'Iniciar sesión', 'menu.logout' => 'Finalizar sesión', 'menu.forum' => 'Foro', 'menu.help' => 'Ayuda', // Note to translators: menu.create_team needs a more accurate translation. 'menu.create_team' => 'Crear una nueva cuenta de manejador', 'menu.profile' => 'Perfil', 'menu.time' => 'Tiempo', // TODO: translate the following string. // 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses', 'menu.reports' => 'Reportes', // Note to translators: menu.charts needs to be translated. // 'menu.charts' => 'Charts', 'menu.projects' => 'Proyectos', // TODO: translate menu.tasks. // 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks', 'menu.users' => 'Personas', 'menu.teams' => 'Equipos', // Note to translators: menu.export needs to be translated. // 'menu.export' => 'Export', 'menu.clients' => 'Clientes', 'menu.options' => 'Opciones', // Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages. // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.' // 'footer.credits' => 'Credits', // 'footer.license' => 'License', // 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language. // This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project. // Error messages. // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.', // 'error.sys' => 'System error.', 'error.db' => 'Error de la Base de Datos.', 'error.field' => 'Dato "{0}" incorrecto.', 'error.empty' => 'El archivo "{0}" esta vacío.', 'error.not_equal' => 'El archivo "{0}" no es igual al archivo "{1}".', // TODO: translate error.interval. // 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".', 'error.project' => 'Seleccionar Proyecto.', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'error.task' => 'Select task.', // 'error.client' => 'Select client.', // 'error.report' => 'Select report.', 'error.auth' => 'Usuario o contraseña incorrecta.', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // 'error.user_exists' => 'User with this login already exists.', 'error.project_exists' => 'Ya existe un proyecto con este nombre.', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.', // 'error.client_exists' => 'Client with this name already exists.', // 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.', // 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.', // Note to translators: this string needs to be properly translated (e-mail replaced with login). // 'error.no_login' => 'No existe ningún usuario con este e-mail.', 'error.no_teams' => 'Su base de datos esta vacía. Inicie sesión como administrador y cree un nuevo grupo.', 'error.upload' => 'Error subiendo el archivo.', // TODO: Translate the following: // 'error.range_locked' => 'Date range is locked.', // 'error.mail_send' => 'Error sending mail.', // 'error.no_email' => 'No email associated with this login.', // 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Uncompleted entry already exists. Close or delete it.', // 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Go to uncompleted entry.', // 'error.overlap' => 'Time interval overlaps with existing records.', // 'error.future_date' => 'Date is in future.', // Labels for buttons. 'button.login' => 'Iniciar sesion', 'button.now' => 'Ahora', 'button.save' => 'Guardar', // TODO: translate the following string. // 'button.copy' => 'Copy', 'button.cancel' => 'Cancelar', 'button.submit' => 'Enviar', 'button.add_user' => 'Agregar usuario ', 'button.add_project' => 'Agregar proyecto', // TODO: translate button.add_task // 'button.add_task' => 'Add task', 'button.add_client' => 'Agregar cliente', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'button.add_invoice' => 'Add invoice', // 'button.add_option' => 'Add option', 'button.add' => 'Agregar', 'button.generate' => 'Generar', // Note to translators: button.reset_password needs an improved translation. 'button.reset_password' => 'Ir', 'button.send' => 'Enviar', 'button.send_by_email' => 'Enviar por correo', 'button.create_team' => 'Crear grupo', 'button.export' => 'Exportar grupo', 'button.import' => 'Importar grupo', // TODO: translate button.close. // 'button.close' => 'Close', // TODO: translate the following string. // 'button.stop' => 'Stop', // Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms. // TODO: translate label.team_name // 'label.team_name' => 'team name', 'label.address' => 'Dirección', 'label.currency' => 'Moneda', // TODO: translate label.manager_name, label.manager_login, and label.login. // 'label.manager_name' => 'Manager name', // 'label.manager_login' => 'Manager login', 'label.person_name' => 'Nombre', 'label.thing_name' => 'Nombre', // 'label.login' => 'login', 'label.password' => 'Contraseña', 'label.confirm_password' => 'Confirmar Contraseña', 'label.email' => 'Email', 'label.date' => 'Fecha', 'label.start_date' => 'Fecha de inicio', 'label.end_date' => 'Fecha de fin', 'label.user' => 'Usuario', 'label.users' => 'Personas', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.client' => 'Client', // 'label.clients' => 'Clients', 'label.option' => 'Opción', // TODO: translate the following string. // 'label.invoice' => 'Invoice', 'label.project' => 'Proyecto', 'label.projects' => 'Proyectos', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.task' => 'Task', // 'label.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'label.description' => 'Description', 'label.start' => 'Inicio', 'label.finish' => 'Fin', 'label.duration' => 'Duración', 'label.note' => 'Nota', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.item' => 'Item', // 'label.cost' => 'Cost', // 'label.day_total' => 'Day total', // 'label.week_total' => 'Week total', // 'label.month_total' => 'Month total', 'label.today' => 'Hoy', 'label.total_hours' => 'Horas totales', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.total_cost' => 'Total cost', // 'label.view' => 'View', 'label.edit' => 'Modificar', 'label.delete' => 'Eliminar', // TODO: translate label.configure. // 'label.configure' => 'Configure', 'label.select_all' => 'Seleccionar todos', 'label.select_none' => 'Quitar todas las selecciones', 'label.id' => 'Identificación', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.language' => 'Language', // 'label.decimal_mark' => 'Decimal mark', // 'label.date_format' => 'Date format', // 'label.time_format' => 'Time format', // 'label.week_start' => 'First day of week', 'label.comment' => 'Comentario', // TODO: translate label.status. // 'label.status' => 'Status', 'label.tax' => 'Impuesto', // TODO: check whether label.subtotal is translated correctly. 'label.subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'label.total' => 'Total', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.client_name' => 'Client name', // 'label.client_address' => 'Client address', 'label.or' => 'o', // TODO: translate the strings below. // 'label.error' => 'Error', // 'label.ldap_hint' => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.', 'label.required_fields' => '* - campos requeridos', 'label.on_behalf' => 'a nombre de', 'label.role_manager' =>'(manejador)', 'label.role_comanager' => '(auxiliar del manejador)', 'label.role_admin' => '(administrador)', // Translate the following string. // 'label.page' => 'Page', // Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features). // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.custom_fields' => 'Custom fields', // 'label.type' => 'Type', // 'label.type_dropdown' => 'dropdown', // 'label.type_text' => 'text', // 'label.required' => 'Required', 'label.fav_report' => 'Reporte favorito', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'label.cron_schedule' => 'Cron schedule', // 'label.what_is_it' => 'What is it?', // 'label.year' => 'Year', // 'label.month' => 'Month', // 'label.quota' => 'Quota', // 'label.workdayHours' => 'Daily working hours', // Form titles. 'title.login' => 'Sesión iniciada', 'title.teams' => 'Grupos', // Note to translators: we need a more accurate translation of title.create_team. English is "Creating Team". // 'title.create_team' => 'Crear una nueva cuenta de manejador', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.edit_team' => 'Editing Team', // 'title.delete_team' => 'Deleting Team', 'title.reset_password' => 'Reestablecer contraseña', // TODO: translate title.change_password. // 'title.change_password' => 'Changing Password', 'title.time' => 'Tiempo', 'title.edit_time_record' => 'Modificando el historial de tiempo', 'title.delete_time_record' => 'Eliminando el historial de tiempo', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.expenses' => 'Expenses', // 'title.edit_expense' => 'Editing Expense Item', // 'title.delete_expense' => 'Deleting Expense Item', 'title.reports' => 'Reportes', // TODO: translate title.report, title.send_report. // 'title.report' => 'Report', // 'title.send_report' => 'Sending Report', 'title.invoice' => 'Factura', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.send_invoice' => 'Sending Invoice', // 'title.charts' => 'Charts', 'title.projects' => 'Proyectos', 'title.add_project' => 'Agregando proyecto', 'title.edit_project' => 'Modificando proyecto', 'title.delete_project' => 'Eliminando proyecto', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'title.add_task' => 'Adding Task', // 'title.edit_task' => 'Editing Task', // 'title.delete_task' => 'Deleting Task', 'title.users' => 'Personas', 'title.add_user' => 'Creando usuario', 'title.edit_user' => 'Modificando usuario', 'title.delete_user' => 'Eliminando usuario', 'title.clients' => 'Clientes', 'title.add_client' => 'Agregar cliente', 'title.edit_client' => 'Modificar cliente', 'title.delete_client' => 'Eliminar cliente', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.invoices' => 'Invoices', // 'title.add_invoice' => 'Adding Invoice', // 'title.view_invoice' => 'Viewing Invoice', // 'title.delete_invoice' => 'Deleting Invoice', // 'title.notifications' => 'Notifications', // 'title.add_notification' => 'Adding Notification', // 'title.edit_notification' => 'Editing Notification', // 'title.delete_notification' => 'Deleting Notification', // 'title.monthly_quota' => 'Monthly quota', 'title.export' => 'Exportar datos', 'title.import' => 'Importar datos', 'title.options' => 'Opciones', 'title.profile' => 'Perfil', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields', // 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field', // 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field', // 'title.cf_delete_custom_field' => 'Deleting Custom Field', // 'title.cf_dropdown_options' => 'Dropdown Options', // 'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Adding Option', // 'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Editing Option', // 'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Deleting Option', // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks). // It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page. // TODO: Translate the following: // 'title.locking' => 'Locking', // Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here. // Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section. 'dropdown.all' => '--- todos ---', 'dropdown.no' => '--- no ---', // TODO: translate dropdown.this_day // 'dropdown.this_day' => 'this day', 'dropdown.this_week' => 'esta semana', // TODO: translate dropdown.last_week. // 'dropdown.last_week' => 'last week', 'dropdown.this_month' => 'este mes', 'dropdown.last_month' => 'el mes pasado', // TODO: translate dropdown.this_year and dropdown.all_time. // 'dropdown.this_year' => 'this year', // 'dropdown.all_time' => 'all time', 'dropdown.projects' => 'proyectos', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'dropdown.tasks' => 'tasks', // 'dropdown.clients' => 'clients', 'dropdown.select' => '--- seleccionar ---', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'dropdown.select_invoice' => '--- select invoice ---', // 'dropdown.status_active' => 'active', // 'dropdown.status_inactive' => 'inactive', // 'dropdown.delete'=>'delete', // 'dropdown.do_not_delete'=>'do not delete', // Below is a section for strings that are used on individual forms. When a string is used only on one form it should be placed here. // One exception is for closely related forms such as "Time" and "Editing Time Record" with similar controls. In such cases // a string can be defined on the main form and used on related forms. The reasoning for this is to make translation effort easier. // Strings that are used on multiple unrelated forms should be placed in shared sections such as label., etc. // Login form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/login.php. 'form.login.forgot_password' => '¿Olvido su contraseña?', // 'form.login.about' =>'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.', // Resetting Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_reset.php. // TODO: check / improve translation of form.reset_password.message. 'form.reset_password.message' => 'Se ha enviado la petición de reestablecer contraseña.', 'form.reset_password.email_subject' => 'Solicitud de reestablecimiento de la contraseña de Anuko Time Tracker', // Note to translators: the ending of this string needs to be translated. 'form.reset_password.email_body' => "Querido usuario, Alguien, posiblemente usted, solicitó reestablecer su contraseña de Anuko Time Tracker. Por favor visite este enlace si quiere reestablecer su contraseña.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n", // Changing Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_change.php?ref=1. // TODO: improve translation of form.change_password.tip. 'form.change_password.tip' => 'Para reestablecer su contraseña, por favor digítela y de clic en Guardar.', // Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php. // Note to translators: translate form.time.duration_format. // 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)', 'form.time.billable' => 'Facturable', // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted', // 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota', // 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota', // Editing Time Record form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time_edit.php (get there by editing an uncompleted time record). 'form.time_edit.uncompleted' => 'Este historial fue guardado solamente con la hora de Inicio. Esto no es un error.', // Reports form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/reports.php 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Guardar como favorito', // TODO: translate form.reports.confirm_delete. // 'form.reports.confirm_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this favorite report?', // TODO: translate form.reports.include_records. // 'form.reports.include_records' => 'Include records', 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'facturable', 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'no facturable', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced', // 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced', 'form.reports.select_period' => 'Seleccionar período de tiempo', 'form.reports.set_period' => 'o establecer fechas', 'form.reports.show_fields' => 'Mostrar campos', 'form.reports.group_by' => 'Agrupar por', 'form.reports.group_by_no' => '--- no agrupar ---', 'form.reports.group_by_date' => 'fecha', 'form.reports.group_by_user' => 'usuario', // TODO: translate the following string. // 'form.reports.group_by_client' => 'client', 'form.reports.group_by_project' => 'proyecto', // TODO: traslate the following string. // 'form.reports.group_by_task' => 'task', 'form.reports.totals_only' => 'Solo totales', // Report form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report.php // (after generating a report at https://timetracker.anuko.com/reports.php). 'form.report.export' => 'Exportar', // Invoice form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/invoice.php // (you can get to this form after generating a report). 'form.invoice.number' => 'Número de factura', 'form.invoice.person' => 'Persona', // TODO: translate the following stings. // 'form.invoice.invoice_to_delete' => 'Invoice to delete', // 'form.invoice.invoice_entries' => 'Invoice entries', // Charts form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/charts.php // TODO: translate form.charts.interval and form.charts.chart. // 'form.charts.interval' => 'Interval', // 'form.charts.chart' => 'Chart', // Projects form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/projects.php // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.projects.active_projects' => 'Active Projects', // 'form.projects.inactive_projects' => 'Inactive Projects', // Tasks form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/tasks.php // 'form.tasks.active_tasks' => 'Active Tasks', // 'form.tasks.inactive_tasks' => 'Inactive Tasks', // Users form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/users.php // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.users.active_users' => 'Active Users', // 'form.users.inactive_users' => 'Inactive Users', 'form.users.role' => 'Rol', 'form.users.manager' => 'Manejador', 'form.users.comanager' => 'Auxiliar del manejador', 'form.users.rate' => 'Tasa', // TODO: translate form.users.default_rate. // 'form.users.default_rate' => 'Default hourly rate', // Client delete form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/client_delete.php // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.client.client_to_delete' => 'Client to delete', // 'form.client.client_entries' => 'Client entries', // Clients form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/clients.php // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.clients.active_clients' => 'Active Clients', // 'form.clients.inactive_clients' => 'Inactive Clients', // Strings for Exporting Team Data form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/export.php 'form.export.hint' => 'Usted puede exportar todos los datos del grupo dentro de un archivo xml. Ésto puede ser útil si necesita migrar datos a su propio sevidor.', 'form.export.compression' => 'Comprimir', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing in the translation and must be added. // 'form.export.compression_none' => 'none', // 'form.export.compression_bzip' => 'bzip', // Strings for Importing Team Data form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/imort.php (login as admin first). 'form.import.hint' => 'Importar datos del grupo desde un archivo xml.', 'form.import.file' => 'Seleccione el archivo', 'form.import.success' => 'Importación finalizada con éxito.', // Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first). // TODO: improve translation of form.admin.hint - no login collisions are allowed. 'form.teams.hint' => 'Crear un nuevo grupo, creando una nueva cuenta del manejador del equipo.
También puede importar datos de grupos, de un archivo xml de otro servidor Anuko Time Tracker (no estan permitidad colisiones de e-mail).', // Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php. 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 horas', 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 horas', // TODO: translate the following strings. // 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode', // 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time', // 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects', // 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks', // 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type', // 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all', // 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish', // 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration', // 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins', // Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report. 'form.mail.from' => 'De', 'form.mail.to' => 'Para', 'form.mail.cc' => 'Cc', 'form.mail.subject' => 'Asunta', // TODO: translate form.mail.report_subject. // 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report', // Note to translators: the following strings need to be translated. // 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.', // 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.', 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Factura enviada.', );