//Holger Lindemann /** * Returns ID of a partgroup (or adds a new partgroup entry) * \db is the database * \value is the partgroup name * \add if true and partgroup does not exist yet, we will add it automatically * \returns partgroup id or "" in case of an error */ function getPartsgroupId($db, $value, $add) { $sql="select id from partsgroup where partsgroup = '$value'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if (empty($rs[0]["id"]) && $add) { $sql="insert into partsgroup (partsgroup) values ('$value')"; $rc=$db->query($sql); if (!$rc) return ""; return getPartsgroupId($db, $value, 0); } return $rs[0]["id"]; } function insertParts($db,$insert,$show,$data) { if ($show) { show('',false); show($data["partnumber"]); show($data["lastcost"]); show($data["sellprice"]); show($data["description"]); show(substr($data["notes"],0,25));show($data["ean"]); show($data["weight"]); show($data["image"]); show($data["partsgroup_id"]); show($data["buchungsgruppen_id"]);show($data["income_accno"]); show($data["expense_accno"]); show($data["inventory_accno"]); show($data["microfiche"]); show($data["drawing"]); show($data["rop"]); show($data["assembly"]); show($data["makemodel"]); } /*foreach ($data as $key=>$val) { echo $key.":".gettype($val).":".gettype($data[$key]).":".$val."
"; }*/ if ($insert) { $sqlIa = 'INSERT INTO parts ('; $sqlIa .= 'partnumber,description,notes,ean,unit,'; $sqlIa .= 'weight,image,sellprice,lastcost,partsgroup_id,'; $sqlIa .= 'buchungsgruppen_id,income_accno_id,expense_accno_id,inventory_accno_id,'; $sqlIa .= 'microfiche,drawing,rop,assembly,shop,makemodel,import) '; $sqlIa .= 'VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'; $data["import"]=time(); $rc=$db->execute($sqlIa,$data); } else { $rc = true; } if ($show) { if ($rc) show('ok'); else show('error'); show(''."\n",false); } return $rc; } function updPrice($db,$insert,$show,$partnumber,$lastcost,$sellprice,$shop) { if ($show) { show('',false); show($partnumber); show($lastcost); show($sellprice); } if ($insert) { $sqlPr = 'UPDATE PARTS SET '; $sqlPr .= 'sellprice = ?, lastcost = ?, shop = ? '; $sqlPr .= 'WHERE partnumber = ?'; $rc=$db->execute($sqlPr,array("sellprice"=>$sellprice,"lastcost"=>$lastcost,"shop"=>$shop,"partnumber"=>$partnumber)); } else { $rc = true; } if ($show) { if ($rc) show('ok'); else show('error'); show(''."\n",false); } return $rc; } function updParts($db,$insert,$show,$partnumber,$lastcost,$sellprice, $description,$notes,$ean,$weight,$image, $partsgroup_id, $shop) { if ($show) { show('',false); show($partnumber); show($lastcost); show($sellprice); show($description); show(substr($notes,0,25));show($ean); show($weight); show($image); show($partsgroup_id); } if ($insert) { $sqlUa = 'UPDATE PARTS SET '; $sqlUa .= 'description = ?, notes = ?, ean = ?, weight = ?, image = ?, '; $sqlUa .= 'sellprice = ?, lastcost = ?, partsgroup_id = ?, shop = ? '; $sqlUa .= 'WHERE partnumber = ?'; $rc=$db->execute($sqlUa,array($description,$notes,$ean,$weight,$image, $sellprice,$lastcost,$partsgroup_id,$shop,$partnumber)); } else { $rc = true; } if ($show) { if ($rc) show('ok'); else show('error'); show(''."\n",false); } return $rc; } function getMakemodel($db,$check,$hersteller,$model,$partsid,$add=true) { $sql="select * from makemodel where make = $hersteller and model = '$model' and parts_id = $partsid"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if (empty($rs[0]["id"]) && $add) { $sql="insert into makemodel (parts_id,make,model) values ($partsid,'$hersteller','$model')"; $rc=$db->query($sql); } } function getAccnoId($db, $accno) { $sql = "select id from chart where accno='$accno'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); return $rs[0]["id"]; } function getPartsid($db,$number) { $sql = "select id from parts where partnumber = '$number'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if ($rs[0]["id"]>0) { return $rs[0]["id"]; } else { return false; } } function newPartNumber($db,$check) { if ($check) return "check"; $rc=$db->query("BEGIN"); $sql = "select articlenumber from defaults"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if ($rs[0]["articlenumber"]) { preg_match("/([^0-9]+)?([0-9]+)([^0-9]+)?/", $rs[0]["articlenumber"] , $regs); print_r($regs); $number=$regs[1].($regs[2]+1).$regs[3]; } $sql = "update defaults set articlenumber = '$number'"; $rc=$db->query($sql); $rc=$db->query("COMMIT"); //Prüfen ob die Nummer nicht doch schon vergeben ist. $sql = "select * from parts where partnumber = '$number'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if ($rs[0]["id"]>0) return ""; return $number; } function getBuchungsgruppe($db, $income, $expense) { $income_id = getAccnoId($db, $income); $expense_id = getAccnoId($db, $expense); $sql = "select id from buchungsgruppen where "; $sql .= "income_accno_id_0 = $income and "; $sql .= "expense_accno_id_0 = $expense "; $sql .= "order by sortkey"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); return $rs[0]["id"]; } function getFromBG($db, $bg_id, $name) { $sql = "select $name from buchungsgruppen where id='$bg_id'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); return 1*$rs[0][$name]; } function existUnit($db, $value) { $sql="select name from units where name = '$value'"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); if (empty($rs[0]["name"])) return FALSE; return TRUE; } function show($things,$td=true) { if ($td) echo ''.$things.''; else echo $things; } function getStdUnit($db,$type) { $sql="select * from units where type='$type' order by sortkey limit 1"; $rs=$db->getAll($sql); return $rs[0]["name"]; } function import_parts($db, $file, $trenner, $trennzeichen, $fields, $check, $insert, $show ,$maske) { $precision=$maske["precision"]; $quotation=$maske["quotation"]; $quottype=$maske["quottype"]; $shop=$maske["shop"]; $wgtrenner=$maske["wgtrenner"]; $Update=($maske["update"]=="U")?true:false; $UpdText=($maske["TextUpd"]=="1")?true:false; $stdunitW=getStdUnit($db,"dimension"); $stdunitD=getStdUnit($db,"service"); if ($quottype=="P") $quotation=($quotation+100)/100; if ($show && !$insert) show("Testimport",false); if ($show) show("\n",false); /* field description */ $parts_fld = array_keys($fields); /* open csv file */ $f=fopen("$file.csv","r"); /* * read first line with table descriptions */ if ($show) { show('',false); show("partnumber"); show("lastcost"); show("sellprice"); show("description");show("notes"); show("ean"); show("weight"); show("image"); show("partsgroup_id"); show("bg"); show("income_accno"); show("expense_accno"); show("inventory_accno"); show("microfiche");show("drawing");show("rop"); show("assembly");show("makemodel"); show(""); show("\n",false); } if ($trenner=="other") $trenner=trim($trennzeichen); if (substr($trenner,0,1)=="#") if (strlen($trenner)>1) $trenner=chr(substr($trenner,1)); // Erst einmal die erste Zeile mit den Feldbezeichnungen einlesen. $infld=fgetcsv($f,1200,$trenner); $p=0; foreach ($infld as $fld) { $fld = strtolower(trim(strtr($fld,array("\""=>"","'"=>"")))); if (in_array($fld,$parts_fld)) { $fldpos[$fld]=$p; } $p++; } $i=0; $u=0; $m=0; /* line */ $errors=0; /* number of errors detected */ $income_accno = ""; $expense_accno = ""; $assembly = 'f'; while ( ($zeile=fgetcsv($f,120000,$trenner)) != FALSE) { $m++; /* increase line */ $unit=false; unset($pgroup); unset($notes); unset($rop); unset($weight); unset($inventory_accno); unset($income_accno); unset($expense_accno); unset($model); unset($makemodel); unset($hersteller); /* VK-Preis bilden */ $sellprice = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["sellprice"]]); $lastcost = str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["lastcost"]]); if ($quotation<>0) { if ($quottype=="A") { $sellprice += $quotation; } else { $sellprice = $sellprice * $quotation; } }; if ($lastcost=="") unset($lastcost); if ($sellprice=="") unset($sellprice); /* Langtext zusammenbauen */ if ($zeile[$fldpos["notes"]]) { $notes = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["notes"]]); $notes = addslashes($notes); } if ($zeile[$fldpos["notes1"]]) { $notes1 = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["notes1"]]); if ($notes) { $notes = "\n".addslashes($notes1); } else { $notes = addslashes($notes1); } } /* Warengruppe bilden */ if ($fldpos["partsgroup"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup"]]; if ($fldpos["partsgroup1"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup1"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup1"]]; if ($fldpos["partsgroup2"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup2"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup2"]]; if ($fldpos["partsgroup3"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup3"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup3"]]; if ($fldpos["partsgroup4"]>0 and $zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup4"]]) $pgroup[]=$zeile[$fldpos["partsgroup4"]]; if (count($pgroup)>0) { $pgname = implode($wgtrenner,$pgroup); $partsgroup_id = getPartsgroupId($db, $pgname, $insert); } /* sind Hersteller und Modelnummer hinterlegt wenn ja, erfolgt er insert später */ if (!empty($zeile[$fldpos["makemodel"]]) and !$artikel) { $hersteller=suchFirma("vendor",$zeile[$fldpos["makemodel"]]); $hersteller=$hersteller["cp_cv_id"]; if (!empty($zeile[$fldpos["model"]])) { $model = $zeile[$fldpos["model"]]; $makemodel = 't'; } else { unset($hersteller); $makemodel = 'f'; } } /* Ware oder Dienstleistung */ if (($maske["ware"]=="G" and strtoupper($zeile[$fldpos["art"]])=="D") or $maske["ware"]=="D") { $artikel = false; } else if (($maske["ware"]=="G" and strtoupper($zeile[$fldpos["art"]])=="W") or $maske["ware"]=="W") { $artikel = true; } /* Einheit ermitteln */ if ($zeile[$fldpos["unit"]]=="") { //Keine Einheit mitgegeben if ($maske["ware"]=="G") { if ($artikel) { $unit = $stdunitD; } else { $unit = $stdunitW; } } else if ($maske["ware"]=="D") { $unit = $stdunitD; } else { $unit = $stdunitW; }; } else { if (existUnit($db,$zeile[$fldpos["unit"]])) { $unit = $zeile[$fldpos["unit"]]; } else { $unit = ($artikel)?$stdunitD:$stdunitW; } } /* Buchungsgruppe ermitteln */ if ($maske["bugrufix"]==1) { $bg = $maske["bugru"]; } else { if ($zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]]<>"" and $zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]<>"") { /* search for buchungsgruppe */ $bg = getBuchungsgruppe($db, $zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]],$zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]); if ($bg == "" and $maske["bugrufix"]==2 and $maske["bugru"]<>"") { $bg = $maske["bugru"]; } } else if ($maske["bugru"]<>"" and $maske["bugrufix"]==2) { $bg = $maske["bugru"]; } else { /* nothing found? user must create one */ echo "Error in line $m: "; echo "Keine Buchungsgruppe gefunden für
"; echo "Erlöse Inland: ".$zeile[$fldpos["income_accno"]]."
"; echo "Aufwand Inland: ".$zeile[$fldpos["expense_accno"]]."
"; echo "Bitte legen Sie eine an oder geben Sie eine vor.
"; echo "
"; $errors++; } } if ($bg > 0) { /* found one, add income_accno_id etc from buchungsgr. */ /* XXX nur bei artikel!!! */ if ($artikel) { $inventory_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "inventory_accno_id"); }; $income_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "income_accno_id_0"); $expense_accno = getFromBG($db, $bg, "expense_accno_id_0"); $bg = $bg * 1; } else { echo "Error in line $m: "; echo "Keine Buchungsgruppe angegeben/gefunden
"; $errors++; continue; } $description = preg_replace('/""[^ ]/','"',$zeile[$fldpos["description"]]); $description = addslashes($description); // rop und weight müssen null oder Zahl sein if ($zeile[$fldpos["rop"]]) $rop = 1 * str_replace(",", ".",$zeile[$fldpos["rop"]]); if ($zeile[$fldpos["weight"]]) $weight = 1 * str_replace(",", ".", $zeile[$fldpos["weight"]]); if (getPartsid($db,trim($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]]))) { /* es gibt die Artikelnummer */ if ($Update) { /* Updates durchführen */ if ($UpdText=='1') { $u += updParts($db,$insert,$show,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]],$lastcost,$sellprice, $description,$notes,$zeile[$fldpos["ean"]],$weight, $zeile[$fldpos["image"]],$partsgroup_id, $shop); } else { $u += updPrice($db,$insert,$show,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]],$lastcost,$sellprice,$shop); } continue; // nächste Zeile } } // Neuen Artikel einfügen if ($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] == "") { $zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] = newPartNumber($db,$check); //Keine Artikelnummer bekommen if ($zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]] == "") { continue; } } $i += insertParts($db,$insert,$show,array( "partnumber"=>$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]], "description"=>$description,"notes"=>$notes, "ean"=>$zeile[$fldpos["ean"]],"unit"=>$unit, "weight"=>$weight,"image"=>$zeile[$fldpos["image"]], "sellprice"=>$sellprice,"lastcost"=>$lastcost, "partsgroup_id"=>$partsgroup_id, "buchungsgruppen_id"=>$bg,"income_accno"=>$income_accno, "expense_accno"=>$expense_accno,"inventory_accno"=>$inventory_accno, "microfiche"=>$zeile[$fldpos["microfiche"]],"drawing"=>$zeile[$fldpos["drawing"]], "rop"=>$rop,"assembly"=>$assembly, "shop"=>$shop,"makemodel"=>$makemodel) ); if ($hersteller>0 && $model) { $partsid=getPartsid($db,$zeile[$fldpos["partnumber"]]); if ($partsid) { getMakemodel($db,$check,$hersteller,$model,$partsid,true); } } unset($zeile); } if ($show) show("
",false); fclose($f); echo "$m Zeilen bearbeitet. Importiert: $i Update: $u (".($m-$u-$i+$errors)." : Fehler) "; } ?>