[%- USE T8 %] [% USE HTML %][% USE LxERP %]

[% title %]

[% 'The following transaction contains wrong taxkeys:' | $T8 %] [%- IF problem.data.module == 'ar' %] [% 'AR Transaction' | $T8 %] [%- ELSIF problem.data.module == 'ap' %] [% 'AP Transaction' | $T8 %] [%- ELSE %] [% 'General Ledger Transaction' | $T8 %] [%- END %] [% HTML.escape(problem.data.reference) %]

[% 'This could have happened for two reasons:' | $T8 %] [% 'The first reason is that kivitendo contained a bug which resulted in the wrong taxkeys being recorded for transactions in which two entries are posted for the same chart with different taxkeys.' | $T8 %] [% 'The second reason is that kivitendo allowed the user to enter the tax amount manually regardless of the taxkey used.' | $T8 %] [% 'The third reason is that wrong (taxkey) settings for the credit / debit CSV-import were used.' | $T8 %] [% 'Such entries cannot be exported into the DATEV format and have to be fixed as well.' | $T8 %]

[% 'The transaction is shown below in its current state.' | $T8 %] [% 'You can correct this transaction by chosing the correct taxkeys from the drop down boxes and hitting the button "Fix transaction" afterwards.' | $T8 %] [%- 'It is possible that even after such a correction there is something wrong with this transaction (e.g. taxes that don\'t match the selected taxkey). Therefore you should re-run the general ledger analysis.' | $T8 %]

[% 'You can also delete this transaction and re-enter it manually.' | $T8 %] [% 'In order to do that hit the button "Delete transaction".' | $T8 %]

[% 'At the moment the transaction looks like this:' | $T8 %]

[%- SET curr_row = 0 %] [%- IF (problem.data.module == 'ar') || ((problem.data.module == 'gl') && (problem.acc_trans.credit.entries.first.acc_trans_id < problem.acc_trans.debit.entries.first.acc_trans_id)) %] [%- SET order = [ 'credit', 'debit' ] %] [%- SET other_side = 'debit' %] [%- ELSE %] [%- SET order = [ 'debit', 'credit' ] %] [%- SET other_side = 'credit' %] [%- END %] [%- IF problem.acc_trans.credit.entries.size > problem.acc_trans.debit.entries.size %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %] [%- FOREACH idx = order %] [%- FOREACH row = problem.acc_trans.$idx.entries %] [%- SET curr_row = curr_row + 1 %] [%- END %] [%- END %]
[% 'Account' | $T8 %] [% 'Debit' | $T8 %] [% 'Credit' | $T8 %] [% 'Recorded Tax' | $T8 %] [% 'Recorded taxkey' | $T8 %] [% 'Expected Tax' | $T8 %] [% 'Correct taxkey' | $T8 %]
[% HTML.escape(row.accno) %]--[% HTML.escape(row.chartdescription) %] [%- IF idx == 'debit' %] [% LxERP.format_amount(row.display_amount, 2) %] [%- END %] [%- IF idx == 'credit' %] [% LxERP.format_amount(row.display_amount, 2) %] [%- END %] [% IF row.actual_tax %][% LxERP.format_amount(row.display_actual_tax, 2) %][% END %] [% IF (problem.data.module == 'gl') || (idx != other_side) %][% HTML.escape(row.taxdescription) %][% END %] [% IF row.expected_tax %][% LxERP.format_amount(row.display_expected_tax, 2) %][% END %] [%- IF row.taxkey_error %]