'Login', // 'menu.logout' => 'Logout', // 'menu.forum' => 'Forum', // 'menu.help' => 'Help', // 'menu.create_team' => 'Create Team', 'menu.profile' => 'Profilo', 'menu.time' => 'Tempo', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses', // 'menu.reports' => 'Reports', // 'menu.charts' => 'Charts', 'menu.projects' => 'Progetti', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'menu.users' => 'Users', // 'menu.teams' => 'Teams', // 'menu.export' => 'Export', 'menu.clients' => 'Clienti', 'menu.options' => 'Opzioni', // Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages. // TODO: translate the following. // 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.', // 'footer.credits' => 'Credits', // 'footer.license' => 'License', // 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language. // This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project. // Error messages. // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.', // 'error.sys' => 'System error.', // 'error.db' => 'Database error.', 'error.field' => 'Dato "{0}" errato.', 'error.empty' => 'Il campo "{0}" è vuoto.', 'error.not_equal' => 'Il campo "{0}" non è uguale al campo "{1}".', // TODO: translate the following. // error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".', 'error.project' => 'Seleziona il progetto.', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.task' => 'Select task.', // 'error.client' => 'Select client.', // 'error.report' => 'Select report.', // 'error.record' => 'Select record.', 'error.auth' => 'Login o password errati.', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.user_exists' => 'User with this login already exists.', 'error.project_exists' => 'Esiste già un progetto con questo nome.', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.', // 'error.client_exists' => 'Client with this name already exists.', // 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.', // 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.', // 'error.no_login' => 'No user with this login.', // 'error.no_teams' => 'Your database is empty. Login as admin and create a new team.', // 'error.upload' => 'File upload error.', // 'error.range_locked' => 'Date range is locked.', // 'error.mail_send' => 'Error sending mail.', // 'error.no_email' => 'No email associated with this login.', // 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Uncompleted entry already exists. Close or delete it.', // 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Go to uncompleted entry.', // 'error.overlap' => 'Time interval overlaps with existing records.', // 'error.future_date' => 'Date is in future.', // TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here. // Labels for buttons. 'button.login' => 'login', 'button.now' => 'adesso', 'button.save' => 'salva', 'button.delete' => 'elimina', 'button.cancel' => 'cancella', 'button.submit' => 'invia', 'button.add_user' => 'Aggiungi utente', 'button.add_project' => 'Aggiungi progetto', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.add_task' => 'Add task', 'button.add_client' => 'Aggiungi cliente', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.add_invoice' => 'Add invoice', // 'button.add_option' => 'Add option', // 'button.add' => 'Add', 'button.generate' => 'Genera', // Note to translators: button.reset_password needs an improved translation. // 'button.reset_password' => 'reset password', 'button.send' => 'invia', 'button.send_by_email' => 'invia tramite e-mail', 'button.save_as_new' => 'salva come nuovo', 'button.create_team' => 'crea team', 'button.export' => 'esporta team', 'button.import' => 'importa team', 'button.apply' => 'applica', // labels for controls on various forms // TODO: translate label.team_name // 'label.team_name' => 'team name', 'label.currency' => 'moneta', // TODO: translate label.manager_name and label.manager_login. // 'label.manager_name' => 'manager name', // 'label.manager_login' => 'manager login', 'label.password' => 'password', 'label.confirm_password' => 'conferma password', 'label.email' => 'e-mail', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.email' => 'Email', 'label.cc' => 'Cc', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.bcc' => 'Bcc', 'label.subject' => 'oggetto', 'label.total' => 'totale', // Translate the following. // 'label.page' => 'Page', // 'label.condition' => 'Condition', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.yes' => 'yes', // 'label.no' => 'no', // Form titles. // TODO: the entire title section is missing here. See the English file. "form.filter.project" => 'progetto', "form.filter.filter" => 'report preferiti', "form.filter.filter_new" => 'salva nei preferiti', "form.filter.filter_confirm_delete" => 'sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo report dai preferiti?', // login form attributes "form.login.title" => 'login', "form.login.login" => 'login', // password reminder form attributes "form.fpass.title" => 'reset password', "form.fpass.login" => 'login', "form.fpass.send_pass_str" => 'richiesta di reset pasword inviata', "form.fpass.send_pass_subj" => 'richiesta di password reset', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated // "form.fpass.send_pass_body" => "Dear User,\n\nSomeone, possibly you, requested your Anuko Time Tracker password reset. Please visit this link if you want to reset your password.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n", // "form.fpass.reset_comment" => "to reset your password please type it in and click on save", // administrator form "form.admin.title" => 'amministratore', // Note to translators: the string below must be translated // "form.admin.duty_text" => 'create a new team by creating a new team manager account.
you can also import team data from an xml file from another Anuko Time Tracker server (no e-mail collisions are allowed).', "form.admin.change_pass" => 'cambia la password dell\\\'amministratore', "form.admin.profile.title" => 'teams', "form.admin.profile.noprofiles" => 'il database è vuoto. loggati come amministratore e crea un nuovo team.', "form.admin.profile.comment" => 'elimina team', "form.admin.profile.th.id" => 'id', "form.admin.profile.th.name" => 'nome', "form.admin.profile.th.edit" => 'edit', "form.admin.profile.th.del" => 'elimina', "form.admin.profile.th.active" => 'attivo', "form.admin.options" => 'opzioni', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated // "form.admin.custom_date_format" => "date format", // "form.admin.custom_time_format" => "time format", // "form.admin.start_week" => "first day of week", // my time form attributes "form.mytime.title" => 'giorno', "form.mytime.edit_title" => 'modifica time record', "form.mytime.del_str" => 'elimina time record', "form.mytime.time_form" => ' (hh:mm)', "form.mytime.date" => 'data', "form.mytime.project" => 'progetto', "form.mytime.activity" => 'attività', "form.mytime.start" => 'inizio', "form.mytime.finish" => 'fine', "form.mytime.duration" => 'durata', "form.mytime.note" => 'note', "form.mytime.behalf" => 'attività giornaliera per', "form.mytime.daily" => 'attività giornaliera', "form.mytime.total" => 'ore totali: ', "form.mytime.th.project" => 'progetto', "form.mytime.th.activity" => 'attività', "form.mytime.th.start" => 'inizio', "form.mytime.th.finish" => 'fine', "form.mytime.th.duration" => 'durata', "form.mytime.th.note" => 'note', "form.mytime.th.edit" => 'edit', "form.mytime.th.delete" => 'elimina', "form.mytime.del_yes" => 'time record cancellato', "form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => 'questo record è stato salvato con la sola ora di inzio attività. non è un errore. esegui il logout per altro....', "form.mytime.billable" => 'fatturabile', "form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => 'questo time record deve essere cancellato perchè il periodo di riferimento è stato bloccato', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated // "form.mytime.uncompleted" => 'uncompleted', // profile form attributes // Note to translators: we need a more accurate translation of form.profile.create_title "form.profile.create_title" => 'crea un nuovo account manager', "form.profile.edit_title" => 'modifca il profilo', "form.profile.name" => 'nome', "form.profile.login" => 'login', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated // "form.profile.showchart" => 'show pie charts', // "form.profile.lang" => 'language', // "form.profile.custom_date_format" => "date format", // "form.profile.custom_time_format" => "time format", // "form.profile.default_format" => "(default)", // "form.profile.start_week" => "first day of week", // people form attributes "form.people.ppl_str" => 'persone', "form.people.createu_str" => 'crea un nuovo utente', "form.people.edit_str" => 'modifica utente', "form.people.del_str" => 'elimina utente', "form.people.th.name" => 'nome', "form.people.th.login" => 'login', "form.people.th.role" => 'funzione', "form.people.th.edit" => 'modifica', "form.people.th.del" => 'elimina', "form.people.th.status" => 'stato', "form.people.th.project" => 'progetto', "form.people.th.rate" => 'costo', "form.people.manager" => 'manager', "form.people.comanager" => 'comanager', "form.people.empl" => 'utente', "form.people.name" => 'nome', "form.people.login" => 'login', "form.people.rate" => 'costo per ora di default', "form.people.comanager" => 'co-manager', "form.people.projects" => 'progetti', // projects form attributes "form.project.proj_title" => 'progetti', "form.project.edit_str" => 'mofifca progetto', "form.project.add_str" => 'aggiungi nuovo progetto', "form.project.del_str" => 'elimina progetto', "form.project.th.name" => 'nome', "form.project.th.edit" => 'modifica', "form.project.th.del" => 'elimina', "form.project.name" => 'nome', // activities form attributes "form.activity.act_title" => 'attività', "form.activity.add_title" => 'aggiungi nuova attività', "form.activity.edit_str" => 'modifica attività', "form.activity.del_str" => 'elimina attività', "form.activity.name" => 'nome', "form.activity.project" => 'progetto', "form.activity.th.name" => 'nome', "form.activity.th.project" => 'progetto', "form.activity.th.edit" => 'modifica', "form.activity.th.del" => 'elimina', // report attributes "form.report.title" => 'report', "form.report.from" => 'data inizio', "form.report.to" => 'data fine', "form.report.groupby_user" => 'utente', "form.report.groupby_project" => 'progetto', "form.report.groupby_activity" => 'attività', "form.report.duration" => 'durata', "form.report.start" => 'inizio', "form.report.activity" => 'attività', "form.report.show_idle" => 'mostra inattivi', "form.report.finish" => 'fine', "form.report.note" => 'nota', "form.report.project" => 'progetto', "form.report.totals_only" => 'solo i totali', "form.report.total" => 'ore totali', "form.report.th.empllist" => 'utente', "form.report.th.date" => 'data', "form.report.th.project" => 'progetto', "form.report.th.activity" => 'attività', "form.report.th.start" => 'inizio', "form.report.th.finish" => 'fine', "form.report.th.duration" => 'durata', "form.report.th.note" => 'note', // mail form attributes "form.mail.from" => 'da', "form.mail.to" => 'a', "form.mail.comment" => 'commento', "form.mail.above" => 'invia questo report tramite e-mail', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.', "form.mail.sending_str" => 'messaggio inviato', // invoice attributes "form.invoice.title" => 'fattura', "form.invoice.caption" => 'fattura', "form.invoice.above" => 'informazioni aggiuntive per la fattura', "form.invoice.select_cust" => 'seleziona il cliente', "form.invoice.fillform" => 'compila i campi', "form.invoice.date" => 'data', "form.invoice.number" => 'numero fattura', "form.invoice.tax" => 'tassa', "form.invoice.comment" => 'commento ', "form.invoice.th.username" => 'persona', "form.invoice.th.time" => 'ore', "form.invoice.th.rate" => 'costo', "form.invoice.th.summ" => 'ammontare', "form.invoice.subtotal" => 'subtotale', "form.invoice.customer" => 'cliente', "form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'invia la fattura tramite e-mail', "form.invoice.sending_str" => 'fattura inviata', "form.migration.zip" => 'compressione', "form.migration.file" => 'seleziona il file', "form.migration.import.title" => 'importa i dati', "form.migration.import.success" => 'importazione eseguita con successo', "form.migration.import.text" => 'importa i dati del team da un file xml', "form.migration.export.title" => 'esporta i dati', "form.migration.export.success" => 'esportazione eseguita con successo', "form.migration.export.text" => 'puoi esporate tutti i dati dei team in un file xml. questo può essere utile se devi trasferire i dati da un server ad un altro.', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated // "form.migration.compression.none" => 'none', // "form.migration.compression.gzip" => 'gzip', // "form.migration.compression.bzip" => 'bzip', "form.client.title" => 'clienti', "form.client.add_title" => 'aggiungi cliente', "form.client.edit_title" => 'modifica cliente', "form.client.del_title" => 'elimina cliente', "form.client.th.name" => 'nome', "form.client.th.edit" => 'modifica', "form.client.th.del" => 'elimina', "form.client.name" => 'nome', "form.client.tax" => 'tassa', "form.client.comment" => 'commento ', // miscellaneous strings "forward.forgot_password" => 'password dimenticata?', "forward.edit" => 'modifica', "forward.delete" => 'elimina', "forward.tocsvfile" => 'esporta i dati in un file .csv', "forward.toxmlfile" => 'esporta i dati in un file .xml', "forward.geninvoice" => 'genera la fattura', "forward.change" => 'configura i clienti', // strings inside contols on forms "controls.select.project" => '--- seleziona il progetto ---', "controls.select.activity" => '--- seleziona la attività ---', "controls.select.client" => '--- seleziona il cliente ---', "controls.project_bind" => '--- tutti ---', "controls.all" => '--- tutti ---', "controls.notbind" => '--- no ---', "controls.per_tm" => 'questo mese', "controls.per_lm" => 'mese scorso', "controls.per_tw" => 'questa settimana', "controls.per_lw" => 'settimana scorsa', "controls.per_td" => 'questo giorno', "controls.per_at" => 'tutto il tempo', "controls.per_ty" => 'quest\\\'anno', "controls.sel_period" => '--- seleziona il periodo di tempo ---', "controls.sel_groupby" => '--- non raggruppare ---', "controls.inc_billable" => 'fatturabile', "controls.inc_nbillable" => 'non fatturabile', // Note to translators: the string below must be translated // "controls.default" => '--- default ---', // labels "label.chart.title1" => 'attività per utente', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated // "label.chart.title2" => 'projects for user', "label.chart.period" => 'grafico per il periodo', "label.pinfo" => '%s, %s', "label.pinfo2" => '%s', "label.pbehalf_info" => '%s %s a favore di %s', "label.pminfo" => ' (manager)', "label.pcminfo" => ' (co-manager)', "label.painfo" => ' (amministratore)', "label.time_noentry" => 'nessun inserimento', "label.today" => 'oggi', "label.req_fields" => '* campi obbligatori', "label.sel_project" => 'seleziona il progetto', "label.sel_activity" => 'seleziona la attività', "label.sel_tp" => 'seleziona il periodo di tempo', "label.set_tp" => 'oppure setta le date', "label.fields" => 'mostra i campi', "label.group_title" => 'raggruppa per', "label.include_title" => 'includi records', "label.inv_str" => 'fattura', "label.set_empl" => 'seleziona utenti', "label.sel_all" => 'seleziona tutti', "label.sel_none" => 'deseleziona tutti', "label.or" => 'o', "label.disable" => 'disabilita', "label.enable" => 'abilita', "label.filter" => 'filtro', "label.timeweek" => 'totale settimanale', "label.hrs" => 'ore', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated // "label.errors" => 'errors', // "label.ldap_hint" => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.', // "label.calendar_today" => 'today', // "label.calendar_close" => 'close', // login hello text // "login.hello.text" => "Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.", );