user_id = $user->id; // Not behalf id by design. $this->group_id = $user->group_id; $this->org_id = $user->org_id; $this->mdb2 = getConnection(); } // The getValue retrieves a value identified by name. function getValue($name) { $res = $this->mdb2->query("select param_value from tt_config". " where user_id = $this->user_id and group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $this->org_id". " and param_name=".$this->mdb2->quote($name)); if (!is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { $val = $res->fetchRow(); return $val['param_value']; } return false; } // The setValue sets a value identified by name. function setValue($name, $value) { $count = 0; $res = $this->mdb2->query("select count(*) as count from tt_config where user_id = ".$this->user_id." and param_name = ".$this->mdb2->quote($name)); if ($val = $res->fetchRow()) $count = $val['count']; if ($count > 0) { $affected = $this->mdb2->exec("update tt_config set param_value = ".$this->mdb2->quote($value). " where user_id = $this->user_id and group_id = $this->group_id and org_id = $this->org_id". " and param_name=".$this->mdb2->quote($name)); } else { $sql = "insert into tt_config set param_value = ".$this->mdb2->quote($value). ", param_name = ".$this->mdb2->quote($name).", user_id = $this->user_id, group_id = $this->group_id, org_id = ".$this->org_id; $affected = $this->mdb2->exec($sql); } return (!is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')); } }