[%- USE T8 %] [%- USE LxERP %] [%- USE L %]

[% FORM.title %]

[% L.hidden_tag('_cti_enabled', !!LXCONFIG.cti.dial_command) %] [% cv_cvars = SELF.cv.cvars_by_config %]
[% L.hidden_tag('db', FORM.db) %] [% L.hidden_tag('callback', FORM.callback) %] [% L.hidden_tag('cv.id', SELF.cv.id) %] [%- INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
[% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/billing.html" %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/bank.html" %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/shipto.html" %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/contacts.html" %] [% IF ( SELF.cv.id && AUTH.assert('sales_all_edit', 1) ) %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/deliveries.html" %] [% END %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/vcnotes.html" %] [% IF ( cv_cvars.size ) %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/custom_variables.html" %] [% END %] [% IF SELF.cv.id %] [% PROCESS "customer_vendor/tabs/price_rules.html" %] [% END %]

[% L.hidden_tag('action', 'CustomerVendor/dispatch') %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save', LxERP.t8('Save'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()", accesskey = "s") %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_close', LxERP.t8('Save and Close'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- IF ( SELF.is_vendor ) %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_ap_transaction', LxERP.t8('Save and AP Transaction'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- ELSE %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_ar_transaction', LxERP.t8('Save and AR Transaction'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- END %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_invoice', LxERP.t8('Save and Invoice'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_order', LxERP.t8('Save and Order'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- IF ( SELF.is_vendor ) %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_rfq', LxERP.t8('Save and RFQ'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- ELSE %] [% L.submit_tag('action_save_and_quotation', LxERP.t8('Save and Quotation'), onclick = "return check_taxzone_and_ustid()") %] [%- END %] [%- IF ( SELF.cv.id && SELF.is_orphaned ) %] [% L.submit_tag('action_delete', LxERP.t8('Delete'), confirm => LxERP.t8('Do you really want to delete this object?')) %] [%- END %] [%- IF ( SELF.cv.id ) %] [%- END %]