user' != $group_by_option) $sort_part .= ', user, type'; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $sort_part .= ', unformatted_start'; $sort_part .= ', id'; $sql .= $sort_part; // By now we are ready with sql. // Obtain items for report. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { if ($convertTo12Hour) { if($val['start'] != '') $val['start'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['start']); if($val['finish'] != '') $val['finish'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['finish']); } if (isset($val['cost'])) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']); } if (isset($val['expense'])) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $val['expense'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expense']); } if ('no_grouping' != $group_by_option) { $val['grouped_by'] = $val[$group_by_option]; if ('date' == $group_by_option) { // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['grouped_by']); $val['grouped_by'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); } } // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['date']); $val['date'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); $row = $val; $report_items[] = $row; } return $report_items; } // getFavItems retrieves all items associated with a favorite report. // It combines tt_log and tt_expense_items in one array for presentation in one table using mysql union all. // Expense items use the "note" field for item name. static function getFavItems($report) { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $group_by_option = $report['group_by']; $convertTo12Hour = ('%I:%M %p' == $user->time_format) && ($report['show_start'] || $report['show_end']); // Prepare a query for time items in tt_log table. $fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query. array_push($fields, ' as id'); array_push($fields, '1 as type'); // Type 1 is for tt_log entries. array_push($fields, ' as date'); if($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) array_push($fields, ' as user'); // Add client name if it is selected. if ($report['show_client'] || 'client' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as client'); // Add project name if it is selected. if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as project'); // Add task name if it is selected. if ($report['show_task'] || 'task' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as task'); // Add custom field. $include_cf_1 = $report['show_custom_field_1'] || 'cf_1' == $group_by_option; if ($include_cf_1) { $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); $cf_1_type = $custom_fields->fields[0]['type']; if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) { array_push($fields, 'cfl.value as cf_1'); } elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) { array_push($fields, 'cfo.value as cf_1'); } } // Add start time. if ($report['show_start']) { array_push($fields, "l.start as unformatted_start"); array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(l.start, '%k:%i') as start"); } // Add finish time. if ($report['show_end']) array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(sec_to_time(time_to_sec(l.start) + time_to_sec(l.duration)), '%k:%i') as finish"); // Add duration. if ($report['show_duration']) array_push($fields, "TIME_FORMAT(l.duration, '%k:%i') as duration"); // Add note. if ($report['show_note']) array_push($fields, 'l.comment as note'); // Handle cost. $includeCost = $report['show_cost']; if ($includeCost) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) array_push($fields, "cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2)) as cost"); // Use default user rate. else array_push($fields, "cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2)) as cost"); // Use project rate for user. array_push($fields, "null as expense"); } // Add invoice name if it is selected. if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice']) array_push($fields, ' as invoice'); // Prepare sql query part for left joins. $left_joins = null; if ($report['show_client'] || 'client' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on ( = l.client_id)"; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice']) $left_joins .= " left join tt_invoices i on ( = l.invoice_id and i.status = 1)"; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient() || $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) $left_joins .= " left join tt_users u on ( = l.user_id)"; if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = l.project_id)"; if ($report['show_task'] || 'task' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_tasks t on ( = l.task_id)"; if ($include_cf_1) { if ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) $left_joins .= " left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1)"; elseif ($cf_1_type == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) { $left_joins .= " left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1)". " left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id ="; } } if ($includeCost && MODE_TIME != $user->tracking_mode) $left_joins .= " left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id)"; $where = ttReportHelper::getFavWhere($report); // Construct sql query for tt_log items. $sql = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_log l $left_joins $where"; // If we don't have expense items (such as when the Expenses plugin is desabled), the above is all sql we need, // with an exception of sorting part, that is added in the end. // However, when we have expenses, we need to do a union with a separate query for expense items from tt_expense_items table. if ($report['show_cost'] && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { // if ex(penses) plugin is enabled $fields = array(); // An array of fields for database query. array_push($fields, ''); array_push($fields, '2 as type'); // Type 2 is for tt_expense_items entries. array_push($fields, ''); if($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) array_push($fields, ' as user'); // Add client name if it is selected. if ($report['show_client'] || 'client' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as client'); // Add project name if it is selected. if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, ' as project'); if ($report['show_task'] || 'task' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for task name. We need to match column count for union. if ($report['show_custom_field_1'] || 'cf_1' == $group_by_option) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for cf_1. if ($report['show_start']) { array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for unformatted_start. array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for start. } if ($report['show_end']) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for finish. if ($report['show_duration']) array_push($fields, 'null'); // null for duration. // Use the note field to print item name. if ($report['show_note']) array_push($fields, ' as note'); array_push($fields, 'ei.cost as cost'); array_push($fields, 'ei.cost as expense'); // Add invoice name if it is selected. if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice']) array_push($fields, ' as invoice'); // Prepare sql query part for left joins. $left_joins = null; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $left_joins .= " left join tt_users u on ( = ei.user_id)"; if ($report['show_client'] || 'client' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_clients c on ( = ei.client_id)"; if ($report['show_project'] || 'project' == $group_by_option) $left_joins .= " left join tt_projects p on ( = ei.project_id)"; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) && $report['show_invoice']) $left_joins .= " left join tt_invoices i on ( = ei.invoice_id and i.status = 1)"; $where = ttReportHelper::getFavExpenseWhere($report); // Construct sql query for expense items. $sql_for_expense_items = "select ".join(', ', $fields)." from tt_expense_items ei $left_joins $where"; // Construct a union. $sql = "($sql) union all ($sql_for_expense_items)"; } // Determine sort part. $sort_part = ' order by '; if ($group_by_option == null || 'no_grouping' == $group_by_option || 'date' == $group_by_option) // TODO: fix DB for NULL values in group_by field. $sort_part .= 'date'; else $sort_part .= $group_by_option.', date'; if (($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) /*&& is_array($bean->getAttribute('users'))*/ && 'user' != $group_by_option) $sort_part .= ', user, type'; if ($report['show_start']) $sort_part .= ', unformatted_start'; $sort_part .= ', id'; $sql .= $sort_part; // By now we are ready with sql. // Obtain items for report. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { if ($convertTo12Hour) { if($val['start'] != '') $val['start'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['start']); if($val['finish'] != '') $val['finish'] = ttTimeHelper::to12HourFormat($val['finish']); } if (isset($val['cost'])) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']); } if (isset($val['expense'])) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $val['expense'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expense']); } if ('no_grouping' != $group_by_option) { $val['grouped_by'] = $val[$group_by_option]; if ('date' == $group_by_option) { // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['grouped_by']); $val['grouped_by'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); } } // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['date']); $val['date'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); $row = $val; $report_items[] = $row; } return $report_items; } // getSubtotals calculates report items subtotals when a report is grouped by. // Without expenses, it's a simple select with group by. // With expenses, it becomes a select with group by from a combined set of records obtained with "union all". static function getSubtotals($bean) { global $user; $group_by_option = $bean->getAttribute('group_by'); if ('no_grouping' == $group_by_option) return null; $mdb2 = getConnection(); // Start with sql to obtain subtotals for time items. This simple sql will be used when we have no expenses. // Determine group by field and a required join. switch ($group_by_option) { case 'date': $group_field = ''; $group_join = ''; break; case 'user': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_users u on (l.user_id = '; break; case 'client': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id = '; break; case 'project': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id = '; break; case 'task': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id = '; break; case 'cf_1': $group_field = 'cfo.value'; $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) $group_join = 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = '; elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) $group_join = 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = '; break; } $where = ttReportHelper::getWhere($bean); if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) { if ($group_by_option != 'user') $left_join = 'left join tt_users u on (l.user_id ='; $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join $left_join $where group by $group_field"; } else { // If we are including cost and tracking projects, our query (the same as above) needs to join the tt_user_project_binds table. $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where group by $group_field"; } } else { $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join $where group by $group_field"; } // By now we have sql for time items. // However, when we have expenses, we need to do a union with a separate query for expense items from tt_expense_items table. if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost') && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { // if ex(penses) plugin is enabled // Determine group by field and a required join. $group_join = null; $group_field = 'null'; switch ($group_by_option) { case 'date': $group_field = ''; $group_join = ''; break; case 'user': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_users u on (ei.user_id = '; break; case 'client': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_clients c on (ei.client_id = '; break; case 'project': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_projects p on (ei.project_id = '; break; } $where = ttReportHelper::getExpenseWhere($bean); $sql_for_expenses = "select $group_field as group_field, null as time, sum(ei.cost) as cost, sum(ei.cost) as expenses from tt_expense_items ei $group_join $where"; // Add a "group by" clause if we are grouping. if ('null' != $group_field) $sql_for_expenses .= " group by $group_field"; // Create a combined query. $sql = "select group_field, sum(time) as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(expenses) as expenses from (($sql) union all ($sql_for_expenses)) t group by group_field"; } // Execute query. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { if ('date' == $group_by_option) { // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['group_field']); $val['group_field'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); } $time = $val['time'] ? sec_to_time_fmt_hm($val['time']) : null; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) { $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']); $val['expenses'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expenses']); } $subtotals[$val['group_field']] = array('name'=>$val['group_field'],'time'=>$time,'cost'=>$val['cost'],'expenses'=>$val['expenses']); } else $subtotals[$val['group_field']] = array('name'=>$val['group_field'],'time'=>$time); } return $subtotals; } // getFavSubtotals calculates report items subtotals when a favorite report is grouped by. // Without expenses, it's a simple select with group by. // With expenses, it becomes a select with group by from a combined set of records obtained with "union all". static function getFavSubtotals($report) { global $user; $group_by_option = $report['group_by']; if ('no_grouping' == $group_by_option) return null; $mdb2 = getConnection(); // Start with sql to obtain subtotals for time items. This simple sql will be used when we have no expenses. // Determine group by field and a required join. switch ($group_by_option) { case 'date': $group_field = ''; $group_join = ''; break; case 'user': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_users u on (l.user_id = '; break; case 'client': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_clients c on (l.client_id = '; break; case 'project': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_projects p on (l.project_id = '; break; case 'task': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_tasks t on (l.task_id = '; break; case 'cf_1': $group_field = 'cfo.value'; $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); if ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_TEXT) $group_join = 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.value = '; elseif ($custom_fields->fields[0]['type'] == CustomFields::TYPE_DROPDOWN) $group_join = 'left join tt_custom_field_log cfl on ( = cfl.log_id and cfl.status = 1) left join tt_custom_field_options cfo on (cfl.option_id = '; break; } $where = ttReportHelper::getFavWhere($report); if ($report['show_cost']) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) { if ($group_by_option != 'user') $left_join = 'left join tt_users u on (l.user_id ='; $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10, 2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join $left_join $where group by $group_field"; } else { // If we are including cost and tracking projects, our query (the same as above) needs to join the tt_user_project_binds table. $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where group by $group_field"; } } else { $sql = "select $group_field as group_field, sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, null as expenses from tt_log l $group_join $where group by $group_field"; } // By now we have sql for time items. // However, when we have expenses, we need to do a union with a separate query for expense items from tt_expense_items table. if ($report['show_cost'] && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { // if ex(penses) plugin is enabled // Determine group by field and a required join. $group_join = null; $group_field = 'null'; switch ($group_by_option) { case 'date': $group_field = ''; $group_join = ''; break; case 'user': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_users u on (ei.user_id = '; break; case 'client': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_clients c on (ei.client_id = '; break; case 'project': $group_field = ''; $group_join = 'left join tt_projects p on (ei.project_id = '; break; } $where = ttReportHelper::getFavExpenseWhere($report); $sql_for_expenses = "select $group_field as group_field, null as time, sum(ei.cost) as cost, sum(ei.cost) as expenses from tt_expense_items ei $group_join $where"; // Add a "group by" clause if we are grouping. if ('null' != $group_field) $sql_for_expenses .= " group by $group_field"; // Create a combined query. $sql = "select group_field, sum(time) as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(expenses) as expenses from (($sql) union all ($sql_for_expenses)) t group by group_field"; } // Execute query. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { if ('date' == $group_by_option) { // This is needed to get the date in user date format. $o_date = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, $val['group_field']); $val['group_field'] = $o_date->toString($user->date_format); unset($o_date); } $time = $val['time'] ? sec_to_time_fmt_hm($val['time']) : null; if ($report['show_cost']) { if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) { $val['cost'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['cost']); $val['expenses'] = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $val['expenses']); } $subtotals[$val['group_field']] = array('name'=>$val['group_field'],'time'=>$time,'cost'=>$val['cost'],'expenses'=>$val['expenses']); } else $subtotals[$val['group_field']] = array('name'=>$val['group_field'],'time'=>$time); } return $subtotals; } // getTotals calculates total hours and cost for all report items. static function getTotals($bean) { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $where = ttReportHelper::getWhere($bean); // Start with a query for time items. if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) { $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l left join tt_users u on (l.user_id = $where"; } else { $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where"; } } else $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, null as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $where"; // If we have expenses, query becomes a bit more complex. if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost') && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { $where = ttReportHelper::getExpenseWhere($bean); $sql_for_expenses = "select null as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(cost) as expenses from tt_expense_items ei $where"; // Create a combined query. $sql = "select sum(time) as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(expenses) as expenses from (($sql) union all ($sql_for_expenses)) t"; } // Execute query. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); $val = $res->fetchRow(); $total_time = $val['time'] ? sec_to_time_fmt_hm($val['time']) : null; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $total_cost = $val['cost']; if (!$total_cost) $total_cost = '0.00'; if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $total_cost = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_cost); $total_expenses = $val['expenses']; if (!$total_expenses) $total_expenses = '0.00'; if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $total_expenses = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_expenses); } if ($bean->getAttribute('period')) $period = new Period($bean->getAttribute('period'), new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('start_date')), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $bean->getAttribute('end_date'))); } $totals['start_date'] = $period->getStartDate(); $totals['end_date'] = $period->getEndDate(); $totals['time'] = $total_time; $totals['cost'] = $total_cost; $totals['expenses'] = $total_expenses; return $totals; } // getFavTotals calculates total hours and cost for all favorite report items. static function getFavTotals($report) { global $user; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $where = ttReportHelper::getFavWhere($report); // Start with a query for time items. if ($report['show_cost']) { if (MODE_TIME == $user->tracking_mode) { $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(u.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l left join tt_users u on (l.user_id = $where"; } else { $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, sum(cast(l.billable * coalesce(upb.rate, 0) * time_to_sec(l.duration)/3600 as decimal(10,2))) as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l left join tt_user_project_binds upb on (l.user_id = upb.user_id and l.project_id = upb.project_id) $where"; } } else $sql = "select sum(time_to_sec(l.duration)) as time, null as cost, null as expenses from tt_log l $where"; // If we have expenses, query becomes a bit more complex. if ($report['show_cost'] && $user->isPluginEnabled('ex')) { $where = ttReportHelper::getFavExpenseWhere($report); $sql_for_expenses = "select null as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(cost) as expenses from tt_expense_items ei $where"; // Create a combined query. $sql = "select sum(time) as time, sum(cost) as cost, sum(expenses) as expenses from (($sql) union all ($sql_for_expenses)) t"; } // Execute query. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) die($res->getMessage()); $val = $res->fetchRow(); $total_time = $val['time'] ? sec_to_time_fmt_hm($val['time']) : null; if ($report['show_cost']) { $total_cost = $val['cost']; if (!$total_cost) $total_cost = '0.00'; if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $total_cost = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_cost); $total_expenses = $val['expenses']; if (!$total_expenses) $total_expenses = '0.00'; if ('.' != $user->decimal_mark) $total_expenses = str_replace('.', $user->decimal_mark, $total_expenses); } if ($report['period']) $period = new Period($report['period'], new DateAndTime($user->date_format)); else { $period = new Period(); $period->setPeriod( new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_start']), new DateAndTime($user->date_format, $report['period_end'])); } $totals['start_date'] = $period->getStartDate(); $totals['end_date'] = $period->getEndDate(); $totals['time'] = $total_time; $totals['cost'] = $total_cost; $totals['expenses'] = $total_expenses; return $totals; } // The assignToInvoice assigns a set of records to a specific invoice. static function assignToInvoice($invoice_id, $time_log_ids, $expense_item_ids) { $mdb2 = getConnection(); if ($time_log_ids) { $sql = "update tt_log set invoice_id = ".$mdb2->quote($invoice_id). " where id in(".join(', ', $time_log_ids).")"; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) die($affected->getMessage()); } if ($expense_item_ids) { $sql = "update tt_expense_items set invoice_id = ".$mdb2->quote($invoice_id). " where id in(".join(', ', $expense_item_ids).")"; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) die($affected->getMessage()); } } // prepareReportBody - prepares an email body for report. static function prepareReportBody($bean, $comment) { global $user; global $i18n; $items = ttReportHelper::getItems($bean); $group_by = $bean->getAttribute('group_by'); if ($group_by && 'no_grouping' != $group_by) $subtotals = ttReportHelper::getSubtotals($bean); $totals = ttReportHelper::getTotals($bean); // Use custom fields plugin if it is enabled. if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); // Define some styles to use in email. $style_title = 'text-align: center; font-size: 15pt; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'; $tableHeader = 'font-weight: bold; background-color: #a6ccf7; text-align: left;'; $tableHeaderCentered = 'font-weight: bold; background-color: #a6ccf7; text-align: center;'; $rowItem = 'background-color: #ffffff;'; $rowItemAlt = 'background-color: #f5f5f5;'; $rowSubtotal = 'background-color: #e0e0e0;'; $cellLeftAligned = 'text-align: left; vertical-align: top;'; $cellRightAligned = 'text-align: right; vertical-align: top;'; $cellLeftAlignedSubtotal = 'font-weight: bold; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;'; $cellRightAlignedSubtotal = 'font-weight: bold; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;'; // Start creating email body. $body = ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; // Output title. $body .= '

'.$i18n->getKey('form.mail.report_subject').': '.$totals['start_date'].' - '.$totals['end_date'].'

'; // Output comment. if ($comment) $body .= '


'; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtotalsonly')) { // Totals only report. Output subtotals. // Determine group_by header. if ('cf_1' == $group_by) $group_by_header = htmlspecialchars($custom_fields->fields[0]['label']); else { $key = 'label.'.$group_by; $group_by_header = $i18n->getKey($key); } $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; foreach($subtotals as $subtotal) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $body .= ''; } $body .= ''; } // Print totals. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $body .= ''; } $body .= ''; $body .= '
'.($subtotal['name'] ? htmlspecialchars($subtotal['name']) : ' ').''; if ($subtotal['time'] <> '0:00') $body .= $subtotal['time']; $body .= ''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotal['cost'] : $subtotal['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('').''; if ($totals['time'] <> '0:00') $body .= $totals['time']; $body .= ''.htmlspecialchars($user->currency).' '; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $totals['cost'] : $totals['expenses']; $body .= '
'; } else { // Regular report. // Print table header. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; // Initialize variables to print subtotals. if ($items && 'no_grouping' != $group_by) { $print_subtotals = true; $first_pass = true; $prev_grouped_by = ''; $cur_grouped_by = ''; } // Initialize variables to alternate color of rows for different dates. $prev_date = ''; $cur_date = ''; $row_style = $rowItem; // Print report items. if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $record) { $cur_date = $record['date']; // Print a subtotal row after a block of grouped items. if ($print_subtotals) { $cur_grouped_by = $record['grouped_by']; if ($cur_grouped_by != $prev_grouped_by && !$first_pass) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $subtotal_name = htmlspecialchars($subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['name']); if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; } $first_pass = false; } // Print a regular row. if ($cur_date != $prev_date) $row_style = ($row_style == $rowItem) ? $rowItemAlt : $rowItem; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $prev_date = $record['date']; if ($print_subtotals) $prev_grouped_by = $record['grouped_by']; } } // Print a terminating subtotal. if ($print_subtotals) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $subtotal_name = htmlspecialchars($subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['name']); if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; } // Print totals. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chclient')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chproject')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chtask')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcf_1')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chstart')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chfinish')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chduration')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chnote')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chcost')) { $body .= ''; } if ($bean->getAttribute('chpaid')) $body .= ''; if ($bean->getAttribute('chinvoice')) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('label.subtotal').''.($group_by == 'user' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'client' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'project' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'task' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'cf_1' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.$subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['time'].''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['cost'] : $subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$record['date'].''.htmlspecialchars($record['user']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['client']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['project']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['task']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['cf_1']).''.$record['start'].''.$record['finish'].''.$record['duration'].''.htmlspecialchars($record['note']).''.$record['cost'].''; $body .= $record['paid'] == 1 ? $i18n->getKey('label.yes') : $i18n->getKey(''); $body .= ''.htmlspecialchars($record['invoice']).'
'.$i18n->getKey('label.subtotal').''.($group_by == 'user' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'client' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'project' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'task' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'cf_1' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.$subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['time'].''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['cost'] : $subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('').''.$totals['time'].''.htmlspecialchars($user->currency).' '; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $totals['cost'] : $totals['expenses']; $body .= '
'; } // Output footer. if (!defined('REPORT_FOOTER') || !(REPORT_FOOTER == false)) $body .= '


'; // Finish creating email body. $body .= ''; return $body; } // checkFavReportCondition - checks whether it is okay to send fav report. static function checkFavReportCondition($report, $condition) { $items = ttReportHelper::getFavItems($report); $condition = str_replace('count', '', $condition); $count_required = intval(trim(str_replace('>', '', $condition))); if (count($items) > $count_required) return true; // Condition ok. return false; } // prepareFavReportBody - prepares an email body for a favorite report. static function prepareFavReportBody($report) { global $user; global $i18n; $items = ttReportHelper::getFavItems($report); $group_by = $report['group_by']; if ($group_by && 'no_grouping' != $group_by) $subtotals = ttReportHelper::getFavSubtotals($report); $totals = ttReportHelper::getFavTotals($report); // Use custom fields plugin if it is enabled. if ($user->isPluginEnabled('cf')) $custom_fields = new CustomFields($user->team_id); // Define some styles to use in email. $style_title = 'text-align: center; font-size: 15pt; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'; $tableHeader = 'font-weight: bold; background-color: #a6ccf7; text-align: left;'; $tableHeaderCentered = 'font-weight: bold; background-color: #a6ccf7; text-align: center;'; $rowItem = 'background-color: #ffffff;'; $rowItemAlt = 'background-color: #f5f5f5;'; $rowSubtotal = 'background-color: #e0e0e0;'; $cellLeftAligned = 'text-align: left; vertical-align: top;'; $cellRightAligned = 'text-align: right; vertical-align: top;'; $cellLeftAlignedSubtotal = 'font-weight: bold; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;'; $cellRightAlignedSubtotal = 'font-weight: bold; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;'; // Start creating email body. $body = ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; // Output title. $body .= '

'.$i18n->getKey('form.mail.report_subject').': '.$totals['start_date'].' - '.$totals['end_date'].'

'; // Output comment. // if ($comment) $body .= '


'; // No comment for fav. reports. if ($report['show_totals_only']) { // Totals only report. Output subtotals. // Determine group_by header. if ('cf_1' == $group_by) $group_by_header = htmlspecialchars($custom_fields->fields[0]['label']); else { $key = 'label.'.$group_by; $group_by_header = $i18n->getKey($key); } $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; foreach($subtotals as $subtotal) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_cost']) { $body .= ''; } $body .= ''; } // Print totals. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_cost']) { $body .= ''; } $body .= ''; $body .= '
'.($subtotal['name'] ? htmlspecialchars($subtotal['name']) : ' ').''; if ($subtotal['time'] <> '0:00') $body .= $subtotal['time']; $body .= ''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotal['cost'] : $subtotal['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('').''; if ($totals['time'] <> '0:00') $body .= $totals['time']; $body .= ''.htmlspecialchars($user->currency).' '; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $totals['cost'] : $totals['expenses']; $body .= '
'; } else { // Regular report. // Print table header. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_client']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_project']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_task']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_custom_field_1']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_start']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_end']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_note']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_paid']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_invoice']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; // Initialize variables to print subtotals. if ($items && 'no_grouping' != $group_by) { $print_subtotals = true; $first_pass = true; $prev_grouped_by = ''; $cur_grouped_by = ''; } // Initialize variables to alternate color of rows for different dates. $prev_date = ''; $cur_date = ''; $row_style = $rowItem; // Print report items. if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $record) { $cur_date = $record['date']; // Print a subtotal row after a block of grouped items. if ($print_subtotals) { $cur_grouped_by = $record['grouped_by']; if ($cur_grouped_by != $prev_grouped_by && !$first_pass) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $subtotal_name = htmlspecialchars($subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['name']); if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_client']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_project']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_task']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_custom_field_1']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_start']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_end']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_note']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_paid']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_invoice']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; } $first_pass = false; } // Print a regular row. if ($cur_date != $prev_date) $row_style = ($row_style == $rowItem) ? $rowItemAlt : $rowItem; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_client']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_project']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_task']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_custom_field_1']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_start']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_end']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_note']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_paid']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_invoice']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $prev_date = $record['date']; if ($print_subtotals) $prev_grouped_by = $record['grouped_by']; } } // Print a terminating subtotal. if ($print_subtotals) { $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $subtotal_name = htmlspecialchars($subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['name']); if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_client']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_project']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_task']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_custom_field_1']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_start']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_end']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_note']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_paid']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_invoice']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; } // Print totals. $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= ''; if ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_client']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_project']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_task']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_custom_field_1']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_start']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_end']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_duration']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_note']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_cost']) { $body .= ''; } if ($report['show_paid']) $body .= ''; if ($report['show_invoice']) $body .= ''; $body .= ''; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('label.subtotal').''.($group_by == 'user' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'client' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'project' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'task' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'cf_1' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.$subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['time'].''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['cost'] : $subtotals[$prev_grouped_by]['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$record['date'].''.htmlspecialchars($record['user']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['client']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['project']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['task']).''.htmlspecialchars($record['cf_1']).''.$record['start'].''.$record['finish'].''.$record['duration'].''.htmlspecialchars($record['note']).''.$record['cost'].''; $body .= $record['paid'] == 1 ? $i18n->getKey('label.yes') : $i18n->getKey(''); $body .= ''.htmlspecialchars($record['invoice']).'
'.$i18n->getKey('label.subtotal').''.($group_by == 'user' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'client' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'project' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'task' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.($group_by == 'cf_1' ? $subtotal_name : '').''.$subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['time'].''; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['cost'] : $subtotals[$cur_grouped_by]['expenses']; $body .= '
'.$i18n->getKey('').''.$totals['time'].''.htmlspecialchars($user->currency).' '; $body .= ($user->canManageTeam() || $user->isClient()) ? $totals['cost'] : $totals['expenses']; $body .= '
'; } // Output footer. if (!defined('REPORT_FOOTER') || !(REPORT_FOOTER == false)) $body .= '


'; // Finish creating email body. $body .= ''; return $body; } // sendFavReport - sends a favorite report to a specified email, called from cron.php static function sendFavReport($report, $subject, $email, $cc) { // We are called from cron.php, we have no $bean in session. // cron.php sets global $user and $i18n objects to match our favorite report user. global $user; global $i18n; // Prepare report body. $body = ttReportHelper::prepareFavReportBody($report); import('mail.Mailer'); $mailer = new Mailer(); $mailer->setCharSet(CHARSET); $mailer->setContentType('text/html'); $mailer->setSender(SENDER); if (!empty($cc)) $mailer->setReceiverCC($cc); if (!empty($user->bcc_email)) $mailer->setReceiverBCC($user->bcc_email); $mailer->setReceiver($email); $mailer->setMailMode(MAIL_MODE); if (empty($subject)) $subject = $report['name']; if (!$mailer->send($subject, $body)) return false; return true; } }