'로그인', 'menu.logout' => '로그아웃', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.forum' => 'Forum', 'menu.help' => '도움말', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.create_team' => 'Create Team', 'menu.profile' => '프로필', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.time' => 'Time', // 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses', 'menu.reports' => '보고서', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.charts' => 'Charts', 'menu.projects' => '프로젝트', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'menu.users' => 'Users', 'menu.teams' => '팀', // TODO: translate the following. // 'menu.export' => 'Export', 'menu.clients' => '클라이언트', 'menu.options' => '옵션', // Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages. // TODO: translate the following. // 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.', // 'footer.credits' => 'Credits', // 'footer.license' => 'License', // 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language. // This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project. // Error messages. // TODO: All error messages should be complete sentences with a period (full stop) in the end. Put them there. // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.', // 'error.sys' => 'System error.', 'error.db' => '데이터베이스 오류', 'error.field' => '부정확한 "{0}" 의 데이터', 'error.empty' => '"{0}" 의 필드가 비어있습니다', 'error.not_equal' => '"{0}" 의 필드가 "{1}" 의 필드와 같지 않습니다', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".', 'error.project' => '프로젝트의 선택', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.task' => 'Select task.', // 'error.client' => 'Select client.', // 'error.report' => 'Select report.', // 'error.record' => 'Select record.', 'error.auth' => '부정확한 로그인 혹은 암호가 틀립니다', 'error.user_exists' => '본 로그인과 연계된 사용자가 이미 있습니다', 'error.project_exists' => '본 이름과 연계된 프로젝트가 이미 있습니다', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.', // 'error.client_exists' => 'Client with this name already exists.', // 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.', // 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.', 'error.no_login' => '본 로그인과 연계된 사용자가 없습니다', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.no_teams' => 'Your database is empty. Login as admin and create a new team.', 'error.upload' => '파일 업로드 오류', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.range_locked' => 'Date range is locked.', 'error.mail_send' => '메일 보내기에서의 오류', 'error.no_email' => '본 로그인과 연계된 이메일이 없습니다', // TODO: translate the following. // 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Uncompleted entry already exists. Close or delete it.', // 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Go to uncompleted entry.', // 'error.overlap' => 'Time interval overlaps with existing records.', // 'error.future_date' => 'Date is in future.', // Labels for buttons. 'button.login' => '로그인', 'button.now' => '지금', 'button.save' => '저장', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.copy' => 'Copy', 'button.cancel' => '취소', 'button.submit' => '발송', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.add_user' => 'Add user', // 'button.add_project' => 'Add project', // 'button.add_task' => 'Add task', // 'button.add_client' => 'Add client', // 'button.add_invoice' => 'Add invoice', // 'button.add_option' => 'Add option', 'button.add' => '추가', 'button.generate' => '생성', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.reset_password' => 'Reset password', 'button.send' => '송신', 'button.send_by_email' => '이메일로 송신', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.create_team' => 'Create team', 'button.export' => '팀 익스포트', 'button.import' => '팀 임포트', // TODO: translate the following. // 'button.close' => 'Close', // 'button.stop' => 'Stop', // Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms. // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.team_name' => 'Team name', // 'label.address' => 'Address', 'label.currency' => '화폐', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.manager_name' => 'Manager name', // 'label.manager_login' => 'Manager login', 'label.person_name' => '이름', 'label.thing_name' => '이름', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.login' => 'Login', 'label.password' => 'Password', 'label.confirm_password' => '암호 확인', 'label.email' => '이메일', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.cc' => 'Cc', // 'label.bcc' => 'Bcc', 'label.subject' => '제목', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.date' => 'Date', // 'label.start_date' => 'Start date', // 'label.end_date' => 'End date', // 'label.user' => 'User', // 'label.users' => 'Users', // 'label.client' => 'Client', // 'label.clients' => 'Clients', // 'label.option' => 'Option', // 'label.invoice' => 'Invoice', // 'label.project' => 'Project', // 'label.projects' => 'Projects', // 'label.task' => 'Task', // 'label.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'label.description' => 'Description', // 'label.start' => 'Start', // 'label.finish' => 'Finish', // 'label.duration' => 'Duration', // 'label.note' => 'Note', // 'label.notes' => 'Notes', // 'label.item' => 'Item', // 'label.cost' => 'Cost', // 'label.day_total' => 'Day total', 'label.week_total' => '주별 합계', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.month_total' => 'Month total', 'label.today' => '오늘', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.total_hours' => 'Total hours', // 'label.total_cost' => 'Total cost', // 'label.view' => 'View', 'label.edit' => '편집', 'label.delete' => '삭제', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.configure' => 'Configure', // 'label.select_all' => 'Select all', // 'label.select_none' => 'Deselect all', // 'label.day_view' => 'Day view', // 'label.week_view' => 'Week view', // 'label.id' => 'ID', 'label.language' => '언어', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.decimal_mark' => 'Decimal mark', // 'label.date_format' => 'Date format', // 'label.time_format' => 'Time format', // 'label.week_start' => 'First day of week', // 'label.comment' => 'Comment', // 'label.status' => 'Status', // 'label.tax' => 'Tax', // 'label.subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'label.total' => '합계', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.client_name' => 'Client name', // 'label.client_address' => 'Client address', 'label.or' => '혹은', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.error' => 'Error', // 'label.ldap_hint' => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.', 'label.required_fields' => '* 필수 필드', 'label.on_behalf' => '을 대표하여', // TODO: translate all 3 roles properly, see https://www.anuko.com/time_tracker/user_guide/user_accounts.htm // This may require different terms for role_manager and role_comanager. 'label.role_manager' => '(관리자)', 'label.role_comanager' => '(공동관리자)', // 'label.role_admin' => '(administrator)', // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.page' => 'Page', // 'label.condition' => 'Condition', // 'label.yes' => 'yes', // 'label.no' => 'no', // Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features). // TODO: translate the following. // 'label.custom_fields' => 'Custom fields', // 'label.monthly_quotas' => 'Monthly quotas', // 'label.type' => 'Type', // 'label.type_dropdown' => 'dropdown', // 'label.type_text' => 'text', // 'label.required' => 'Required', // 'label.fav_report' => 'Favorite report', // 'label.cron_schedule' => 'Cron schedule', // 'label.what_is_it' => 'What is it?', // 'label.expense' => 'Expense', // 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity', // 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status', // 'label.paid' => 'Paid', // 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid', // 'label.week_note' => 'Week note', // 'label.week_list' => 'Week list', // Form titles. 'title.login' => '로그인', // TODO: translate the following. // 'title.teams' => 'Teams', // 'title.create_team' => 'Creating Team', // 'title.edit_team' => 'Editing Team', // 'title.delete_team' => 'Deleting Team', 'title.reset_password' => '암호 재설정', // TODO: translate the following. // 'title.change_password' => 'Changing Password', // 'title.time' => 'Time', // 'title.edit_time_record' => 'Editing Time Record', // 'title.delete_time_record' => 'Deleting Time Record', // 'title.expenses' => 'Expenses', // 'title.edit_expense' => 'Editing Expense Item', // 'title.delete_expense' => 'Deleting Expense Item', // 'title.predefined_expenses' => 'Predefined Expenses', // 'title.add_predefined_expense' => 'Adding Predefined Expense', // 'title.edit_predefined_expense' => 'Editing Predefined Expense', // 'title.delete_predefined_expense' => 'Deleting Predefined Expense', // 'title.reports' => 'Reports', 'title.report' => '보고서', // TODO: translate the following. // 'title.send_report' => 'Sending Report', // 'title.invoice' => 'Invoice', // 'title.send_invoice' => 'Sending Invoice', // 'title.charts' => 'Charts', // 'title.projects' => 'Projects', // 'title.add_project' => 'Adding Project', // 'title.edit_project' => 'Editing Project', // 'title.delete_project' => 'Deleting Project', // 'title.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'title.add_task' => 'Adding Task', // 'title.edit_task' => 'Editing Task', // 'title.delete_task' => 'Deleting Task', // 'title.users' => 'Users', // 'title.add_user' => 'Adding User', // 'title.edit_user' => 'Editing User', // 'title.delete_user' => 'Deleting User', // 'title.clients' => 'Clients', // 'title.add_client' => 'Adding Client', // 'title.edit_client' => 'Editing Client', // 'title.delete_client' => 'Deleting Client', // 'title.invoices' => 'Invoices', // 'title.add_invoice' => 'Adding Invoice', // 'title.view_invoice' => 'Viewing Invoice', // 'title.delete_invoice' => 'Deleting Invoice', // 'title.notifications' => 'Notifications', // 'title.add_notification' => 'Adding Notification', // 'title.edit_notification' => 'Editing Notification', // 'title.delete_notification' => 'Deleting Notification', // 'title.monthly_quotas' => 'Monthly Quotas', // 'title.export' => 'Exporting Team Data', // 'title.import' => 'Importing Team Data', // 'title.options' => 'Options', // 'title.profile' => 'Profile', // 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields', // 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field', // 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field', // 'title.cf_delete_custom_field' => 'Deleting Custom Field', // 'title.cf_dropdown_options' => 'Dropdown Options', // 'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Adding Option', // 'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Editing Option', // 'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Deleting Option', // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks). // It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page. // 'title.locking' => 'Locking', // 'title.week_view' => 'Week View', // Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here. // Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section. // TODO: translate the following. // 'dropdown.all' => '--- all ---', // 'dropdown.no' => '--- no ---', // 'dropdown.current_day' => 'today', // 'dropdown.previous_day' => 'yesterday', // 'dropdown.selected_day' => 'day', // 'dropdown.current_week' => 'this week', // 'dropdown.previous_week' => 'previous week', // 'dropdown.selected_week' => 'week', // 'dropdown.current_month' => 'this month', // 'dropdown.previous_month' => 'previous month', // 'dropdown.selected_month' => 'month', // 'dropdown.current_year' => 'this year', // 'dropdown.previous_year' => 'previous year', // 'dropdown.selected_year' => 'year', // 'dropdown.all_time' => 'all time', // 'dropdown.projects' => 'projects', // 'dropdown.tasks' => 'tasks', // 'dropdown.clients' => 'clients', // 'dropdown.select' => '--- select ---', // 'dropdown.select_invoice' => '--- select invoice ---', // 'dropdown.status_active' => 'active', // 'dropdown.status_inactive' => 'inactive', // 'dropdown.delete'=>'delete', // 'dropdown.do_not_delete'=>'do not delete', // 'dropdown.paid' => 'paid', // 'dropdown.not_paid' => 'not paid', // Login form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/login.php. 'form.login.forgot_password' => '암호를 잊으셨습니까?', // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.login.about' =>'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.', // Resetting Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_reset.php. // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.reset_password.message' => 'Password reset request sent by email.', // 'form.reset_password.email_subject' => 'Anuko Time Tracker password reset request', // 'form.reset_password.email_body' => "Dear User,\n\nSomeone, possibly you, requested your Anuko Time Tracker password reset. Please visit this link if you want to reset your password.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n", // Changing Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_change.php?ref=1. // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.change_password.tip' => 'Type new password and click on Save.', // Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php. // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)', 'form.time.billable' => '청구가능', // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted', // 'form.time.remaining_quota' => 'Remaining quota', // 'form.time.over_quota' => 'Over quota', // Editing Time Record form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time_edit.php (get there by editing an uncompleted time record). // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.time_edit.uncompleted' => 'This record was saved with only start time. It is not an error.', // Week view form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/week.php. // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.week.new_entry' => 'New entry', // Reports form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/reports.php // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Save as favorite', 'form.reports.confirm_delete' => '좋아하는 이 보고서를 삭제해도 좋습니까?', 'form.reports.include_billable' => '청구 가능한', 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => '청구 가능하지 않은', // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced', // 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced', 'form.reports.select_period' => '시간 기간을 선택', 'form.reports.set_period' => '혹은 날짜를 설정', 'form.reports.show_fields' => '필드들을 보기', 'form.reports.group_by' => '다음것에 의한 그룹화', 'form.reports.group_by_no' => '--- 그룹화되지 않음 ---', // TODO: translate the following. // 'form.reports.group_by_date' => 'date', // 'form.reports.group_by_user' => 'user', // 'form.reports.group_by_client' => 'client', // 'form.reports.group_by_project' => 'project', // 'form.reports.group_by_task' => 'task', // 'form.reports.totals_only' => 'Totals only', // TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here. "form.filter.project" => '프로젝트', "form.filter.filter" => '좋아하는 보고서', "form.filter.filter_new" => '좋아하는 것으로 저장', // password reminder form attributes "form.fpass.login" => '로그인', "form.fpass.send_pass_str" => '송신한 암호 재설정 요청', "form.fpass.send_pass_subj" => 'Anuko Time Tracker 암호 재설정 요청', // Note to translators: the ending of this string below needs to be translated. "form.fpass.send_pass_body" => "사용자님께,\n\n누군가 (아마 당신) 가 당신의 Anuko Time Tracker 암호 재설정을 요청하였습니다. 당신의 암호를 재설정하기 바란다면 이 링크를 찾아주십시오. \n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n", "form.fpass.reset_comment" => "암호를 재설정하려면 암호를 입력하고 저장을 클릭하십시오", // administrator form "form.admin.title" => '관리자', "form.admin.duty_text" => '신규 팀관리자 계정을 생성하여 신규 팀을 생성합니다.
또한 다른 Anuko Time Tracker 서버 에서 xml 파일로부터 팀 데이터를 임포트할수 있습니다 (로그인 충돌은 허용되지 안음).', "form.admin.change_pass" => '관리자 계정의 암호 변경', "form.admin.profile.title" => '팀', "form.admin.profile.noprofiles" => '당신의 데이터베이스는 비어있습니다. 관리자로 로그인하여 새로운 팀을 생성하십시오.', "form.admin.profile.comment" => '팀 삭제', "form.admin.profile.th.id" => '식별자', "form.admin.profile.th.active" => '활동내용', "form.admin.options" => '옵션', "form.admin.custom_date_format" => "날짜 포맷", "form.admin.custom_time_format" => "시간 포맷", "form.admin.start_week" => "주의 시작요일", // my time form attributes "form.mytime.title" => '나의 시간', "form.mytime.edit_title" => '시간기록을 편집하기', "form.mytime.del_str" => '시간기록을 삭제하기', "form.mytime.time_form" => ' (hh:mm)', "form.mytime.date" => '날짜', "form.mytime.project" => '프로젝트', "form.mytime.start" => '시작', "form.mytime.finish" => '마감', "form.mytime.duration" => '기간', "form.mytime.note" => '표식', "form.mytime.daily" => '하루일과', "form.mytime.total" => '전체 시간: ', "form.mytime.th.project" => '프로젝트', "form.mytime.th.start" => '시작', "form.mytime.th.finish" => '마감', "form.mytime.th.duration" => '기간', "form.mytime.th.note" => '표식', "form.mytime.del_yes" => '성과적으로 삭제된 시간기록', "form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => '이 기록은 시작 시간으로만 저장되었습니다. 이것은 오류는 아닙니다. 필요하면 로그아웃 하십시오.', "form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => '이 시간기간이 로크되었으므로 이 시간기록은 삭제되어야 합니다', "form.mytime.uncompleted" => '완성되지 않은', // profile form attributes // Note to translators: we need a more accurate translation of form.profile.create_title "form.profile.create_title" => '신규 관리자 계정을 생성', "form.profile.edit_title" => '프로필을 편집하기', "form.profile.login" => '로그인ID', "form.profile.showchart" => '원 그래프를 보기', "form.profile.custom_date_format" => "날짜 포맷", "form.profile.custom_time_format" => "시간 포맷", "form.profile.default_format" => "(디폴트)", "form.profile.start_week" => "주의 시작요일", // people form attributes "form.people.ppl_str" => '멤버', "form.people.createu_str" => '신규 사용자를 만들기', "form.people.edit_str" => '사용자를 편집하기', "form.people.del_str" => '사용자를 삭제하기', "form.people.th.login" => '로그인ID', "form.people.th.role" => '직위', "form.people.th.status" => '상태', "form.people.th.project" => '프로젝트', "form.people.th.rate" => '급여', "form.people.manager" => '관리자', "form.people.comanager" => '공동관리자', "form.people.empl" => '사용자', "form.people.login" => '로그인ID', "form.people.rate" => '디폴트 시간당 급여', "form.people.comanager" => '공동관리자', "form.people.projects" => '프로젝트', // projects form attributes "form.project.proj_title" => '프로젝트', "form.project.edit_str" => '프로젝트를 편집하기', "form.project.add_str" => '신규 프로젝트를 추가하기', "form.project.del_str" => '프로젝트를 삭제하기', // activities form attributes "form.activity.project" => '프로젝트', // report attributes "form.report.title" => '보고서', "form.report.from" => '시작 날짜', "form.report.to" => '마감 날짜', "form.report.groupby_user" => '사용자', "form.report.groupby_project" => '프로젝트', "form.report.duration" => '기간', "form.report.start" => '시작', "form.report.finish" => '마감', "form.report.note" => '표식', "form.report.project" => '프로젝트', "form.report.totals_only" => '오직 전체만', "form.report.total" => '시간 총합', "form.report.th.empllist" => '사용자', "form.report.th.date" => '날짜', "form.report.th.project" => '프로젝트', "form.report.th.start" => '시작', "form.report.th.finish" => '마감', "form.report.th.duration" => '기간', "form.report.th.note" => '주의', // mail form attributes "form.mail.from" => '부터', "form.mail.to" => '까지', "form.mail.comment" => '코멘트', "form.mail.above" => '이 보고서를 이메일로 송신', // Note to translators: this string needs to be translated. // "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.', "form.mail.sending_str" => '송신된 메시지', // invoice attributes "form.invoice.title" => '송장', "form.invoice.caption" => '송장', "form.invoice.above" => '송장에 대한 보충정보', "form.invoice.select_cust" => '클라이언트의 선택', "form.invoice.fillform" => '필드들을 채우십시오', "form.invoice.date" => '날짜', "form.invoice.number" => '송장 번호', "form.invoice.tax" => '세금', "form.invoice.comment" => '코멘트 ', "form.invoice.th.username" => '개인', "form.invoice.th.time" => '시간', "form.invoice.th.rate" => '급여', "form.invoice.th.summ" => '수량', "form.invoice.subtotal" => '소계', "form.invoice.customer" => '클라이언트', "form.invoice.mailinv_above" => '이 송장을 이메일로 송신', "form.invoice.sending_str" => '송신한 송장', "form.migration.zip" => '압축', "form.migration.file" => '파일 선택', "form.migration.import.title" => '데이터 임포트', "form.migration.import.success" => '성과적으로 완료된 임포트', "form.migration.import.text" => 'xml 파일로부터 팀 데이터를 임포트', "form.migration.export.title" => '데이터 익스포트', "form.migration.export.success" => '성과적으로 완료된 익스포트', "form.migration.export.text" => '팀의 모든 데이터를 xml 파일로 익스포트 할수 있습니다. 이것은 데이터를 당신자신의 서버에로 옮길때 쓸모있을수 있습니다.', "form.migration.compression.none" => '없음', "form.migration.compression.gzip" => 'gzip', "form.migration.compression.bzip" => 'bzip', "form.client.title" => '클라이언트', "form.client.add_title" => '클라이언트 추가', "form.client.edit_title" => '클라이언트 편집', "form.client.del_title" => '클라이언트 삭제', "form.client.tax" => '세금', "form.client.comment" => '코멘트 ', // miscellaneous strings "forward.tocsvfile" => '데이터를 .csv 파일로 익스포트', "forward.toxmlfile" => '데이터를 .xml 파일로 익스포트', "forward.geninvoice" => '송장 만들기', "controls.select.client" => '--- 클라이언트 선택 ---', "controls.project_bind" => '--- 전부 ---', "controls.all" => '--- 전부 ---', "controls.notbind" => '--- 아니 ---', "controls.per_tm" => '이번달', "controls.per_lm" => '전번달', "controls.per_tw" => '이번주', "controls.per_lw" => '전번주', "controls.per_td" => '오늘', "controls.per_at" => '전시간', "controls.per_ty" => '올해', "label.inv_str" => '송장', "label.set_empl" => '사용자들을 선택', "label.sel_all" => '모두 선택', "label.sel_none" => '모두 해제', "label.disable" => '무력화', "label.enable" => '가능화', "label.hrs" => '시간', "label.errors" => '오류', "label.ldap_hint" => '아래의 필드들에서 Windows 로그인암호 를 입력하십시오.', );