'Login', 'menu.logout' => 'Logout', // TODO: Translate the following: // 'menu.forum' => 'Forum', 'menu.help' => 'Ajuda', 'menu.create_team' => 'Criar nova organização', // TODO: is this good? An organization may have multiple teams in TT. 'menu.profile' => 'Perfil', 'menu.time' => 'Tempo', 'menu.expenses' => 'Gastos', 'menu.reports' => 'Relatórios', 'menu.charts' => 'Gráficos', 'menu.projects' => 'Projetos', 'menu.tasks' => 'Tarefas', 'menu.users' => 'Usuários', 'menu.teams' => 'Organização', 'menu.export' => 'Exportar', 'menu.clients' => 'Clientes', 'menu.options' => 'Opções', // Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages. 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'Você pode contribuir com o Time Tracker de várias maneiras.', 'footer.credits' => 'Créditos', 'footer.license' => 'Licença', 'footer.improve' => 'Contribuir', // Error messages. 'error.access_denied' => 'Acesso negado.', 'error.sys' => 'Erro no sistema.', 'error.db' => 'Erro no banco de dados.', 'error.field' => 'Dados incorretos "{0}".', 'error.empty' => 'Campo "{0}" está vazio.', 'error.not_equal' => 'Campo "{0}" é diferente do campo "{1}".', 'error.interval' => 'Intervalo incorreto.', 'error.project' => 'Selecione projeto.', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.task' => 'Select task.', // 'error.client' => 'Select client.', // 'error.report' => 'Select report.', 'error.auth' => 'Usuário ou senha incorretos.', 'error.user_exists' => 'Já existe usuário com este login.', 'error.project_exists' => 'Já existe projeto com este nome.', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.', 'error.client_exists' => 'Já existe cliente com este nome.', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.', // 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.', // 'error.no_login' => 'No user with this login.', 'error.no_teams' => 'Sua base de dados está vazia. Entre como admin e crie uma organização nova.', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.upload' => 'File upload error.', 'error.range_locked' => 'Período está bloqueado.', 'error.mail_send' => 'Erro enviando o e-mail.', 'error.no_email' => 'Não há e-mail associado a este login.', 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Entrada incompleta existente. Feche ou remova-a.', 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Ir até entrada incompleta.', // TODO: translate the following: // 'error.overlap' => 'Time interval overlaps with existing records.', // 'error.future_date' => 'Date is in future.', // Labels for buttons. 'button.login' => 'Login', 'button.now' => 'Agora', 'button.save' => 'Salvar', // TODO: translate the following: // 'button.copy' => 'Copy', 'button.cancel' => 'Cancelar', 'button.submit' => 'Enviar', // TODO: translate the following: // 'button.add_user' => 'Add user', 'button.add_project' => 'Adicionar projeto', // TODO: translate the following: // 'button.add_task' => 'Add task', 'button.add_client' => 'Adicionar cliente', // TODO: translate the following: // 'button.add_invoice' => 'Add invoice', // 'button.add_option' => 'Add option', 'button.add' => 'Adicionar', 'button.generate' => 'Criar', 'button.reset_password' => 'Resetar senha', 'button.send' => 'Enviar', 'button.send_by_email' => 'Enviar por e-mail', 'button.create_team' => 'Criar organização', 'button.export' => 'Exportar organização', 'button.import' => 'Importar organização', // TODO: translate the following: // 'button.close' => 'Close', // 'button.stop' => 'Stop', // Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms. 'label.team_name' => 'Nome da organização', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.address' => 'Address', 'label.currency' => 'Moeda', 'label.manager_name' => 'Nome do gerente', 'label.manager_login' => 'Login do gerente', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.person_name' => 'Name', 'label.thing_name' => 'Nome', 'label.login' => 'Login', 'label.password' => 'Senha', 'label.confirm_password' => 'Confirme a senha', 'label.email' => 'E-mail', 'label.date' => 'Data', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.start_date' => 'Start date', // 'label.end_date' => 'End date', // 'label.user' => 'User', // 'label.users' => 'Users', // 'label.client' => 'Client', // 'label.clients' => 'Clients', // 'label.option' => 'Option', // 'label.invoice' => 'Invoice', 'label.project' => 'Projeto', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.projects' => 'Projects', // 'label.task' => 'Task', // 'label.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'label.description' => 'Description', 'label.start' => 'Início', 'label.finish' => 'Fim', 'label.duration' => 'Duração', // 'label.note' => 'Note', // 'label.item' => 'Item', // 'label.cost' => 'Cost', // 'label.week_total' => 'Week total', // 'label.day_total' => 'Day total', // 'label.today' => 'Today', // 'label.total_hours' => 'Total hours', // 'label.total_cost' => 'Total cost', // 'label.view' => 'View', 'label.edit' => 'Editar', 'label.delete' => 'Apagar', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.configure' => 'Configure', // 'label.select_all' => 'Select all', // 'label.select_none' => 'Deselect all', 'label.id' => 'ID', 'label.language' => 'Idioma', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.decimal_mark' => 'Decimal mark', 'label.date_format' => 'Formato da data', 'label.time_format' => 'Formato da hora', 'label.week_start' => 'Primeiro dia da semana', 'label.comment' => 'Anotação', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.status' => 'Status', // 'label.tax' => 'Tax', // 'label.subtotal' => 'Subtotal', // 'label.total' => 'Total', // 'label.client_name' => 'Client name', // 'label.client_address' => 'Client address', // 'label.or' => 'or', // 'label.error' => 'Error', // 'label.ldap_hint' => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.', // 'label.required_fields' => '* - required fields', // 'label.on_behalf' => 'on behalf of', // 'label.role_manager' => '(manager)', // 'label.role_comanager' => '(co-manager)', 'label.role_admin' => '(administrador)', 'label.page' => 'Página', // Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features). // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.custom_fields' => 'Custom fields', // 'label.type' => 'Type', // 'label.type_dropdown' => 'dropdown', // 'label.type_text' => 'text', // 'label.required' => 'Required', 'label.fav_report' => 'Relatório favorito', // TODO: translate the following: // 'label.cron_schedule' => 'Cron schedule', // 'label.what_is_it' => 'What is it?', // Form titles. 'title.login' => 'Login', 'title.teams' => 'Organizações', // TODO: translate the following: // 'title.create_team' => 'Creating Team', // 'title.edit_team' => 'Editing Team', // 'title.delete_team' => 'Deleting Team', // 'title.reset_password' => 'Resetting Password', // 'title.change_password' => 'Changing Password', // 'title.time' => 'Time', 'title.edit_time_record' => 'Editando entrada de hora', 'title.delete_time_record' => 'Apagando entrada de hora', // TODO: translate the following: // 'title.expenses' => 'Expenses', // 'title.edit_expense' => 'Editing Expense Item', // 'title.delete_expense' => 'Deleting Expense Item', // 'title.reports' => 'Reports', // 'title.report' => 'Report', // 'title.send_report' => 'Sending Report', // 'title.invoice' => 'Invoice', // 'title.send_invoice' => 'Sending Invoice', // 'title.charts' => 'Charts', // 'title.projects' => 'Projects', // 'title.add_project' => 'Adding Project', // 'title.edit_project' => 'Editing Project', // 'title.delete_project' => 'Deleting Project', // 'title.tasks' => 'Tasks', // 'title.add_task' => 'Adding Task', // 'title.edit_task' => 'Editing Task', // 'title.delete_task' => 'Deleting Task', // 'title.users' => 'Users', 'title.add_user' => 'Adicionando usuário', 'title.edit_user' => 'Editando usuário', 'title.delete_user' => 'Apagando usuário', // TODO: translate the following: // 'title.clients' => 'Clients', // 'title.add_client' => 'Adding Client', // 'title.edit_client' => 'Editing Client', // 'title.delete_client' => 'Deleting Client', // 'title.invoices' => 'Invoices', // 'title.add_invoice' => 'Adding Invoice', // 'title.view_invoice' => 'Viewing Invoice', // 'title.delete_invoice' => 'Deleting Invoice', // 'title.notifications' => 'Notifications', // 'title.add_notification' => 'Adding Notification', // 'title.edit_notification' => 'Editing Notification', // 'title.delete_notification' => 'Deleting Notification', // 'title.export' => 'Exporting Team Data', // 'title.import' => 'Importing Team Data', 'title.options' => 'Opções', // TODO: translate the following: // 'title.profile' => 'Profile', // 'title.cf_custom_fields' => 'Custom Fields', // 'title.cf_add_custom_field' => 'Adding Custom Field', // 'title.cf_edit_custom_field' => 'Editing Custom Field', // 'title.cf_delete_custom_field' => 'Deleting Custom Field', // 'title.cf_dropdown_options' => 'Dropdown Options', // 'title.cf_add_dropdown_option' => 'Adding Option', // 'title.cf_edit_dropdown_option' => 'Editing Option', // 'title.cf_delete_dropdown_option' => 'Deleting Option', // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Locking is a feature to lock records from modifications (ex: weekly on Mondays we lock all previous weeks). // It is also a name for the Locking plugin on the Team profile page. // 'title.locking' => 'Locking', // Section for common strings inside combo boxes on forms. Strings shared between forms shall be placed here. // Strings that are used in a single form must go to the specific form section. // TODO: translate the following: // 'dropdown.all' => '--- all ---', // 'dropdown.no' => '--- no ---', // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: dropdown.this_day does not necessarily means "today". It means a specific ("this") day selected on calendar. See Charts. // 'dropdown.this_day' => 'this day', // 'dropdown.this_week' => 'this week', // 'dropdown.last_week' => 'last week', // 'dropdown.this_month' => 'this month', // 'dropdown.last_month' => 'last month', // 'dropdown.this_year' => 'this year', // 'dropdown.all_time' => 'all time', // 'dropdown.projects' => 'projects', // 'dropdown.tasks' => 'tasks', // 'dropdown.clients' => 'clients', // 'dropdown.select' => '--- select ---', // 'dropdown.select_invoice' => '--- select invoice ---', 'dropdown.status_active' => 'ativo', // TODO: translate the following: // 'dropdown.status_inactive' => 'inactive', // 'dropdown.delete'=>'delete', // 'dropdown.do_not_delete'=>'do not delete', // Below is a section for strings that are used on individual forms. When a string is used only on one form it should be placed here. // One exception is for closely related forms such as "Time" and "Editing Time Record" with similar controls. In such cases // a string can be defined on the main form and used on related forms. The reasoning for this is to make translation effort easier. // Strings that are used on multiple unrelated forms should be placed in shared sections such as label., etc. // Login form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/login.php. // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.login.forgot_password' => 'Forgot password?', // 'form.login.about' =>'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system.', // Resetting Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_reset.php. // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.reset_password.message' => 'Password reset request sent by email.', // 'form.reset_password.email_subject' => 'Anuko Time Tracker password reset request', 'form.reset_password.email_body' => "Prezado usuário,\n\nAlguém, possivelmente você, solicitou o reset da sua senha do Anuko Time Tracker. Entre nete link para resetar a sua senha.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker é um sistema, simples, de fácil uso, de código abertois, de rastreamento do tempo. Visite https://www.anuko.com para mais informações.\n\n", // Changing Password form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/password_change.php?ref=1. 'form.change_password.tip' => 'Entre com a nova senha e clique em Salvar.', // Time form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time.php. // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.time.duration_format' => '(hh:mm or 0.0h)', // 'form.time.billable' => 'Billable', // 'form.time.uncompleted' => 'Uncompleted', // Editing Time Record form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/time_edit.php (get there by editing an uncompleted time record). // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.time_edit.uncompleted' => 'This record was saved with only start time. It is not an error.', // Reports form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/reports.php 'form.reports.save_as_favorite' => 'Guardar como favorito', 'form.reports.confirm_delete' => 'Tem certeza que deseja remover este relatório dos favoritos?', // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.reports.include_records' => 'Include records', // 'form.reports.include_billable' => 'billable', // 'form.reports.include_not_billable' => 'not billable', // 'form.reports.include_invoiced' => 'invoiced', // 'form.reports.include_not_invoiced' => 'not invoiced', // 'form.reports.select_period' => 'Select time period', // 'form.reports.set_period' => 'or set dates', // 'form.reports.show_fields' => 'Show fields', // 'form.reports.group_by' => 'Group by', // 'form.reports.group_by_no' => '--- no grouping ---', 'form.reports.group_by_date' => 'data', // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.reports.group_by_user' => 'user', // 'form.reports.group_by_client' => 'client', 'form.reports.group_by_project' => 'projeto', // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.reports.group_by_task' => 'task', // 'form.reports.totals_only' => 'Totals only', // Report form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report.php // (after generating a report at https://timetracker.anuko.com/reports.php). // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.report.export' => 'Export', // Invoice form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/invoice.php // (you can get to this form after generating a report). // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.invoice.number' => 'Invoice number', // 'form.invoice.person' => 'Person', // 'form.invoice.invoice_to_delete' => 'Invoice to delete', // 'form.invoice.invoice_entries' => 'Invoice entries', // Charts form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/charts.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.charts.interval' => 'Interval', // 'form.charts.chart' => 'Chart', // Projects form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/projects.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.projects.active_projects' => 'Active Projects', // 'form.projects.inactive_projects' => 'Inactive Projects', // Tasks form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/tasks.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.tasks.active_tasks' => 'Active Tasks', // 'form.tasks.inactive_tasks' => 'Inactive Tasks', // Users form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/users.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.users.active_users' => 'Active Users', // 'form.users.inactive_users' => 'Inactive Users', // 'form.users.role' => 'Role', // 'form.users.manager' => 'Manager', // 'form.users.comanager' => 'Co-manager', // 'form.users.rate' => 'Rate', // 'form.users.default_rate' => 'Default hourly rate', // Client delete form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/client_delete.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.client.client_to_delete' => 'Client to delete', // 'form.client.client_entries' => 'Client entries', // Clients form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/clients.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.clients.active_clients' => 'Active Clients', // 'form.clients.inactive_clients' => 'Inactive Clients', // Strings for Exporting Team Data form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/export.php // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.export.hint' => 'You can export all team data into an xml file. It could be useful if you are migrating data to your own server.', // 'form.export.compression' => 'Compression', // 'form.export.compression_none' => 'none', // 'form.export.compression_bzip' => 'bzip', // Strings for Importing Team Data form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/imort.php (login as admin first). // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.import.hint' => 'Import team data from an xml file.', // 'form.import.file' => 'Select file', // 'form.import.success' => 'Import completed successfully.', // Teams form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/admin_teams.php (login as admin first). 'form.teams.hint' => 'Crie uma nova organização fazendo uma nova conta de gerente.
você também pode importar os dados de um arquivo xml de outro servidor Anuko Time Tracker (não havendo colisão de usuários).', // Profile form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/profile_edit.php. // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.profile.12_hours' => '12 hours', // 'form.profile.24_hours' => '24 hours', // 'form.profile.tracking_mode' => 'Tracking mode', // 'form.profile.mode_time' => 'time', // 'form.profile.mode_projects' => 'projects', // 'form.profile.mode_projects_and_tasks' => 'projects and tasks', // 'form.profile.record_type' => 'Record type', // 'form.profile.type_all' => 'all', // 'form.profile.type_start_finish' => 'start and finish', // 'form.profile.type_duration' => 'duration', // 'form.profile.plugins' => 'Plugins', // Mail form. See example at https://timetracker.anuko.com/report_send.php when emailing a report. // TODO: translate the following: // 'form.mail.from' => 'From', // 'form.mail.to' => 'To', // 'form.mail.cc' => 'Cc', // 'form.mail.subject' => 'Subject', // 'form.mail.report_subject' => 'Time Tracker Report', // 'form.mail.footer' => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.', // 'form.mail.report_sent' => 'Report sent.', // 'form.mail.invoice_sent' => 'Invoice sent.', ); /* // Some of the strings could propably be reused above... Working on it... "form.mytime.daily" => 'trabalho diário', "form.mytime.total" => 'horas totais: ', "form.mytime.th.project" => 'projeto', "form.mytime.del_yes" => 'o período registrado foi apagado com sucesso', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "form.mytime.no_finished_rec" => 'esta entrada foi salva somente com hora de início. não é um erro. saia se você precisar.', "form.mytime.billable" => 'faturável', "form.mytime.warn_tozero_rec" => 'esta entrada deve ser removida pois o período está bloqueado', "form.mytime.uncompleted" => 'não completada', // profile form attributes // Note to translators: we need a more accurate translation of form.profile.create_title "form.profile.create_title" => 'criar nova conta de gerênte', "form.profile.edit_title" => 'editando perfil', "form.profile.name" => 'nome', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated "form.profile.login" => 'login', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "form.profile.showchart" => 'mostrar gráfico de torta', // people form attributes "form.people.ppl_str" => 'pessoas', "form.people.th.name" => 'nome', "form.people.th.role" => 'papel', "form.people.th.edit" => 'editar', "form.people.th.del" => 'apagar', "form.people.th.status" => 'status', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "form.people.th.project" => 'projeto', "form.people.th.rate" => 'honorário', "form.people.manager" => 'gerente', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated "form.people.comanager" => 'coordenador', "form.people.empl" => 'usuário', "form.people.name" => 'nome', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated "form.people.login" => 'login', "form.people.rate" => 'honorário por hora', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "form.people.comanager" => 'coordenador', "form.people.projects" => 'projetos', // projects form attributes "form.project.proj_title" => 'projetos', "form.project.edit_str" => 'editando projeto', "form.project.add_str" => 'adicionando novo projeto', "form.project.del_str" => 'apagando projeto', "form.project.th.name" => 'nome', "form.project.th.edit" => 'editar', "form.project.th.del" => 'apagar', "form.project.name" => 'nome', // activities form attributes "form.activity.act_title" => 'atividades', "form.activity.add_title" => 'adicionando nova atividade', "form.activity.edit_str" => 'editando atividade', // Note to translators: the string below must be translated "form.activity.del_str" => 'apagando atividade', "form.activity.name" => 'nome', "form.activity.project" => 'projeto', "form.activity.th.name" => 'nome', "form.activity.th.project" => 'projeto', "form.activity.th.edit" => 'editar', "form.activity.th.del" => 'apagar', // report attributes "form.report.title" => 'relatórios', "form.report.from" => 'data inicial', "form.report.to" => 'data final', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "form.report.groupby_user" => 'usuário', "form.report.groupby_project" => 'projeto', "form.report.groupby_activity" => 'atividade', "form.report.duration" => 'duração', "form.report.start" => 'início', "form.report.activity" => 'atividade', // Note to translators: the string below must be translated "form.report.show_idle" => 'mostrar inativo', "form.report.finish" => 'fim', "form.report.note" => 'anotação', "form.report.project" => 'projeto', // Note to translators: the string below is missing and must be added and translated "form.report.totals_only" => 'somente totais', "form.report.total" => 'horas totais', "form.report.th.empllist" => 'usuário', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "form.report.th.date" => 'data', "form.report.th.project" => 'projeto', "form.report.th.activity" => 'atividade', "form.report.th.start" => 'início', "form.report.th.finish" => 'fim', "form.report.th.duration" => 'duração', "form.report.th.note" => 'nota', // mail form attributes "form.mail.from" => 'de', "form.mail.to" => 'para', "form.mail.cc" => 'cc', "form.mail.subject" => 'assunto', "form.mail.comment" => 'comentário', "form.mail.above" => 'enviar este relatório por e-mail', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker é um sistema, simples, de fácil uso, de código aberto,
de rastreamento do tempo. Visite www.anuko.com para mais informações.', "form.mail.sending_str" => 'mensagem enviada', // invoice attributes // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "form.invoice.title" => 'fatura', "form.invoice.caption" => 'fatura', "form.invoice.above" => 'informações adicionais para fatura', "form.invoice.select_cust" => 'selecionar cliente', "form.invoice.fillform" => 'preencha os campos', "form.invoice.date" => 'data da fatura', "form.invoice.number" => 'número da fatura', "form.invoice.tax" => 'honorário', "form.invoice.daily_subtotals" => 'subtotais diários' "form.invoice.yourcoo" => 'seu nome
e endereço', "form.invoice.custcoo" => 'nome do cliente
e endereço', "form.invoice.comment" => 'comentário ', "form.invoice.th.username" => 'pessoa', "form.invoice.th.time" => 'horas', "form.invoice.th.rate" => 'taxa', "form.invoice.th.summ" => 'quantidade', "form.invoice.subtotal" => 'subtotal', "form.invoice.customer" =>'cliente', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "form.invoice.mailinv_above" => 'enviar essa fatura por e-mail', "form.invoice.sending_str" => 'fatura enviada', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "form.migration.zip" => 'compressão', "form.migration.file" => 'selecionar arquivo', "form.migration.import.title" => 'importar dados', "form.migration.import.success" => 'importação realizada com sucesso', "form.migration.import.text" => 'importar dados de organização de um arquivo xml', "form.migration.export.title" => 'exportar dados', "form.migration.export.success" => 'exportação realizada com sucesso', "form.migration.export.text" => 'você pode exportar todos os dados da organização para um arquivo xml. isto pode ser útil se você estiver migrando os dados para um servidor próprio.', "form.migration.compression.none" => 'nenhuma', "form.migration.compression.gzip" => 'gzip', "form.migration.compression.bzip" => 'bzip', "form.client.title" => 'clientes', "form.client.add_title" => 'adicionar cliente', "form.client.edit_title" => 'editar cliente', "form.client.del_title" => 'apagar cliente', "form.client.th.name" => 'nome', "form.client.th.edit" => 'editar', "form.client.th.del" => 'apagar', "form.client.name" => 'nome', "form.client.tax" => 'taxa', "form.client.daily_subtotals" => 'subtotais diários', "form.client.yourcoo" => 'seu nome
e endereço na fatura', "form.client.custcoo" => 'endereço', "form.client.comment" => 'comentário ', // miscellaneous strings "forward.forgot_password" => 'esqueceu a senha?', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "forward.edit" => 'editar', "forward.delete" => 'apagar', // Note to translators: the string below must be translated "forward.tocsvfile" => 'exportar dados para arquivo .csv', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "forward.toxmlfile" => 'exportar dados para arquivo .xml', "forward.geninvoice" => 'criar fatura', "forward.change" => 'configurar clientes', // strings inside contols on forms "controls.select.project" => '--- selecione projeto ---', "controls.select.activity" => '--- selecione atividade ---', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "controls.select.client" => '--- selecione cliente ---', "controls.project_bind" => '--- todos ---', "controls.all" => '--- todos ---', "controls.notbind" => '--- não ---', "controls.per_tm" => 'este mês', "controls.per_lm" => 'último mês', "controls.per_tw" => 'esta semana', "controls.per_lw" => 'última semana', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "controls.per_td" => 'este dia', "controls.per_at" => 'tudo', "controls.per_ty" => 'este ano', "controls.sel_period" => '--- selecione o período de tempo ---', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "controls.sel_groupby" => '--- sem agrupar ---', "controls.inc_billable" => 'faturável', "controls.inc_nbillable" => 'não faturável', "controls.default" => '--- padrão ---', // labels // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "label.chart.title1" => 'atividades para o usuário', "label.chart.title2" => 'projetos para o usuário', "label.chart.period" => 'gráfico para o período', "label.pinfo" => '%s, %s', "label.pinfo2" => '%s', "label.pbehalf_info" => '%s %s em nome de %s', "label.pminfo" => ' (gerente)', // Note to translators: the strings below are missing and must be added and translated "label.pcminfo" => ' (coordenador)', "label.painfo" => ' (administrador)', "label.time_noentry" => 'sem registro', "label.today" => 'hoje', "label.req_fields" => '* campos obrigatórios', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "label.sel_project" => 'selecione o projeto', "label.sel_activity" => 'selecione a atividade', "label.sel_tp" => 'selecione o período de tempo', "label.set_tp" => 'ou selecionar datas', "label.fields" => 'exibir campos', // Note to translators: the strings below must be translated "label.group_title" => 'agrupar por', "label.include_title" => 'incluir entradas', "label.inv_str" => 'fatura', "label.set_empl" => 'selecione os usuários' "label.sel_all" => 'selecionar todos', "label.sel_none" => 'desmarcar todos', "label.or" => 'ou', "label.disable" => 'disabilitar', "label.enable" => 'habilitar', "label.filter" => 'filtar', "label.timeweek" => 'total semanal', "label.hrs" => 'hrs', "label.errors" => 'erros', "label.ldap_hint" => 'Entre com o seu login do Windows e senha nos campos abaixo.', "label.calendar_today" => 'hoje', "label.calendar_close" => 'fechar', // login hello text "login.hello.text" => "Anuko Time Tracker é um sistema, simples, de fácil uso, de código aberto, de rastreamento do tempo.", ); */