[%- USE HTML -%][%- USE LxERP -%][%- USE L -%][%- USE T8 -%]

[% HTML.escape(title) %]

[%- L.hidden_tag("id", SELF.config.id) %] [%- IF SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSIF NOT SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %] [%- FOREACH tz = TAXZONES %] [%- IF SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSIF NOT SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %] [%- IF SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSIF NOT SELF.config.id AND NOT SELF.config.orphaned %] [%- ELSE %] [%- END %] [%- END %]
[% 'Description' | $T8 %] [%- L.input_tag("config.description", SELF.config.description) %]
[% 'Inventory account' | $T8 %][%- CHARTLIST.inventory_accno %] -- [%- CHARTLIST.inventory_accno_description %][%- L.select_tag("config.inventory_accno_id", ACCOUNTS.ic, title_sub=\account_label, default=SELF.defaults.inventory_accno_id) %][%- L.select_tag("config.inventory_accno_id", ACCOUNTS.ic, title_sub=\account_label, default=SELF.config.inventory_accno_id) %]
[% 'Revenue' | $T8 %] [% HTML.escape(tz.description) %][% CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.income_accno %] -- [% CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.income_accno_description %][%- L.select_tag('income_accno_id_' _ tz.id, ACCOUNTS.ic_income, title_sub=\account_label, default=SELF.defaults.income_accno_id) %][%- L.select_tag('income_accno_id_' _ tz.id, ACCOUNTS.ic_income, title_sub=\account_label, default=CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.income_accno_id) %]
[% 'Expense' | $T8 %] [% HTML.escape(tz.description) %][% CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.expense_accno %] -- [% CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.expense_accno_description %][%- L.select_tag('expense_accno_id_' _ tz.id, ACCOUNTS.ic_expense, title_sub=\account_label, default=SELF.defaults.expense_accno_id) %][%- L.select_tag('expense_accno_id_' _ tz.id, ACCOUNTS.ic_expense, title_sub=\account_label, default=CHARTLIST.${tz.id}.expense_accno_id) %]

[% L.hidden_tag("action", "Buchungsgruppen/dispatch") %] [% L.submit_tag("action_" _ (SELF.config.id ? "update" : "create"), LxERP.t8('Save'), onclick="return check_prerequisites();") %] [%- IF SELF.config.id AND SELF.config.orphaned %] [% L.submit_tag("action_delete", LxERP.t8('Delete'), confirm=LxERP.t8('Are you sure?')) %] [%- END %]