db = getConnection(); global $user; $this->group_id = $user->group_id; } // update - deletes a quota, then inserts a new one. public function update($year, $month, $minutes) { $group_id = $this->group_id; $deleteSql = "DELETE FROM tt_monthly_quotas WHERE year = $year AND month = $month AND group_id = $group_id"; $this->db->exec($deleteSql); if ($minutes){ $insertSql = "INSERT INTO tt_monthly_quotas (group_id, year, month, minutes) values ($group_id, $year, $month, $minutes)"; $affected = $this->db->exec($insertSql); return (!is_a($affected, 'PEAR_Error')); } return true; } // get - obtains either a single month quota or an array of quotas for an entire year. // Month starts with 1 for January, not 0. public function get($year, $month = null) { if (is_null($month)){ return $this->getMany($year); } return $this->getSingle($year, $month); } // getSingle - obtains a quota for a single month. private function getSingle($year, $month) { $group_id = $this->group_id; $sql = "SELECT minutes FROM tt_monthly_quotas WHERE year = $year AND month = $month AND group_id = $group_id"; $reader = $this->db->query($sql); if (is_a($reader, 'PEAR_Error')) { return false; } $row = $reader->fetchRow(); if ($row) return $row['minutes']; // If we did not find a record, return a calculated monthly quota. $numWorkdays = $this->getNumWorkdays($month, $year); global $user; return $numWorkdays * $user->workday_minutes; } // getMany - returns an array of quotas for a given year for team. private function getMany($year){ $group_id = $this->group_id; $sql = "SELECT month, minutes FROM tt_monthly_quotas WHERE year = $year AND group_id = $group_id"; $result = array(); $res = $this->db->query($sql); if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) { return false; } while ($val = $res->fetchRow()) { $result[$val['month']] = $val['minutes']; } return $result; } // getNumWorkdays returns a number of work days in a given month. private function getNumWorkdays($month, $year) { $daysInMonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); // Number of calendar days in month. $workdaysInMonth = 0; // Iterate through the entire month. for ($i = 1; $i <= $daysInMonth; $i++) { $date = "$year-$month-$i"; if (!ttTimeHelper::isWeekend($date) && !ttTimeHelper::isHoliday($date)) { $workdaysInMonth++; } } return $workdaysInMonth; } // isValidQuota validates a localized value as an hours quota string (in hours and minutes). public function isValidQuota($value) { if (strlen($value) == 0 || !isset($value)) return true; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}h?$/', $value )) { // 000 - 999 return true; } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}:[0-5][0-9]$/', $value )) { // 000:00 - 999:59 return true; } global $user; $localizedPattern = '/^([0-9]{1,3})?['.$user->decimal_mark.'][0-9]{1,4}h?$/'; if (preg_match($localizedPattern, $value )) { // decimal values like 000.5, 999.25h, ... .. 999.9999h (or with comma) return true; } return false; } // quotaToFloat converts a valid quota value to a float. public function quotaToFloat($value) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}h?$/', $value )) { // 000 - 999 return (float) $value; } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}:[0-5][0-9]$/', $value )) { // 000:00 - 999:59 $minutes = ttTimeHelper::toMinutes($value); return ($minutes / 60.0); } global $user; $localizedPattern = '/^([0-9]{1,3})?['.$user->decimal_mark.'][0-9]{1,4}h?$/'; if (preg_match($localizedPattern, $value )) { // decimal values like 000.5, 999.25h, ... .. 999.9999h (or with comma) // Strip optional h in the end. $value = trim($value, 'h'); if ($user->decimal_mark == ',') $value = str_replace(',', '.', $value); return (float) $value; } return null; } }