'Iniciar sessió', 'menu.logout' => 'Finalitzar sessió', // TODO: translate the following: // 'menu.forum' => 'Forum', 'menu.help' => 'Ajuda', // Note to translators: menu.create_team needs to be translated more accurately. 'menu.create_team' => 'Crear un nou compte de manejador', 'menu.profile' => 'Perfil', // 'menu.time' => 'Time', 'menu.time' => 'El meu temps', // TODO: menu.time is no longer "My time", just "Time". // TODO: translate the following: // 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses', 'menu.reports' => 'Informes', // TODO: translate the following: // 'menu.charts' => 'Charts', 'menu.projects' => 'Projectes', // TODO: translate the following: // 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'menu.users' => 'Users', 'menu.teams' => 'Equips', // TODO: translate the following: // 'menu.export' => 'Export', // 'menu.clients' => 'Clients', // 'menu.options' => 'Options', // Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages. // TODO: translate the following: // 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.', // 'footer.credits' => 'Credits', // 'footer.license' => 'License', // 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language. // This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project. // Error messages. // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.', // 'error.sys' => 'System error.', 'error.db' => 'Error de la Base de Dades.', 'error.field' => 'Dada "{0}" incorrecta.', 'error.empty' => 'L\\\'Arxiu "{0}" està buit.', 'error.not_equal' => 'L\\\'Arxiu "{0}" no és igual al arxiu "{1}".', 'error.interval' => 'Interval incorrecte', // TODO: English string changed to 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".', re-translate. 'error.project' => 'Selleccionar Projecte', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.task' => 'Select task.', // 'error.client' => 'Select client.', // 'error.report' => 'Select report.' // Refactoring needs to be done down from here to sync with English file. 'error.auth' => 'Usuari o parula de pas incorrecta', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // 'error.user_exists' => 'user with this login already exists', 'error.project_exists' => 'Ja existeix un projecte amb aquest nom', 'error.activity_exists' => 'Ja existeix una activitat amb aquest nom', // TODO: translate error.client_exists. // 'error.client_exists' => 'client with this name already exists', // Note to translators: error.no_login needs to be properly translated (e-mail replaced with login). // 'error.no_login' => 'No existeix cap usuari amb aquest e-mail', 'error.upload' => 'Error pujant l\\\'arxiu', // Note to translators: the 5 strings below are missing from the translation and must be added. // 'error.period_locked' => 'can\\\'t complete the operation. records older than a certain number of days cannot be created or modified. team manager defines this in the "Lock interval in days" value on the "Profile" page. set it to 0 to remove locking.

uncompleted records (with 0 or empty duration) can be deleted.', // 'error.mail_send' => 'error sending mail', // 'error.no_email' => 'no email associated with this login', // 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'uncompleted entry already exists. close or delete it.', // 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'go to uncompleted entry.', // labels for various buttons 'button.login' => 'Iniciar sessió', 'button.now' => 'Ara', // 'button.set' => 'Establir', 'button.save' => 'Guardar', 'button.delete' => 'Eliminar', 'button.cancel' => 'Cancel·lar', 'button.submit' => 'Enviar', 'button.add_user' => 'Agregar usuari ', 'button.add_project' => 'Agregar projecte', 'button.add_activity' => 'Agregar activitat', 'button.add_client' => 'Agregar client', 'button.add' => 'Agregar', 'button.generate' => 'Generar', // Note to translators: button.reset_password needs an improved translation. 'button.reset_password' => 'Anar', 'button.send' => 'Enviar', 'button.send_by_email' => 'Enviar per correu', 'button.save_as_new' => 'Guardar com a nou', 'button.create_team' => 'Crear grup', 'button.export' => 'Exportar grup', 'button.import' => 'Importar grup', 'button.apply' => 'Aplicar', // labels for controls on various forms // TODO: translate label.team_name. // 'label.team_name' => 'team name', 'label.currency' => 'Moneda', // TODO: translate these 2 strings below. // 'label.manager_name' => 'manager name', // 'label.manager_login' => 'manager login', 'label.name' => 'Nom', 'label.password' => 'Paraula de pas', 'label.confirm_password' => 'Confirmar paraula de pas', 'label.email' => 'e-mail', // Translate the following string. // 'label.page' => 'Page', "form.filter.project" => 'Projecte', "form.filter.filter" => 'Report favorit', "form.filter.filter_new" => 'Guardar com a favorit', // login form attributes "form.login.title" => 'Sessió iniciada', "form.login.login" => 'e-mail', // password reminder form attributes "form.fpass.title" => 'Restablir paraula de pas', "form.fpass.login" => 'e-mail', "form.fpass.send_pass_str" => 's\\\'ha enviat la petició de restablir paraula de pas', "form.fpass.send_pass_subj" => 'Sol·licitud de restabliment de la paraula de pas de Anuko Time Tracker', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // "form.fpass.send_pass_body" => "Dear User,\n\nSomeone, possibly you, requested your Anuko Time Tracker password reset. Please visit this link if you want to reset your password.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n", "form.fpass.reset_comment" => "Per restablir la paraula de pas, si us plau escrigui-la i faci clic en guardar", // administrator form "form.admin.title" => 'Administrador', "form.admin.duty_text" => 'Crear un nou grup, creant un nou compte del manejador de l\\\'equip.
També pot importar dades de grups, d\\\'un arxiu xml d\\\'un altre servidor Anuko Time Tracker.(No està permès col·lisions de e-mail).', "form.admin.change_pass" => 'Canviar la paraula de pas de l\\\'administrador de compte', "form.admin.profile.title" => 'Grups', "form.admin.profile.noprofiles" => 'La seva base de dades està buida. Iniciï sessió com a administrador i creï un nou grup.', "form.admin.profile.comment" => 'Eliminar grup', "form.admin.profile.th.id" => 'Identificació', "form.admin.profile.th.name" => 'Nom', "form.admin.profile.th.edit" => 'Modificar', "form.admin.profile.th.del" => 'Eliminar', "form.admin.profile.th.active" => 'Actiu', "form.admin.lock.period" => 'interval de tancament en dies', // my time form attributes "form.mytime.title" => 'El meu temps', "form.mytime.edit_title" => 'Modificant l\\\'historial de temps', "form.mytime.del_str" => 'Eliminant l\\\'historial de temps', "form.mytime.time_form" => ' (hh:mm)', "form.mytime.date" => 'Data', "form.mytime.project" => 'Projecte', "form.mytime.activity" => 'Activitat', "form.mytime.start" => 'Inici', "form.mytime.finish" => 'Fi', "form.mytime.duration" => 'Durada', "form.mytime.note" => 'Nota', "form.mytime.behalf" => 'Treball del dia per a', "form.mytime.daily" => 'Treball diari', "form.mytime.total" => 'Hores totals: ', "form.mytime.th.project" => 'Projecte', "form.mytime.th.activity" => 'Activitat', "form.mytime.th.start" => 'Inici', "form.mytime.th.finish" => 'Fi', "form.mytime.th.duration" => 'Durada', "form.mytime.th.note" => 'Nota', "form.mytime.th.edit" => 'Modificar', "form.mytime.th.delete" => 'Eliminar', "form.mytime.del_yes" => 'L\\\'historial de temps s\\\'ha eliminat amb èxit', "form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => 'Aquest historial s\\\'ha guardat únicament amb l\\\'hora d\\\'inici. Aixó no és un error. Finalitzi sessió si ho necessita.', "form.mytime.billable" => 'facturable', // profile form attributes // Note to translators: we need a more accurate translation of form.profile.create_title "form.profile.create_title" => 'Crear un nou compte de manejador', "form.profile.edit_title" => 'Modificant perfil', "form.profile.name" => 'Nom', // Note to translators: a few strings in this section a missing. Please check against the English file. // people form attributes "form.people.ppl_str" => 'Persones', "form.people.createu_str" => 'Creant nou usuari', "form.people.edit_str" => 'Modificant usuari', "form.people.del_str" => 'Eliminant usuari', "form.people.th.name" => 'Nom', "form.people.th.email" => 'e-mail', "form.people.th.role" => 'Rol', "form.people.th.edit" => 'Modificar', "form.people.th.del" => 'Eliminar', "form.people.th.status" => 'Estat', "form.people.th.project" => 'Projecte', "form.people.th.rate" => 'Taxa', "form.people.manager" => 'Manejador', "form.people.comanager" => 'Auxiliar del manejador', "form.people.empl" => 'Usuari', "form.people.name" => 'Nom', "form.people.rate" => 'Taxa per defecte en hores', "form.people.comanager" => 'Auxiliar del manejador', "form.people.projects" => 'Projectes', // projects form attributes "form.project.proj_title" => 'Projectes', "form.project.edit_str" => 'Modificant projecte', "form.project.add_str" => 'Agregant nou projecte', "form.project.del_str" => 'Eliminant projecte', "form.project.th.name" => 'Nom', "form.project.th.edit" => 'Modificar', "form.project.th.del" => 'Eliminar', "form.project.name" => 'Nom', // activities form attributes "form.activity.act_title" => 'Activitats', "form.activity.add_title" => 'Agregant nova activitat', "form.activity.edit_str" => 'Modificant activitat', "form.activity.del_str" => 'Eliminant activitat', "form.activity.name" => 'Nom', "form.activity.project" => 'Projecte', "form.activity.th.name" => 'Nom', "form.activity.th.project" => 'Projecte', "form.activity.th.edit" => 'Editar', "form.activity.th.del" => 'Eliminar', // report attributes "form.report.title" => 'Reports', "form.report.from" => 'Data d\\\'inici', "form.report.to" => 'Data de fi', "form.report.groupby_user" => 'Usuari', "form.report.groupby_project" => 'Projecte', "form.report.groupby_activity" => 'Activitat', "form.report.duration" => 'Durada', "form.report.start" => 'Inici', "form.report.activity" => 'Activitat', "form.report.show_idle" => 'Mostrar ausent', "form.report.finish" => 'Fi', "form.report.note" => 'Nota', "form.report.project" => 'Projecte', "form.report.totals_only" => 'Només totals', "form.report.total" => 'Hores Totals', "form.report.th.empllist" => 'Usuari', "form.report.th.date" => 'Data', "form.report.th.project" => 'Projecte', "form.report.th.activity" => 'Activitat', "form.report.th.start" => 'Inici', "form.report.th.finish" => 'Fi', "form.report.th.duration" => 'Durada', "form.report.th.note" => 'Nota', // charts form attributes // Note to translators: form.charts.title needs to be translated. // 'form.charts.title' => 'charts', // mail form attributes "form.mail.from" => 'De', "form.mail.to" => 'Per a', "form.mail.cc" => 'cc', "form.mail.subject" => 'Assumpte', "form.mail.comment" => 'Comentari', "form.mail.above" => 'Enviar aquest report por e-mail', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.', "form.mail.sending_str" => 'Missatge enviat', // invoice attributes "form.invoice.title" => 'Factura', "form.invoice.caption" => 'Factura', "form.invoice.above" => 'Informació addicional per factura', "form.invoice.select_cust" => 'Seleccioni el client', "form.invoice.fillform" => 'Empleni els camps', "form.invoice.date" => 'Data', "form.invoice.number" => 'Número de factura', "form.invoice.tax" => 'Impost', "form.invoice.daily_subtotals" => 'Subtotals diaris', "form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'El seu nom
i direcció', "form.invoice.custcoo" => 'Nom del client
i direcció', "form.invoice.comment" => 'Comentari ', "form.invoice.th.username" => 'Persona', "form.invoice.th.time" => 'Hores', "form.invoice.th.rate" => 'Taxa', "form.invoice.th.summ" => 'Quantitat', "form.invoice.subtotal" => 'Subtotal', "form.invoice.customer" => 'Client', "form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'Enviar aquesta factura per e-mail', "form.invoice.sending_str" => 'Factura enviada', "form.migration.zip" => 'Comprimir', "form.migration.file" => 'Sel·leccioni l\\\'arxiu', "form.migration.import.title" => 'Importar dades', "form.migration.import.success" => 'Importació finalitzada amb èxit', "form.migration.import.text" => 'Importar dades del grup des d\\\'un arxiu xml', "form.migration.export.title" => 'Exportar dades', "form.migration.export.success" => 'Exportació finalitzada amb èxit', "form.migration.export.text" => 'Vosté pot exportar totes les dades del grup dins d\\\'un archivo xml. Això pot ser útil si necessita migrar dades al seu propi servidor.', "form.client.title" => 'Clients', "form.client.add_title" => 'Agregar client', "form.client.edit_title" => 'Modificar client', "form.client.del_title" => 'Eliminar client', "form.client.th.name" => 'Nom', "form.client.th.edit" => 'Modificar', "form.client.th.del" => 'Eliminar', "form.client.name" => 'Nom', "form.client.tax" => 'Impost', "form.client.daily_subtotals" => 'Subtotals diaris', "form.client.yourcoo" => 'El seu nou
i direcció a la factura', "form.client.custcoo" => 'Direcció', "form.client.comment" => 'Comentari ', // miscellaneous strings "forward.forgot_password" => '¿Ha oblidat la seva paraula de pas?', "forward.edit" => 'Modificar', "forward.delete" => 'Eliminar', "forward.tocsvfile" => 'Exportar dades a un arxiu .csv', "forward.geninvoice" => 'Generar factura', "forward.change" => 'Configurar clients', // strings inside contols on forms "controls.select.project" => '--- Sel·leccionar projecte ---', "controls.select.activity" => '--- Sel·leccionar activitat ---', "controls.select.client" => '--- Sel·leccionar client ---', "controls.project_bind" => '--- Tots ---', "controls.all" => '--- Tots ---', "controls.notbind" => '--- No ---', "controls.per_tm" => 'Aquest mes', "controls.per_lm" => 'El mes passat', "controls.per_tw" => 'Aquestat setmana', "controls.per_lw" => 'La setmana passada', "controls.per_td" => 'Aquest dia', "controls.per_lw" => 'La setmana passada', "controls.sel_period" => '--- Seleccionar període de temps ---', "controls.sel_groupby" => '--- No agrupar ---', "controls.inc_billable" => 'facturable', "controls.inc_nbillable" => 'no facturable', // labels "label.chart.title1" => 'activitats per usuari', "label.chart.period" => 'gràfica por període', "label.pinfo" => '%s, %s', "label.pinfo2" => '%s', "label.pbehalf_info" => '%s %s A nom de %s', "label.pminfo" => ' (Manejador)', "label.pcminfo" => ' (Auxiliar del manejador)', "label.painfo" => ' (Administrador)', "label.time_noentry" => 'Sense entrada', "label.today" => 'Data Actual', "label.req_fields" => '* camps requerits', "label.sel_project" => 'Seleccionar projecte', "label.sel_activity" => 'Seleccionar activitat', "label.sel_tp" => 'Seleccionar període de temps', "label.set_tp" => 'o establir dates', "label.fields" => 'Mostrar camps', "label.group_title" => 'Agrupar per', "label.include_title" => 'include records', "label.inv_str" => 'Factura', "label.set_empl" => 'Seleccionar usuaris', "label.sel_all" => 'Seleccionar tots', "label.sel_none" => 'Treure totes las seleccions', "label.or" => 'o', "label.disable" => 'Deshabilitar', "label.enable" => 'Habilitar', "label.filter" => 'Filtrar', "label.timeweek" => 'total setmanal', // Note to translators: strings below are missing from the translation and need to be added. // "label.hrs" => 'hrs', // "label.errors" => 'errors', // "label.ldap_hint" => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.', // "label.calendar_today" => 'today', // "label.calendar_close" => 'close', // login hello text // "login.hello.text" => "Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.", );