'menu.logout' => 'Odjava',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'menu.forum' => 'Forum',
'menu.help' => 'Pomoč',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'menu.create_team' => 'Create Team',
'menu.profile' => 'Profil',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'menu.time' => 'Time',
// 'menu.expenses' => 'Expenses',
'menu.reports' => 'Poročila',
// TODO: translate the following.
'menu.charts' => 'Charts',
'menu.projects' => 'Projekti',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'menu.tasks' => 'Tasks',
// 'menu.users' => 'Users',
'menu.teams' => 'Timi',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'menu.export' => 'Export',
'menu.clients' => 'Stranke',
'menu.options' => 'Možnosti',
// Footer - strings on the bottom of most pages.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'footer.contribute_msg' => 'You can contribute to Time Tracker in different ways.',
// 'footer.credits' => 'Credits',
// 'footer.license' => 'License',
// 'footer.improve' => 'Contribute', // Translators: this could mean "Improve", if it makes better sense in your language.
// This is a link to a webpage that describes how to contribute to the project.
// Error messages.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'error.access_denied' => 'Access denied.',
// 'error.sys' => 'System error.',
// 'error.db' => 'Database error.',
// 'error.field' => 'Incorrect "{0}" data.',
// 'error.empty' => 'Field "{0}" is empty.',
// 'error.not_equal' => 'Field "{0}" is not equal to field "{1}".',
// 'error.interval' => 'Field "{0}" must be greater than "{1}".',
// 'error.project' => 'Select project.',
// 'error.task' => 'Select task.',
// 'error.client' => 'Select client.',
// 'error.report' => 'Select report.',
// 'error.record' => 'Select record.',
// 'error.auth' => 'Incorrect login or password.',
// 'error.user_exists' => 'User with this login already exists.',
// 'error.project_exists' => 'Project with this name already exists.',
// 'error.task_exists' => 'Task with this name already exists.',
// 'error.client_exists' => 'Client with this name already exists.',
// 'error.invoice_exists' => 'Invoice with this number already exists.',
// 'error.no_invoiceable_items' => 'There are no invoiceable items.',
// 'error.no_login' => 'No user with this login.',
// 'error.no_teams' => 'Your database is empty. Login as admin and create a new team.',
// 'error.upload' => 'File upload error.',
// 'error.range_locked' => 'Date range is locked.',
// 'error.mail_send' => 'Error sending mail.',
// 'error.no_email' => 'No email associated with this login.',
// 'error.uncompleted_exists' => 'Uncompleted entry already exists. Close or delete it.',
// 'error.goto_uncompleted' => 'Go to uncompleted entry.',
// 'error.overlap' => 'Time interval overlaps with existing records.',
// 'error.future_date' => 'Date is in future.',
// Labels for buttons.
'button.login' => 'Prijava',
'button.now' => 'Zdaj',
'button.save' => 'Shrani',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.copy' => 'Copy',
'button.cancel' => 'Prekliči',
'button.submit' => 'Potrdi',
'button.add_user' => 'Dodaj uporabnika',
'button.add_project' => 'Dodaj projekt',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.add_task' => 'Add task',
'button.add_client' => 'Dodaj stranko',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.add_invoice' => 'Add invoice',
// 'button.add_option' => 'Add option',
'button.add' => 'Dodaj',
'button.generate' => 'Ustvari',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.reset_password' => 'Reset password',
'button.send' => 'Pošlji',
'button.send_by_email' => 'Pošlji preko elektronske pošte',
'button.create_team' => 'Ustvari tim',
'button.export' => 'Izvozi tim',
'button.import' => 'Uvozi tim',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'button.close' => 'Close',
// 'button.stop' => 'Stop',
// Labels for controls on forms. Labels in this section are used on multiple forms.
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.team_name' => 'Team name',
// 'label.address' => 'Address',
// 'label.currency' => 'Currency',
// 'label.manager_name' => 'Manager name',
// 'label.manager_login' => 'Manager login',
'label.person_name' => 'Ime',
// 'label.thing_name' => 'Name',
// 'label.login' => 'Login',
'label.password' => 'Geslo',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.confirm_password' => 'Confirm password',
'label.email' => 'Email',
'label.cc' => 'Cc',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.bcc' => 'Bcc',
'label.subject' => 'Predmet',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.date' => 'Date',
// 'label.start_date' => 'Start date',
// 'label.end_date' => 'End date',
// 'label.user' => 'User',
// 'label.users' => 'Users',
// 'label.client' => 'Client',
// 'label.clients' => 'Clients',
// 'label.option' => 'Option',
// 'label.invoice' => 'Invoice',
// 'label.project' => 'Project',
// 'label.projects' => 'Projects',
// 'label.task' => 'Task',
// 'label.tasks' => 'Tasks',
// 'label.description' => 'Description',
// 'label.start' => 'Start',
// 'label.finish' => 'Finish',
// 'label.duration' => 'Duration',
// 'label.note' => 'Note',
// 'label.notes' => 'Notes',
// 'label.item' => 'Item',
// 'label.cost' => 'Cost',
// 'label.day_total' => 'Day total',
// 'label.week_total' => 'Week total',
// 'label.month_total' => 'Month total',
// 'label.today' => 'Today',
// 'label.total_hours' => 'Total hours',
// 'label.total_cost' => 'Total cost',
// 'label.view' => 'View',
'label.edit' => 'Uredi',
'label.delete' => 'Izbriši',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.configure' => 'Configure',
// 'label.select_all' => 'Select all',
// 'label.select_none' => 'Deselect all',
// 'label.day_view' => 'Day view',
// 'label.week_view' => 'Week view',
// 'label.id' => 'ID',
// 'label.language' => 'Language',
// 'label.decimal_mark' => 'Decimal mark',
// 'label.date_format' => 'Date format',
// 'label.time_format' => 'Time format',
// 'label.week_start' => 'First day of week',
// 'label.comment' => 'Comment',
// 'label.status' => 'Status',
// 'label.tax' => 'Tax',
// 'label.subtotal' => 'Subtotal',
'label.total' => 'Total',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.client_name' => 'Client name',
// 'label.client_address' => 'Client address',
// 'label.or' => 'or',
// 'label.error' => 'Error',
// 'label.ldap_hint' => 'Type your Windows login and password in the fields below.',
// 'label.required_fields' => '* - required fields',
// 'label.on_behalf' => 'on behalf of',
// 'label.role_manager' => '(manager)',
// 'label.role_comanager' => '(co-manager)',
// 'label.role_admin' => '(administrator)',
// 'label.page' => 'Page',
// 'label.condition' => 'Condition',
// 'label.yes' => 'yes',
// 'label.no' => 'no',
// Labels for plugins (extensions to Time Tracker that provide additional features).
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'label.custom_fields' => 'Custom fields',
// 'label.monthly_quotas' => 'Monthly quotas',
// 'label.type' => 'Type',
// 'label.type_dropdown' => 'dropdown',
// 'label.type_text' => 'text',
// 'label.required' => 'Required',
// 'label.fav_report' => 'Favorite report',
// 'label.cron_schedule' => 'Cron schedule',
// 'label.what_is_it' => 'What is it?',
// 'label.expense' => 'Expense',
// 'label.quantity' => 'Quantity',
// 'label.paid_status' => 'Paid status',
// 'label.paid' => 'Paid',
// 'label.mark_paid' => 'Mark paid',
// Form titles.
'title.login' => 'Prijava',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.teams' => 'Teams',
// 'title.create_team' => 'Creating Team',
// 'title.edit_team' => 'Editing Team',
// 'title.delete_team' => 'Deleting Team',
'title.reset_password' => 'Razveljavi geslo',
// TODO: translate the following.
// 'title.change_password' => 'Changing Password',
// 'title.time' => 'Time',
// 'title.edit_time_record' => 'Editing Time Record',
// 'title.delete_time_record' => 'Deleting Time Record',
// 'title.expenses' => 'Expenses',
// 'title.edit_expense' => 'Editing Expense Item',
// 'title.delete_expense' => 'Deleting Expense Item',
// TODO: refactoring ongoing down from here.
"form.filter.project" => 'projekt',
// password reminder form attributes
"form.fpass.login" => 'prijava',
"form.fpass.send_pass_str" => 'zahteva za razveljavitev gesla je bila poslana',
"form.fpass.send_pass_subj" => 'Anuko Time Tracker zahteva za razveljavitev gesla',
// Note to translators: the ending of this tring below needs to be translated.
"form.fpass.send_pass_body" => "Spoštovani uporabnik,\n\nNekdo, najverjetneje vi, je zahteval razveljavitev vašega Anuko Time Tracker gesla. Prosimo obiščite to povezavo, če želite razveljaviti vaše geslo.\n\n%s\n\nAnuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system. Visit https://www.anuko.com for more information.\n\n",
"form.fpass.reset_comment" => "za razveljavitev gesla, prosimo vtipkajte geslo in kliknite gumb shrani",
// projects form attributes
"form.project.proj_title" => 'projekti',
"form.project.edit_str" => 'urejanje projektov',
"form.project.add_str" => 'dodajanje novega projekta',
"form.project.del_str" => 'brisanje projekta',
"form.project.th.name" => 'ime',
"form.project.name" => 'ime',
// activities form attributes
"form.activity.project" => 'projekt',
// mail form attributes
"form.mail.from" => 'od',
"form.mail.to" => 'za',
"form.mail.comment" => 'komentar',
"form.mail.above" => 'pošlji to poročilo preko elektronske pošte',
// Note to translators: this string needs to be translated.
// "form.mail.footer_str" => 'Anuko Time Tracker is a simple, easy to use, open source
time tracking system. Visit www.anuko.com for more information.',
"form.mail.sending_str" => 'sporočilo poslano',
// labels
"label.chart.title2" => 'projekti uporabnika',
"label.chart.period" => 'graf za obdobje',