[%- USE HTML -%][%- USE LxERP -%][%- USE L -%] [% INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]

[% HTML.escape(title) %]

[% IF !SELF.all_clients.size %]
[% LxERP.t8("Error") %]: [% LxERP.t8("No clients have been created yet.") %]
[% LxERP.t8("Back") %]
[%- ELSE %]
[% LxERP.t8("Actions") %]: [% LxERP.t8("Back") %] | [% LxERP.t8("Add printer") %]

[% LxERP.t8("Client to configure the printers for") %]: [% L.select_tag('client.id', SELF.all_clients, id='client_id', title_key='name', default=SELF.client.id) %]

[%- IF !SELF.all_printers.size %]

[% LxERP.t8("No printers have been created yet.") %]

[%- ELSE %] [%- FOREACH printer = SELF.all_printers %] [%- END %]
[% LxERP.t8('Description') %] [% LxERP.t8('Printer Command') %] [% LxERP.t8('Template Code') %]
[% HTML.escape(printer.printer_description) %] [% HTML.escape(printer.printer_command) %] [% HTML.escape(printer.template_code) %]
[%- END %] [%- END %]