[%- USE T8 %] [% USE HTML %]

[% title %]

[% 'Back' | $T8 %]

[% 'You can either create a new database or chose an existing database.' | $T8 %] [% 'In the latter case the tables needed by Lx-Office will be created in that database.' | $T8 %]

[% 'Existing Datasets' | $T8 %] [% HTML.escape(dbsources) %]
[% 'Create Dataset' | $T8 %]
[% 'Multibyte Encoding' | $T8 %] [%- IF FORCE_DBENCODING %] [% HTML.escape(FORCE_DBENCODING) %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %]
[% 'Create Chart of Accounts' | $T8 %]
[% 'Accounting method' | $T8 %] *
[% 'Inventory system' | $T8 %] *
[% 'Profit determination' | $T8 %] *
*) Seit 2.7 werden Gewinnermittlungsart, Versteuerungsart und Warenbuchungsmethode in der Mandanten-DB gesteuert und nicht mehr in der lx-erp.conf, Umstellungs-Details: EUR Umstellung in Mandant