[%- USE T8 %] [%- USE LxERP %] [% USE HTML %][% USE L %]

[% title %]

[% 'Name' | $T8 %]
[% 'Password' | $T8 %] [%- IF CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %]
[% 'E-mail' | $T8 %]
[% 'Signature' | $T8 %]
[% 'Phone' | $T8 %]
[% 'Fax' | $T8 %]
[% 'Company' | $T8 %]
[% 'Address' | $T8 %]
[% 'SEPA creditor ID' | $T8 %]

[% 'Date Format' | $T8 %]
[% 'Output Number Format' | $T8 %]
[% 'Dropdown Limit' | $T8 %]
[% 'Language' | $T8 %]
[% 'Stylesheet' | $T8 %]
[% 'Setup Menu' | $T8 %]
[% 'Favorites' | $T8 %]
[% 'Form details (second row)' | $T8 %]
[% 'Show custom variable search inputs' | $T8 %]

[% LxERP.t8('Note: For Firefox 4 and later the menu XUL menu requires the addon Remote XUL Manager and the Lx-Office server to be white listed.', 'https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/remote-xul-manager/') %]

[% 'Default template format' | $T8 %]
[% 'Default output medium' | $T8 %]
[% 'Default printer' | $T8 %] [% L.select_tag('default_printer_id', L.options_for_select(PRINTERS, default => myconfig_default_printer_id, title => 'printer_description', with_empty => 1)) %]
[% 'Number of copies' | $T8 %]

[% 'Show your TODO list after loggin in' | $T8 %]
[% 'Configuration of individual TODO items' | $T8 %]
[% 'Show follow ups...' | $T8 %]
[% 'Show overdue sales quotations and requests for quotations...' | $T8 %]