quote($login); $sql .= " AND u.status = 1"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { return; } $val = $res->fetchRow(); if ($val['id'] > 0) { $this->login = $val['login']; $this->name = $val['name']; $this->id = $val['id']; $this->group_id = $val['group_id']; $this->role_id = $val['role_id']; $this->role_name = $val['role_name']; $this->rights = explode(',', $val['rights']); $this->is_client = !in_array('track_own_time', $this->rights); $this->rank = $val['rank']; $this->client_id = $val['client_id']; $this->email = $val['email']; $this->lang = $val['lang']; $this->decimal_mark = $val['decimal_mark']; $this->date_format = $val['date_format']; $this->time_format = $val['time_format']; $this->week_start = $val['week_start']; $this->tracking_mode = $val['tracking_mode']; $this->project_required = $val['project_required']; $this->task_required = $val['task_required']; $this->record_type = $val['record_type']; $this->bcc_email = $val['bcc_email']; $this->allow_ip = $val['allow_ip']; $this->password_complexity = $val['password_complexity']; $this->group = $val['group_name']; $this->currency = $val['currency']; $this->plugins = $val['plugins']; $this->lock_spec = $val['lock_spec']; $this->workday_minutes = $val['workday_minutes']; $this->custom_logo = $val['custom_logo']; $this->config = $val['config']; $config_array = explode(',', $this->config); // Set user config options. $this->show_holidays = in_array('show_holidays', $config_array); $this->punch_mode = in_array('punch_mode', $config_array); $this->allow_overlap = in_array('allow_overlap', $config_array); $this->future_entries = in_array('future_entries', $config_array); $this->uncompleted_indicators = in_array('uncompleted_indicators', $config_array); // Set "on behalf" id and name. if (isset($_SESSION['behalf_id'])) { $this->behalf_id = $_SESSION['behalf_id']; $this->behalf_name = $_SESSION['behalf_name']; } } } // The getActiveUser returns user id on behalf of whom the current user is operating. function getActiveUser() { return ($this->behalf_id ? $this->behalf_id : $this->id); } // can - determines whether user has a right to do something. function can($do_something) { return in_array($do_something, $this->rights); } // isClient - determines whether current user is a client. function isClient() { return $this->is_client; } // isPluginEnabled checks whether a plugin is enabled for user. function isPluginEnabled($plugin) { return in_array($plugin, explode(',', $this->plugins)); } // getAssignedProjects - returns an array of assigned projects. function getAssignedProjects() { $result = array(); $mdb2 = getConnection(); // Do a query with inner join to get assigned projects. $sql = "select p.id, p.name, p.description, p.tasks, upb.rate from tt_projects p inner join tt_user_project_binds upb on (upb.user_id = ".$this->getActiveUser()." and upb.project_id = p.id and upb.status = 1) where p.group_id = $this->group_id and p.status = 1 order by p.name"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } } return $result; } // getAssignedTasks - returns an array of assigned tasks. function getAssignedTasks() { // Start with projects; $projects = $this->getAssignedProjects(); if (!$projects) return false; // Build an array of task ids. $task_ids = array(); foreach($projects as $project) { $one_project_tasks = $project['tasks'] ? explode(',', $project['tasks']) : array(); $task_ids = array_unique(array_merge($task_ids, $one_project_tasks)); } if (!$task_ids) return false; // Get task descriptions. $result = array(); $mdb2 = getConnection(); $tasks = implode(',', $task_ids); // This is a comma-separated list of task ids. $sql = "select id, name, description from tt_tasks". " where group_id = $this->group_id and status = 1 and id in ($tasks) order by name"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[] = $val; } } return $result; } // getAssignedClients - returns an array of clients assigned to own projects. function getAssignedClients() { // Start with projects; $projects = $this->getAssignedProjects(); if (!$projects) return false; $assigned_project_ids = array(); foreach($projects as $project) { $assigned_project_ids[] = $project['id']; } $mdb2 = getConnection(); // Get active clients for group. $clients = array(); $sql = "select id, name, address, projects from tt_clients where group_id = $this->group_id and status = 1"; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $client_project_ids = $val['projects'] ? explode(',', $val['projects']) : array(); if (array_intersect($assigned_project_ids, $client_project_ids)) $clients[] = $val; // Add client if one of user projects is a client project, too. } } return $clients; } // isDateLocked checks whether a specifc date is locked for modifications. function isDateLocked($date) { if (!$this->isPluginEnabled('lk')) return false; // Locking feature is disabled. if (!$this->lock_spec) return false; // There is no lock specification. if (!$this->behalf_id && $this->can('override_own_date_lock')) return false; // User is working as self and can override own date lock. if ($this->behalf_id && $this->can('override_date_lock')) return false; // User is working on behalf of someone else and can override date lock. require_once(LIBRARY_DIR.'/tdcron/class.tdcron.php'); require_once(LIBRARY_DIR.'/tdcron/class.tdcron.entry.php'); // Calculate the last occurrence of a lock. $last = tdCron::getLastOccurrence($this->lock_spec, time()); $lockdate = new DateAndTime(DB_DATEFORMAT, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $last)); if ($date->before($lockdate)) return true; return false; } // canOverridePunchMode checks whether a user can override punch mode in a situation. function canOverridePunchMode() { if (!$this->behalf_id && !$this->can('override_own_punch_mode')) return false; // User is working as self and cannot override for self. if ($this->behalf_id && !$this->can('override_punch_mode')) return false; // User is working on behalf of someone else and cannot override. return true; } // getUsers obtains users in a group, as specififed by options. function getUsers($options) { $mdb2 = getConnection(); $skipClients = !isset($options['include_clients']); $includeSelf = isset($options['include_self']); $select_part = 'select u.id, u.name'; if (isset($options['include_login'])) $select_part .= ', u.login'; if (!isset($options['include_clients'])) $select_part .= ', r.rights'; if (isset($options['include_role'])) $select_part .= ', r.name as role_name, r.rank'; $from_part = ' from tt_users u'; $left_joins = null; if (isset($options['max_rank']) || $skipClients || isset($options['include_role'])) $left_joins .= ' left join tt_roles r on (u.role_id = r.id)'; $where_part = " where u.group_id = $this->group_id"; if (isset($options['status'])) $where_part .= ' and u.status = '.(int)$options['status']; else $where_part .= ' and u.status is not null'; if ($includeSelf) { $where_part .= " and (u.id = $this->id || r.rank <= ".(int)$options['max_rank'].')'; } else { if (isset($options['max_rank'])) $where_part .= ' and r.rank <= '.(int)$options['max_rank']; } $order_part = " order by upper(u.name)"; $sql = $select_part.$from_part.$left_joins.$where_part.$order_part; $res = $mdb2->query($sql); $user_list = array(); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) return false; while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { if ($skipClients) { $isClient = in_array('track_own_time', explode(',', $val['rights'])) ? 0 : 1; // Clients do not have track_own_time right. if ($isClient) continue; // Skip adding clients. } $user_list[] = $val; } if (isset($options['self_first'])) { // Put own entry at the front. $cnt = count($user_list); for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($user_list[$i]['id'] == $this->id) { $self = $user_list[$i]; // Found self. array_unshift($user_list, $self); // Put own entry at the front. array_splice($user_list, $i+1, 1); // Remove duplicate. } } } return $user_list; } // getUser function is used to manage users in group and returns user details. // At the moment, the function is used for user edits and deletes. function getUser($user_id) { if (!$this->can('manage_users')) return false; $mdb2 = getConnection(); $sql = "select u.id, u.name, u.login, u.role_id, u.client_id, u.status, u.rate, u.email from tt_users u". " left join tt_roles r on (u.role_id = r.id)". " where u.id = $user_id and u.group_id = $this->group_id and u.status is not null". " and (r.rank < $this->rank or (r.rank = $this->rank and u.id = $this->id))"; // Users with lesser roles or self. $res = $mdb2->query($sql); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { $val = $res->fetchRow(); return $val; } return false; } // checkBehalfId checks whether behalf_id is appropriate. // On behalf user must be active and have lower rank. function checkBehalfId() { $options = array('status'=>ACTIVE,'max_rank'=>$this->rank-1); $users = $this->getUsers($options); foreach($users as $one_user) { if ($one_user['id'] == $this->behalf_id) return true; } return false; } // adjustBehalfId attempts to adjust behalf_id and behalf_name to a first found // apropriate user. // // Needed for situations when user does not have do_own_something right. // Example: has view_charts but does not have view_own_charts. // In this case we still allow access to charts, but set behalf_id to someone else. function adjustBehalfId() { $options = array('status'=>ACTIVE,'max_rank'=>$this->rank-1); $users = $this->getUsers($options); foreach($users as $one_user) { // Fake loop to access first element. $this->behalf_id = $one_user['id']; $this->behalf_name = $one_user['name']; $_SESSION['behalf_id'] = $this->behalf_id; $_SESSION['behalf_name'] = $this->behalf_name; return true; } return false; } // updateGroup updates group information with new data. function updateGroup($fields) { if (!($this->can('manage_basic_settings') || $this->can('manage_advanced_settings') || $this->can('manage_features'))) return false; $mdb2 = getConnection(); if (isset($fields['name'])) $name_part = ', name = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['name']); if (isset($fields['currency'])) $currency_part = ', currency = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['currency']); if (isset($fields['lang'])) $lang_part = ', lang = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['lang']); if (isset($fields['decimal_mark'])) $decimal_mark_part = ', decimal_mark = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['decimal_mark']); if (isset($fields['date_format'])) $date_format_part = ', date_format = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['date_format']); if (isset($fields['time_format'])) $time_format_part = ', time_format = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['time_format']); if (isset($fields['week_start'])) $week_start_part = ', week_start = '.(int) $fields['week_start']; if (isset($fields['tracking_mode'])) { $tracking_mode_part = ', tracking_mode = '.(int) $fields['tracking_mode']; $project_required_part = ' , project_required = '.(int) $fields['project_required']; $task_required_part = ' , task_required = '.(int) $fields['task_required']; } if (isset($fields['record_type'])) $record_type_part = ', record_type = '.(int) $fields['record_type']; if (isset($fields['bcc_email'])) $bcc_email_part = ', bcc_email = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['bcc_email']); if (isset($fields['allow_ip'])) $allow_ip_part = ', allow_ip = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['allow_ip']); if (isset($fields['plugins'])) $plugins_part = ', plugins = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['plugins']); if (isset($fields['config'])) $config_part = ', config = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['config']); if (isset($fields['lock_spec'])) $lock_spec_part = ', lock_spec = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['lock_spec']); if (isset($fields['workday_minutes'])) $workday_minutes_part = ', workday_minutes = '.$mdb2->quote($fields['workday_minutes']); $modified_part = ', modified = now(), modified_ip = '.$mdb2->quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).', modified_by = '.$mdb2->quote($this->id); $parts = trim($name_part.$currency_part.$lang_part.$decimal_mark_part.$date_format_part. $time_format_part.$week_start_part.$tracking_mode_part.$task_required_part.$project_required_part.$record_type_part. $bcc_email_part.$allow_ip_part.$plugins_part.$config_part.$lock_spec_part.$workday_minutes_part.$modified_part, ','); $sql = "update tt_groups set $parts where id = $this->group_id"; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) return false; return true; } // markUserDeleted marks a user in group as deleted. function markUserDeleted($user_id) { if (!$this->can('manage_users') || $this->id == $user_id) return false; // Make sure we operate on a legit user. $user_details = $this->getUser($user_id); if (!$user_details) return false; $mdb2 = getConnection(); // Mark user to project binds as deleted. $sql = "update tt_user_project_binds set status = NULL where user_id = $user_id"; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) return false; // Mark user favorite reports as deleted. $sql = "update tt_fav_reports set status = NULL where user_id = $user_id"; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) return false; // Mark user as deleted. $sql = "update tt_users set status = NULL where id = $user_id and group_id = ".$this->group_id; $affected = $mdb2->exec($sql); if (is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')) return false; return true; } // enablePlugin either enables or disables a specific plugin for group. function enablePlugin($plugin, $enable = true) { if (!$this->can('manage_advanced_settings')) return false; // Note: enablePlugin is currently only used on week_view.php. // So, it's not really a plugin we are enabling, but rather week view display options. // Therefore, a check for manage_advanced_settings, not manage_features. $plugin_array = explode(',', $this->plugins); if ($enable && !in_array($plugin, $plugin_array)) $plugin_array[] = $plugin; // Add plugin to array. if (!$enable && in_array($plugin, $plugin_array)) { $key = array_search($plugin, $plugin_array); if ($key !== false) unset($plugin_array[$key]); // Remove plugin from array. } $plugins = implode(',', $plugin_array); if ($plugins != $this->plugins) { if (!$this->updateGroup(array('plugins' => $plugins))) return false; $this->plugins = $plugins; } return true; } }