[% LxERP.t8("Hide help text") %]
[%- IF SELF.worker.is_multiplexed %]
[%- FOREACH p = SELF.worker.profile %]
[%- p.row_ident %] |
[%- END %][%# FOREACH SELF.worker.profile %]
[%- FOREACH p = SELF.worker.profile %]
[% SET ri = p.row_ident %]
[%- LxERP.t8('Column name') %] |
[%- LxERP.t8('Meaning') %] |
[%- FOREACH row = SELF.displayable_columns.$ri %]
[%- HTML.escape(row.name) %] |
[%- HTML.escape(row.description) %] |
[%- END %][%# FOREACH SELF.displayable_columns.$ri %]
[%- END %][%# FOREACH SELF.worker.profile %]
[%- ELSE %][%# IF SELF.worker.is_multiplexed %]
[%- LxERP.t8('Column name') %] |
[%- LxERP.t8('Meaning') %] |
[%- FOREACH row = SELF.displayable_columns %]
[%- HTML.escape(row.name) %] |
[%- HTML.escape(row.description) %] |
[%- END %][%# FOREACH SELF.displayable_columns %]
[%- END %][%# SELF.worker.is_multiplexed %]
[%- IF SELF.type == 'contacts' %]
[%- LxERP.t8("You can update existing contacts by providing the 'cp_id' column with their database IDs. Otherwise: ") %]
[%- LxERP.t8('At least one of the columns #1, customer, customernumber, vendor, vendornumber (depending on the target table) is required for matching the entry to an existing customer or vendor.', 'cp_cv_id') %]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == 'addresses' %]
[%- LxERP.t8('At least one of the columns #1, customer, customernumber, vendor, vendornumber (depending on the target table) is required for matching the entry to an existing customer or vendor.', 'trans_id') %]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == 'parts' %]
[% LxERP.t8('The three columns "make_X", "model_X" and "lastcost_X" with the same number "X" are used to import vendor part numbers and vendor prices.') %]
[% LxERP.t8('The column triplets can occur multiple times with different numbers "X" each time (e.g. "make_1", "model_1", "lastcost_1", "make_2", "model_2", "lastcost_2", "make_3", "model_3", "lastcost_3" etc).') %]
[% LxERP.t8('The items are imported accoring do their number "X" regardless of the column order inside the file.') %]
[% LxERP.t8('The column "make_X" can contain either a vendor\'s database ID, a vendor number or a vendor\'s name.') %]
[% LxERP.t8('Onhand only sets the quantity in master data, not in inventory. This is only a legacy info field and will be overwritten as soon as a inventory transfer happens.') %]
[% LxERP.t8("If the article type is set to 'mixed' then a column called 'part_type' or called 'pclass' must be present.") %]
[% LxERP.t8("Type can be either 'part', 'service' or 'assembly'.") %]
[%- LxERP.t8("If column 'pclass' is present the article type is then irrelevant or used as default ") %]
[% LxERP.t8("The 'pclass' column has the same abbreviation like a part export. The first letter is for the type Part,Assembly or Service, the second(and third) for Part Classification") %]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == 'inventories' %]
[%- LxERP.t8('One of the columns "qty" or "target_qty" must be given. If "target_qty" is given, the quantity to transfer for each transfer will be calculate, so that the quantity for this part, warehouse and bin will result in the given "target_qty" after each transfer.') %]
[%- ELSIF SELF.type == 'orders' OR SELF.type == 'ar_transactions' %]
[% LxERP.t8('The column "datatype" must be present and must be at the same position / column in each data set. The values must be the row names (see settings) for order and item data respectively.') %]
[%- LxERP.t8('Amount and net amount are calculated by kivitendo. "verify_amount" and "verify_netamount" can be used for sanity checks.') %]
[%- LxERP.t8('If amounts differ more than "Maximal amount difference" (see settings), this item is marked as invalid.') %]
[%- END %][%# IF SELF.type == … %]
[%- L.submit_tag('action_download_sample', LxERP.t8('Download sample file')) %]